6-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
朋友生日選了呢間提供有機菜式的餐廳用饍慶祝。究竟有機菜係什麼味道呢?前菜食左法國蠔:雖然已是六月,非蠔季,肉質仍豐滿結實爽脆,甜味重一點,正;北海道帶子刺身:新鮮;辣味烤蝦:野味!主菜order左有手臂咁粗大的Slow Roasted Prime Rib of Organic Beef,廚師推介,一客係二人份,連埋薯條,兩個人免強地食晒!咁靚嘅牛扒,要medium rare熟好喇,一切開,中間部分呈粉紅色,口感極嫩,牛味香濃!另外點左Fresh Organic Steak Tartare,可能有人見到會驚,但作為牛魔王的我們,試左一啖都不約而同 !牛肉鮮嫩程度真係無得頂,混和上一隻鵪鶉蛋,香滑度更上一層!甜品無前菜及主菜咁出色,賣相雖然吸引,但我們都覺得偏甜,朋友説口味較英式,適合喜愛吃甜的西方人。食完埋單,都唔知organic係咩味 ,不過喺Wild Grass就應該可以得到好好味的主菜!
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認識Wild Grass這家餐廳已有好一陣子了,全因為它主力推廣有機及可持續發展的食材。而餐廳一向走樸實及有機菜路線,而且賣相精緻,個人非常喜歡。以前餐廳一向不設午市套餐,到最近終於有了,餐廳亦十分吸引,這天便和同事來試試。前菜,我們選了4款。第一道自家煙三文魚配fromage blanc 芝士,賣相相當精美。一層隔著一層的芝士和三文魚,配上香脆麵包食用,三文魚肉質厚實,非常鮮美。烤有機燈籠椒、蕃茄、葫蘆瓜、茄子釀羊奶芝士配地中海沙律。層層疊起,賣相特別。紅椒和蕃茄十分鮮甜,以烤的方法更能帶出甜味。羊奶芝士味道清新,剛剛好提起整道菜的鮮味。烤焗Bayonne 火腿包裹羊奶芝士,配以紅菜頭、火箭菜及合桃。多款充滿營養和能力的食物組合。芝士烤焗後有一點點鹹香,而配上紅菜頭和合桃的甜味恰到好處。而賣相真的出乎意料之外,十分有美感。最後這道前菜,自家製南瓜雲吞配蕃茄醬,最令我印象深刻。表面看不出有多特別,但食下去不但能感受到南瓜的味道,還能感受到香草、茴香的清香,嘗到幾種不同的口感。在選擇主菜的時候,你或許會覺得很難選擇,和同事從8款主菜中選出4款,包括有魚、雞和有機牛。 首先,香蒜醬烤焗海魴,配羅馬生菜及薯仔沙律。以木板上菜,賣相精美,海魴烤得剛好,濕潤得來又清甜,是意外不到的美味。煙黑線鱈薯餅,配有機溫泉蛋、火箭菜。溫泉蛋是個人喜歡的一種蛋煮法,內裡半熟的蛋,十分美味。而煙黑線鱈薯餅粒粒仔細,踏實而不乾涸。荷蘭醬剛為薯餅帶來了一陣濕潤,而份量不是很多,女士也能輕易解決。有機肉眼扒配Merlot醬汁,再伴以紅菜頭及牛油果沙律和薯條,看到已不自覺流口水了。牛扒剛好煮到4成熟,肉質鬆化而肉汁豐富。牛油果和紅菜頭沙律非常清甜,絕對比薯條健康和吸引。在看到林林總總的精美賣相後,絕對不能錯過。蘋果金寶配蜜糖雪糕,真的讓人讚不絕口。蘋果焗後仍然濕潤,但略酸,卻與香甜的蜜糖雪糕很匹配。薑汁焦糖布甸配芒果熱情果雪糕,相當輕型的一道甜品。焦糖布甸甜度剛好,脆脆的焦糖面非常可口,而熱情果芒果雪糕十分醒神,一洗之前食到的肉類的油分。非常好的組合!午市套餐,可從6個前菜、5個主菜(連有機牛肉選擇共8個)選擇。而2道菜只需$180,3道菜則需$198。在中環區來說,有這樣的素質,價錢絕對合理。
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成日聽同事話附近有間叫wild Grass 既餐廳啲野幾好食,仲要啲野係organic添,所以早一日就Book 定位決定試一試 .當日全場就只得我同我同事一行兩人,好好可以靜靜地咁傾下計 而且環境都好好 由於lunch time 時間有限 我地好快就叫左野食 前菜我地選擇左 Mushroom Soup 同 Warm Pear Green Salad.Mushroom Soup 好香好濃仲好滑添 ..鐘意菇既朋友一定要試 另外個Salad 啲用料夠晒新鮮 ..好味..主菜我地叫左三文魚同Beef Rump ,開頭一見到果下以為咁細份會唔夠飽,點知食完先知輕視左三文魚好香好潄 加埋佢個Sauces 岩岩中和番,而另外個Beef Rump 熟度應該係medium肉身咬落去好Juices,加埋佢個Sauces ,真系冇得頂甜品我地兩個都點左Chocolate Mousses Cake啲甜品整得好靚呀,重要係都好好食, 待應好主動Service (開門,倒水,介紹餐牌等等),值得再食過!!!另外發生有個小插曲,當我地食完前菜等緊主菜時,突然聽到有個自稱老闆既老外好大聲咁鬧人由於餐廳靜我地又傾得投入所以我同我同事當時嚇左一大跳,諗諗下應該係我地入去時坐係度果個,唔知會唔會係一早就已經飲醉左呢heheee但係作為老闆咁冇自制能力,下次再去見到佢我諗我都係轉第二間好喇
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The semi-buffet brunch menu works differently from most of the restaurants in Hong Kong by offering one starter but unlimited mains at the Carvery Station. All starters' sounds too amazing to miss which gave me a hard time choosing.I had the Huevo Rancheros as my starter which was absolutely delicious and was my favourite at the brunch. The two eggs were perfectly