由細到大都好鍾意食榴蓮,終於等到果皇專門店系元朗開張,難得有機會約朋友去食😋😋 嗌左個榴蓮脆皮夾餅同榴蓮拿破崙餅,好lucky,入到去落完order,店員拎左個榴蓮雪糕請我地食,我地本身諗住食完買2杯外賣食,但我地一落完order俾左錢坐低佢地就拎左杯榴蓮雪糕俾我地,心諗吾會係拎錯枱丫因為果時得我地一枱客,亦吾會係聽錯order因為堂食至少要order2杯,所以只能說,店員對我地太好了,lucky us 榴蓮雪糕,價值$28榴蓮味極濃,入口啖啖貓山皇甘香,食落完全吾覺係食緊雪糕,似係食緊冰凍既榴蓮,一個字,正!榴蓮拿破崙餅$48上菜比預快,幾分鐘就上左,可能因為就收舖,所以特別快手。拿破崙入口鬆脆可口,榴蓮cream食落都係啖啖榴蓮味,美中不中既係預期會熱既脆皮吾熱,d cream又吾夠凍,如果吾係就完美喇!榴蓮脆皮夾餅$30純天然貓山皇榴蓮饀,入口每一個角落都充斥住榴蓮味,感覺超爽,不過都係果句,如果d榴蓮再凍d,個夾餅再熱d,仲正!整體黎講呢間舖可以話係榴蓮迷既天堂,每食一啖都可以感受到貓山皇既威力!3個甜品中最濃榴蓮味係榴蓮夾餅,跟住係榴蓮雪糕,之後係榴蓮拿破崙餅其實以呢個價錢可
由細到大都好鍾意食榴蓮,終於等到果皇專門店系元朗開張,難得有機會約朋友去食😋😋 嗌左個榴蓮脆皮夾餅同榴蓮拿破崙餅,好lucky,入到去落完order,店員拎左個榴蓮雪糕請我地食,我地本身諗住食完買2杯外賣食,但我地一落完order俾左錢坐低佢地就拎左杯榴蓮雪糕俾我地,心諗吾會係拎錯枱丫因為果時得我地一枱客,亦吾會係聽錯order因為堂食至少要order2杯,所以只能說,店員對我地太好了,lucky us
This is the time of the year where we should all eat more fruit, which this one special fruit is very popular in hot area, and it also has that "either you love it or you hate it" attitude.Durian, is lovable for me.as a fruit, it surely doesn't have much variety of dessertsim so glad this place opened, and have been dying to try it before the season is offI know the owner Opened another branch in cwb, and another coming up in north point.But my Fd n I was in the neighbourhood, this is the place
This is the time of the year where we should all eat more fruit, which this one special fruit is very popular in hot area, and it also has that "either you love it or you hate it" attitude.
Durian, is lovable for me. as a fruit, it surely doesn't have much variety of desserts im so glad this place opened, and have been dying to try it before the season is off I know the owner Opened another branch in cwb, and another coming up in north point. But my Fd n I was in the neighbourhood, this is the place marked as our dessert location.
we arrived at ten on a weekday, no que with many empty seats, When first order at the table, but then told to order at the counter instead so we were like huh?! Why we weren't told when we came in? Anyways, we ordered 2 things
Dreamy Durian Ice cream$55 it served so quick, my camera wasn't ready for it LOL
It melts kinda fast, look at the drip the ice cream is smooth and strong in durian flavour in some sense I could feel some saltiness in this and it enhances the flavour they pastry was fine, almond was never my likings anyway, the popping mango juice doesn't match, makes it weird
The fruits aside acted as refreshers the pastry itself could not go wrong, but the cooked durian is so bad, turns a little sour it lost its natural flavours, itS so terrible that you should remind me never have cooked durian ever
For those who detest durian, but your Fd begs you to accompany, there's a few choice u could choose: mango smoothie, banana peanut butter milkshake, etc...
I would come back and only for a take away ice cream $28 and probably in cwb too.
Hope the staffs could give more directions in ordering, more tentative in giving tissues and water, and feel strange having cargo cabins as deco n as toilets as well
最後仲叫左個榴槤夾餅, 雖然樣子平平無奇, 不過裡面擺滿榴槤肉! 放凍少少後外面塊夾餅變到脆卜卜, 而入面既榴槤肉就軟綿綿, 一脆一軟口感非常唔錯! 仲食到滿口榴槤肉, 令人唔捨得食完... 為左卡路里著想, 今次就食住咁多先, 不過香噴噴既貓山皇實在令人榴槤忘返..... i will be back!