港铁铜锣湾站 C 出口 继续阅读
選用有機蔬菜。由醬汁至主菜所有食物均為自家製。 继续阅读
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 现金 银联 JCB
食记 (68)
I think I've been a loyal lunch diner at Dining Kitchen Vegi ever since it opened. I think I come here once a month. I love it so much. No matter what I order on their lunch menu, it's always delicious. Serving a casual JapaneseWestern menu, it was always number one on my place to eat. But as the place became more and more popular at lunch, it was always so hard for me to get a spot so I moved onto other places to eat during my lunch time.Don't be alarmed with the name "Vegi"on it. It's not a vegetarian restaurant. I don't know why it's called that at all. Boyfriend (an avid carnivore) liked it when I took him here for lunch once. So, when I suggested that we haven't been here in a long time, we decided to try out their dinner service.Stepping in, I noticed the restaurant had changed somewhat. It seemed darker as they now have installed racks on the walls to hold a number of tajin pots. The open kitchen is also now closed off with a number of racks as well. I had been here before for dinner with a friend once and it seemed the menu had changed as well. Or at least new items have been added and old favorites have been removed. We started to worry ... I think some of the staff have changed? Where was the cheerful Japanese man who used to serve us?Menu is in English, Chinese and Japanese. There are no photos of any of the food. They offer Westernized Japanese food.Homemade Tofu in a Banrai Hotpot ($68). We ordered this as a starter.  Yes, tofu to be made before our eyes! A bowl of soymilk was placed on top of a pot. It was covered and cooked for about 10 minutes.Lifting the lid, tofu was appeared! MAGIC! The tofu was good. It had a rich soybean taste and was smooth and silky. They had three seasonings you can use to flavor the tofu. From left to right: yuzu pepper paste, sea salt and yuzu soysauce. To me, I liked the yuzu soysauce the most.Tajin Hot Pot of Steamed Salmon and Mushroooms in a Butter Soysauce ($128). It seemed their menu is now focused on tajins, so we ordered one of these.  Everything was cooked in this domed pot.Lifting the lid and you get this. The salmon was cooked just at the right amount. It was so soft and moist. The mushrooms were flavored with the wonderful butter soysauce. They offered a ponzu sauce for dipping, but I didn't really use it much as it wasn't really needed.  A wonderful balance of flavors.Fried Rice with Eel, Mushroom and Mentaiko ($138). We ended with some rice. The eel was tender. There was no overdosing on the sauce which is what I like. The mix of spicy of mentaiko and sweetness of the sauce was a fairly good blend.Our worries were dashed once the food came. Some of the staff may have changed, but the chef is still there as I saw him behind the counter, working away. The food remains top notch. Reminding me again why I love this place and why I always recommend it to friends who ask for a different type of Japanese. I am always back. 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-03-15
