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食評 (102)
等級1 2013-08-01
3634 瀏覽
Since visiting Shabusen in Ginza of Japan last year, I’ve always missed Shabushabu…Unfortunately not many places in HK serve authentic Shabushabu…well except of course for those fast food chain which is pretty much “hongkongnized”So after reading this place on Sassyhongkong ….here I was despite the crazy heat wave lately!!Food in general was a thumbs-up, especially the wagyu beef cooked in one of their signature soup bases, the RED SNAPPER! Fresh, milky and MSG free!! The “dashi”(Bonito soup) was pretty good too! In addition, they also have a variety of fresh seafood to choose from such as razor clams and bay lobsters~~The ox tongue was excellent, tasty and chewy…and the “tsukune” is also a must try, minced chicken meat with soft bones dipped in egg soya sauce, so yummy! Of course it would be a much more enjoyable meal if they have more selection of desserts hahaha!Another note I must add is the quality of their service, very sincere and attentive. For example the waiter would offer the “akutori” gesture, which is to help scoop out the unwanted oil and foam from cooking. Good job!! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2013-07-04
1697 瀏覽
今日去食晚飯,二個人叫左個二個火煱,我個份就牛肉而另一分就黑豚肉。諗住一分四百幾蚊都會食到我好飽。點知黎ge分量勁小。菜就多多,我意思係芽菜就勁多,肉就得個幾片。。個湯底係魚湯,但就一d魚味都無,勁多味精食到我口勁渴。。感覺就好似食吉野家個個shabu shabu咁,而個重點係,吉野家個shabu shabu仲好食過佢。而價錢二個人一千蚊。差成十幾倍價錢,以後一定唔會再黎 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
(非會員) 2012-10-15
1252 瀏覽
終於秋天,感覺無咁熱,即刻諗起佢。。平時成日經過都爆棚既"勝手"今日竟然有位Table for two please!佢地係全部都係坐Bar枱既, 個鍋仲放正响面前, 勁Like! 望到對面有人叫咗個海鮮餐好似咩都有(大虎蝦, 生蠔, 帶子仲有蟹) 好似好豐富喎! 不過一問之下原來隻活毛蟹係要預訂既 雖然冇訂冇蟹 但其他海鮮都幾吸引呀!個waiter介紹咗個和牛餐比我地。價錢吾算好平但食落真係好好味, 有咬口,好過個d任食多多聲!! 至於湯底, 個立魚真係冇冇冇得頂! 食完其實巳經非常滿足, 但又唔想浪費, 最後飲咗兩大碗先肯收手!! 真係好香魚味仲一D都唔腥,唔似其他火煱店個d味精湯!本來想試埋佢地既串燒, 不過真係有d飽…所以我最喜愛既牛舌、等我! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2012-08-14
813 瀏覽
今天午膳跟同事沒有目標地在加路連山道"覓食"突然看見"勝手"的門口才醒起除了大坑, 這裡都有一家分店,於是決定一試.我們12:15就到達, 店內當時只有2位食客,所以等也不用等就有位了這店的裝修跟大坑那家十分相似, 都是bar 台形式一人一爐,中間有2-3位侍應招待客人這裡的lunch set 由$78 起,有美國牛小排或日本豚肉二選一, 烏東或喬麥面二選一,湯底亦有三款可選我們二人叫了一個牛肉一個豚肉set,一盤配有前菜、蔬菜、豆腐和菇類,分量十足! 湯底我們選了木魚清湯, 起初都有少少擔心會太鯹不過原來飲落食落都很清甜, 打邊爐一流!牛肉和豚肉相比我們都較喜歡牛肉,因其明顯新鮮兼有帶有雪花, 入口有香濃肉味, 而且可以說是入口即溶, 但豚肉則比較"鞋"身, 很瘦很乾, 而且件數亦比較少!不過整餐的亮點是--烏東! 烏東爽口兼彈牙, 即使煮得較耐, 亦不會像一般烏東般變成糊狀,依然十分爽口,在差不多食完之前加這個烏東,烏東吸收了整窩的肉香, 十分美味! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2012-06-15
870 瀏覽
I made reservations for a table for four, so there really was no wait time. We were a little hesitant to enter the restaurant initially because the building they were located in was being renovated, and thus it was hard to even see the store name. Nonetheless, we made our way in and were immediately welcomed by very helpful waitresses and waiters. The restaurant was a bit small, but it was still very comfortable. The waiters were able to speak to us in both Cantonese and English (we had a friend who spoke English with us), and gave us helpful suggestions as to what we should order. The food quality was excellent: the beef was tender, the skewers were cooked well. The waiters were helpful and agreed to take multiple photos of us for us. I really have no complaints other than that the restaurant itself is in a rather awkward location. Unless you take the bus from somewhere, it is not particularly close to an MTR station Oh well. It was definitely worth a visit. 繼續閱讀
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