Restaurant: The Chinese Library

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

8-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
The Chinese restaurant is located in Tai Kwun, while the decoration is in an elegant Western style. The restaurant offers a wide variety of Chinese cuisines, including Cantonese, Chaozhou and Sichuan cuisine. The dishes also include innovative elements such as its soup dumplings, which is full of Singaporean flavors, and is filled with spicy laksa soup. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 00:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 00:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (150)
餐廳坐落於集歷史及藝術於一身的大館,裝修採用典雅的西方風格,環境雅致。🌟無限量供應點心週末早午餐 每位$488🌟包括任食前菜、點心、甜品,一款自選主菜和共享主菜。食客更可選擇升級無限暢飲香檳、雞尾酒、葡萄酒及啤酒。🥢任食頭盤🔸青芥醬蹄凍💫推介🔸黑松露響鈴💫推介🔸香酥脆茄盒🔸韭菜拌鮮竹頭盤款款精緻✨黑松露響鈴✨即叫即炸,香脆可口,濃厚的黑松露風味✨青芥醬蹄凍✨非常入味開胃🥢任食點心🔸水晶蝦餃🔸蜜汁叉燒包🔸木魚花蘿蔔糕 💫推介🔸胡椒雞湯小籠包 💫推介🔸雞軟骨燒賣 💫推介🔸翡翠蘿蔔鮮蝦餃 💫推介🔸松茸冬菇包 💫推介🔸黑松露素菜粿 💫推介🔸上素粉果🔸瑤柱香蔥糯米卷🔸蜜汁叉燒腸🔸山楂叉燒脆雲吞 💫推介✨雞軟骨燒賣✨帶點微微的麻椒味,加上雞軟骨十分有咬口✨木魚花蘿蔔糕✨蘿蔔糕炸過十分香口,加上木魚花及千島醬,味道豐富✨胡椒雞湯小籠包✨胡椒雞湯味道突出又惹味✨翡翠蘿蔔鮮蝦餃✨亦薄片蘿蔔包裹著彈牙的鮮蝦,賣相精緻✨山楂叉燒脆雲吞✨雲吞炸得香脆,上面放上帶酸甜香的山楂及軟腍入味的叉燒✨松茸冬菇包✨以冬菇造型的包,包裹著滿滿的松茸及冬菇粒,十分特別🥢主菜🔸魚香腩肉豆腐🔸珍肝醬煮原只花膠筒💫推介🔸沙姜醬油手撕雞每人任選一款主菜,我地揀左珍肝醬煮原只花膠筒及沙姜醬油手撕雞,前者大大塊花膠口感軟滑後者雞肉柔嫩滑,沙姜醬味道濃郁🥢Sharing Dishes🔸 櫻花蝦紫菜清雞湯淮山🔸 紅燒蘿蔔和牛坑腩💫推介🔸 米花雪燕羹💫推介🔸 時令時蔬✨紅燒蘿蔔和牛坑腩 ✨牛腩炆得入味,蘿蔔軟腍✨ 米花雪燕羹✨熱辣辣🔥雪燕份量十足又滋補🥢任食甜品🔸流心紫薯球💫推介🔸雪映千層糕💫推介🔸茉莉花茶凍🔸椰奶藍冰粉💫推介特別推介✨茉莉花茶凍✨茉莉茶味十足✨椰奶藍冰粉✨清新不膩✨流心紫薯球✨紫薯味濃郁,內里熱辣辣的蛋黃亦十分流心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-08
The Chinese Library has similar interior design as Cantina, the Italian restaurant on the same floor at Tai Kwun. Even the colour tone is the same. The offerings are delicate, with portions fit for ladies who have small appetite. Their restaurant week’s menu was nice, while male customers would need to add extra dishes in order to get full.The dimsum platter was nice. We quite liked the appetizer, the kumquat and white wood ear with chilli and lime. Instead of Zhenjiang vinegar 