2016-01-22 1074 浏览
上次來過Lily & Bloom,只是 Happy Hour,友人建議試吓食嘢,原來以海鮮菜式為主,做得又真係幾好。大傘菇原來可以生吃 Portobello Carpaccio,成個 pizza咁樣,大傘菇切到好薄,軟棉滑的質地,混合生雞蛋及沙律菜食,口感幾特別,似滑蛋沙律。燒魚外表好有色彩,魚燒得似炭燒,用芒果汁丶牛油果做醬汁,好有新鮮感,又有東南亞燒魚的影子,條魚燒得香,魚肉都嫩,欣賞佢加咗火腿調味,味道更香更美味,紫色的椰菜花第一次試。 和牛肉 Waygu Frank Steak,燒到外脆內嫩,見樣就知,加埋炸洋蔥食,非常惹味。 我的甜點,甜度啱啱好。 配埋杯咖啡酒,好㚒!
上次來過Lily & Bloom,只是 Happy Hour,友人建議試吓食嘢,原來以海鮮菜式為主,做得又真係幾好。

大傘菇原來可以生吃 Portobello Carpaccio,成個 pizza咁樣,大傘菇切到好薄,軟棉滑的質地,混合生雞蛋及沙律菜食,口感幾特別,似滑蛋沙律。
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和牛肉 Waygu Frank Steak,燒到外脆內嫩,見樣就知,加埋炸洋蔥食,非常惹味。
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2016-01-21 1546 浏览
Lily & Bloom 盛放的百合花,聽到名字,已經有些 American feel,果然是家美式酒吧餐廳。 踏進餐廳,神秘氣氛,燈光暗黑,樓層極高,巨型燈飾,木桌木地板,復古的曼克頓風格 vintage Manhattan ,仿如回到19世紀,醉生夢死酒吧之所。吧桌旁有海鮮展示,seafood platter 配白酒,亦正合把酒客之心意。走到盡頭,便是用餐之地,我們二人被安排坐在舒適的疏化椅上,怎有當上美國大亨之感。坐下來看清楚,了解到原來餐廳有兩層,上層是 Lily,走型格酒吧路綫,mixologist 主場,好玩花款不少,因此是 iBanker 之喜愛聚地,地點亦取勝;下層是 Bloom,我們所在之處,可以寬敞舒適地用餐。 酒吧餐廳食品選擇簡而精,前菜及主菜各四款,甜品兩款,皆有 wine pairing 配品之建議,而另附5款雞尾酒之選擇,分餐前餐後。餐牌底部這樣說:....... Each ingredients is carefully selected and source from natural, sustainable environments whenever
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Lily & Bloom 盛放的百合花,聽到名字,已經有些 American feel,果然是家美式酒吧餐廳。
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踏進餐廳,神秘氣氛,燈光暗黑,樓層極高,巨型燈飾,木桌木地板,復古的曼克頓風格 vintage Manhattan ,仿如回到19世紀,醉生夢死酒吧之所。
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吧桌旁有海鮮展示,seafood platter 配白酒,亦正合把酒客之心意。
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坐下來看清楚,了解到原來餐廳有兩層,上層是 Lily,走型格酒吧路綫,mixologist 主場,好玩花款不少,因此是 iBanker 之喜愛聚地,地點亦取勝;下層是 Bloom,我們所在之處,可以寬敞舒適地用餐。
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酒吧餐廳食品選擇簡而精,前菜及主菜各四款,甜品兩款,皆有 wine pairing 配品之建議,而另附5款雞尾酒之選擇,分餐前餐後。

....... Each ingredients is carefully selected and source from natural, sustainable environments whenever possible in an effort to use healthier foods and support the livelihood of small, dedicatted farms.

只有英語餐單,而全程接待只用英語,非常洋化,真的營造大家回到 old Manhattan 嗎?
Still water
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食材講究,清水亦是入口,這一枝 still large,售$60,不過份。

Three Grapes And A Cup
白酒及vsop 的混合,成分含些薑丶木茶花及西芹汁,主要是提子。
Three Grapes And A Cup
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中央紫色的一棵,也許用上 liquid nitrogen 急凍,在不知情的情況下,我大口一咬,牙齒被凍薑,碎裂的提子迅速把我的嘴變成冰庫,嘩啦!即時醒神,本來放工後的疲累身軀被喚醒了!

杯中之物,正常的冰冷口感,甜甜的提子果汁中有不弱的酒精,refreshing 的感覺。

食伴的 Rhubarb Smash 
主要是 Cocci Rosso 意大利紅酒加上肉桂丶橙及檸檬。
Rhubarb Smash
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見到頂頭的橙皮、乾檸檬片,我已覺得 bitter,相信口感是甘甘地的,加上薄荷葉,亦有清新之感,喝一口,味如有少少汽的甜酒。

Bloom 著名的是海鮮菜式,亦正合我意,二人分吃,詳情如下:

Bread & Dip
Bread & Dip
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餐前麵包,別於一般,用 pita bread,華洋糅合的特色,煎至香脆,皮厚身軟,有嚼勁,我喜歡。
兩款 dip: 甘筍忌廉, 牛油果香草
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兩款 dip,一橙一綠,前者估計是甘筍混忌廉的,富甜較黏稠;後者是牛油果香草,水份較多,粒粒口感,

