2017-10-11 7799 瀏覽
昨天剛剛落機,食左麻麻地的飛機餐,今天要試試開飯達人強烈推薦的acrane刺激一下味蕾。這餐廳位於中環著名食廈,交通幾方便。餐廳是小型餐廳,摩登格局,而且幾舒服寧靜,頗適合談心或坐低傾下歇下。午餐只限星期一至五提供,兩個course $310, 三個course$380.Seated king salmon , taiyouran egg, salad of fennel, orange and horseradish (4/5)這前菜的味道十分清新:微酸的辣根,口感清爽,感覺清新,帶點橙香,而那清香citrus 的味道加上流心半熟旦的creamy texture,伴以半熟的三文魚,味道很rich而不膩,無論口感同味道的層次都十分豐富, 而且這清新味道特別適合這悶熱的天氣。特別一讚這三文魚,完全沒有腥味或過多的魚油,也不會太瘦,入口十分嫩滑,看這三文魚的顏色同脂肪紋分佈,應該是來自揶威或新西蘭。Short rib of beef , sweet potato, book choi, pepper sauce(5/5)我們今天十分幸運,本來是日set lunch是吃羊的,但由於早已售完,

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午餐只限星期一至五提供,兩個course $310, 三個course$380.
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Seated king salmon , taiyouran egg, salad of fennel, orange and horseradish (4/5)
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這前菜的味道十分清新:微酸的辣根,口感清爽,感覺清新,帶點橙香,而那清香citrus 的味道加上流心半熟旦的creamy texture,伴以半熟的三文魚,味道很rich而不膩,無論口感同味道的層次都十分豐富, 而且這清新味道特別適合這悶熱的天氣。特別一讚這三文魚,完全沒有腥味或過多的魚油,也不會太瘦,入口十分嫩滑,看這三文魚的顏色同脂肪紋分佈,應該是來自揶威或新西蘭。

Short rib of beef , sweet potato, book choi, pepper sauce(5/5)
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我們今天十分幸運,本來是日set lunch是吃羊的,但由於早已售完,所以main course 換上al carte 才有的short rib beef! 這牛扒的分量唔大,約有三安士,但肉質非常嫩滑。這牛扒真的做到外焦內嫩,牛扒的外層已經糖化,切的時候完全不用費力,輕輕一切,便看見嫩紅的肉,完全沒有筋或肥膏, 但肉質極之嫩滑又juicy。沾上十分惹味的pepper sauce, 一陣intense flaor , 既香口又惹味. 那份濃郁的牛肉味同汁醬充滿了成個口腔,真的越食越想食,正呀!

Poached peach , creme fraiche, strawberry coulis and toasted meringue (4/5)
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這道甜品認真淸新。熟透的桃子, 十分香甜,又有爽爽囗感,加上軟滑忌簾同士多埤梨醬汁,酸酸甜甜的,而滑滑忌廉為酸味的桃子加一點香滑同creamy, 吃罷沒有吃一般甜點的罪惡感。

以三百多元食得如此高質素的set lunch, 性價比算高。有時候覺得這家餐廳的食物同服務水準更勝於一些星級餐廳,真的不明白為什麼這家餐廳沒有米芝蓮推介或星星,絕對值得一試,推介。
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$410 (午餐)
2017-09-26 4713 瀏覽
自從食過一次Arcane嘅Roast pumpkin risotto同Seared bavette後驚為天人,成日好想再遇。但ala carte menu又冇嗰喎😭呢日阿爸要係中環附近流連幾小時等阿媽做身體檢查, 所以乘機约佢嚟試下。阿爸早過我到揀咗近門口嘅Bar枱, 留意到原來有一行對正廚房Counter位都幾正, 下次如果一個人嚟食時可以坐呢度。是日Menu如下, 可惜冇我嘅Favourite dish哈哈,但我亦當然唔介意試新嘢。麵包夠暖, 表面硬而裡面Texture非常柔軟, 有微酸。似係Sourdough bread。枱面有橄欖油, 醋及牛油。只配牛油已非常美味, 服務員會不斷幫忙Refill。阿爸平時鍾意食麵包, 對呢個尤其滿意。前菜有苦苣沙律配燒義大利白火腿Salad of endive, pear, walnut and pomegranate with charred lardo, spring onion andwalnut dressing幾清新嘅一個沙律, 第一次食lardo, 味道頗淡, 雖然燒咗個表面但又冇乜明顯香味。另一款前菜係菠菜帕馬臣芝士義大利雲吞Sp
自從食過一次Arcane嘅Roast pumpkin risotto同Seared bavette後驚為天人,成日好想再遇。但ala carte menu又冇嗰喎😭

呢日阿爸要係中環附近流連幾小時等阿媽做身體檢查, 所以乘機约佢嚟試下。阿爸早過我到揀咗近門口嘅Bar枱, 留意到原來有一行對正廚房Counter位都幾正, 下次如果一個人嚟食時可以坐呢度。是日Menu如下, 可惜冇我嘅Favourite dish哈哈,但我亦當然唔介意試新嘢。
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麵包夠暖, 表面硬而裡面Texture非常柔軟, 有微酸。似係Sourdough bread。枱面有橄欖油, 醋及牛油。只配牛油已非常美味, 服務員會不斷幫忙Refill。阿爸平時鍾意食麵包, 對呢個尤其滿意。
Sourdough bread
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Salad of endive, pear, walnut and pomegranate with charred lardo, spring onion and
walnut dressing幾清新嘅一個沙律, 第一次食lardo, 味道頗淡, 雖然燒咗個表面但又冇乜明顯香味。
Salad of endive, pear, walnut and pomegranate with charred lardo, spring onion and walnut dressing
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Spinach and parmesan tortellini, with onion consommé and bellota ham
兩大粒啱啱好Share, 雲吞皮挺身唔太淋, 裏面個餡好Creamy,  偏重芝士味, 菠菜味較淡, 再配一小片Bellota火腿及洋蔥清湯一齊食。可惜每人只能分到一粒有啲意猶未盡。
Spinach and parmesan tortellini, with onion consommé and bellota ham
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主菜我哋兩個都揀咗佐賀豚, 主要因為我之前係度食過一個精彩非常嘅Seared bavette牛腰肉扒, 外脆內嫩。所以覺得佢處理肉類有一手。
Seared bavette, potato fondant, sauteed spinach, pepper sauce
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佐賀豚 Roast loin of Sagabuta pork with quince purée, braised lettice, ale sauce
果然今次呢個猪都非常唔錯, 燒到我估約8成熟, 好有肉香味。旁邊有榲桲蓉(Quince purée) 我第一次食甜甜地幾特別。
Roast loin of Sagabuta pork with quince puree, braised lettice, ale sauce
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生牛奶芝士Saint-Felicien配洋梨醬芝麻薄脆餅乾Saint-Felicien with pear chutney and lavoche
第一次試呢款軟芝士, 質感特別, 我孤陋寡闻最初以為係熱熔咗嘅芝士, 好似melted raclette咁。
後來發覺涼返依然保持流質。味道方面唔太Strong (明顯地係詞窮啦, 唔好再迫我)
比較之前係Upper Modern Bistro, Caprice 同 Epure試過既Cheese platter, 我會prefer Arcane呢個簡單嘅Combination同味道。
Saint-Felicien with pear chutney and lavoche
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Nectarine sorbet with crème fraiche and passion fruit我掛住食芝士俾咗大半份雪葩阿爸食, 只記得味道唔太甜好Refreshing, 熱情果香得好利害唔知邊度貨嚟呢。
Nectarine sorbet with crème fraiche and passion fruit
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今次呢個位對正個Open kitchen, 發覺主廚 Shane Osborn先生差不多所有菜式, 前菜, 主菜同甜品都好大程度親手參與,而唔係只係Supervise。希望下次可以試下佢個Signature dish Potato gnocchi啦。

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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$400 (午餐)
Sourdough bread
Spinach and parmesan tortellini, with onion consommé and bellota ham
Seared bavette, potato fondant, sauteed spinach, pepper sauce
Roast loin of Sagabuta pork with quince puree, braised lettice, ale sauce
Saint-Felicien with pear chutney and lavoche
Nectarine sorbet with crème fraiche and passion fruit
  • Roast loin of Sagabuta pork with quince puree
2017-07-02 3814 瀏覽
I first tried Arcane at the Stan Chart taste food festival in 2016. I loved the gnocchi and the braised beef. But I was here again last week and the signature braised beef was off the menu! But thankfully the gnocchi still is around and it's simply out of this world. It's the only thing I order here and I can never get tired of it... ever! You must come and try it! It was easy to use their online reservation system and for lunch I was able to get a table just booking a few days in advance.
I first tried Arcane at the Stan Chart taste food festival in 2016. I loved the gnocchi and the braised beef. But I was here again last week and the signature braised beef was off the menu! But thankfully the gnocchi still is around and it's simply out of this world. It's the only thing I order here and I can never get tired of it... ever! You must come and try it!
It was easy to use their online reservation system and for lunch I was able to get a table just booking a few days in advance.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$500 (午餐)
  • Gnocchi
2017-05-07 4127 瀏覽
What is it that stops a restaurant from achieving that all elusive Michelin Star?  It's a question that probably has no clear answer.  I guess, if you could package up all the right ingredients, then everyone would have one.It was also something that I've long pondered about one particular restaurant.Arcane is a restaurant I've visited and reviewed before (see post here); I really loved the inventive food produced by Aussie chef Scott Osborn, formerly of Two Starred Pied à Terre in London.  So m
What is it that stops a restaurant from achieving that all elusive Michelin Star?  It's a question that probably has no clear answer.  I guess, if you could package up all the right ingredients, then everyone would have one.

