2-min walk from Exit N2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
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Review (147)
Level4 2024-10-08
Galbi Town, spanning 8000sqft in Grand Centre, is a grill specialist featuring chilled Hanwoo beef imported directly from Korea. The Korean staff who were on duty on the day we visited spoke Cantonese to local customers which I really appreciated.After placing an order, a not-so-common selection of banchan was served, from appetizing and vinegary dishes to savory munchies including yuzu green salad, quail egg marinated in soy sauce, veggie egg roll and black fungus.The staff normally cook for customers but since we wanted to enjoy the meat slowly, we requested to grill by ourselves. Jeju Island Chilled SamgyeopsalMust-have for barbecue. Pork belly with rind and a good amount of fat which became crispy on the outside after cooking.Hanwoo Ribeye 1++ grade Korean beef with BMS no.9. Beautifully marbled. Tender, rich, creamy and juicy.Kimchi Beef SoupHighly recommending this! This comforting soup tasted extra beefy and slightly spicy, intense but not too salty. Very soft beef with loads of leek and potato noodles. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
本身唔算特別鍾意食韓國菜,不過耐唔耐都會想食下韓式燒肉。呢間韓國餐廳嘅評價唔錯,結果亦都冇令人失望!餐廳好大,地方非常闊落,坐得好舒服,香港真係唔多餐廳有呢個空間感👍🏻 講吓食物,揀咗兩款肉,無論牛嘅質感同調味都做得好好,最好嘅佢仲會幫你燒同煎埋!部隊鍋幾時都係咁正,係略嫌份量細咗啲另外仲有韓式粉絲同埋泡菜煎餅,都係滿滿嘅韓式風味最後嚟多個韓牛鍋,個湯甜甜地好惹味另外仲會附送前菜同埋水果,整體滿意!明明星期五晚應該好多人外出食飯,但係餐廳都唔full,市道真係麻麻,希望多啲人支持下啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
【尖沙咀•GALBI TOWN】@ππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππ尖沙咀超正韓式燒肉醬油蟹Samgyeopsal GanjangGejang Nangmyeon Hanwoo Chadolbaki Sapporo (Bottle)Samgyeopsal (三層肉)由新鮮的三層肉 (豬肉) 製成。肉質的油脂與瘦肉交錯,使得每一口都充滿了豐富的滋味。燒烤過程中,肉的外層會變得金黃酥脆,而內部則保持多汁。配上新鮮的蔬菜如生菜、蒜瓣和辣椒,並搭配韓式醬油或芝麻油,讓整體口感更加層次分明。 Ganjang Gejang (醬油蟹)使用新鮮的螃蟹,浸泡在醬油和其他調味料的混合液中。這道菜的魅力在於蟹肉的鮮甜與醬油的鹹香融合在一起,帶來令人難以抗拒的味道。蟹肉嫩滑,搭配米飯食用尤為美味。 Nangmyeon (冷麵)特別適合在炎熱的天氣中享用。它的特色在於細長的麵條,通常由蕎麥或馬鈴薯澱粉製成,口感彈牙。搭配冷卻的肉湯或醬汁,讓整道菜清爽可口。常見的配料包括牛肉片、黃瓜絲和煮蛋,為菜品增添了色彩和口感。Hanwoo Chadolbaki (韓牛薄切肉)這種薄切的牛肉在燒烤時迅速熟透,保留了肉的鮮美和多汁。其獨特的風味和質感使得這道菜成為燒烤餐桌上的明星。搭配各種醬料,如醬油、蒜蓉和辣椒,讓每一口都充滿了豐富的風味。Sapporo (瓶裝啤酒)Sapporo 是來自日本的啤酒,以其清爽的口感和淡淡的麥香而聞名。這款瓶裝啤酒的顏色金黃透亮,泡沫細膩,飲用時口感順滑,帶有微微的苦味,與韓國料理的油膩感形成良好的平衡。無論是搭配燒烤、冷麵還是海鮮,都能提升整體用餐體驗。餐廳環境:🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥服務質素:⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄食物味道:🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾性價比:🎟️🎟️🎟️🎟️🎟️消費 HKD 874✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨#尖沙咀美食 #GALBI TOWN #web3尖沙咀GALBI TOWN尖沙咀堪富利士道8號格蘭中心1樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-06
是餐廳非常受歡迎,還是假期前夕的威力?晚一點幾近全場爆滿,其實這家餐廳是相當大的,真多捧場客啊!敬贈的前菜放滿了一桌,款式多又美味,來個飯的話,單吃前菜已可完成簡單的一餐。推介必吃韓牛新鮮肉眼,超級美味!!不論是肉質、味道還是服務都冇得彈!!由店員代燒,完全不用自己動手。水冷麵賣相美觀,冷冷的一大碗,正好中和燒烤的熱,店員會過來解結和剪麵。嫩豆腐湯是真的湯如其名,豆腐嫩滑。海鮮煎餅餡料多,店員會幫忙剪開。包肉蔬菜不過不失,翠綠的一盤,賣相美觀。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🇰🇷由韓國人主理位於尖沙咀韓國餐廳餐廳佔地超過8000呎, 地方非常寬敞他們註明是韓國直送新鮮韓牛韓牛真係超新鮮, 質素非常之高配料就如去韓國食韓餐一樣多韓國人會幫我們燒埋當日遇到隔離枱都是韓國人🐮韓牛新鮮肉眼韓牛油脂分佈剛好, 上面有牌子介紹其貨源肉眼扒超軟嫩, 勁多肉汁牛味濃厚🐷濟州黑毛豬新鮮五花肉同樣是由韓國直送肉質鮮美脂肪與瘦肉的比例恰到好處Oppa還燒得剛好而且擺放靚靚給我們慢慢品嚐🦐海鮮煎餅煎到外酥內軟, 夾雜着香蔥、八爪魚、蝦粒配搭醬油好惹味 而且好大塊💦水冷麵一上枱便被驚喜倒勁大碗但會好味到能全部吃掉👍🏻絕對要提他們的lunch set 性價比甚高$138 就有湯有飯, 還有很多肉的鐵板烤牛肉👍🏻另外必定要試下他們的燒泡菜原來燒泡菜好好味, 下次燒肉要自己試下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)