Rock Lobster Salad
Rock Lobster Salad
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原只波士頓龍蝦連殼上,烤至煎香,肉質鮮嫩有彈性;特色在配以青木瓜 green papaya 作沙律,生而爽脆的口感,輕輕的以番茄醬汁調味,酸香醒胃,討好。

Portobello Carpaccio
Portobello Carpaccio
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Whole Grilled Market Fish
Whole Grilled Market Fish
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Whole Grilled Market Fish
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Hickory Smoked Waygu Frank Steak
Hickory Smoked Waygu Frank Steak
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Captain Black Beard 
Captain Black Beard
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Skillet Chocolate Chip Cookies
killet Chocolate Chip Cookies
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Crunchy 香脆是最好的形容詞,Cookie 帶著點點焦香及牛油香,淋上朱古力醬汁甜美,配以幼滑濃郁的雲呢拿雪糕更是完美。


(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$750 (晚餐)
Three Grapes And A Cup
$ 140
Rhubarb Smash
$ 120
Bread & Dip
Rock Lobster Salad
$ 145
Portobello Carpaccio
$ 105
killet Chocolate Chip Cookies
$ 95
2016-01-20 966 浏览
係中環竟然有一間岀色的扒房而價錢係合理嫁。😱😱😱佢依到係有分Bar & Dining..樓上的Lily 係主要飲野,樓下的Bloom就係餐廳。真係要講講佢ge裝潢,樓底真係超高。整間餐廳一個字grand啦☺️☺️。但佢食物的價錢比我想像中平。 400 day grain fed rib-eye, spicy fries w/ house daikon sauce, bloom ketchup HKD345塊扒都有成14安士,足夠幾個女仔share,我地叫左medium rare,冇overcook 到,裡面的肉汁好juice喔😚😚見住塊牛排勁紅但冇血水真係好開心😂,完全吾需要加其他醬都已經好好食👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿 Cedar River Beef Tartare HKD 140Wasabi aioli, fresh lime, beef 'chip'Um......牛他他係依到其中一樣岀名的食物,其實我都係第一次食。🙈🙈要我跨過依過心理關口真係好少少難。個他他係配wasabi醬,所以會有少少辣。而且加埋青檸同塊脆脆。老實講,食落口其實吾係好似生牛肉,反而似三文魚,其實
係中環竟然有一間岀色的扒房而價錢係合理嫁。😱😱😱佢依到係有分Bar & Dining..樓上的Lily 係主要飲野,樓下的Bloom就係餐廳。真係要講講佢ge裝潢,樓底真係超高。整間餐廳一個字grand啦☺️☺️。但佢食物的價錢比我想像中平。
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400 day grain fed rib-eye, spicy fries w/ house daikon sauce, bloom ketchup HKD345

塊扒都有成14安士,足夠幾個女仔share,我地叫左medium rare,冇overcook 到,裡面的肉汁好juice喔😚😚見住塊牛排勁紅但冇血水真係好開心😂,完全吾需要加其他醬都已經好好食👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿
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Cedar River Beef Tartare HKD 140

Wasabi aioli, fresh lime, beef 'chip'

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Free range chicken & waffle HKD 235

Organic Hungarian chicken, zesty lemon marinade, chipotle gravy, corn relish 🐔🐔

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2016-01-18 1317 浏览
Overpriced for average food and poor service. Appetisers are very small portions. Steak Tartare is okay, others are mediocre. I really dislike having to ask a restaurant purporting to be a meat specialist the weight of their steaks. It is something they should put on the menu. I also needed to ask the weight of the burger and which cuts of meat were used in the patties. This required the waitress to go to the kitchen and check with the chef as she did not know. I would expect a steak restaurant
Overpriced for average food and poor service. Appetisers are very small portions. Steak Tartare is okay, others are mediocre. I really dislike having to ask a restaurant purporting to be a meat specialist the weight of their steaks. It is something they should put on the menu. I also needed to ask the weight of the burger and which cuts of meat were used in the patties. This required the waitress to go to the kitchen and check with the chef as she did not know. I would expect a steak restaurant such as this to proactively market what they are doing. The hickory BBQ sauce on their flank steak was so over powering I could not taste the meat at all. They may just as well have put it over a bowl of French fries and served that. The star was meant to be the steak and it was lost. How disappointing. Desserts were sickly sweet. The peach crepe was so covered in cinnamon that all you could taste was cinnamon. Even when eating a whole slice of peach you could not taste the peach at all. As for the wines, very over priced. Also be careful. One bottle I ordered was a 2012 and they brought a 2013 and said nothing. All in all if you want a steak, go to Craftsteak on Elgin Street. Better value and certainly better cooking.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2016-01-15 1381 浏览
Starry Starry Night. Here comes to the festive Christmas. I have been thinking & reviewing what I have done in this year. Things turn out not as bad as expected. Still wanna say thank you to those who really support me, care about me and teach me in this dynamic 2015. I know I am always a lucky girl.Big applause to my boyfriend who made a reservation to this glamorous restaurant, Lily & Bloom. You really mean a lot to me and never disappoint me, you know it.Cozy decorations, well-designed menu,
Starry Starry Night. Here comes to the festive Christmas. I have been thinking & reviewing what I have done in this year. Things turn out not as bad as expected. Still wanna say thank you to those who really support me, care about me and teach me in this dynamic 2015. I know I am always a lucky girl.