It was also something that I've long pondered about one particular restaurant.

Arcane is a restaurant I've visited and reviewed before (see post here); I really loved the inventive food produced by Aussie chef Scott Osborn, formerly of Two Starred Pied à Terre in London.  So much so, it immediately went onto my 'must revisit' list.

It took a little while, but we recently took a buddy (also an Aussie) along for a dinner at the LKF restaurant; knowing that it would be an impressive meal and one to remember.

Traipsing through the slightly dinghy LKF district, we arrived at the very well hidden restaurant and were ushered through to our table.  I was immediately reminded that while the food was sublime, the restaurant itself still felt a little tired; and not even some impressive artworks by Flowers Gallery (a London and New York based contemporary art gallery) could revive.
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The first clue?  Mmm, I wondered.

With a menu that focuses of fresh and health ingredients from some of the world's top producers, Arcane is less about locally sourced produce and more about providing the very best.  Looking over the menu, we noted that it was quite traditional; starters, mains and desserts along with a section set out for vegetarians.  What did seem to be missing from a Michelin Starred restaurant, was a tasting menu option.

Was that a further clue as to why no Michelin Star?

That same, super friendly staff were on hand from our last visit; smiles all around as crusty warm bread was delivered (and replaced throughout the night), along with a nob of hand churned French butter.  We quickly placed our orders, a few items clearly standouts as we largely ordered the same options!
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The girl ordered the Agnolotti of ricotta, lemon and black pepper with bacon, rainbow chard and hazelnuts; the simply presented dish had four large ricotta filled agnolotti served with a simple, yet delicious sauce and topped with thin strips of crispy bacon.  The crisp and clear flavours of the pasta danced nicely on the palate and the hazelnut provided a little texture.  Most importantly, the slightly salty bacon provided a yummy hit and pulled the dish together.
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My choice was the Tartare of angus beef fillet with bamboo shoots, sunflower seeds, rocket and parmesan; I got the dish partly because I love beef tartare, and partly because SH had never tried the classic French dish.  The Arcane version was a little different from the traditional version, however, the fresh ground beef was extremely fresh.  Visually, the dish looked lovely, vibrant red of the beef contrasting to the bright green of the rocket.  Sunflower seeds were an interesting addition, and along with the gherkin provided crunch and punch to the beef.  Sweetness came from the parmesan cheese sprinkled across the dish.
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We were actually given a little treat from the Arcane team, who'd sent over their signature starter for us to sample.  We loved the lightness of touch from the Japanese fruit tomato with soft goats curd, leek, onion seeds and marfuga olive oil, the insanely sweet fruit tomato matching the light curd beautifully.  A much more complex version of tomato and cheese; the well seasoned dish was enhanced by a hit of peppery olive oil and was quickly devoured.
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SH chose the Sautéed potato gnocchi with fresh morels, pinenut and truffle cream, wild garlic leaves as his starter, which just happened to be the main of choice for the girl and I!  This dish was simply unbelievable; the incredibly rich truffle creamed sauce and morel mushrooms were the definite star of the dish.  The light, fluffy and golden brown gnocchi was simply a conduit in which to deliver the sauce; of which there was scant enough of.  Each of us had the dish as a main or starter, and each of us were left gobsmacked by how the plate of food left us feeling; warm and happy inside.
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Even though I loved my main selection, I did suffer a little food envy over SH's choice of Slow braised wagyu short rib with swede, green beans, confit garlic and pepper sauce.  I'm not normally a fan of the braising process for beef, which was why I'd skipped it as my main.  Once I tried a little of the incredibly tender wagyu, I knew that I'd have happily devoured the lot.  While there was an intensity to the beef, it was not so rich as to be overpowering; helped by quite a light set of accompaniments and quite a light sauce, the dish was well balanced and very enjoyable.
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It was after our starters and mains that I again questioned why our chosen dining spot had not been rewarded by Michelin.  Mmmm, curious.

In a case of keeping it consistent, the girl and SH both ordered the Light passionfruit mousse with fresh mango, walnut and vanilla velouté, chocolate crumbs.  I loved the presentation of the dessert, which reminded me of a crown (albeit a thorny crown!).  The mousse was wonderfully light, completely enhanced by the freshness of the mango and the simply wonderful vanilla soup that surrounded the crown.  My tiny little sample of the dish had me wondering if I'd made the right choice with my dessert; I really though my dining companions had won the battle of desserts.
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It was a thought that persisted as I took photos of my dessert.  Served in a glass, there was a simple elegance to the dish; but I couldn't help thinking that it was a bit lazy - like a pre prepared pannacotta in a glass.  All thoughts of loss were unequivocally removed as soon as I tasted the Yuzu and lemon posset, dekopon, mandarin and yoghurt ice cream, white chocolate tuile.  I don't want to be too dramatic, but it was without doubt my favourite dessert of the year.  The sweet intensity of the yuzu and lemon posset (essentially a custard) was breathtaking; fresh mandarin pieces provided freshness and matched the creamy yoghurt ice cream for flavour.  If I could have split the glass open to lick it clean, I would have!
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So there it was, three people sitting around at the end of a meal, marvelling at how superb the food had been.  A conversation that went on well after we'd settled the bill and were walking home.

Which brings me back to my original musings.  What does it take to get a coveted Michelin Star?  Perhaps I'm naive to the machinations of a Michelin Guide, but shouldn't the yummiest and tastiest food be recognised?

If food alone is the deciding factor, then without doubt, Arcane deserves that Star.  But, if there are other factors at play; perhaps a tired looking dining room; perhaps the lack of a tasting menu; then I'm definitely going to become jaded over time.

