2-min walk from Exit E, Jordan MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Tue
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Thu - Sun
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
睇完黑白大廚之後一直好想食手工意粉🤤呢間小店一定要book!weekend去好full!🥔Gnocchi Gorgozola, walnut, rocket and a scent of truffle $148軟糯薯仔粉配意式藍芝士忌廉伴核桃粒、火箭菜、松露油薯仔粉質感好特別好軟糯,好似食緊一粒粒麻薯質感嘅薯蓉。🥔同芝士忌廉好夾,好掛汁。藍芝士嘅味到冇想像仲咁濃烈,平易近人咗。🧀薯仔粉加埋香脆嘅核桃粒,令口感更加豐富。但係食多幾淡就會膩,需要杯好fresh嘅嘢飲~🍝Braciole with pasta “from our family’s tradition” $148家傳拿玻里式番茄汁燜煮豬肉捲配短意粉豬肉捲有驚喜!豬肉係一絲絲分明嘅質感,入面仲有啲軟骨,口感好豐富,仲有好濃郁嘅番茄味,酸酸哋好開胃!🍅短意粉質感al dente,通心好掛汁~整體而言,意粉款式同味道好多款,好值得再訪!建議嘢飲揀嘅fresh啲解膩啲嘅,pasta就一個cheesy creamy啲,另一個揀fresh啲嘅,balance啲~😋
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📍意大利人主廚 有不少特色意大利料理😻 好多未見過既菜式都好想試 平日都滿座 book位時段只有2個slot 1830/2000 不過要唔介意店面細小空間狹窄😹 因為每枱間距仲少過茶餐廳 真係為食物味道去! 🌀 Spatzle Cream & Bacon 係bacon and cheese macaroni改良版 不過係用spatzle board整成 形狀唔會好統一🙈 係介乎意粉與餃子皮之間 (我最初睇以為係粟米😹) 入口好煙韌實在 cheesy & creamy 好好食但好快會覺得漏 不建議1人食用🌀 Tortellini Aurora 成個mixture都好特別~Chef 表示用咗secret Sauce😹 粉紅色醬汁係加咗秘製調味既番茄醬 醬汁份量剛好沾滿每一顆雲吞 微酸口感略為中和芝士雲吞的飽滯感🫶🏼 很令我在意🥹 chocolate cake 使用黑朱古力 甜中帶苦味 甜而不膩 口感就因為雪太耐 令蛋糕質感太實在乾身
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喺佐敦附近上完堂,竟然俾我搵到一間細細間嘅手工意粉🤩價錢唔貴得嚟又多選擇😋🐮🍝 RIGATONI "GENOVESE ALLA NAPOLETANA" 洋蔥/牛肉慢煮十二小時配短意粉 $138一開始已經有目標🎯想試佢哋啲短意粉🍝🤣 短意粉煮得啱啱好👍🏻唔會好腍,保留返少少硬度同埋有彈性,兩款意粉比較鍾意呢款多啲😻😽🌿🥔 GNOCCHI AL PESTO 軟糯薯仔粉團配羅勒醬 $148薯仔粉都係想試嘅其中一款🤣因為佢一粒粒咁,好cute🤙🏻口感好特別,比較軟糯,冇咩彈性,就好似薯仔蓉加咗少少麵粉再搓粒粒,係我之前冇食過嘅口感😆☕️🍰 SIGNATURE HANDCRAFTED TIRAMISU' 意式芝士餅 $75份量有啲細😿但係好好味!有酒味,mascarpone cheese都好滑,做甜品一流🫶🏼
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I recently visited this Italian restaurant, and it was disappointing. The atmosphere didn't meet my expectations, and the food was quite bad.The pastas which were just okay—definitely not worth it. Sorry to say this, but I think I could cook better at home. I also tried the Chicken Valtellina with a side salad for $130. It was advertised as chicken breast with Parma ham and Provolone cheese, but it was awful! The chicken tasted frozen and reheated, and the cheese was disappointing. Totally not worth it.Overall, the meal felt like a waste of money. I left unsatisfied and frustrated. I won’t be coming back and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for authentic Italian cuisine.
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幫襯完上網睇返先知呢間小店由意大利人Paolo同太太創立🫶🏻諗返當日食到中途佢都有行過嚟問我地好唔好食🤣手工意粉整體都好出色,麵條好有口感,同個醬汁好夾👍🏻主菜意式豬肉腸我就唔係好識欣賞😵💫食落好似午餐肉🫨仲要偏鹹,一定要同薯蓉一直食先平衡返😮💨蘋果撻反而有驚喜😍好夠凍之餘,蘋果好鮮甜同fresh~食完濃味嘅意粉同主菜之後,以蘋果撻作結感覺好完整🤍▪️忌廉煙肉北意手工粉 ($98)▪️意大利新鮮蘋果撻 ($70)▪️蕃茄汁煮自家製意大利豬肉腸配Gramigna 粉($148)▪️ 意式豬肉腸拌薯蓉($370)P.S. 店舖位置較窄,同隔籬枱坐得好近
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