Big applause to my boyfriend who made a reservation to this glamorous restaurant, Lily & Bloom. You really mean a lot to me and never disappoint me, you know it.

Cozy decorations, well-designed menu, detailed description of every single dish, polite and patient waiters. That’s all my first impression to this restaurant.

I have ordered a cocktail drink named Three Grapes And A Cup. Honestly, I am a bit alcoholic. Do trust me, the strong brandy taste will not disappoint you. And it looks so great as well! The grapes are like 3 pieces of mochi haha.
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I love the Caesar salad. Crunchy lettuce. beautiful toasted croutons accompanied by the pretty spa-boiled egg. A really nice one.

Cedar River Beef Tartare. Raw beef served with mustard aioli, fresh herbs and capers, and smoky red pepper sauce (as stated in the menu). The beef is of high quality and tastes superb. It is seasoned heavily and the flavor matches perfectly with the beef.
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Due to my very sensitive skin, I avoid steak most of the time unless it is good enough for me to try out. You really cannot miss the medium rare rib eye. In order to enjoy the excellent beefy steak, you do not need too much seasoning. Salt and pepper, enough! Perfectly grilled and extremely tender meat. OMG! 
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Last but not least. My favorite dessert - salted caramel ice cream. It just satisfies my sweet tooth! All the way too tempting!

I definitely will come again with my beloved one. It's just a too romantic and enjoyable night with these fantastic food!
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2016-01-06 1538 浏览
As my friend suggested, we made reservation one day before. When we got inside, wow OMG! It’s SO beautiful and like a classic mansion. It’s very cosy. The staff here are super nice that made me relax in the dim light. The ceiling height is high and many wine glasses were hang up on a wine-glass-wall in the centre of the restaurant that created a beautiful scene for fine dining.To start with, homemade bread was served. This bread is a kinda Italian food, we sops up the bread in a mix of olive oil
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As my friend suggested, we made reservation one day before. When we got inside, wow OMG! It’s SO beautiful and like a classic mansion. It’s very cosy. The staff here are super nice that made me relax in the dim light. The ceiling height is high and many wine glasses were hang up on a wine-glass-wall in the centre of the restaurant that created a beautiful scene for fine dining.
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To start with, homemade bread was served. This bread is a kinda Italian food, we sops up the bread in a mix of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. The bread is plain substantially. I was very hungry so I ate it within 3 mins. Besides, I ordered a cocktail that tastes like tomato fav but I forgot the name of it. However, I don't like this drink lol.
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It looked so good. The delicious mound of tartare placed in the centre of the plate. Couldn’t wait to eat it! I love the rough chopped texture of the beef and the runny egg yolk went well with beef, mustard aioli and fresh herbs. Mixed it with red pepper sauce and crispy shallots, what a Perfect Match! I think who are tartare-addicted would cry if they miss it haha.
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At the bottom is green shisa rice which is special in flavor and refreshing but the rice is a bit tough. The chu toro was grilled outside, inside was raw. Yum,yum,yum, this tasty fish nearly melt in my mouth.
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The peach slices were fresh and sweet. Crepes were with mascarpone filling that was a little bit salty. The taste of filling was not my cup of tea. Tbh the salted caramel ice cream was super delicious!! I love it and also the almond crumble so much~ If you ask me what does it taste like, I can say it feels like you hugging your man when snowing, warm and sweet!
All in all it’s a very nice night. We went here hungry and left satisfied. If you wanna have a romantic or warm dinner time, you must go this one! I’d like to have my birthday dinner here (if it’s possible) as I saw the staffs are super kind! They’re not only attentive, are also good-servicers, they sang birthday song with customers that impressed me so much.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
This is definitely a place for relax dining in Hong Kong. Where else can you order an exquisitely prepared entree, impeccable service, and a unstressed atmosphere. Lily & Bloom at the LKF Tower has all of these covered. This was my third time visiting this stylish restaurant and bar in Central. The first time I came for dinner, I went to the 6th floor that mainly serve cocktail and wine. I have to walk down stairs in the restaurants to 5th floor. Therefore, I take the lift directly to Bloom this
This is definitely a place for relax dining in Hong Kong. Where else can you order an exquisitely prepared entree, impeccable service, and a unstressed atmosphere. Lily & Bloom at the LKF Tower has all of these covered. This was my third time visiting this stylish restaurant and bar in Central. The first time I came for dinner, I went to the 6th floor that mainly serve cocktail and wine.

I have to walk down stairs in the restaurants to 5th floor. Therefore, I take the lift directly to Bloom this time.

This venue, I would say, it is very relaxing, not very full, 80% of tables are occupied.
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As it was around 8pm, the seats in front of the bar area is empty, it should be too early, and those who look for alcohol should be on the 6th floor Lily. As you can see, the interior is of a kind of industrial and wood concept. The light bulbs, the walls, the floor,etc..
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Table is well set with a side plate carrying the Bloom logo, napkin, wine glass, candles, etc.