cooked with oozing yolk and runny white with toasted rim! The meat sauce and chorizo was savoury to give the rancheros an addicting taste. We cleared the plate fast and scooped off any remaining with the house bread.After our starters, we went to the buffet area to check out our mains. The first thing I picked was definitely the Slow Roasted Organic Australian Beef where I paired with gravy, Yorkshire pudding and a side of roasted rosemary paired with Horseradish Sauce. The roasted beef was perfectly cooked with pinkish center, very flavourful but rather lean. The gravy was rich and delicious. Yorkshire Pudding was alright, pretty soft with airy inner. I love the buttery and herby potato which I got a few rounds of them.We were each served a dessert platter with 4 pastries after the main. The food at Wildgrass is very hearty and the meat quality is, by no doubt excellent. The brunch is a great bargain as you can try most of the popular dishes at Wildgrass.
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With all the buzz on sustainably sourced and seasonal ingredients, nose-to-tail dining, farm-to-table produce, grass-fed/pasturised/free range meat, it's not wonder that restaurants catering to the socially aware and health conscious crowd are popping up all over town. We had a look at Wild Grass' website and were sold on their philosophy that contained all the right words. To spill the beans early, we weren't disappointed with the food, which was all well cooked and presented, and the portions were just right for a lunch set, but perhaps it was the glaringly empty restaurant (with lots of wood furniture and fake plastic plants), or the slightly unseasoned (dropped crockery) but friendly and eager-to-please waitress, or the beautiful but ergonomically awkward dishes that the food was presented in (try digging vertically into a potato and lettuce salad), that turned the experience from a wow to a woah. Well, not that bad, but I walked away feeling I had to almost convince myself that it was a great meal.As I forgot to take photos of the appetizers, I have forgotten already what they were, which means they were decent but unmemorable. The mains fared better, with my smooth butter basted plaice served with a small fresh salad, and my hubby's chicken was tender and well seasoned. For dessert we shared a cheese platter with fig jam, and the waitress kindly brought us some crusty thin bread on request to smother the cheese on.
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