5-min walk from Exit B1, Sham Shui Po MTR Station continue reading
Awards and Titles
MICHELIN Bib Gourmand (2023-2024)
Good For
Group Dining
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Opening Hours
17:30 - 01:30
Mon - Sun
17:30 - 01:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay WeChat Pay
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Alcoholic Drinks
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Outdoor Seating
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (312)
Level1 2025-02-07
又俾人搵笨,以為好掂,早兩日去book枱,寫到連續七年米芝蓮,心諗一定好掂啦,🤩叫咗八樣菜,逐個逐個嚟,點食?九個字都未嚟齊,之後叫炒粉麵飯,又話唔做炒粉麵飯order!😦心諗唔係啊嘛,再叫餸都冇意思啦,逐個逐個嚟。已經Q氣㗎啦。食物又偏鹹價錢又唔平,真心你米芝蓮點樣攞返嚟㗎?最後枱面冇牙籤,問過侍應,佢居然黑口黑面話冇呀😱😱⋯⋯😡下次你搵10人大橋台我呀,我都唔會再幫襯呢間咁嘅垃圾。簡直貼錢買難受。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
餐廳亮點增煇大排檔作為連續多年獲「米芝蓮推介」的街頭食堂,藏身於深水埗石硤尾街,以室內大排檔的懷舊氛圍吸引食客。儘管環境略顯侷促(廁所甚至被戲稱「後巷滴水的冒險」),但鑊氣十足的菜色與創意搭配,仍讓它成為夜宵時段的排隊熱點。營業至凌晨1:30的深夜食堂屬性,更適合三五好友熱鬧聚餐!必點招牌菜:黑椒薯仔牛柳粒這道菜堪稱增煇的「靈魂之作」,薯仔粒外層煎至金黃酥脆,內裡綿密如薯泥,完美鎖住焦香。牛柳粒醃製入味,肉質嫩滑不柴,搭配黑椒醬汁的辛香與蜜糖的微甜,鑊氣逼人,每一口都充滿層次感。創意融合菜:德國豬手雖非傳統大排檔菜式,增煇的德國豬手卻意外驚艷!豬手外皮炸得酥脆如紙,肉質軟嫩帶膠質,搭配港式椒鹽的鹹香,完美融合德國紮實與港式調味。建議蘸上芥末醬解膩,配冰鎮啤酒更是一絕。經典重現:菠蘿咕嚕肉酸甜控必試!咕嚕肉炸衣薄脆,豬肉選用半肥瘦部位,咬下時肉汁與酸甜醬汁交融,菠蘿塊新鮮多汁,中和油膩感。雖未達驚艷,但火候掌控精準,勝過坊間多數「醬汁淹沒肉塊」的平庸版本。海鮮控首選:椒鹽軟殼蟹軟殼蟹炸得通透酥脆,連殼帶肉一口咬下,椒鹽香氣與蟹肉鮮甜在口中爆發。特別的是,增煇加入炸蒜片與辣椒碎提味,層次更豐富。唯一小缺憾是份量偏精緻,適合淺嚐即止。懷舊點心:蝦多士這道老派點心在增煇手中煥發新意!多士炸至金黃不油膩,蝦膠彈牙鮮甜,表面撒上芝麻增添香氣。建議趁熱食用,感受「脆、鮮、香」三重奏。雖非主打菜,卻是配酒聊天的完美配角。總結:值得一試的深夜食堂增煇大排檔的優勢在於「鑊氣」,尤其黑椒薯仔牛柳粒和德國豬手展現了傳統與新派的平衡。雖有環境嘈雜、部分海鮮定價偏高等爭議,但若追求地道港味與熱鬧氛圍,這裡仍是深水埗夜宵的首選。推薦避開熱門時段,並提前訂位,方能悠閒享受這份街頭美味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-02-06
呢間服務奇差,兩個月前同班朋友去食,二樓個紋身短髮女侍應推介蟶子,我朋友唔食得海鮮,我地就話唔洗喇,點左幾個小菜食住先,食完再點第二輪,個女侍應就開始黎料比說話你聽,「你唔一係一次落晒單,分開落單,啲嘢要等好耐架」,我地話無所謂啦,我地唔趕時間,跟住想點個炒飯,又話「呢個鐘數我地廚房要煮其他嘢,唔接炒粉麵飯單」果陣都只係九點上下,我食左幾十年大排檔,都係第一次有餐廳唔比落炒飯,無得食就算啦,更加神奇既地方係,然後又見住隔離其他枱又會出到炒飯炒麵,呢度食炒飯都要講資格架,咁頂級既服務體驗,你話邊度會搵到呀!呢間鋪真係唔憂無客,做好期望管理,預左受氣先好去食呀,我同我朋友就以後都唔會再幫襯😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-01-05
佢主要係類似室內大排檔嘅裝修,行起上嚟都唔多方便,地下階磚勁滑果啲,個廁所肥少少都應該出入有困難,如果環境衛生同設計再好啲,應該評分可以再高啲。咁多道菜,個人認為最出色係椒鹽粟米,薯仔炒牛柳粒,同埋佢個燒鵝,個粟米整得幾特別,甜得黎又有少少椒鹽嘅鹹,唔難處理,佢個乾度同硬度咁岩食落唔易痴牙,至於個薯仔炒牛柳粒好入面,如果唔係一枱人一齊食飯,呢道餸可以自己一個食哂,最後係佢個燒鵝,佢個盛器下面會放一個蠟燭仔,好少大排檔會咁上,個皮好脆,啲肉好嫩,成為全枱被熱烈討論嘅餸,推介。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-28
Surprisingly easy reservation where my friend mentioned difficult to book in a week. Restaurant located close to mtr station and pretty easy to find. Staff was pretty friendly and patent. Even waited patiently when my friend was taking a moment to place order. Dishes served quick after placing the order.Garlic beef cubes stir fry smelled fragrantly. Tender but not chewy. Perfect bite size. Love the garlic slices. Neither too saucy nor oily. Yeung Chau fried rice was surprisingly good. Unlike the fried rice found out there, it was loaded with fresh toppings. Many out there were way overcooked or tough. The toppings at this dish were cooked perfectly. Rice was neither dry nor greasy. Perfectly seasoned. Not bad! Golden tofu blocks were my favourite. Golden colour was promising. With the aromatic seasoning on each block. It was drooling. Tofu was steamy hot but silky smooth. Absolutely my all time favourite and highly recommend.Sizzle pot water spinach stir fry was incredibly savoury. Sizzling pot was promising. Water spinach was quite oily and salty. It would be perfect to eat with rice while eating on its own was too salty. Anyhow, not bad as well.Overall, it was a pleasant dining experience with goodness. Seeing some reviews with poor service, mine was pretty decent. Not bad! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)