I really hope that this great little restaurant get's a well deserved Star.  I will be watching the 2018 guide with much anticipation.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1000 (晚餐)
Arcane is from the very much celebrated chef- Shane Osborn. Osborn is the first Australian Chef to achieve one and two Michelin stars at Pied-a-Terre in London. I had heard numerous buzz and acclaim before I came in. The spacious 2000 square feet space is beautifully simple, clean and lively (not your typical quiet fine dining experience.)On a Monday night- the restaurant was filled to the brim. Alright, let’s get to the delicious food already.Butternut squash and ricotta ravioli, cavolo nero, s
Arcane is from the very much celebrated chef- Shane Osborn. Osborn is the first Australian Chef to achieve one and two Michelin stars at Pied-a-Terre in London. I had heard numerous buzz and acclaim before I came in. The spacious 2000 square feet space is beautifully simple, clean and lively (not your typical quiet fine dining experience.)On a Monday night- the restaurant was filled to the brim. Alright, let’s get to the delicious food already.
Butternut squash and ricotta ravioli, cavolo nero, sage and almond butter, black truffle
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Butternut squash and ricotta ravioli, cavolo nero, sage and almond butter, black truffle, HK$248 was definitely my favorite dish of the evening. It smelled like…black truffle heaven. I wish I had two plates of this. This was all vegetarian and  fantastic. The ravioli bursted with sweetness from the lovely butternut squash and a mild sharpness from the light ricotta cheese. The cavolo nero (Italian kale) brought in a great slightly crunchy texture into the mix. 
A glass of bubbly
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I loved everything about this dish!Fresh homemade bread and a glass of champagne to start our meal.
Hokkaido scallop marinated in apple consummé with lime, celery, jicama and walnuts
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Hokkaido scallop marinated in apple consummé with lime, celery, jicama and walnuts, HK$248. The scallops were simple yet refined. The Hokkaido scallops were plump and fresh in a super flavorful apple consummé with a pop of refreshing zest from the lime, celery, jicama and walnuts. I loved how much flavor this dish- from using healthy and simple ingredients.
Pan roasted langoustines with leek, sweet garlic purée, samphire and sauce vierge
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Pan roasted langoustines with leek, sweet garlic purée, samphire and sauce vierge, HK$288. The pan roasted langoustine was nice and plump. It was super flavorful and tasty but I liked the other dishes a lot more.
Slow braised wagyu short rib with swede, green beans, confit garlic and pepper sauce
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Slow braised wagyu short rib with swede, green beans, confit garlic and pepper sauce HK$458. The wagyu short rib was wonderful. The wagyu beef short rib was moist, tender and juicy! <3 I loveeeeeeed this.
Accompanying every course was a lovely glass of wine or champagne to go along with it! 🙂
Cheeseeeee (Comte)
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Comte cheese…so good!
Yuzu and lemon posset, fresh tangerine, mandarin and yoghurt ice cream, white chocoloate tuile
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Yuzu and lemon posset, fresh tangerine, mandarin and yoghurt ice cream, white chocoloate tuile, HK$138. I really liked this delectable dessert. It felt bright, refreshing and tarty!
Passionfruit cemeux with fresh mango, walnut and vanilla velouté, chocolate crumbs,
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Passionfruit cemeux with fresh mango, walnut and vanilla velouté, chocolate crumbs, HK$138. Another great finish to a wonderful evening. I loved the whipped passionfruit cemeux with fresh mangos – really nice.
Dessert wine
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Dessert Wine
Cannoli and truffles
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Cannoli and truffles <3 to end the evening with. Loved the hearty bit of cannoli bites! I had a great time at Arcane and can’t wait to come back. Simple, fresh ingredients that absolutely pop. 🙂 Loved it.
A glass of Shiraz
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$900 (晚餐)
Butternut squash and ricotta ravioli, cavolo nero, sage and almond butter, black truffle
$ 248
Hokkaido scallop marinated in apple consummé with lime, celery, jicama and walnuts
$ 248
Pan roasted langoustines with leek, sweet garlic purée, samphire and sauce vierge
$ 288
Slow braised wagyu short rib with swede, green beans, confit garlic and pepper sauce
$ 458
Cheeseeeee (Comte)
Yuzu and lemon posset, fresh tangerine, mandarin and yoghurt ice cream, white chocoloate tuile
$ 138
Passionfruit cemeux with fresh mango, walnut and vanilla velouté, chocolate crumbs,
$ 138
Cannoli and truffles
A glass of Shiraz
  • Buttersquash Ravioli
A lovely girlfriend of mine - a fellow yogi who shares my love for vegetarian food - shared Arcane's greenmonday menu with me on a cold winter evening. It was oh-so tempting. We were so excited that we could make it to the last Monday of January before they stop serving it (says so on the menu; I haven't verified it afterwards though).一位同樣愛yoga和素食的好友 一看到Arcane的 greenmonday menu便想起我了 : ) 慶幸能相約在一月的最後一個星期一 一嚐這十分吸引的素食dinner menu!The setting is cosy and chillaxing. If one prefers more privacy, the ta
A lovely girlfriend of mine - a fellow yogi who shares my love for vegetarian food - shared Arcane's greenmonday menu with me on a cold winter evening. It was oh-so tempting. We were so excited that we could make it to the last Monday of January before they stop serving it (says so on the menu; I haven't verified it afterwards though).

一位同樣愛yoga和素食的好友 一看到Arcane的 greenmonday menu便想起我了 : ) 
慶幸能相約在一月的最後一個星期一 一嚐這十分吸引的素食dinner menu!

The setting is cosy and chillaxing. If one prefers more privacy, the table arrangement may not be well spaced out enough to accommodate that. Nevertheless, the restaurant has a pretty intimate atmosphere and was perfect for a 3-hour catch up for the two of us! 

The sourdough, served fresh and warm, was really good. The crust was crispy enough that it doesn't hurt your lips  -  so good that I didn't want to stop and wipe my hands for taking a picture of the sourdough. 

Here goes our all Vegetarian Fare...! 

<Japanese winter tomato with spiced aubergine, Sour cream and a  salad of soft herbs>

Japanese winter tomato with spiced aubergine,  Sour cream and a  salad of soft herbs 
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Fresh ingredients does the trick. 

Fresh, juicy and sweet tomato lightly tossed with olive oil and topped with spiced aubergine, sour cream and soft herbs.

It's nice but as a someone who loves nuts I think this would go well with crushed pistachios too!


個人很喜歡果仁 - 如果蕃茄上加d開心果碎 應該都會幾好味 : P

<Crapaudine beetroot with English mustard mayo ,  Pickled black reddish,  Wasabi-na,  sherry vinegar dressing>

Crapaudine beetroot with English mustard mayo ,  Pickled black reddish,  Wasabi-na,  sherry vinegar dressing
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I actually had to google what "Wasabi-na" is... and turns out it goes surprisingly well with beetroot! 

The "Wasabi-na" isn't as "spicy" as its name suggests - it balances well with the English mustard mayo and sherry vinegar, and brightens up the already refreshing beets. 

上網查一查先知 "Wasabi-na" 係何方神聖 : P 帶Wasabi淡淡的幽香,唔會搶味,同English mustard mayo + sherry vinegar配合平衡,令本身已很清新的紅菜頭更開胃!

<Poached taiyouran egg with broccoli,  chanterelles and  black truffle>
Poached taiyouran egg with broccoli,  chanterelles and  black truffle
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Gosh... that was one of the best poached eggs I've ever had. 

Japanese Taiyouran eggs are pretty much unbeatable... (I guess? : P) 

So good that I actually found this melt-in-your-mouth poached egg, as opposed to the black truffles, the highlight of this dish!

用上日本的Taiyouran雞蛋... 吃一口 心裡有一種想叫 「媽咪...點解雞蛋可以咁好食~」的幸福感。

入口即溶   濃濃的  純粹蛋黃香
好味到   我覺得black truffle唔係呢度菜嘅重點。

<Warm salad of roasted cauliflower and watercrest, toasted macadamia, Gorgonzola and Argan oil>
Warm salad of roasted cauliflower and watercrest, toasted macadamia, Gorgonzola and Argan oil
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This was good but not particularly impressive as I found that the cauliflower was slightly overdone. 

Perhaps it could have been roasted for a shorter time, or chopped into slightly bigger chunks? 

The toasted macadamia and aromatic Argan oil made up for it though.


不過夏威夷果仁和Argan oil很香,味道上加返分。

<Sauteed potato  gnocchi with parmesan ,  black truffle and pinenut cream, spinach and chanterelles>
Sauteed potato  gnocchi with parmesan ,  black truffle and pinenut cream, spinach and chanterelles
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I have never been a big fan of gnocchi - they often given me an impression of being a starchy and less delicate form of pasta - but this completely changed my perspective - this is the best potato gnocchi I've ever had.
The pinenut cream was done just right - not overly creamy, and not overloaded with parmesan - such that I can actually taste that the gnocchi was freshly made from potato. 
Delicately chewy, and aromatically elevated by the black truffles.

原來   gnocchi 可以咁好味。
Pinenut cream調得剛剛好 - 不太creamy, 不太膩,parmesan只是輕輕的點綴 - 所以 gnocchi 的薯仔味得以被帶出。

口感彈牙,不像我記憶中的 gnocchi 通常是不及其他pasta類型細緻。這次改變了我的觀感。

當然,black truffles 亦將這道簡單的美味昇華。

<Cheese,  pear chutney,  semi-dried grapes and walnuts, toasted lavoche>
Cheese,  pear chutney,  semi-dried grapes and walnuts, toasted lavoche 
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I appreciate the fact that I didn't have to go through the struggle of choosing between a cheese course and dessert - as I love both!

Am only deducting one "star" from the description of this picture because I wish it came in a bigger portion. 
The cheese was good, and the lavoche was lightly cheesy and nicely toasted. I probably couldn't stop eating them had I been given more cheese to go with it!

欣喜見到 Cheese course 同 Dessert都有,等我選擇困難症唔洗發作 : P

好-味~ 略嫌細份咗少少。

塊toasted lavoche有輕輕嘅芝士味,亦都好脆

<Yuzu and lemon  posset, mikan, mandarin and yoghurt ice cream, white chocolate tuile>
Yuzu and lemon  posset, mikan, mandarin and yoghurt ice cream, white chocolate tuile
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I'm not sure if this yoghurt ice cream is completely dairy free like frozen yoghurt, but it was silkily creamy.

