5-min walk from Exit B2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
This Thai restaurant offers an open view; and uses wine bottles to decorate the chandelier, which is special and brings out a relaxing vibe. Besides, some dishes plating are IG-able to level up the dining experience. continue reading
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Opening Hours
15:00 - 02:00
Mon - Sun
15:00 - 02:00
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Review (225)
Level4 2024-10-27
喺加連威老道轉入一條橫巷,小巷入口已經即刻見到一間門口搭建了bar 枱嘅 Thailand King ⭐️⭐️泰式餐廳x 酒吧啱哂星期五返工嚟放鬆😎 chill 返晚🥂🍻🍸唔好睇小小店,餐廳內有不少大台啱哂一大班朋友嚟gathering ,開放式廚房仲有一條長長吧枱,大廚亦相當friendly ,喜歡邊煮邊同客人交流🤭🤭打開厚厚一本餐牌見到美食種類繁多,咖喱、燒物、泰式小食、主食、甜品應有盡有,連drink list 都有5-6頁🤭🤭燒原隻大啡菇🍄‍🟫一客有兩粒原隻大啡菇,上枱時已經幫忙切開一件件👍🏻大啡菇燒完之後完全係爆汁💦💦唔需要特別調味都相當好食燒焦糖鮮菠蘿🍍必點推薦,一客有兩串,每串三件,性價比高👍🏻有別其他燒菠蘿,Thailand king 仲會係菠蘿面上放上砂糖再燒成薄脆嘅焦糖片,雙重口感👍🏻泰式豬頸肉🐷份量相當大份🤣豬頸肉燒得好香但唔會乾身,沾上泰式酸辣醬一齊食好開胃🤤?泰式香茅椰汁🥥雞湯清甜creamy 椰汁雞湯好足料,椰汁🥥甜而不膩,雞髀肉啖啖肉,肉質又相當嫩滑❤️😋青咖哩軟殼蟹 + 薄餅🦀咖哩軟殼蟹可以揀黃、紅、青咖哩,我地揀咗青咖哩😆軟殼蟹有兩大隻🦀🥰即叫即炸,仲脆卜卜嫁😋另外加配印度薄餅沾上青咖哩醬汁一齊食👍🏻👍🏻泰式肉碎生菜包🥬生菜包可以揀豬肉或者雞肉,我哋揀咗豬肉🐷味道好似打拋豬肉咁,都有一定辣度㗎,用新鮮爽脆嘅生菜包住就💯💯Mango smoothie 🥭Green Apple smoothie 🍏以新鮮水果製成嘅smoothie 超級大一杯😲😲芒果smoothie 面頭仲有新鮮芒果肉添🤭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-26
同男友喺尖沙咀拍拖食飯,突然想食泰國嘢,即時search見到呢間不錯,就膽粗粗入左去😋入面環境都幾寬敞,我哋見到menu咁多選擇,都唔覺意嗌多左🫢荔枝沙冰 $58;蘋果汁 $48我哋冇嗌酒,改嗌左嘢飲。上桌時有驚豔,賣相不錯,見到紫紅花,覺得好有渡假feel,即時聯想自己訓喺沙灘長椅上吹住海風嘆世界☺️燒原隻大啡菇 $48大啡菇好新鮮,好有菇味,仲特別肥美軟嫩🤭泰式燒多春魚 $78嚟左6條,多春魚配類似魚露嘅酸甜醬,更加清新!青咖喱豬頸肉 配蒜蓉包 $98+$25豬頸肉好味,好爽滑彈牙;蒜蓉包都好脆口,蒜蓉好惹味,點青咖喱最正!香茅煮海蜆 $128香濃花雕酒味,浸哂入蜆肉度,感覺呢款同時好適合下酒!芒果蟹肉炒飯 $108芒果幾清甜,配有蟹肉、蛋絲同香蔥,幾有口感芒果糯米飯配椰子雪芭 $108椰汁岩岩整熱淋上,糯米唔黏牙,溫溫甜甜好正!最鍾意係椰子雪芭,真係放喺一個椰子殼入面,幾趣緻!雪芭好軟滑,椰子味亦都好香濃,推薦一定要食😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-25
呢間泰國餐廳小店唔算太起眼,都係朋友帶路過黎開餐,今次叫左帶子他他柚子沙律($98)、黃咖哩軟殼蟹($148)、蒜蓉牛油法包$(25)、芒果蟹肉炒飯($108)、火山排骨(12支骨)($248)、Thai Tea($38)、Lychee Smoothie($58)由於間鋪唔算好大,所以座位有限,另外呢到都有BAR枱位可以坐帶子他他柚子沙律:帶子他他新鮮滑溜,配上柚子,酸甜開胃。帶子同柚子嘅香氣同埋酸味令整個沙律更加有層次感,清新開胃😁黃咖哩軟殼蟹:軟殼蟹炸得金黃酥脆,外脆內嫩,配上香濃嘅黃咖哩汁,味道濃郁但唔會過重,正😋蒜蓉牛油法包 :呢個追加項目係用黎點咖喱食,蒜蓉牛油香氣撲鼻,法包外脆內軟,本身就咁食都好正,點埋咖喱汁更加惹味🤤芒果蟹肉炒飯:泰國餐廳菠蘿炒飯就食得多,芒果比較少見一於試下,芒果嘅甜味同蟹肉嘅鮮味配合得天衣無縫,飯粒炒得乾身,味道層次豐富😉火山排骨 :一共有12件排骨,份量十足,排骨煮得入味,肉質嫩滑,配埋特製嘅醬汁,味道酸酸甜甜中帶辣,唔錯😁Lychee Smoothie:超級大杯,非常抵飲🤩荔枝味道香甜,幾清新,飲落去好順口,特別適合夏天飲,透心涼🥰Thai Tea:同之前泰國飲嘅味道一樣,茶味濃郁,帶有淡淡嘅甜味,飲落去非常解渴😄補MENU continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今晚約咗朋友過嚟食飯 我哋都好鍾意食泰國菜揀咗呢間座位比較開揚啲嘅餐廳 店內採用暖光燈泡仲有少少酒樽吊燈裝飾 加埋好多綠草包圍感覺真係好似坐咗喺泰國咁 打卡嘅話呃到吓人兩個女仔收工過嚟好餓 叫咗以下幾樣嘢食- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1. 