鎮江醋, a black vinegar that is widely used in Chinese cuisine, lime juice was used, which made it very refreshing and the appetizer tasted more like a western salad.For the main, since there’re two of us, we ordered one fish maw served with chicken broth/chicken liver sauce and one BBQ pork loin glazed with New Zealand Manuka honey. Both were good, while the fish maw was so small. It’s only one small strip. We really liked the sauce. The seasonal vegetables were in another yummy soup.For the dessert, we picked one jasmine tea panna cotta and one tofu panna cotta. They were of the same white colour, and both with freeze dried strawberry crumbs sprinkled on them. They differed in their containers, which were of the same marble colour 😊. The jasmine tea panna cotta had strong tea flavour and was good. My friend said the tofu panna cotta was also nice.It’s a very nice Chinese fine-dining lunch. Chinese tea was extra. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
.#foodie #hk #hkfoodie#HTB美食推介【中環大館中菜廳|🪅兩小時精緻新派菜餚】去大館打卡就成日都試,你又知唔知1樓原來有間同樣打卡able嘅中菜廳呢?☺️.🐨魚香脆茄子推薦度:⭐️⭐️⭐⭐用個靚靚鐵籠嚟裝住菜式,記得打卡咗先🤣即叫即炸好上枱,外脆內Juicy! 食到好似豆腐咁嫩滑~ 加埋炒香咗嘅青豆、櫻花蝦、肉鬆,夾埋食有鹹香同鮮味,做到一菜二食咁!.🐨水晶皮蛋凍推薦度:⭐️⭐️⭐⭐⭐呢款就真係一菜兩味啦🤩一邊係原味、另一邊就係黃金~放咗金箔,變得更高檔次!皮蛋凍一件一口岩岩好,保持到溏心;啫喱凍就似溝咗甜酸子薑,入口即溶酸酸感,好夾好好味❤️.🐨珊瑚菊花豆腐推薦度:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐淨係豆腐已經見到師傅刀功,切到花一樣🌺食落去豆香好出、好順滑~湯底相對清淡,清清喉嚨食主菜就啱晒啦!.🐨混醬燒鴿推薦度:⭐️⭐️⭐⭐⭐上枱為你送上視覺享受😈因為會喺你面前燒啲Rosemary, 之後大約冚蓋,rosemary嘅味就會煙燻咗喺燒鴿上面,儀式感滿滿😈睇落好似燒咗好耐,但仲保持到外脆內肉嫩,啖啖肉值得encore!店員仲好細心咁,預先準備定濕紙巾同紙巾俾我抹手添👻.🐨五味雜陳和牛肋推薦度:⭐️⭐️⭐⭐⭐和牛肋煮得非常腍,酸甜味係醬到就最突出、甘鹹辣味似係醃咗係肉到,先甘鹹後微辣,層次都幾分明😯 但整體味道比較厚,配埋甘筍就多份清新感!.🐨豆腐乳凍推薦度:⭐️⭐️⭐⭐⭐美好嘅一餐又點可以唔用甜品嚟收尾呢?超濃豆乳味,質地係動L咁,一食就會順落喉嚨🤤🤤而且唔會好甜、好清新!.🐨百子櫃特色Cocktail推薦度:⭐️⭐️⭐⭐⭐不得不介紹埋杯嘢飲🍸每一格仲係唔同款嘅Cocktail,每款都好特別,最後揀咗「五味雜陳」,主要飲到綠茶甘味、有少少辣嘅餘韻,幾特別~——☼——☼——☼——☼——☼——The Chinese Library📍地址:中環荷李活道10號大館1座1樓🐨推薦度:😋😋😋😋😋/5 🪸環境:👾👾👾👾👾🗣️服務:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻📸食物打卡度:💡💡💡💡💡🛠️分類:#HTB中環 #HTB中菜.#中環美食 #中環 #中菜 #創意料理 #皮蛋凍 #百子櫃 #打卡 #大館 #人氣打卡餐廳 #香港美食推介 #美食推介 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