The napkin is clean with no smell. I came with my girl friend and we are happy to have our meal on a round table of 4.
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Right behind the sofa we seated was a wall of wine glass. Lights are deflected through the glass, forming a special light setting, as well as the mood for diners. You must find the consistency in the design if you pay a visit.

You can look up to the 6th Floor through the “Glass Wall”.

I have ordered the Cedar River Beef Tartare, Steak Frites, Short Rib Mac N’ Cheese, and a Dessert which i have forgotten her name.

Cocktail is inevitable when you are appearing in such a restaurant, I have tried the “Snicker’s Old Fashioned”, as you can see in the photo above. It was made by a slice of Snickers Chocolate Bar, vanilla demerara, michter’s. The taste is not bad at all.
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The bread before the tartare, served with a paper wrap, very convenient for customers, you may also find that the owner has invested much in their branding.
Homemade  bread
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This is the Cedar River Beef Tartare (8.5 out of 10)

(mustard aioli, herbs and capers, sauce of smoky red pepper, crispy shallots)

I am a raw beef lover!

The shallots was unexpectedly good in this dish. This is fine and design.
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Beef  tarta
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I thought this is the way to enjoy: Shallot at the bottom carrying the mixture of the sauce and beef

It comes to the main. Steak Frites (8.0 out of 10)
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Well Grilled. served with two sauces (house daikon sauce & ketchup for frites, i believe)

The beef is kind of rib-eye of 400 day grain fed.

Photo tells the truth. Not overcooked. JUICY.
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Mac N’ Cheese was so so, so I’ll skip it. (6 out of 10)

BBQ Corn (herbs and parmesan cheese on salad-like dressing)(7 out of 10)

Not very special, the quality of corn determined the taste.
BBQ  Corn
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Dessert (butter crispy on cream & 3 scoops of ice cream) (9 out of 10)
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Ice dessert Dessert
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Vanilla, Caramel, and Banana flavour ice cream

I was quite worried about the banana ice cream before i tried it.

I don’t like the canned cherry.

At the end, the banana ice cream is definitely the highlight. Probably the best flavour i have tried before.

Must TRY !!!

Overall, The dinner was gracefully wrapped with professionally presented Beef Tartare and the Banana taste ice cream.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$400 (晚餐)
Homemade  bread
BBQ  Corn
Ice dessert Dessert
  • Cedar River Beef Tartare
  • Steak Frites
2016-01-03 1000 浏览
很欣賞Lily & Bloom 的裝飾,環境氛暗但有燭光襯托。 待我們坐下後,侍應會帶出寫上Today Special 的黑版來介紹當晚的特別菜式,我們選了其中的Lobster Spaghetti。Lobster Spaghetti- 賣相已相當吸引!有不少龍蝦肉,很鮮甜爽口,龍蝦汁夠濃,意大利麵沾上濃汁後在想像每啖喝著龍蝦湯。 Steak Frites ( 400 days grain fed ribeye) Medium 剛剛好,收了血水,因ribeye本身有肥膏,所以令肉質更柔軟,肉味十足,不沾汁已經足夠,本身附有兩款醬汁daikon sauce & bloom ketcup,但原汁原味最好食。 薯條是即炸的,很香脆。
很欣賞Lily & Bloom 的裝飾,環境氛暗但有燭光襯托。
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待我們坐下後,侍應會帶出寫上Today Special 的黑版來介紹當晚的特別菜式,我們選了其中的Lobster Spaghetti。
Lobster spaghetti 
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Lobster Spaghetti- 賣相已相當吸引!有不少龍蝦肉,很鮮甜爽口,龍蝦汁夠濃,意大利麵沾上濃汁後在想像每啖喝著龍蝦湯。
Steak  Frites 
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Steak Frites 
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Steak Frites ( 400 days grain fed ribeye) Medium 剛剛好,收了血水,因ribeye本身有肥膏,所以令肉質更柔軟,肉味十足,不沾汁已經足夠,本身附有兩款醬汁daikon sauce & bloom ketcup,但原汁原味最好食。
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
Lobster spaghetti 
Steak  Frites 
$ 348
Steak Frites 
$ 348
  • Steak Frites
唔知大家有無去蒲老蘭的習慣?活色生香的夜生活我也好耐無去,現在來也是食晚餐居多。已經變乖乖女的我,今晚來也是喝蘋果汁吧了!一來到這裡,覺得環境和氣氛真不錯!每一樣的裝飾都很有藝術氣息。像城堡般的 decoration令人感覺到氣派又典雅。 昏暗的環境和點點的繁光又讓人好 relax~~連洗手間日佈置都令人像置身於羅馬一樣。像印度餐廳一樣的青黃咖喱拼了個餐包,黃咖哩如常跑出。前菜是凱撒沙律配温泉蛋,再來點肥臘肉調味調味~idea幾新穎,雖然臘肉我吃不到,以温泉蛋來配沙律其實好夾,不但口感更好之餘,又可以以健康的蛋汁取代那無益的沙律醬,幾好!不過温泉蛋好像熟了點,如果更流心就無得彈了!漢堡一向是我心水穩當之選!因為好少好難食,通常合心意。由一塊成吋厚的漢堡扒夾上了生菜蕃茄和煙肉和大塊芝士完全是美式做法!最喜歡那麵包夠鬆軟,而且塗上了濃濃的松露菌醬,芳香樸鼻,令人不期然大口大口地吃!牛肉雖厚卻沒半點韌,整體可encore。呢款芝士砵仔煲可謂好芝士者妙吃。超多超多的芝士內有迷你通粉,好有趣的菜式。再來是甜品時間,一個非常豐富的構圖。有nuts配雲尼那雪糕,還有水蜜桃配焦糖醬心班戟,簡直輕易俘虜