416 浏览
今日收工已經好攰,近近哋同朋友去咗附近的餐廳食晚飯。好彩朋友醒目一早訂咗位,上到去都爆爆哋。大部份客人都係日本人,侍應、廚師都講日文。日本人都嚟食,可想而知一定唔會太差。由於我同朋友都有少少選擇困難症,睇咗個餐牌差不多10分鐘先落order,終於揀咗3款菜式。見佢有廚師推介,即管試吓。土鍋堡飯(照燒鵝肝) $180Streamed rice in earthen pot with Teriyaki foie gras呢個飯賣點係用日本福崗縣產嘅米 Hinohikari. 賣相好日本風,跟餐配胡椒碎、芥茉、紫菜絲,可隨意加入飯中一齊食。日本米果然唔同d,口感夠煙靭,好有咬口。鵝肝口感就比較硬身,鵝肝味唔係太濃,但如果入口即溶會好食好多。明太子海蝦雜菇紫蘇汁天使麵 $128Angel hair spaghetti with Mentaiko and Shrimp and Mushroom Siso Fravor海蝦夠爽口,紫蘇汁包圍晒每一條麵,味道好香。明太子、雜菇好夾。天使麵唔會太淋或太硬,煮得剛剛好。份量適中,兩個女仔 share食就啱啱好。吉列泡菜豚肉芝士卷 $98Deep Fried roll with Kimuchi Pork and Cheese 呢個菜見OpenRice 有推介,叫咗嚟試。賣相好吸引,有6件,望落就好想食佢落肚。外層炸到好鬆脆,唔會感覺太厚粉。無諗過泡菜同芝士可以咁 match, 不過對於我呢個芝士控嚟講,芝士點整都好好食。佢有兩個汁,一個係天婦羅汁,有蘿蔔蓉。另一個汁就甜甜哋,各有特色。個人比較喜歡天婦羅個汁,加埋蘿蔔蓉一齊食好似無咁熱氣,因為個泡菜卷始終炸過。 继续阅读
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我食日本菜多以放題或居酒屋的形式居多,但是fusion的日本菜香港較少見!我那日本通的朋友當然非常有興趣啦!於是今晚陪了她來吃! 這裡的菜式都頗特別,餐單上找不到一般日式店的鰻魚飯之類的,就算是天婦羅也要嚇你一跳地配搭辣味蕃茄醬的,幾特別,有新意。 減重期間吃天婦羅恐怕不太好,來個清清地的沙律吧?!炙燒三文魚水菜沙律杯溫泉蛋正合我意,雖然水菜我不知道是舍,但温泉蛋正!我特鍾意那種蛋在半生不熟的狀態! 賣相幾靚,在橘紅色的三文魚下,那水菜顯得格外翠綠~ 食之前,首先將那温泉蛋狠心地刺開攪拌,因為那個將會是沙律的醬汁,將creamy的蛋醬倒落沙律~ 火炙燒過的三文魚肉口感特嫩滑,而且還選取了較肥美的魚腩位,讓我可享受着芬芳的魚油在口中漫延開來的感覺!But那個水菜的味道和蔥十分相似,所以可以想像到為何日本人愛吃?不過,我本身不吃蔥科類,所以蔥味令我有點難受,加上菜是生的,那青聰堅韌的菜幹也得花點牙力。 吃過沙律,就是主食時間,這款照燒吞拿魚牛油果飯賣相和之前的沙律可謂如出一轍! 簡單的紅綠配色,已經有非常特出的效果,血紅色的吞拿魚輕輕烤過,增長了口感,又配以牛油果那黏稠creamy的口感,又幾特別~ 焦糖燉蛋一向是我最愛的甜品之一,難得這裡也有供應,當然要試下!跟一般燉蛋不同,這裡的加入了南瓜蓉,口感的層次更見豐富,不同我還是喜歡平時的做法吧!焦糖亦做得夠脆口,甜度亦很夠。 继续阅读
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愛食日本嘢的我, 在友人的介紹下去了位於銅鑼灣的Dining Kitchen Vegi食晚飯. 打開餐牌, 發現這裡的菜式名好特別. 最後我選了蒸雜錦野菜塔尖鍋. 單單睇菜名, 好難估到是怎樣. 終於等到上枱. 這是用鍋上, 感覺幾特別. 之後, 店員將佢打開, 見到各式各款的蔬菜, 顏色仲七彩繽紛, 非常吸引. 用鍋上, 不但能保持熱度, 而且還能保持蔬菜的色澤. 蔬菜夠清甜, 又夠爽口. 而蔬菜中有幾片的肉, 吸收晒蔬菜的精華. 食了一款清啖而健康的蔬菜, 我點了炸軟殼蟹配辣味蕃茄醬. 賣相精緻. 外層的炸粉幾薄身, 入口時不會只食到皮, 而蓋過饀. 對於我來講, 特別之處是用上蛋和紫菜包着軟殼蟹, 這樣不但無咁熱氣, 而且仲有多重口感, 我完全無想過這樣煮法, 有驚喜. 另外, 可以點上辣味蕃茄醬. 對於不食得辣的我, 這個醬也可以食. 蕃茄味幾濃, 而且帶點酸, 食的時候特別醒胃. 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-03-08
225 浏览
週五永遠是我的放肆日,每星期工作的最後一天代表又是辛苦後吃一餐好是皇道。銅鑼灣區各色其色應有盡有,日本料理是我常吃的食物;完全有一種永不悶的感覺。 永遠我都是避開繁忙的食飯時間,人流立即變得稀少又舒服。店內有室內與室外之分,亦有吧枱可以細看師傅的功架。我們二人被安排室內的梳化位置,餐牌的款式大約有十多款任君選擇;有鰻魚飯、海鮮丼、定食、天婦羅等。無論你喜歡生冷物或是炸物都有一款適合你,香口的東西受人歡迎;我倆異口同聲地選了後者。 廣島縣產吉列蠔定食 $148 首先出場是吉列蠔,一上枱已相當吸晴。一客只有三小件略嫌太少,如果份量提升多點會更好。吉列蠔炸至脆身並帶有金黃色,輕輕咬一口熱力更加澎湃;蠔肉熱騰騰如添加少許沙拉醬會更美味。 在旁更有小蝦刺身及醮製過的蘿蔔,有時炸物太過膩都可以吃點蘿蔔中和一番。都是人追求優質生活及健康食材,紅米飯已經是大勢所趨;最後來多碗麵豉湯便是完美的句號。 海蝦雜錦天婦羅伴牛油果魚仔飯白飯 $148 我喜歡天婦羅真的百吃不厭,這個有海蝦、南瓜、茄子、冬菇、秋葵等;即叫即炸完全有誠意,不過時間會較久需要耐心等後。最令人有驚喜,莫過於碗魚仔飯。利用牛油果製作飯也是第一次,牛油果是健康的生果類配合魚仔帶點口感。又是紅米的關係達到有「營」確實難得,定食旁邊都會有醮製的蘿蔔及麵豉湯跟餐。 銅鑼灣區的食肆多不勝數,以樓上店鋪定價是可接受不過份量如添加多點會更好。牆身寫上設有限定的定食,下次重來確實要品嚐一下「限定」的威力。 继续阅读
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