港鐵深水埗站 D2 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (2)
蝦子、竹昇麵及未經漂白的黑牛栢葉是招牌,餐桌上的醃蘿蔔同樣受歡迎,爽、脆、香,不可不試。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮必比登推介 (2023-2024)
12:30 - 22:00
12:30 - 22:00
AlipayHK 支付寶 現金
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (290)
等級3 2025-03-01
0 瀏覽
今次去咗深水埗嘅劉森記麵家,呢間店外觀就係典型嘅香港舊式麵店,入面空間唔算好大,但勝在充滿煙火氣,人頭湧湧,好有熱鬧嘅氛圍。先睇下餐牌,價錢幾親民,嗰啲麵食同小食嘅價位基本喺$30-$60左右,對於想醫下肚又唔想花太多錢嘅朋友嚟講,呢度真係唔錯嘅選擇。叫咗碗雲吞麵,個麵條爽彈有韌性,屬於典型嘅竹昇麵口感,咬落“咯咯”聲。雲吞個皮滑溜,入面嘅蝦肉鮮甜彈牙,湯底清澈但味道濃郁,充滿蝦籽同大地魚嘅鮮香。同日本拉麵相比,呢種港式雲吞麵嘅湯底更加清爽,唔會有種濃厚嘅油膩感。再試下招牌蝦子豬手撈麵,豬手炆得好淋,入口即化,而且滷味十足,香氣四溢。撒上嘅蝦子為味道加添多一重層次。但有個小缺點就係,食到後面會覺得有啲膩。至於個菜心,炒得幾嫩,不過豉油味可以再淡啲,會更能突出菜心本身嘅鮮甜。其實港式麵食呢類嘢,就好似香港人嘅生活調味料。每日返工放學,路過麵店入去食碗麵,簡簡單單,但又充滿住溫暖。呢種味道唔單止係味蕾上嘅享受,更係一種情感嘅寄託,無論行到幾遠,都會掛住呢種家鄉嘅味道,只要一食到,就好似返到咗香港嘅大街小巷,充滿住熟悉嘅感覺 。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2025-02-13
0 瀏覽
唔知係咪太大期望,我觉得麻麻地⋯.- 云吞捞面(蝦子好足夠,但再配上豉油变得好咸)- 炸酱面🤨不是那回事,其實就係茄汁肉絲面🍜價錢偏貴拍得住中環價⋯⋯我就覺得唔太抵食😌 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-11-09
2151 瀏覽
深水埗一向都好多好嘢食係文記車仔麵對面就有一間好岀名既老字號劉森記店鋪有提自制醃蘿蔔任食酸甜甜酸好開胃👍我地叫左蝦子牛腩牛筋撈麵$52蝦子份量好驚人 遠處都聞到好香個麵真係好正食落一啲鹼水味都冇麵質彈牙又爽口夾埋蝦子既鹹香味一流牛筋牛腩都炆得好入味好淋身另外仲叫左蝦子雲吞撈麵 不過掛住食唔記得咗影雲吞都好大粒足料望番啲相好想再去食過唯一唔好就係位置較細 坐得好逼不過去得深水埗小店都預咗食物夠岀色就ok la 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
This noodles eatery is located in Shum Shui Po with two outlets, one in Fuk Wing Street and the original shop at Kweilin Street. It has been a popular place for both locals and tourists. Now managed by the third generation, they still insist to prepare their own noodles by the traditional method of kneading the dough by sitting on a bamboo pole and jumping up and down.Arriving to the Fuk Wing Street branch on a Sunday afternoon there is already a queue outside. But without waiting too long we can get our seats. Here everyone will share table, and I guess around one-third is tourists from mainland China, but I also hear there are some visitors from Singapore too.We order the Dried Shrimp Roes Stirred Noodles with Beef Brisket and Tendon 蝦子牛腩牛筋撈麵 ($46). There are plenty of dried shrimp roes scattered on top of the noodles, with the beef brisket and tendon very tender and soft, with deep flavours. However, the highlight is definitely the noodles, with a good chewy and bouncy texture, but not tough on the bite. It is fantastic, and no wonder is their signature, and I applaud the owner continues to stand firm to make these noodles in the traditional way.I also order Dumpling with Soup 招牌淨水餃 ($34). The dumplings are fairly big in size, freshly made daily as we see a staff busy doing that on the side. The dough is thin and soft, with the pork and shrimp fillings seasoned well and very delicious. Together with the tasty broth prepared, it is another must-order in my opinion.With a couple of soft drinks, the total bill on the day is $150, very reasonably priced. While the décor or service is ordinary, this is in many ways a gem that we should continue to treasure and nourish in Hong Kong, especially the craft of the bamboo pole kneading. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-10-18
2389 瀏覽
幾個月前大島龍威介紹過,因為對蝦子沒有特別興趣,所以未有去試。今日點幾鐘收工,忽然諗番起,立即出發開餐。去到差唔多兩點半(坐86真係好耐😵‍💫),不用等位直入,已經餓到黐肺,立刻點咗蝦子雲吞撈麵,枱上面有最愛的酸蘿蔔,味道啱啱好!雲吞和撈麵是分開上的,麵下面有幾條菜芯。麵條淥得幾煙靭,略帶點咬囗,蝦子分量十足,不過有少許蝦腥味,但不太影響用餐感受,反而係聽到隔離枱叫鵝腸撈,就有D唔開心!太心急叫餐冇睇餐牌,如果唔係一定係雲吞鵝腸蝦子撈😩掙扎咗一陣,叫唔叫一碗鵝腸米,但係又驚食唔晒,所以最後冇叫,下次嚟先再試啦!是日消費:雲吞蝦子撈麵$56 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)