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像城堡般的 decoration令人感覺到氣派又典雅。 昏暗的環境和點點的繁光又讓人好 relax~~

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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$400 (晚餐)
2015-12-29 834 浏览
星期一趁Green Monday便相約友人去了蘭桂芳酒店的Lily & Bloom 食飯, 好好輕鬆一下, 迎接整個星期的忙碌工作.一入到店內, 氣氛完全不同, 環境昏暗, 客人開懷地一邊飲嘢食嘢, 一邊傾計. 我也受到這裡的環境所感染, 整個人也放鬆下來.這個環境是飲酒的最佳時機, 但我係唔飲酒, 所以點了一杯蘋果汁.原來這裡有set dinner選擇, 見到也幾豐富, 所以我地也點了這個.頭盤點了Bloom Caesar.蔬菜夠新鮮, 而且品種和我平日食的有所不同. 當中最吸引我是加入温泉蛋, 唯一是蛋熟了一點. 若切開後, 蛋黃能夠流出來會更好味.另外, 也加入了類似腩肉, 味道是偏咸, 配上新蔬菜是最佳配搭, 但對於我來講就太多肥糕, 我就只食瘦肉那部份.主菜點了Chicken & Waffle , 配Return of The Halo Fries.Chicken & Waffle上枱時已香味撲鼻.而且份量仲好大份.雞的外層的粉漿夠薄身, 入口唔會覺得粉太多, 而且仲帶點微脆.內裡雞肉肉質夠嫩滑, 唔會過於乾身, 味道調教得夠入味. 炸雞配窩夫一齊食, 我也是首次這樣配搭,

星期一趁Green Monday便相約友人去了蘭桂芳酒店的Lily & Bloom 食飯, 好好輕鬆一下, 迎接整個星期的忙碌工作.

一入到店內, 氣氛完全不同, 環境昏暗, 客人開懷地一邊飲嘢食嘢, 一邊傾計.
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我也受到這裡的環境所感染, 整個人也放鬆下來.

這個環境是飲酒的最佳時機, 但我係唔飲酒, 所以點了一杯蘋果汁.
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原來這裡有set dinner選擇, 見到也幾豐富, 所以我地也點了這個.

頭盤點了Bloom Caesar.
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蔬菜夠新鮮, 而且品種和我平日食的有所不同.

當中最吸引我是加入温泉蛋, 唯一是蛋熟了一點. 若切開後, 蛋黃能夠流出來會更好味.

另外, 也加入了類似腩肉, 味道是偏咸, 配上新蔬菜是最佳配搭, 但對於我來講就太多肥糕, 我就只食瘦肉那部份.

主菜點了Chicken & Waffle , 配Return of The Halo Fries.

Chicken & Waffle上枱時已香味撲鼻.
Chicken & Waffle
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雞的外層的粉漿夠薄身, 入口唔會覺得粉太多, 而且仲帶點微脆.

內裡雞肉肉質夠嫩滑, 唔會過於乾身, 味道調教得夠入味.
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炸雞配窩夫一齊食, 我也是首次這樣配搭, 原來都幾特別.
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炸雞, 當然不少得薯條.
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我自己較鍾意粗身的薯條, 入口時薯味相對較大.

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最後, 甜品點了The Ultimate Ice Cream Sundae.

The Ultimate Ice Cream Sundae
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杯內放滿了各式各樣的甜點和雪糕, 對於想一次過想試過幾款甜點的我最適合不過.

來這裡食飯, 的確俾人一種好放鬆的心情, 下次可以選擇happy Friday和朋友歡聚.

環境和食物質素也可以, 唯獨服務有待改善, 每道菜之間上枱時間相隔太耐, 要我地再三問才上枱, 若上菜時間快一點會更好.

