6-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:30
*open at 11:30 am and close until 120 bowls of ramen were also sold out.
Payment Methods
Visa Master Octopus
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (380)
位于中环半山的人气日式拉面,来自大阪的日式拉面品牌,前几年在香港开设了第一间海外店。知晓许久,以前兴趣不大,这次有意探索香港的各类异域美食。🪴环境:开在鸭巴甸街的斜坡上,从歌赋街往上走几步就到。装修简约,开放式厨房操作,能目睹烹饪的全过程,吧台前的桌位有透明隔断。菜单简单,选择不多,拉面只有三款,额外有几款配菜。下午时段到店,错峰就餐,无需等位。🍜鲷白汤拉面:比起清汤和沾面,对白汤最感兴趣。白汤底是日本原包直送香港,加热后进行打泡处理。口感像传统鱼汤,能吃到很多煎过的鲷鱼肉碎,颗粒感强。浓汤打底,鱼味醇厚又有层次感。我个人很喜欢吃鱼腥味重的食物,所以一点也不觉得腥。每个人口感不一样,因人而异,接受度不一样。碗的边沿有一抹柚子泥,这种点缀很有创意,也丰富了汤底的口感。摆盘相当精致,颜值很高,非常适合拍照。笋片清脆化渣,叉烧软嫩,没有煎制过,不是我喜欢的日式叉烧口感。面量适中,面质正常水准,还算筋道。樱木烟熏溏心蛋,溏心肉眼可见的不明显,蛋黄有些干,出品一般。一片香菜点缀,摆盘好看,却很敷衍食客。预制汤底的拉面,缺乏灵魂,卖相远甚于味道。就这碗面而言,在香港的价位几乎是大阪当地价格的2.5倍,品价比很低,吃个新奇。💁🏻‍♀️服务:拉面师傅很注重卫生,等餐过程中看他一直在擦拭操作台面。统一标准的拉面,没有顾客个性化需求选择,不够人性化。📍香港特别行政区中西区中环鸭巴甸街13号地铺。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
📍 ○de▽ 鯛白湯らーめん (中環)🌏中環鴨巴甸街13號地舖📝 7/10鯛沾麵$148上菜時有乾冰噴煙,視覺效果超吸引。湯底用鯛魚豚肉熬製,味道濃郁,熱辣辣好香!麵條好似刀削麵咁闊,口感特別爽口,吸附湯汁後每口都好過癮。湯裡有魚碎同豚肉粒,增加咗口感,食落去真係唔想停。每日限定,絕對值得一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-09-02
I normally don’t rant about a restaurant’s service. But ode is obviously an exception.First, was really hot when I dined there. After I sat down, instead of pouring me a cup of water (which is right in front of me), he rushed to introduce the menu to me. But he did this to the lady who came in right after me, so I guess for some reason he forgot to do it for me.Second, the waiter also stood behind me afterwards, as if he was pressuring me to order, which I did not feel very comfortable. Also, probably coz of the way the restaurant runs, I was asked to pay right away.The ramen was ok. But again note that throughout the entire dining experience, the waiter delivered the service in a way that made me feel like he was in a rush for something else. He was not even paying enough attention to take care of each customer. When I asked for tissue, he wanted someone else working in the kitchen to pass it to me, even though he was only a few steps away… Overall, the service here isn’t streamlined and they should probably consider enhancing service training. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-23
這間拉麵店來自日本大阪,最近在香港開了兩間分店,我們這次光顧的是中環的那一間,距離上環站大約六分鐘步行。通常拉麵店的湯底會以醬油、雞湯或豚骨為主,但這裡的特色在於他們的鯛魚湯底,還加入了貝類,熬煮出來的湯頭特別鮮美,讓人感覺耳目一新。我們這次試了兩款不同口味的拉麵。首先是那碗清湯拉麵,湯底帶有濃郁的鯛魚香味,搭配的是幼麵,口感十分彈牙。旁邊還有兩塊炸鯛魚皮,咬下去香脆可口,拉麵中間還有少量的鯛魚肉,魚肉煎得剛剛好,香氣四溢。叉燒的味道也很特別,帶有烤過的香味,讓我想起香港的風味!整體來說,這碗拉麵的質素和我在日本吃過的幾乎一樣,真的是成功還原了那種美味,吃得非常滿足!此外,餐廳還提供黃色的柚子醬,將其加入海鮮湯底中,清新的柚子味為拉麵增添了層次感,讓整碗拉麵的口味更加豐富。總的來說,這裡的拉麵不僅好吃,還帶來了不同的驚喜,值得一試!下次再來的時候,我一定會再點這碗! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-07
這家是來自日本大阪的過江龍拉麵店,餐廳有兩家位於港島的分店,這次我們光顧的是中環店,距離最接近的上環站大約6分鐘步程。而且我們去餐廳當天,也許是因為週末的關係,餐廳旁邊一直有長人龍等候,想去吃拉麵的人要記得預早到餐廳了!一般的拉麵店都以醬油、雞湯、豚骨等拉麵為主,這家的湯底則以鯛魚為賣點,加入貝類,熬出充滿鮮味的湯底,感覺特別!這次我們品嚐了餐廳兩款口味的拉麵。我選擇了「鯛清湯拉麵」($138),清湯帶鯛魚的香味,麵條是幼麵,口感彈性,旁邊有兩塊鯛魚的炸魚皮,口感香脆,拉麵中心位置更有少量鯛魚肉,魚肉有煎香。叉燒與一般的拉麵店不一樣,有烤過的香味,有點接近香港的風味!不過整碗拉麵的質素與我在日本吃的拉麵非常接近,成功還原日本的美味,十分好吃!男朋友則選擇了「鯛白湯拉麵」($138),湯底味道比清湯更濃郁,旁邊配有黃色的柚子醬,海鮮湯底加入清新的柚子味,讓拉麵的美味更增添一種層次,男朋友也有讚賞這款拉麵!另外,我們還點了配菜,包括櫻木煙燻糖芯蛋($15)以及日式炸雞($48)。流心的糖芯蛋帶煙燻的香味,感覺特別。炸雞很香脆,而且不油膩。除了拉麵之外,配菜的味道也很不錯!另外,餐廳並不設加一服務費,不過當天去餐廳時,職員的服務態度很友善和細心!還會跟我們介紹各款拉麵的特色,讓整個用餐體驗增加不少分數!雖然拉麵的價格有點昂貴,不過味道確實能夠還原日本的美味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)