咖喱軟殼蟹(黃咖喱)+蒜蓉牛油法包隻軟殼蟹好似都有完整一隻 分開4份上面淋咗黃咖喱醬 金黃酥脆蟹殼有啲光澤另外仲有紅/青咖喱可揀 聽店員講係比較辣揀咗嘅黃咖喱好香 香料味同蟹肉鮮味好夾隻蟹外脆內嫩 清晰見到入面白色蟹肉額外加配蒜蓉牛油法包 帶有濃郁牛油香氣浸落啲黃咖喱醬度 吸收晒啲精華 好正!!2. 燒豬頸肉燒豬頸肉賣相都好吸引 表面微微焦脆入面仲好鮮嫩多汁 幾鍾意佢脂肪分布均勻咬落嗰陣 豬肉汁液會喺口中瞬間流出即刻分泌更多口水XD 味道覺得鹹香適中加埋有個酸辣醬汁可點 中和返肉嘅油膩感3. 四式拼盤(蟹餅、墨魚餅、蝦餅、春卷)呢個拼盤有啲震撼 因為都幾大碟啱晒同朋友一齊分享 豐富味覺每款炸物都好特別 口感都唔一樣蟹餅外脆內嫩、蟹肉就好鮮美墨魚餅嘅墨魚香氣濃郁、口感彈牙蝦餅帶有海鮮甜味、咬落彈性十足春卷外皮炸到金黃酥脆、內餡豐富配埋兩種甜辣/海鮮醬汁更有風味4. 香茅煮海蜆通常食親都係清酒煮蜆 香茅感覺清新海蜆被香茅包圍下 海鮮香氣好出蜆肉食落鮮嫩 輕輕一咬食到鮮甜汁液同香茅嘅清香配合度高 清淡得嚟又唔會冇咗原有嘅海鮮風味5. 原隻鮮椰青/荔枝梳打兩款飲品賣相都好清透 啱晒夏天飲用原隻椰青見佢即叫即切 係好新鮮椰汁清甜可口 喝落好似置身熱帶地方荔枝梳打就帶有果香同微微的碳酸氣泡口感清爽 好啱食完濃味嘢食可以清清 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-13
Overall, Thailand King holds a strong emphasis on the use of leaf spices and bold spiciness. While the spiciness was not to my personal taste, I acknowledge the positive aspects of the restaurant.Grilled Angus beef salad priced at $108 was a standout dish. The beef was cooked to perfection and combined with fresh ingredients, resulting in a satisfying and flavorful salad.Thai-style minced pork with lettuce, priced at $98, showcased the restaurant's skill in creating a well-balanced and tasty dish. The flavors of the pork and lettuce blended harmoniously, providing a delightful combination.For those who enjoy lamb, the lamb rib priced at $108 is a recommended choice. The meat was tender and succulent, showcasing the restaurant's expertise in preparing lamb dishes.The Green curry assorted mushrooms spaghetti, priced at $108, was a unique fusion dish that combined Thai flavors with Italian pasta. The chef kindly adjusted the spice level upon our request.To balance out the spiciness, the lemongrass coconut chicken soup priced at $58 was a refreshing choice. Its soothing flavors and coconut-infused broth provided a pleasant contrast to the spicier dishes.For a refreshing and hydrating beverage, the Young coconut priced at $58 is highly recommended. It was a perfect accompaniment to the fiery flavors of the food.While some dishes may have been too spicy for my personal preference, the overall experience at the Thai restaurant was positive. The authenticity of the cuisine, use of leaf spices, and the chef's willingness to accommodate spice levels were commendable. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)