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
Chicken & Waffle
The Ultimate Ice Cream Sundae
2015-12-28 1308 浏览
“What we should remember, in all the push and shove, is Christmas is a time to love”From hymn Christmas is the time for love, MaranathaChristmas, just like the Chinese New Year in Chinese tradition, is the most important festival in Western culture. Relatives are all gathered in a house and have a nice dinner together. They eat, chat and laugh together. This is not just simply a dinner, this is a dinner full of warmness and love.For celebrating Christmas, I took my beloved one to Lily & Bloom(th
“What we should remember, in all the push and shove, is Christmas is a time to love”
From hymn Christmas is the time for love, Maranatha
Christmas, just like the Chinese New Year in Chinese tradition, is the most important festival in Western culture. Relatives are all gathered in a house and have a nice dinner together. They eat, chat and laugh together. This is not just simply a dinner, this is a dinner full of warmness and love.
For celebrating Christmas, I took my beloved one to Lily & Bloom(though it was a bit too early to celebrate it in Mid-Nov). Spending 10-15 mins to find the restaurant, we arrive to this elegant restaurant. The inner design is so westernized: a long bar table with seafood on the side for the customers to chit-chat, eat and drink, a big wine glass stand for holding the wine glass, red tiles wall, elegant lights and some “windows” at the roof. It seemed that you were in a big house. Of course, to echo with the restaurant’s name, the owner put a lot of dehydrated flower decoration in the restaurant. With the dimmer light, the restaurant become a good place for chatting.
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For food, the restaurant offered food which is quite special. Therefore, what we picked are new for me:
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Cedar River Beef Tartare
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Cedar River Beef Tartare $140
It included wasabi aioli, fresh lime and beef “chips”. The beef is a bit raw in outlook, but by mixing with the wasabi aioli and lime, it tasted fresh and soft. The chip was crispy and if you put the beef on top of it, the taste was quite matched.
Bloom Cesar
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Bloom Cesar $ 95
With soft spa egg, espelette casar dressing and focaccia, the taste was not bad.
Old fashioned Bloomberg-er
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Old fashioned Bloomberg-er $295
It was one of the special dishes of the night. It included the dry aged wagyu beef patty, truffle aioli, cheddar and bacon and fries. The size is big and the cheddar and bacon were very thick. However, it was not too dry and still a little bit juicy. The fries were not oily and obviously hand cut, because they were not of one shape and size.
Steak Frites
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Steak Frites $345
Rib-eye steak was big in size. However, it was not as juicy as the beef tartare. Even though, what make this dish special is the house daikon sauce. The taste was unique and we could not figure how the sauce was made of (even the waitress didn’t want to tell us as it was a secret!)
Bloom Mac n’ Cheese
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Bloom Mac n’ Cheese $80
Mixed with four cheese sauces and truffle butter, the dish was full of cheese taste and I thought it was a bit over.
Return of the Halo Fries
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Return of the Halo Fries$70
Fries with freshly shaved parmesan and truffle oil, they were the best fries among three.
Ice cream sundae
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Ice cream sundae(dessert of the set dinner that night)
There were two different ice cream: caramel and vanilla. With chocolate cookie crumble and sauce, the taste was not just sweet.
Yellow Peach Crepes
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Yellow Peach Crepes(dessert of the set dinner that night)
Maybe peach was not my favorite, the taste was not as attractive as I think. However, its outlook was marvelous.
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What a meal! With a glass of cocktail, we chatted for a long time. Sometime, love is simple. Love is, to share and spend time with your loved one. That’s LOVE.
Christmas is the time to LOVE!
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
题外话/补充资料: It is a fine dinning restaurant. For those who don't have time to spend time on dinner, I suggest you to go to have dinner elsewhere. It is because the food you ordered would not come so quickly.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$730 (晚餐)
Cedar River Beef Tartare
$ 140
Old fashioned Bloomberg-er
$ 295
Steak Frites
$ 345
  • Ice cream sundae
2015-12-17 1128 浏览
天下起雨了,一個人走到中環的街頭,吃什麼穿什麼完全沒有任何意欲。走到了百合花餐廳,二話不說,拿起餐牌便點了幾款菜式,感覺我要在這裏輕輕鬆鬆度過晚餐的時間。雖然不算得上係頂尖的西餐廳但係格調也非一般西餐廳可比。先來麵包 用橄欖油和醋點著吃。飲品亦很好, 好創新是,有少少酒精成分甜甜地好好味, appletiser , 沙律 菜 好新鮮, 牛扒做得好好,用料新鮮之余仲好嫩滑。當日仲有一個 special 餐, 使用新鮮馬友, 將魚骨全部去掉,,留頭尾, 骨無左條魚仍然擺得好靚。吃落才知條魚無骨, 真係要贊下個廚師, 既,好味又不失用餐嘅斯文。伴菜有牛油果和紫菜花, 顏色靚又爽口是很好的配搭。品嚐了豬仔骨,只可惜這裏的燈光篇昏暗,雖然格調很浪漫,但是拍照真的很不方便。豬仔骨的味道大概跟坊間的有所不同,豬味非常濃郁, 而且豬排骨切好,一件一件整齊乾淨又優雅。另外還點了幾款不同的主菜當中最欣賞是炸魷魚圈,炸魷魚圈,彈牙,爽甜而且非常新鮮。最後來到了女生最期待的甜品時間,選了冰淇淋以及蘋果金寶,這是我最期待的一刻。冰淇淋是自家製的,香滑,冰淇淋超級好吃。 至於蘋果金寶用上了新鮮蘋果,即叫即製,味道