Yuzu, lemon and madarin is a dream combination for someone like me - who prefers a refreshing touch of sweetness at the end, as opposed to a heavy sleeping pill which sends you right into a food coma.

An apt ending to a light and refreshing Vegetarian fare!

柚子   檸檬   柑桔
一頓細緻的素食晚晚餐   以一個清新的甜品作結     
真的最適合不過~  : )

唔太肯定呢個yoghurt ice cream係咪全素,不過真係好清新地creamy和幼滑!

<Petit four of the evening - Canele>
Petit four of the evening - Canele 
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I haven't had lots of caneles in my life but this is the best I've ever had.

Heavenly caramelised and heart-meltingly chewy... on point.

最後  最後
香甜的Canele... 烤得剛剛好

Vegetarian Menu ($750; Dinner) -
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We had a lovely dining experience at Arcane and look forward to trying the other dishes next time : )
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Japanese winter tomato with spiced aubergine,  Sour cream and a  salad of soft herbs 
Crapaudine beetroot with English mustard mayo ,  Pickled black reddish,  Wasabi-na,  sherry vinegar dressing
Poached taiyouran egg with broccoli,  chanterelles and  black truffle
Sauteed potato  gnocchi with parmesan ,  black truffle and pinenut cream, spinach and chanterelles
Cheese,  pear chutney,  semi-dried grapes and walnuts, toasted lavoche 
Yuzu and lemon  posset, mikan, mandarin and yoghurt ice cream, white chocolate tuile
  • Japanese winter tomato with spiced aubergine
  • Crapaudine beetroot with English mustard mayo
  • Poached taiyouran egg with broccoli
  • Sauteed potato  gnocchi with parmesan
  • Yuzu  and  lemon  posset
今天和朋友來到Arcane吃飯, 我還是堅持把相機帶上了。十二時多到達餐廳, 見其他客人未到, 馬上就抓緊機會拍了幾張餐廳內部的相片。沒想到馬上引起了餐廳的注意(咳, 店內只有我一人, 又怎會看不見), 還勞煩主廚Shane Osborn親自出來, 細細叮嚀我小心不要拍到別的客人。末了還是表明絕對歡迎為食物拍照。雖然自己一向也有相當的自覺不要把他人攝入鏡頭, 但當下還是感到些許尷尬, 耳朵馬上燒紅了。 話是如此說, 主廚Shane Osborn其實是一個很溫文的紳士。Arcane的設計很有趣, 廚房面積不大但極為開放, 如果有幸訂到吧位的話, 是可以居高臨下地看著廚房團體煮食, 巨細無遺。即使是坐在low table, 還是可以很清晰地看到每一個人的表情。中環的午餐時間一向緊張, 加上Arcane幾乎客滿的狀態, 廚房之內的氣氛是如何緊迫, 自是不消說。只見chef Osborn 非常沉著, 俐落地指揮一切的運作, 沒有一絲暴躁或不耐, 甚是好看。行文至此, 忽然想起chef Osborn其實也大可以叫侍者提醒我說小心拍照。但他卻選擇自己從廚房走出來, 親自輕聲提點我, 實在是對我尊重
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今天和朋友來到Arcane吃飯, 我還是堅持把相機帶上了。十二時多到達餐廳, 見其他客人未到, 馬上就抓緊機會拍了幾張餐廳內部的相片。沒想到馬上引起了餐廳的注意(咳, 店內只有我一人, 又怎會看不見), 還勞煩主廚Shane Osborn親自出來, 細細叮嚀我小心不要拍到別的客人。末了還是表明絕對歡迎為食物拍照。雖然自己一向也有相當的自覺不要把他人攝入鏡頭, 但當下還是感到些許尷尬, 耳朵馬上燒紅了。

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話是如此說, 主廚Shane Osborn其實是一個很溫文的紳士。Arcane的設計很有趣, 廚房面積不大但極為開放, 如果有幸訂到吧位的話, 是可以居高臨下地看著廚房團體煮食, 巨細無遺。即使是坐在low table, 還是可以很清晰地看到每一個人的表情。中環的午餐時間一向緊張, 加上Arcane幾乎客滿的狀態, 廚房之內的氣氛是如何緊迫, 自是不消說。只見chef Osborn 非常沉著, 俐落地指揮一切的運作, 沒有一絲暴躁或不耐, 甚是好看。

行文至此, 忽然想起chef Osborn其實也大可以叫侍者提醒我說小心拍照。但他卻選擇自己從廚房走出來, 親自輕聲提點我, 實在是對我尊重得不得了。但我還要小家子氣地臉紅, 只怕chef Osborn當下比我更尷尬哩。

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Arcane所做的是Modern European菜式。上其官方網站可以找到散點的菜單, 卻找不到午市套餐的sample menu。有機會是因為午市套餐的變化比較大, 就乾脆不放上去。卻害得我一直提心吊膽, 怕一打開菜單會見到一個天價 - 若是吃完這一頓之後要捱一個月白麵包, 就糟啦。

幸好午餐的定價還是很合理的, HK$310兩道菜HK$380三道菜, 與29/F的On Dining不相伯仲。選擇卻是比較少, 每道菜都是二揀一, 恰恰都不合胃口的話就只好單點了。

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麵包有點濕濕的, 但塗上牛油來吃還是很美味的。比起內部的麵包, 我更喜歡的是脆香的麵包皮! 密度頗為高的麵包, 只吃了一塊就不敢再添加了。

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Beetroot, coconut and lime veloute, sour cream, toasted pumpkin seeds

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Salad of smoked duck with gizzards, lettuce, duck egg, mustard dressing

朋友點的是用Beetroot紅菜頭做的湯。那個顏色之艷麗呢, 真是罕見。聽朋友說, 湯的味道比較酸, 想來做開胃頭盤是不錯的。而我就揀了比較簡單的沙律。簡單之中其實也見到心思, 煙鴨肉的油花不多但帶有淡淡的煙燻香氣。沒留意到一塊塊深色的乃是腌漬的肝, 一開始還以為是杏甫甚麼的, 口感糯糯的很新奇。沙律本身已經混好了味道, 醋酸夠味, 底下的salad dressing就不需要吃太多了。

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Oxtail ravioli, mushroom duxelle, pak choi, confit garlic, red onion

賣相令人倒絕的ravioli, 沒想到是這樣巨大的一件, 完全不是小巧而精緻可愛的小意式餃子嘛。但老實說我喜歡這個大小呢, 除了感覺認真豪氣之外, 要把如此巨大的ravioli 做得飽滿滾圓, 非得有好多餡料塞在其中不可。

飽滿的Ravioli穩穩妥妥地放在以牛油煮過的蘑菇粒之上。甫上枱, 牛油之香是最為搶鏡的, 叫人忍不住深呼吸幾下。Ravioli中間所釀的, 是已經撕碎了的牛尾肉, 軟爛入味, 香氣極其厚醇。不, ravioli 之內的肉雖然是很濕潤, 切開, 卻沒有多餘的汁流出來。也是的, 如果內餡太多水份, 根本就做不成ravioli吧? 所以碟子之上已經淋有一圈的醬汁, 吃來, 應該是煮牛尾之時違下的精華加工而成, 非常香甜。

吃用之時, 除了牛香牛油香, 還會不時吃到以油煸得軟綿帑的蒜頭, 更添風味。一開始見到Ravioli以白菜配之, 心中是有點別扭的, 總覺得它們夾不來。但當濃味的牛尾肉吃多了, 咀嚼一下香菜取其清香的菜汁, 味道口感又確是平衡。好吃之極。

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吃完主菜, 型氣的侍者走過來說, chef Osborn 想請你們吃一份芝士呢, 說是阻你影相不好意思。這這這這怎麼好意思啊! 一下子就小人得志語無倫次起來「其實我不、不太可以吃很濃味的芝士, 但很也謝謝、謝謝chef Osborn的心意...」侍者也有點愕然, 側側頭解釋說此芝士其實不會太強烈, 試試不妨。再三多謝之後, 當然是恭敬不如從命。

芝士的名字已經忘記了, 是, 有空會惡補有關芝士的知識。但奇異的是芝士又不是熱的, 中心卻是呈半融的狀態, 粘糯綿軟, 非常濃郁。外層不是預期中的硬, 而是脆。聞起來有點奶香, 初入口也不覺有特別, 吞下之後那淡淡的羶味就湧出來了。噫, 對我來說, 畢竟是有點不習慣這味, 但也未至於不可以接受。加上蜜餞、脆餅, 也就慢慢吃完了這一份。只差一杯紅酒, 就堪稱完美。

