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🍪【#中環】天然酵母麵包店 Levain Bakery💥聖誕節嘆朱古力 偷得浮生半日閒💥.🍪想揾間cafe傾計或者做嘢,最重要係嘢食好味、坐得舒服同wifi穩定😆!Levain Bakery好可能係你想揾嘅地方!👍🏻✧Either if you are looking for a place to chill out or to work remotely, nothing is lacking in Levain Bakery, where you enjoy great food, comfy seating and stable internet connection! 🥳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~🍽 凍朱古力 Iced Chocolate $53 (5/5)呢杯係我飲過最香濃嘅朱古力😱,就算啲冰溶晒,都好似由一舊朱古力磚啜緊啲汁出嚟咁😋質感絲滑,仲有朱古力碎增添口感,大滿足!店內仲播住聖誕歌,超有氣氛~🎄🎅🏻✧This is no doubt the richest chocolate I have ever had! It feels so
💥聖誕節嘆朱古力 偷得浮生半日閒💥
🍪想揾間cafe傾計或者做嘢,最重要係嘢食好味、坐得舒服同wifi穩定😆!Levain Bakery好可能係你想揾嘅地方!👍🏻
✧Either if you are looking for a place to chill out or to work remotely, nothing is lacking in Levain Bakery, where you enjoy great food, comfy seating and stable internet connection! 🥳
🍽 凍朱古力 Iced Chocolate $53 (5/5)
✧This is no doubt the richest chocolate I have ever had! It feels so much like holding a chocolate bar and sipping directly from it 🤣lol. As smooth and creamy as it can be, tiny chocolate chips are added to level up the texture💯. How satisfying! Christmas songs are on to get you in the festive mood! 🎄
🍪 其實呢度最出名食sourdough🥖,當日有幾個外國人嚟買外賣,仲有人專程留貨話過兩日嚟拎包。早兩年我買過一次,不過要買半個起都幾大個,今次就冇買喇~
✧ Actually the bakery is known for its sourdough. Most customers are foreigners and they come to get takeaways. Someone even reserved a sourdough to be picked up after two days😳. I tried the sourdough two years ago. Yet you have to buy at least half a sourdough and that's quite big~
味道 Taste:🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪/5
環境 Ambience:🍪🍪🍪🍪/5
💸消費 Spending:$53 /人 Person
🔥推介度 Recommendation:4.5/5