港鐵觀塘站 B2 出口, 步行約3分鐘
11:00 - 22:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
要吃老字號的華香雞,不要找錯喔!樓下有另一間XX雞的,側面行幾級樓梯上去就是了。一入門口已經見到金漆招牌,似曾相識……望望餐牌,除了有好幾款雞,似乎牛腩也是招牌菜!第一次來,當然要先試半隻”華香雞”!侍應推介:蝦醬蒸腩肉!如要加添飯麵,店內都有不少選擇,如:黃薑飯(我的首選)再加多個菜,兩個人夠食了~首先上的是蒸腩肉,味道不俗,粉絲更是畫龍點睛!黃薑飯接住上,香氣四溢的黃薑味,患上老人痴呆症也立刻被喚醒!菜也很新鮮,並用木盤上菜保持其味道和溫度。老闆提議我們如果不想吃飯焦就要撈撈飯;摸摸金屬位,果真灼熱,不止保溫般簡單,猶如石燒牛扒的美味效果!壓軸當然是華香雞!真的久違香港靚雞了!皮、肉皆香,滑而不膩!跟老闆聊聊天,原來這間華香雞就是當年荃灣街市那一間!當年因SARS 停業,最近再重開,難怪有熟悉的感覺!小時候的美味能夠重現,真的要好好珍惜唷!下次多約三五知己去試試其他雞和牛腩!
-今日放工後💼竟然喺街度巧遇我家姐👩, 當然老屈家姐請食晚飯啦😼。 家姐介紹咗呢間平靚正之選。上一層樓梯就到啦。上到嚟, 地方幾大下, 老闆又好人,會4圍同食客傾傾🗣️,又好nice 咁介紹👍。有啲似酒樓feel 咁, 開壺茶。加埋懷舊嘅雞雞🐓🐓餐具。Menu📃 一睇, 午餐價錢 = 晚飯菜色,嘩😲!!幫家姐慳埋錢添🤭。清湯牛筋腩🐂 + 黃薑飯🍚($53)清湯牛筋腩 🐂除咗牛筋牛腩,下面都有啲小白菜, 索曬清湯嘅香味。黃薑飯🍚飯有少少嘅薑味, 冇白飯未咁齋。招牌華香雞🐓 + 煎米粉煲($58)招牌華香雞 🐓家姐話呢個華香雞係用新鮮雞🐓整嘅。 做得招牌果然唔同。老闆特配埋花椒麻辣醬、客家沙薑醬比我地點雞嚟試下😋。煎米粉煲個煲一上枱, 已經feel到蒸氣🔥迫人。打開蓋,即刻用小鑊炒炒一炒🥢🥢。 鼎爺嘅兩面黃出嚟啦。欖菜四季豆($58)小好favourite 之一嘅四季豆,加埋欖菜, 零舍入味,送黃薑飯🍚一流😉。==========華香雞 地址:觀塘成業街15-17號成運工業大廈1樓9-11號店
喺觀塘區返工,呢排天氣咁熱放咗工都唔想出咁遠,朋友話好想食雞同中式菜,咁我哋就試下依間出名食雞嘅老字號餐廳啦 佢呢度嘅雞都幾多選擇,同朋友兩個人又食唔到咁多,好彩佢有得揀雙拼,我哋兩個人就嗌左招牌華香雞拼烏龍茶香雞 入口真係幾鮮嫩,雞肉好紮實,完全同出面食嘅冰鮮雞係兩件事,雞味濃郁,仲配有三款醬,分別係砂礓、蔥油、辣椒醬 我就鍾意食烏龍茶雞多啲,因為佢比較清淡仲有啲茶香味牛筋牛腩煲,份量好大,牛筋同牛腩都好入味,我哋仲嗌咗碗白飯送添之後想食啲香口啲嘅嘢,就嗌咗椒鹽九肚魚,上面好似避風塘式嘅椒鹽九肚魚咁,有好多調味同埋炸蒜蓉,聞落已經好吸引,九肚魚本身炸極都唔會過火,配埋外邊嘅調味,真係好香口
Wah Heung Chicken has been around for ages, according to the OR directory, WH Chicken has been at 18 different locations.I vaguely remember it at Wanchai.The fact that there were 18 locations before got me curious so I googled this restaurant and found out that the owner is really passionate about chicken that he worked at KFC to learn the tricks of the trade.I believe Kwun Tong is now the best spot for it because the kitchen is nice and big to whip up the best dishes and the dining area can seat lots of people during lunch while the big tables would be good for big gatherings in the evenings and weekends.Finally gave WHC a visit during lunch and I was happy for once that the food in KWUNTONG was not too salty.I was really impressed they had water because I don't like Chinese drinks so water is always the best.Overall you can feel the passion at the restaurant.Every now and then they will have talks on how to be a better vegan.They even have bowl festival for people to order.I had trouble with the menu but the staff were really patient at explaining the dishes.I ordered lunch with no regrets because I really wanted to try the rice vermicelli and turmeric rice.For the chicken, they have three types: signature and the wine infused chicken.Ordered one each with the rice and vermicelli.For the signature chicken, you can choose three different sauces: spicy, spring onion and ginger, the sa cha sauce.Before I talk about the chicken, the vermicelli was the best I have had in a while because it was not sweet by default and the soy sauce they used was a good one.The rice was also as good as expected because I love carbs but perhaps the turmeric could have been stronger.As for the chicken, both were good but I liked the wine infused one because it had the extra punch while the signature relies on the sauces.Will definitely come back in the evening and try the bigger dishes.
今日近觀塘嗰邊放工, 朋友介紹去咗<華香雞>食家常餸。 華香雞歷史悠久,最近卷土重來, fusion 菜食得多,有傳統嘢一定去試!餐廳位於觀塘舊工廈區樓上店, 行一層樓梯就到。餐牌主打當然係食雞, 仲有其他養生小菜,飯餐,智能煲系列,家常餸菜炆排骨。。 等等我哋梗係要揀出名嘅華香雞, 一於来個雙拼, 招牌華香雞拼烏龍茶香雞( 例牌$70,雙拼 +$10)。 前者雞皮夠爽, 雞肉唔夠滑但幾結實, 有雞味。 烏龍茶個款又唔覺有茶薰香嘅味道, 反而有豉油雞味。附設嘅三款醬料各有特色:沙薑蓉 薑蔥蓉和 麻辣醬。 麻辣醬非常滋味唔會太辣,炒得好香仲有啲薑蓉喺裏面。欖角白鱔 + 白米飯碗 $65白鱔比較細件, 肉質肥美不過多骨, 欖角有獨特嘅香味, 仲加咗檸檬吊味又唔會過鹹, 非常美味。 白飯好有米香, 配白鱔嘅汁一流!黃酒雞配白米飯 $50濃濃嘅酒香, 煮得進入味嘅係木耳。 雞件就預咗粗嚡, 女士們吃相當補身~😋梅菜菜心。 估唔到梅菜都可提升菜心本身嘅鮮甜, 特製器皿keep住熱 仲夠曬原汁原味, 簡單一味淥菜都可以送飯~例汤: 南瓜紅蘿蔔, 夠曬清潤! 餐廳標榜唔落味精, 食得健康,果然番到屋企唔會口渴!餐廳每款套餐小菜抵食,美味,健康, 夠分量, 價錢又唔貴冇加一, 非常親民嘅美食!