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Ginger mousse, milk chocolate feuillantine, grapefruit, pomelo

獲得芝士的同時, 已經向店方表明, 芝士要吃, 甜點也是要吃的。不過吃完芝士已經很飽膩, 心中也不是不後悔自己為什麼要那樣的貪吃? 既來之, 則安之, 幸好此物很清新, 一口都是西柚及柚子的酸甜之味, 反而可以舒緩到一餐的滯悶。或者, 薑慕絲的薑香可以重點, 若有少少辛辣之氣, 會更加有趣。

實在是滿足得很的一餐。回家之後好奇地搜尋了一下chef Osborn的資料, 一看, 不禁嚇了一跳。Shane Osborn, 澳洲人, 在歐洲工作了超過二十年, 其中11年他一直在倫敦的 Pied-a-Terre 任職。至1993年起餐廳先獲得米芝蓮一星、1996年獲得米芝蓮二星、最近一直都保有一星的榮耀。更甚者, chef Osborn是第一個獲得二星榮譽的澳洲籍廚師! 這樣的履歷真令人詫異。

詫異, 不是因為食物的質素 - 質素嚴謹得很呢, 即使是午市也是無可挑剔的。詫異, 是因為這樣的一個人, 離開了熟悉的地盤開始自己的第二輪事業, 新開的餐廳竟是不在倫敦也不是澳洲, 而是在香港。更驚訝的是Arcane似乎沒有和香港比較大的餐廳集團合作, 只是靜靜的、固執地在中環的一角低調地閃爍。每一道菜, 都和chef Osborn一樣文質彬彬, 不帶驕矜傲氣, 感覺平易近人。

不止一次說, 香港人真有食福。此話再一次得到印證了。
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$450 (午餐)
2016-10-27 4614 瀏覽
係呢間嘅lunch so far 係我食過最貴的。今次有機會試都係因為同客食飯。首先,對餐廳環境印象唔錯。一入去就覺得氣氛不錯,我們被安排係近窗邊的位置,坐得舒適。雖然有午餐set,但大家都散叫咁我都好好利用呢個機會盡情叫我想試嘅野😝每人分別叫了前菜、主菜同甜品!先講前菜,我叫左Lime marinated hokkaido scallop, basil, avocado creme fraiche, sesame crisps。帶子鮮甜,入口即化,與配菜同sauce好match。連我平時唔多鐘意食生野都覺得好正😋主前我叫左Braised wagyu short rib, sweet potato and truffle purée, green beans, roast garlic, onion jus.冇記錯應該係menu上最貴。但絕對是覺得有道理!和牛質素之高今我至今難忘。牛肉肥瘦夾雜剛好,似乎是全熟不帶半絲血色但入口嫩滑!再加上個sauce 直情一流😍😍😍甜品我揀左Chocolate mille-feuille with caramel cream, fresh cherri
係呢間嘅lunch so far 係我食過最貴的。今次有機會試都係因為同客食飯。首先,對餐廳環境印象唔錯。一入去就覺得氣氛不錯,我們被安排係近窗邊的位置,坐得舒適。



先講前菜,我叫左Lime marinated hokkaido scallop, basil, avocado creme fraiche, sesame crisps。帶子鮮甜,入口即化,與配菜同sauce好match。連我平時唔多鐘意食生野都覺得好正😋

主前我叫左Braised wagyu short rib, sweet potato and truffle purée, green beans, roast garlic, onion jus.冇記錯應該係menu上最貴。但絕對是覺得有道理!和牛質素之高今我至今難忘。牛肉肥瘦夾雜剛好,似乎是全熟不帶半絲血色但入口嫩滑!再加上個sauce 直情一流😍😍😍

甜品我揀左Chocolate mille-feuille with caramel cream, fresh cherries, lemon curd and chestnut ice cream。賣相普通。皮好脆口感唔錯、唔會太甜。雖然相比前菜同主菜冇咁驚喜,但味道不過不失!
Lime marinated hokkaido scallop, basil, avocado creme fraiche, sesame crisps
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Braised wagyu short rib, sweet potato and truffle purée, green beans, roast garlic, onion jus
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Chocolate mille-feuille with caramel cream, fresh cherries, lemon curd and chestnut ice cream
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$900 (午餐)
Lime marinated hokkaido scallop, basil, avocado creme fraiche, sesame crisps
$ 248
Braised wagyu short rib, sweet potato and truffle purée, green beans, roast garlic, onion jus
$ 498
Chocolate mille-feuille with caramel cream, fresh cherries, lemon curd and chestnut ice cream
$ 128
2016-09-28 6342 瀏覽
Someone special took me to Arcane for the eve of my birthday, and compared to the other new fine dining restaurants around comparable to it, it was pretty easy to get a table here. I was impressed by the photos of the terrace from doing prior research, but I was a bit disappointed by the layout of the whole place stepping into the restaurant. SettingI can't quite put my finger on it, but there was something off about the way they spaced out the tables. It was as if they were trying to cram in as
Someone special took me to Arcane for the eve of my birthday, and compared to the other new fine dining restaurants around comparable to it, it was pretty easy to get a table here. I was impressed by the photos of the terrace from doing prior research, but I was a bit disappointed by the layout of the whole place stepping into the restaurant. 
I can't quite put my finger on it, but there was something off about the way they spaced out the tables. It was as if they were trying to cram in as many tables as possible that they completely eliminated the feeling of intimacy among guests. This is pretty amateur considering the spending of about HK$800-1,000 per head.

They had an open kitchen setup which always looks nice, and you could see Shane Osborn at work - the first Australian Chef to achieve one and two Michelin stars. 
It's a shame I wasn't able to note the artwork from NY/London contemprary Flowers Gallery, which apparently adorned the walls.

The terrace garden was a nice touch, but unfortunately no breeze could get to it because it's closed in by high rises on every side, and the exhaust fans from the building was blowing right into the balcony. I would not recommend eating there during the warmer months. Hardly a street view either.

Quite professional. Very attentive, and knowledgeable of the menu and its ingredients.

A modern European affair, all wish fresh ingredients - you can taste it. Overall, food was delicious at Arcane. The servings were just right - the appetizers were on the small side, but the mains were decently portioned. If only the ambience were better...

Japanese fruit tomato with basil and pea pesto, stracciatella, lemon dressing (HK$228)
Japanese fruit tomato with basil and pea pesto, stracciatella, lemon dressing 228
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This was a great refreshing starter, with the most exquisite burrata. It was healthy and perfect, except the fact that it's so expensive =0

Pepper seared yellow fin tuna with romaine salad, egg, beans, tomato and potato (HK$238)
Pepper seared yellow fin tuna with romaine salad, egg, beans, tomato and potato 238
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Fresh, fresh, fresh! And nutritious. Feel-good.
Roast ibérico suckling pig with braised red cabbage, grain mustard sauce (HK$368)
Roast ibérico suckling pig with braised red cabbage, grain mustard sauce 368
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The best way to cook it - Asian technique with Spanish cochinillo topped with French-style sauce. Lip-licking perfection.

Chocolate mille-feuille with caramel cream, fresh cherries, lemon curd and chestnut ice ream 138

Chocolate mille-feuille with caramel cream, fresh cherries, lemon curd and chestnut ice ream 138
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Dessert. I can never ever resist dessert. It was kind of annoying that they didn't give a complimentary cake though, but anyway this was sweet and rich in just the right amount, everything in delicate harmony. I gorged it down. This was the better dessert.

