Restaurant: Poke Go (漆咸道南)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

8-min walk from Exit P3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Cash FPS
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (184)
呢間餐廳可以話係香港Poke Bowl首選🤩,真係我食過最好食嘅健康Bowl😱質素好賣相靚,仲要打卡able💖食物量算幾大份,有機會食唔哂😂主要配料有八爪魚,吞拿魚同三文魚🐟🐠,非常之fresh🤪餐廳非常慷慨😭所有海鮮都大大粒🙌🏻海鮮愛好者一定唔可以錯過呀‼️另外可以揀做沙律菜底🥗,係減肥好選擇👍🏻-🔥必食Items ▫️ NALU HK$118 ★★★★☆配料:八爪魚、壽司飯、櫻桃番茄、和式青蔥、甜粟米、蟹棒沙律、辛味蛋黃醬、芝麻、辣椒碎推薦呢個比鍾意食辣嘅朋友!🔥有少少辣椒碎點綴多咗份開胃感😋不過唔好睇少佢都幾辣下🌶️有甜粟米、番茄仔同蟹棒沙律中和返少少🌽🍅。呢款八爪魚大大粒爽口彈牙🐙推薦呀!▫️ SHOYU AHI HK$118 ★★★★☆配料:吞拿魚、壽司飯、芝麻海帶、和式青蔥、紫洋蔥、鰹魚醬油、芝麻、木魚絲呢款以吞拿魚做主角🐟,魚生切得大大粒,肉質粉嫩🩷,口感柔軟冇筋🥰配上足料紫洋蔥同芝麻海帶增添層次🧄🌿,再以鏗魚醬油做醬汁令成碗都好fresh,健康好食完全唔會膩😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-02
尖沙咀Poke Go,店內擺放左好多綠色植物、水泡貼紙等裝飾,充滿夏威夷既夏日風情。餐廳全部都係原型食材,烹調方法簡單,熱量低、低油、低鹽、含蛋白質,營養均衡,給人健康、新鮮既感覺;食材除左以海鮮為主之外,仲有搭配唔同口味既蔬菜,醬汁既選擇亦多不勝數。朋友係素食者,揀左雜菌香茹配沙律菜,配料揀左麻醬豆腐、溫室青瓜、甜粟米,醬汁揀左柚子醬油醋;雜菌香茹煮得夠鮮味,口感紮實,沙律菜新鮮爽脆,令成個Bowl既層次感非常豐富。我就揀慢煮雞胸配壽司飯,配料有雞蛋絲、芝麻海帶、麻醬豆腐;慢煮雞胸肉切到大大粒,肉質煮得啱啱好,唔會太柴,撈埋鰹魚醬汁,提昇整碗飯既味道。總結,餐廳既食材款式多,配搭吸引,擺盤精美,啱晒要減肥又想追求健康既人嚟幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-12
非常推薦呢間Poke Bowl🥇已經食過好多次 第一次係深水埗店食 後來尖沙咀開左分店就淨係去尖沙咀分店食當日食晚飯 排隊大約10-15分鐘~叫左自選BowlMain Protein: 三文魚 SalmonBase: 壽司飯 Sushi RiceToppings: 紫洋蔥 Onion + 豆腐 Tofu + 雞蛋絲 Egg ShredsDressings: 山葵乳酪醬 Wasabi Yogurt Seasoning: 木魚絲 Bonito三文魚除左平時食壽司點豉油之外 配其他醬亦都好好味 呢度我會推薦蜜糖芥末醬同山葵乳酪醬 加埋topping & dressing會有好fresh嘅感覺 而且完全冇違和感👍🏻分量方面亦都唔小 (如果食量細嘅人可能2人share一個bowl都夠食 不過留意有最低消費)另外仲叫左個小食Cocktail Shrimp 有6件 分別配呢3隻醬:蜜糖芥末醬山葵乳酪醬辛味蛋黃醬個人認為蜜糖芥末醬最夾如果想食poke bowl嘅話呢度絕對推薦~! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
做完運動唔想食咁heavy 又想補充返蛋白質 同埋纖維、就約埋朋友黎尖咀食Poke Go🙌🏻自選衝浪Bowl 👉🏻慢煮雞胸 配沙律菜+ 酸蘿蔔 + 三色藜麥 + 豆腐(無醬) @鰹魚醬油Toppings果仁 + 木魚絲 + 紫菜絲其實呢佢嘅特選衝浪Bowl 都有好多款幾唔錯,但係今日都係想食少啲 澱粉質, 所以既然價錢差唔多都係揀自選🥳🥳🥳就算揀咗沙律菜同埋冇醬嘅豆腐 其實佢嘅醬油都好夠 唔會好乾👍🏻 成個Bowl 都好fresh, 各款toppings都增加咗口感同風味👍🏻👉🏻三文魚 配珍珠糙飯 + 溫室青瓜 + 麻醬豆腐 + 芝麻海帶 @蜜糖芥末醬Toppings果仁 + 木魚絲 +紫菜絲朋友食依款都好正,三文魚份量好足, 溫室青瓜 + 麻醬豆腐 + 芝麻海帶都好夾,果然自己點砌都好食🐰🐰🐰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-08
去尖沙咀做facial因為未到食飯時間,平時好多人排隊嘅Poke Go完全唔使等,一於去試吓我叫咗ONO,有三文魚、壽司飯、溫室青瓜、雞蛋絲、蟹棒沙律、果仁芝麻醬、芝麻,份量好大,夏天食一流,不過個人有少少唔鍾意蟹棒沙律浸味,覺得唔係好夾成個飯,不過整體Ok~可惜嘅係已經過咗五點,冇咗lunch set,飲品要另外叫 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)