大館的 chinese library 餐廳,這是一家裝修採用西方典雅風格的粵菜餐廳,圓形卡位予人一種舒適的座椅氣氛,整個空間都引入了中國玉色元素為主題。他們提供多元化的中菜,包括粵菜、潮州菜和川菜,並在菜式中加入了一些特別元素,給人留下了深刻的印象.🍸百子櫃 Cocktail餐廳的特色Cocktail 也是必試推薦項目之一。Cocktail酒單以奏摺形式,每個百子櫃內都有一款cocktail,中西合璧😌.🍆魚香脆茄子Crispy aubergine with sakura shrimps and green string beans厚厚的油炸茄子條完全不油,配料有櫻花蝦、邊豆,帶點鹹香味,超惹味.🥢滕椒拌翡翠Chilled "jade flower" in green Sichuan pepper essence 考師傅刀功嘅一碟菜!師傅將翠綠色嘅萵筍設成一條條螺旋,口感爽脆!加上新鮮藤椒調味,麻香而不辣,開胃😛.🌼湯 Soup珊瑚菊花豆腐Chrysanthemum "thousand cut" silken tofu in chicken broth又一道超考師傅刀工!豆腐切成菊花形狀,中間有蟹黃,然後湯用咗雞湯熬製而成,加入海帶,偏向清淡,清一清味蕾👅.主食🐮五味雜陳和牛肋Fried wagyu beef ribs with vinegar & chilli入口外脆內軟,滿滿肉汁,師傅精心炮製,先把和牛肋蒸至一定熟度,再安排酥炸,可以同時把肉汁鎖住,炸後外皮酥脆、中間軟腍,再用五種調味處理,五味包括甜酸甘辣鹹,味道一絕❤️.🍚古城煙肉炒飯Hunan bacon fried rice表面是一個普通炒飯,用咗雲南煙肉,炒飯加入咗脆米、梗米,豐富咗成個口感.豆腐乳凍Tofu panna cotta豆乳味超級重,食飲吃著嫩豆腐一樣口感幼滑,再配上陣陣奶香味,甜到剛好,好食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-26
在中環必到景點之一的大館文化館,餐廳選擇不少,但說到中菜推薦,The Chinese Library絕對不二之選。餐廳走高格調路線,幽暗的燈光甚有情調,加上雅致裝潢,打卡度滿分。.晚市價位會相對高,個人覺得他們的午市甚為值的推介。餐廳供應午市點心放題,由上午11時開始,限時任食120分鐘,逢星期六、日及公眾假期供應。今次假期天11時多到達,餐廳已接近全滿狀態,建議有興趣的,事先訂位比較好。.百子櫃 Cocktail餐廳的特色Cocktail 也是必試推薦項目之一。Cocktail酒單以奏摺形式,簡介則放於百子櫃內,中西合璧、中國風情十足。✿ Cocktail Deep Night 💲138✿ Mocktail Dispensary Breeze 💲108.🥢120分鐘點心放題🥢 💲488先來個全餐單,全廿多款精緻點心任食以及每人一款主菜。.任食頭盤✿ 冬菜蘿蔔魚鬆✿ 香菇酥肉羮✿ 煙燻四喜素卷✿ 香酥脆茄盒✿ 韭菜拌鮮竹✿ 蒜蓉炒時蔬.任食點心✿ 水晶蝦餃✿ 胡椒雞湯小籠包✿ 松茸冬菇包✿ 瑤柱香蔥糯米卷✿ 蜜汁叉燒包✿ 雞軟骨燒賣✿ 黑松露素菜粿✿ 蜜汁叉燒腸✿ 木魚花蘿蔔糕✿ 翡翠蘿蔔鮮蝦餃✿ 上素粉果✿ 山楂叉燒脆雲吞.主菜(每人選一款)✿ 沙薑醬油手撕雞✿ 珍肝醬煮原隻花膠筒✿ 魚香腩肉豆腐.任食甜品✿ 流心紫薯球✿ 雪映千層糕✿ 茉莉花茶凍✿ 椰奶藍冰粉.中國茶✿ 桂花鐵觀音.餐廳先為食客送上兩款素迎賓前菜小食,包括冷韭菜腐皮以及素黃豆雞。因為點心放題款式為數眾多,所以挑了較有特色的款式來試。.首先前菜部分煙燻四喜素卷是必試款式,顏色鮮艷、賣相精緻。香酥脆茄盒外脆內軟,醬汁調較獨特。.點心上,最值得推薦是那雞軟骨燒賣,有咬口之餘中間帶點微微的麻椒味很惹味。山楂叉燒脆雲吞滿有特色。木魚花蘿蔔糕以日式方法處理,有點像吃大阪燒。胡椒雞湯小籠包的上湯調味很突出。水晶蝦餃相對下則顯得較平實。.餐廳會依照食客用餐進度,貼心適時送上主菜。眼見大部分食客也選擇了矜貴的珍肝醬煮原隻花膠筒,滿大塊茨汁也調得相當不錯。因為已吃得相當飽,所以另一款主食選了較清爽的沙薑醬油手撕雞,味道比相像濃郁。.甜點質素令人眼前一亮!大推奶皇流心加脆脆皮的流心紫薯球,吃時要小心被熱到。茉莉花茶凍也超讚,茉莉茶味十足! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)