Yuzu and lemon posset, fresh tangerine, mandarin and yoghurt ice cream, white chocoloate tuile 128
Yuzu and lemon posset, fresh tangerine, mandarin and yoghurt ice cream, white chocoloate tuile 128
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A lighter sweet ending with fresh fruit. I can never choose between the richer chocolatier option and the fruity yoghurty one - I like both, and that night, I kind of had both. It was my birthday, after all!
1385 瀏覽
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Seared sea trout with broccolini, sautéed girolles and beurre blanc, spring onion 348
165 瀏覽
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$900 (晚餐)
Japanese fruit tomato with basil and pea pesto, stracciatella, lemon dressing 228
$ 228
Pepper seared yellow fin tuna with romaine salad, egg, beans, tomato and potato 238
$ 238
Roast ibérico suckling pig with braised red cabbage, grain mustard sauce 368
$ 368
Chocolate mille-feuille with caramel cream, fresh cherries, lemon curd and chestnut ice ream 138
$ 138
Yuzu and lemon posset, fresh tangerine, mandarin and yoghurt ice cream, white chocoloate tuile 128
$ 128
Seared sea trout with broccolini, sautéed girolles and beurre blanc, spring onion 348
$ 348
  • Roast ibérico suckling pig with braised red cabbage
  • grain mustard sauce
2016-08-24 6407 瀏覽
Arcane 是一間裝潢雅緻的西餐廳,晚市到訪,在柔和的燭光映照下,感覺更見浪漫優雅。餐廳的廚房採用開放式設計,食客可從外欣賞大廚們的手藝。主廚 Shane Osborn 來頭不小,他於倫敦的餐廳 L' Autre Pied 及 Pied à Terre 分別榮獲米芝蓮一星及兩星榮譽,及後搌轉落戶香港的 St Betty,最後自家開設這間餐廳 Arcane。 入座後先點選飲品美饌,店員也緊接送上這件自家烘製的麵包。麵包出品暖暖的,外皮脆薄,包心鬆軟。配上的牛油質感軟滑濃香,質素同樣令人滿意。 Lime Marinated Hokkaido scallop, basil, avocado crème fraîche, sesame crisps 是一道色彩亮麗的頭盤,菜式的最上方是一塊脆口的芝麻片,芝麻香氣十分搶味。脆片下方是以牛油果打製而成的軟滑忌廉,質感十分幼滑,口感與脆片型成強烈對比。菜式的亮點是產自北海道的帶子,色澤潤白,味道鮮爽,唯甜感稍稍不夠力度。佳餚配美酒,難得高興依照店員建議配上一杯 Patrick Piuze, Chablis Terroir de Fye 2015
Arcane 是一間裝潢雅緻的西餐廳,晚市到訪,在柔和的燭光映照下,感覺更見浪漫優雅。餐廳的廚房採用開放式設計,食客可從外欣賞大廚們的手藝。主廚 Shane Osborn 來頭不小,他於倫敦的餐廳 L' Autre Pied 及 Pied à Terre 分別榮獲米芝蓮一星及兩星榮譽,及後搌轉落戶香港的 St Betty,最後自家開設這間餐廳 Arcane。

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Lime Marinated Hokkaido scallop, basil, avocado crème fraîche, sesame crisps 是一道色彩亮麗的頭盤,菜式的最上方是一塊脆口的芝麻片,芝麻香氣十分搶味。脆片下方是以牛油果打製而成的軟滑忌廉,質感十分幼滑,口感與脆片型成強烈對比。菜式的亮點是產自北海道的帶子,色澤潤白,味道鮮爽,唯甜感稍稍不夠力度。
Lime Marinated Hokkaido scallop, basil, avocado crème fraîche, sesame crisps
129 瀏覽
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佳餚配美酒,難得高興依照店員建議配上一杯 Patrick Piuze, Chablis Terroir de Fye 2015。這枝產自法國的 Chardonnay 白酒,酒體較重,酸感強烈,果香亦不輕,配上魚類海鮮效果不俗。
Patrick Piuze, Chablis Terroir de Fye 2015
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另一頭盤 Sautéed potato gnocchi, cep purée, charred cevenne onion, mushroom ragout, parmesan 是餐廳的招牌菜,亦是迎合 Green Monday 的素菜式。一件 Gnocchi 的優劣,很大部份取決薯仔與麵粉的比例,麵粉太少容易散開,麵粉過多則會過韌,這份 Gnocchi 的薯粉比例剛好,既有薯香,又富煙韌口感。菜式配上的醬材,是芝士蘑菇洋蔥汁,蘑菇菇香清幽,來自法國的洋蔥更是低調的亮點,味道香甜,並泛有微微的焦香餘韻!
Sautéed potato gnocchi, cep purée, charred cevenne onion, mushroom ragout, parmesan
220 瀏覽
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Pan fried sawara mackerel, ratatouille, courgette purée, cloudy bay clams, fennel and olive oil 是一道賣相吸引又健康的主菜。鯖魚高蛋白低脂肪,又含不同的營養素,易被身體吸收。魚塊被輕輕煎香後,皮脆肉嫩,口感味道亦算不俗。燉燜菜蔬常見於西餐,與翠玉瓜軟糊及橄欖油結合成健康可口的配菜。來自紐西蘭的海蜆是菜式的另一主角,雖肥美可加,但甜感不足。
Pan fried sawara mackerel, ratatouille, courgette purée, cloudy bay clams, fennel and olive oil
355 瀏覽
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Braised wagyu short rib, sweet potato purée, green beans, roast garlic, onion jus 是筆者十分欣賞的菜式,澳洲和牛以 82 度高溫慢煮 12 小時而成,肉質軟嫩,紋理分明,肉香亦十分濃郁出眾。平日吃牛扒多配上燒汁,以蕃薯軟糊及洋蔥汁提味則較少有,以牛扒輕蘸上味多添一份甜滑感。
Braised wagyu short rib, sweet potato purée, green beans, roast garlic, onion jus
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與牛扒相配的紅酒 Hewitson, Barossa Valley, Miss Harry, Grenache Shiraz Mourvédre Cinsault Carignan 2013 產自澳洲,由多款葡萄混合釀成,味道濃烈,奈何不太合個人口味。
Hewitson, Barossa Valley, Miss Harry, Grenache Shiraz Mourvédre Cinsault Carignan 2013
169 瀏覽
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Chocolate mille-feuille with caramel cream, fresh cherries, lemon curd and chestnut ice cream 是一道味道濃烈的甜品,以朱古力烘製成薄薄的脆片,夾層放入濃甜的焦糖忌廉。為了平衡這份膩意不輕的味道,廚師特意放入酸香的檸檬酪及清新的雜莓。甜品的另一重心是栗子雪糕,質感相當幼滑,栗子香氣堅實,同樣令人滿意。
Chocolate mille-feuille with caramel cream, fresh cherries, lemon curd and chestnut ice cream
219 瀏覽
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Rice pudding with fresh mango and passion fruit, coconut streusel 帶有點點英倫風味,上方的椰子泡沫入口瞬間融化,只剩絲絲椰子清香。中間是以芒果及熱情果製成的夾層。下方是大米布丁,口感略帶煙韌,口味泛甜,拌勻上方的果醬同吃,夏日風味甚濃。
Rice pudding with fresh mango and passion fruit, coconut streusel
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[22/8/2016; Mon]
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1960 (晚餐)
Lime Marinated Hokkaido scallop, basil, avocado crème fraîche, sesame crisps
$ 248
Sautéed potato gnocchi, cep purée, charred cevenne onion, mushroom ragout, parmesan
$ 208
Pan fried sawara mackerel, ratatouille, courgette purée, cloudy bay clams, fennel and olive oil
$ 378
Braised wagyu short rib, sweet potato purée, green beans, roast garlic, onion jus
$ 498
Chocolate mille-feuille with caramel cream, fresh cherries, lemon curd and chestnut ice cream
$ 128
Rice pudding with fresh mango and passion fruit, coconut streusel
$ 128
2016-07-06 4053 瀏覽
At Arcane, they are serving some black truffle dishes with black truffle from Australia's The Truffle wine and company.Had the grilled green asparagus with potato, fresh , mayonnaise, hazelnut dressing.This dish had a lovely nutty flavour enhanced by the fragrant black truffle.The other dish I had was Sautéed potato gnocchi, cep puree, charred cevenne onion, mushroom ragout, parmesan.
At Arcane, they are serving some black truffle dishes with black truffle from Australia's The Truffle wine and company.