先來麵包 用橄欖油和醋點著吃。
飲品亦很好, 好創新是,有少少酒精成分甜甜地好好味, appletiser , 沙律 菜 好新鮮, 牛扒做得好好,用料新鮮之余仲好嫩滑。
當日仲有一個 special 餐, 使用新鮮馬友, 將魚骨全部去掉,,留頭尾, 骨無左條魚仍然擺得好靚。
吃落才知條魚無骨, 真係要贊下個廚師, 既,好味又不失用餐嘅斯文。
伴菜有牛油果和紫菜花, 顏色靚又爽口是很好的配搭。
豬仔骨的味道大概跟坊間的有所不同,豬味非常濃郁, 而且豬排骨切好,一件一件整齊乾淨又優雅。
冰淇淋是自家製的,香滑,冰淇淋超級好吃。 至於蘋果金寶用上了新鮮蘋果,即叫即製,味道真的非常好,暖暖的甜甜的。
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
 My best buddy just got promoted this week and we decided to go out and have a fun night in LKF just to celebrate (or so we said). Before all the booze started flowing, we had to get dinner taken care of in somewhere close by. I heard of Lily and Blooms once from a colleague of mine and it’s located right in the middle of LKF, so there it is. Once we walked into Lily and Blooms we were swiftly noticed and greeted warmly by the manager (thumbs up for service there), we did make a booking and were

My best buddy just got promoted this week and we decided to go out and have a fun night in LKF just to celebrate (or so we said). Before all the booze started flowing, we had to get dinner taken care of in somewhere close by. I heard of Lily and Blooms once from a colleague of mine and it’s located right in the middle of LKF, so there it is.
Once we walked into Lily and Blooms we were swiftly noticed and greeted warmly by the manager (thumbs up for service there), we did make a booking and were then led to our table. The environment was quite decent and decorated well. Lighting was just right, dim enough to chill and drink but not need-my-iphone-to-read-the-bloody-menu dim.
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Had a look on the wine list, nothing really exciting and since we were going out for a drink later anyway, we didn’t order any wine.
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And here it all begins, a homemade bread to start with. The outside was quite crispy with a moist and mushy texture inside. The olive oil that came with it was average and I have definitely tasted better balsamic vinegar. But not bad overall.
Homemade Bread
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Here comes the entrée – Cedar River Beef Tartare, made with, of course, chopped raw beef, and with some mustard aioli, fresh capers, quail’s egg with crispy shallots on the side. It was served on a funny plate that's chilled to keep the food cold. The plating looks wonderful. The aioli went really well with the flavor of the beef. The sauce was done right. It wasn’t too sweet to mask the humble meaty taste of the raw beef but with a pinch of pepper to bring up the flavor.

Beef Tartere
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(4.5 stars/5 stars)

And this is my main – Fried Chicken and Buttermilk Waffle. 
Chicken & Waffles
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I actually wanted to order the grain fed rib-eye at the first place, but my mate ordered it and curiosity got the better of me, so I went for this risky main. I called it risky because ordering a savory waffle/pancake kinda thing could too often end up in a drastic disaster. Once that delicate line is crossed, the dish turns from a delighting, refreshing main to a weird, disgusting mixture of leftover being put together. I almost regretted it after the moment I ordered it, but god thank you, the chief pulled it off well. There is nothing much to say about the fried chicken other than perfectly cooked, crispy skin with juicy and tender meat under. The flavor was quite interesting, it tasted kind of like rosemary grilled country chicken but with a twist, lack of vocab here and really hard for me to describe it accurately . The chicken and the waffle who were supposed to not like each other, was brought together well by the chipotle gravy. Good work Chief!

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 (4 stars/5 stars) 

There was a side that comes with my main – Grilled corn with mayo, it tasted great....it’s grilled corn with mayo after all, whatever you do you can't make it go wrong.
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(3.5 stars/5 stars)

Here comes the last dish of the night – Pear crepes with baked walnut and salted caramel ice-cream. 
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(5 stars/5 stars)

The crepes were still hot and crispy on the edge when served and have a lot of pear puree in it. I am THE BIGGEST fan of crepes and I had had many of them from many different places before. The thickness, texture and the taste of crepes from Lily and blooms made it one of the best ones I have had. The pear puree in it was mind blowing, I was guessing that it was freshly made every time when the dish is ordered. They also used some of the best pears to make the crispy yet sweet pear slices. The salted-caramel ice-cream was delicious, it was really soft and melted quite quickly though (yea I know it’s ice-cream), but still, much of it were melted and ended up left on the dish before I can dip all my crepes on it.
As we were going for a drink later, we didn’t order any wine, just a grape cocktail the waitress recommended, it was alright.
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(3.5 stars/5 stars)
题外话/补充资料: You won't expect a meal in LKF is as cheap as in Mong Kok. I would say, it worth. As you can see in the photos. All in all, I am satisfy what I get from what I paid
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$400 (晚餐)
Homemade Bread
Beef Tartere
Chicken & Waffles
2015-12-11 1380 浏览
"Take me out tonightWhere there's music and there's peopleAnd they're young and aliveDriving in your carI never never want to go home"My friend is always a night lover and familiar with a lots of decent restaurants, espcially in the heart of Hong Kong. And Lily & Bloom, a long-awaited place she longed for, got something extraordinary that we would never forget.Luckily we made the reservations early on, by the time we arrived, the tables were almost full as well as a sheer number of people came h
"Take me out tonight
Where there's music and there's people
And they're young and alive
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home"