Had the grilled green asparagus with potato, fresh , mayonnaise, hazelnut dressing.
This dish had a lovely nutty flavour enhanced by the fragrant black truffle.
56 瀏覽
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The other dish I had was Sautéed potato gnocchi, cep puree, charred cevenne onion, mushroom ragout, parmesan.
51 瀏覽
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2016-06-14 2637 瀏覽
因為係tasteofhongkong,玩左估豆豆遊戲,估唔到真係中左,得左餐廳請食free 5 courses dinner,今日我地未夠6:30就到左,因為時間尚早所以未係好多人,我地一入來chief 同其他廚司已經好有禮貌同我地打招呼、非常nice、我地一坐低餐廳靚仔經理,就介紹今日我地食的5道菜色,雖然set 好左,但佢都好好問下我地有沒咩唔食可以同chief 講,前菜有2道但我唔食羊,所以叫佢幫我改左,佢就幫我改左日式蕃茄沙律,佢好好笑容完全無𣎴耐煩。首先,來左新鮮熱辣好脆的麵包,可能我都肚餓,我覺得麵包好好食,外面皮焗的好脆,雖然係麥包,但裏面好鬆軟,超好食!忍不住要食多幾塊,free dinner 好好配埋酒,第一道前菜三文魚刺身-Home cured kingsalmin with sour cream,pickled daikon and shiso,呢個菜待酒師配左白酒-pinot grigio!佢地都好大方,俾左一大杯!白酒酸甜度好襯頭盤的三文魚,而且三文魚再加上酸酸甜甜的酸菜同sour cream,令到第一菜好開胃。第二道菜-Lamb belly with a s
因為係tasteofhongkong,玩左估豆豆遊戲,估唔到真係中左,得左餐廳請食free 5 courses dinner,今日我地未夠6:30就到左,因為時間尚早所以未係好多人,我地一入來chief 同其他廚司已經好有禮貌同我地打招呼、非常nice、我地一坐低餐廳靚仔經理,就介紹今日我地食的5道菜色,雖然set 好左,但佢都好好問下我地有沒咩唔食可以同chief 講,前菜有2道但我唔食羊,所以叫佢幫我改左,佢就幫我改左日式蕃茄沙律,佢好好笑容完全無𣎴耐煩。
848 瀏覽
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首先,來左新鮮熱辣好脆的麵包,可能我都肚餓,我覺得麵包好好食,外面皮焗的好脆,雖然係麥包,但裏面好鬆軟,超好食!忍不住要食多幾塊,free dinner 好好配埋酒,第一道前菜三文魚刺身-Home cured kingsalmin with sour cream,pickled daikon and shiso,呢個菜待酒師配左白酒-pinot grigio!佢地都好大方,俾左一大杯!
103 瀏覽
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白酒酸甜度好襯頭盤的三文魚,而且三文魚再加上酸酸甜甜的酸菜同sour cream,令到第一菜好開胃。
79 瀏覽
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Lamb belly with a salad of peas,oven dried tomato,garlic and mint的羊有好濃郁的獨有羊肉味,加左少少青豆,將羊的膻味平衡番。
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我的蕃茄沙律-日本番茄、自家製茅屋芝士配松子火箭菜雪莉酒醋汁Japanese Fruit Tomato with Homemade Ricotta,pinenuts, rocket & Sherry Vinegar Dressing。鮮紅欲滴的日唔會太酸味道啱啱好加左少少羊奶芝士唔會太heavy,蕃茄好甜,成個沙律醬有少少薄荷味道加埋松子有少少口感好清爽啊!
59 瀏覽
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第三道主菜-Braised veal cheek,smoked mash potato,roast carrot and onion,牛仔的面珠,真係炆得好諗,一d都唔洗咬,一入口好濃的牛肉味,肉質好鬆軟,配埋的超滑的薯泥,味道平衡番,唔會太咸太over,真係食唔停口,可惜夠牛仔肉唔係太大夠,不過食到呢度已經飽左7成,牛仔面珠,待酒師配左pinot noir, 單寧酸唔會太勁,有好香黑加侖子味,甜度適中,配牛肉的主菜,非常適合。
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第四道菜Cheese,pear chutney,semi dried grapes and walnuts,toasted lavoche,已經來道差不多最後的芝士,配上薄透咸香的餅乾,比起普通的梳打餅,自家制的餅乾當然更出色,再配埋甜甜的梨,令到芝士味更出色。待酒師配左甜酒ports wine,配芝士當然無敵,甜度適中,有好濃的提子的甜味。
67 瀏覽
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最後,當然是我最愛的甜品-Rum and raisin cream brûlée ,
好耐沒食過咁滑的cream brûlée,表面燒得極蕉脆,蕉糖厚厚的一層真係過足口隱,就算幾飽,呢個咁正宗的cream brûlée 都食得落。最後最後餐廳送上仲熱和好可愛的法式可麗,自家做,
54 瀏覽
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我地覺得好驚喜,超nice ar!絕對沒因為呢餐係gift ,而因為呢度係高級餐廳就好求其、見到chief 每碟菜都擺到成幅畫咁靚,每位待應都好有禮貌有笑容,呢度的服務絕對值3星米芝蓮,希望下年佢有機會成為米芝蓮星級餐廳,我地走時,主廚同其他廚師都有同我地講byebye,真係好開心的一餐。
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2016-06-12 3663 瀏覽
I'm probably biased, but Australian chefs are taking over the world!It seems that every day, a new Aussie chef is hitting Honkers to open a new restaurant or join part of an established team.This invasion, of a sort, arguably started when Perth born chef Shane Osborne, moved from the UK to Hong Kong to establish his own take on a simple yet delicious fare. Having achieved two Michelin Stars at well known London restaurant Pied-a-Terre, Osborne threw it all in to travel for a while, before ending
174 瀏覽
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I'm probably biased, but Australian chefs are taking over the world!

It seems that every day, a new Aussie chef is hitting Honkers to open a new restaurant or join part of an established team.

This invasion, of a sort, arguably started when Perth born chef Shane Osborne, moved from the UK to Hong Kong to establish his own take on a simple yet delicious fare. Having achieved two Michelin Stars at well known London restaurant Pied-a-Terre, Osborne threw it all in to travel for a while, before ending up at HK restaurant St Betties. Turning the fortunes of the under performing restaurant around, Osborne eventually develop his own restaurant in Central.


"Understood by few" and "mysterious and secret"

An interesting name for a restaurant from a Chef that had run one of the world's top restaurants, perhaps hoping for anonymity in Hong Kong?

We arrived for our 7pm reservation and unsurprisingly, we were the first to arrive, seemingly the only couple in Hong Kong that think dining at this hour is normal. Located near LKF, we had no trouble finding the restaurant and were so early, LKF was actually really, really quiet!
231 瀏覽
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Once we entered the dining room, we walked past the open kitchen with plenty of chefs busy at work, and were placed at a table that gave me a great view of the dining room and the kitchen. The space was quite cosy, but felt a little tired and dated, although I really loved the artwork placed around the walls - the only vibrant and colourful parts to the dining area. I commented to the girl that I hoped the food wasn't tired and dated either.

I'd been studying the menu online before we'd arrived, so had a pretty good idea of what I wanted for the evening. All that was thrown into disarray when our waiter explained the specials on offer. He was so passionate about them that he managed to change my mind when I eventually placed my order - talking me out of the pan fried langoustines with roasted broccolini and girolle ragout.

Unusually for a restaurant nowadays, we were not offered an amuse bouche, instead presented with a huge slab of butter and some warm, crusty sourdough. For some reason, the misshapen shaped butter really appealed, the fact that it was room temperature and spread beautifully on my bread was a bonus.
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Starters arrived and no matter how much I tired to get a great photo of the girl's warm green asparagus with truffle potato, english mustard mayonnaise and hazel nut dressing, I failed. It actually presented nicely on the plate, but more importantly, was quite refreshing and very light. Asparagus can be a little astringent, and this proved to be the case, although the potato brought an earthiness to the dish to balance the flavour. Shavings of black truffle from Shane's native Western Australia certainly helped too!
97 瀏覽
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Following the recommendation of our waiter paid off, big time. Keeping the langoustine element to the dish, I'd selected a tagliatelle with a langoustine bisque, finished with broad beans and that shaved black Western Australian truffle. Interestingly, my first mouthful had me a little nervous, while the pasta was perfection personified, there was a little harsh twang to the bisque. Why so interesting? Well, there were layers of complexity wiht the bisque that were unlocked the longer it sat in my bowl. I'm not sure why, but after a few mouthfuls, that slightly bitter taste gateway to a creamy taste, that was simply delicious. By the time I'd finished, I was rubbing my finger inside the bowl to soak up every last drop of that bisque - just sensational.
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My main was also a selection off the specials list, mainly because I'd been struggling to find something that really appealed on the mains menu. Keeping with my seafood trend, I'd chosen the Tai (a form of Snapper), served with burnt leek and sauce vierge. It was a very good looking plate, considering how difficult it can be to present fish, I really liked the angular slices of Tai on the plate and the casual care that the sauce vierge had been placed; it was more rustic than fine dining, but I was more than OK with that. I loved the expertly cooked snapper, which is a firm fish with a stronger flavour and the crisp salty skin. The sauce, which consisted of olive oil, lemon juice, chopped tomato and green olive was very sharp, but worked nicely with the strong flavoured Tai.
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The dish of the evening went to the girl, with her selection of tortellini of braised chicken leg with fresh morels, broad beans and wild garlic, finished with a thyme velouté. Four large tortellini were presented again in a rustic manner, with a creamy sauce that included the brown chunks of mushroom. All I can say is that I was thankful there were four pieces! SC simply couldn't eat the entire dish, no matter how much she wanted to, which left me to eat that last tortellini. Wow. Yeah, wow! The chicken was full flavoured and tender, the pasta al dente and slightly sweet, the sauce incredible and earthy with an underlying umami flavour from the morels. It was close to the perfect pasta dish, with only it's sheer size working against it.
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Hehe, well, it did leave a chunk for me to devour, but may have left an incorrect impression that the girl didn't love it, should it have gone uneaten!