My friend is always a night lover and familiar with a lots of decent restaurants, espcially in the heart of Hong Kong. And Lily & Bloom, a long-awaited place she longed for, got something extraordinary that we would never forget.
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Luckily we made the reservations early on, by the time we arrived, the tables were almost full as well as a sheer number of people came here to get a drink. Having a glance at the fine decoration and the detail description of the dishes on the menu, I am much sure with the quality of this dinner.
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The first thing we had of the night were 2 well-mixed cocktails, which were Maria Clara (in glass) and Three Grapes And A Cup respectively. The waitress recommended the Maria Clara for the ladies as it tastes more mild and sweet while Three Grapes And A Cup have a relatively stronger flavour. If you like ginger and hennessy flavour, this is the one you cannot miss!
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The homemade bread was soft and warm when the waitress served it. You could tell it was not just reheated by microwave but really delicate. It tastes especially luscious when i came with the balsamic vinegar and olive oil altogther. 
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The Caesar salad was one of the best ever tried. Perfectly cooked spa egg gives an extra credit to the whole salad make you cannot stop eating! And the crunchiness of the focaccia was just about right! Purely stunning!
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Another starter was Cedar River Beef Tartare. It raw beef is served with mustard aioli, fresh herbs and capers, and smoky red pepper sauce . As a beef lover, I literally cannot resist the tempatation in tasting different kind of beef, and this one is no exception. The tenderness of beef and wonderful taste of the mustard aioli were the highlights of the dish. They were bound to be a perfect couple!!

With the exceptional quality of the cocktails and starters, we could expect the main courses would be even better!
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Excuse me for mentioning it once again, I am literally a massive beef lover, so with no second thought, I chose this medium rare rib-eye for my main course. The steak was perfectly grilled which was absolutely juicy and tender. With the delicate house daikon sauce, it was an easy task for me to finish the 10 oz steak all on my own!!
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While my friend chose this grilled fish which cooked quite in a familiar Chinese style. The sauce was savory green onion which was a perfect combination with the fish while the fish was deboned. It just made one easier to enjoy the delicate texture of the fish.  
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For the Mac N' Cheese,  the creamy and condensed but not salty cheese definitely catch our attention. It was great to have such perfectly melted cheese combined with macaroni. Out of our expectation , it doesn't make us feel heavy at all.
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If you feel that this meal came along with too many meat, this Sauteed Veggies surely can make you feel healthier. Beautiful green colour as well as other vegetables can your best offer to balance and welcome the great desserts.
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With salted caramel ice cream, banana sorbet and chocolate cookies crumble as the base, I bet no one can resist the temptation of this Ultimate Ice Cream Sundae. Of course, the dessert tastes sweet, but surely you won't make you feel heavy. I especially like the caramel crunches, the textures paired with the ice cream so well!
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The presentation of Yellow Peach Crepes was so attractive and overall combination was amazing. The exciting flavors of cointreau spiked peach and the smooth mascarpone filling just make you want this dish never finished. The salted caramel ice cream also tasted much better than other restaurants.

"And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die"

Truly this was a very enjoyable night, the dishes were perfect. The waiters and waitresses were all very nice and patiently and professionally introduced the dishes on the menu. Just could not ask for more!
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$900 (晚餐)
2015-11-28 2139 浏览
Having heard a chic restaurant uphill from few colleagues, I booked a table for dinner with my beloved this Monday. There we go, Lily & Bloom. I was so excited. When I got to LKF hotel I went to the sixth floor straight without knowing that there was the Bar. It looked quite fancy too btw. Then a friendly lady brought me to the 5/F by the stairs.First glance of the restaurant, it was delicate and feeling like home. We were led to a corner table, the seats were comfortable. Well, I didn’t usually
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Having heard a chic restaurant uphill from few colleagues, I booked a table for dinner with my beloved this Monday. There we go, Lily & Bloom. I was so excited. When I got to LKF hotel I went to the sixth floor straight without knowing that there was the Bar. It looked quite fancy too btw. Then a friendly lady brought me to the 5/F by the stairs.
First glance of the restaurant, it was delicate and feeling like home. We were led to a corner table, the seats were comfortable. Well, I didn’t usually like 'romantic' lighting, but this time is an exception for me. It was perfect. Nice wooden table, comfortable sofa seats and the just right amount of light altogether really soothed my heart. I was truly resting. Then a waitress came showing us the full details of the menu.
At this fancy restaurant, I didn’t choose something classy. I asked the waitress to recommend a drink for me and I prefer something lighter. So that was the shades of grapes. Like its name, you can see the shades of the grapes.
Shades of Grapes
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After some chats, we finally made up our mind and we chose the set menu. So I order beef tartare with so much expectation.
Cedar River Beef Tartare
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I loved this cedar river beef tartare. The beef was very fresh. Nice texture as the beef quality was excellent. Plus, the pepper sauce and a zest of lemon. It's bravo.
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$800 (晚餐)
Cedar River Beef Tartare
  • Beef Tartare
  • Halo Fries