We decided to share a dessert, the girl was pretty well done, but I needed something sweet to finish off a superb meal. Looking for something fresh, I went for the Gariguette strawberries served with fresh mango, lime panna cotta and toasted toasted meringue. It was served in a clear glass, and looked quite boring as a consequence. There was little colour, save the yellow of the fresh mango. What it lacked in presentation, it made up for in taste, the fresh fruit marrying so well with the lime pannacotta and slightly crunch meringue. I did feel that the balance of the dessert was slightly out, with not enough texture to counter the goopy pannacotta; something that could have been resolved with more of that fresh strawberry.
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I love going to a restaurant and letting the wait staff recommend a dish, especially when they get it really, really right. There is a bit of a risk when you do this, but the reward can be staggering, especially if you get something a little outside your comfort zone. I lucked out both times, and the look of satisfaction on our waiter's face was priceless.

Service on the night was great, and we managed to recognise Keith on the staff, a recent addition to the Arcane staff, but a top bloke we'd encountered at other restaurants previously (ironically, with another Aussie chef).

In fact, it was a pretty awesome night overall and apart from the interior and decor, which by Hong Kong standards was quite understated, it was one of our top meals of the year so far. We didn't see Chef Shane Osborne in the kitchen, which is always a little disappointing when visiting a restaurant with open kitchen, but the meal didn't suffer as a consequence.

But maybe, that's what Arcane is all about; the mysterious and secret Shane Osborne was there all along - but just out of sight!

@FoodMeUpScottyA little less flashy than most HK restaurants - but let's be honest, it's about the food!It was quite for a Saturday night - perhaps the rain kept people away. It certainly kept us off what is reported to be one of Hong Kong's best terrace dining areas

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1000.00 (晚餐)
2016-05-30 3897 瀏覽
Arcane位處中環橫街安蘭街盡頭18號,雖處於鬧市,卻有點違世而獨立之神秘感,難怪店主為餐廳取名為「Arcane」了。餐廳主廚Shane Osborn曾於倫敦Pied-a-Terre獲米芝蓮榮耀,上年年底,離開工作多年的餐廳Betty,自立門戶,創立屬於自己的餐廳 - Arcane。裝潢設計簡約型格,不落俗套,以新派歐洲菜式為主打。據說,餐廳擁有一個戶外的露台花園,既種植了香草蔬菜等供廚房使用,也可為客人帶來綠意盎然的用餐體驗。可惜,天已黑,又下著雨,無緣一睹其面貌。點餐後,侍應送上自家製麵包,且奉上牛油。麵包烘得邊沿極其焦脆香口,而內裏白色部份則微熱軟熟具彈性,新鮮好味道之作。先來一道酸香清爽且怡人的沙律菜,喚醒味蕾的神經。在侍應介紹下,我們要了一客日本番茄、自家製茅屋芝士配松子火箭菜雪莉酒醋汁Japanese Fruit Tomato with Homemade Ricotta,pinenuts, rocket & Sherry Vinegar Dressing$228。鮮紅欲滴的日本番茄多汁清甜,加上自家製的軟芝士,以及酸酸甜甜的醬汁,確是不錯的配搭。最後撒上的點點黑椒,不甚起

餐廳主廚Shane Osborn曾於倫敦Pied-a-Terre獲米芝蓮榮耀,上年年底,離開工作多年的餐廳Betty,自立門戶,創立屬於自己的餐廳 - Arcane。裝潢設計簡約型格,不落俗套,以新派歐洲菜式為主打。據說,餐廳擁有一個戶外的露台花園,既種植了香草蔬菜等供廚房使用,也可為客人帶來綠意盎然的用餐體驗。可惜,天已黑,又下著雨,無緣一睹其面貌。
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先來一道酸香清爽且怡人的沙律菜,喚醒味蕾的神經。在侍應介紹下,我們要了一客日本番茄、自家製茅屋芝士配松子火箭菜雪莉酒醋汁Japanese Fruit Tomato with Homemade Ricotta,pinenuts, rocket & Sherry Vinegar Dressing$228。鮮紅欲滴的日本番茄多汁清甜,加上自家製的軟芝士,以及酸酸甜甜的醬汁,確是不錯的配搭。最後撒上的點點黑椒,不甚起眼,卻有畫龍點睛之妙,增添一份微微香辣。
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她,最懂人生,最為豪邁。無酒不成宴,先各來一杯產自法國的Patrick Piuze Vendanges Petit Chablis 2014白酒。呷一口,白酒入口清爽且帶果香,夾雜著青蘋果和檸檬的味道,挺易入口。
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吃過甜美輕盈的沙律,接著,來一道以香濃惹味見稱的意大利馬鈴薯粉團配牛肝菌醬、黑松露、烤黑法國色芬山洋蔥、蘑菇燉肉汁和巴馬臣芝士 Sautéed Potato Gnocchi with Cep Puree,Black Truffle,Charred Cevenne Onion,Mushroom Ragout & Parmesan$208,據說,這是大廚的招牌菜式之一。
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在主菜上枱前,她又各點來了一杯產自意大利的寶紅色且通透Prunotto Dolcetto d'Alba紅酒,飲一口,單寧細膩,口感均衡,滲透出幽幽的果香。
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主菜,侍應推介蒸鱸魚、白露筍、香草、香蔥和檸檬汁Steamed Suzuki Sea bass with White Asparagus, Samphire,Spring Onion & Lemon Emulsion$408。起初,還擔心大好食材,會被大廚會糟蹋了。畢竟,憑以往用餐經驗,西廳大廚總愛以烤焗炸等方式來烹調鮮魚,或以極為濃味醬料和配菜來蒸煮,奪去了魚天然的鮮味,也破壞了其嫩滑肉質。Arcane大廚之作,以中式蒸煮方式去處理,配以西菜中的食材,賦予這道菜更深更廣的內涵和層次。火喉拿捏極其準繩,魚肉入口鮮嫩細滑,且夾雜了一股教人精神為之一振的清香和酸香,白露筍又鮮嫩無渣,可說是中西合璧之佳作。
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壓軸甜品,她要了一客聖彼特朱古力撻配健力士黑啤酒味雪糕St Paddy’s Chocolate Tart with Guinness Ice Cream。小妹試了少許,朱古力味濃且帶苦澀味,啤酒味雪糕酒味不太突出,不太合小妹口味也。
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2016-05-29 1500 瀏覽
Arcane is headed by Australian chef Shane Osborn who used to work at Michelin starred Pied-a-Terre in London attained during his time there.I love the open kitchen where you could see them do their magic.The menu is really good and it is on their website as well so you can see what dishes they serve before you go.There are quite a few vegetarian choices as well as meat choices which made it hard to decide as I wanted to try almost every dish.To begin, I was given sourdough with butter which was
Arcane is headed by Australian chef Shane Osborn who used to work at Michelin starred Pied-a-Terre in London attained during his time there.
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I love the open kitchen where you could see them do their magic.
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The menu is really good and it is on their website as well so you can see what dishes they serve before you go.
There are quite a few vegetarian choices as well as meat choices which made it hard to decide as I wanted to try almost every dish.

To begin, I was given sourdough with butter which was a great start as it was soft with a lovely crispy edge.
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Started with Japanese fruit tomato with homemade ricotta, pinenuts, rocket and sherry vinegar dressing.
This was simple and delicious because the sauce was sweet and the pinenuts gave it a lovely nutty flavour along the tomato and ricotta.
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Pan fried langoustines, roast broccolini, girolle ragout, crisp garlic:
The langoustines were sweet and springy paired with my favourite roast broccolini which are a hybrid of broccoli and Chinese kale!
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Pan fried veal sweetbread, jerusalem artichokes, crisp new season onion, crushed peas, truffle jus:
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This was a huge piece of sweetbread and this is not often on the menu so I had to try it.
The texture of sweetbread is a bit like liver so it is quite rich but it came with sweet crushed peas and crisp onions which gave it a lovely roast onion flavour.
It would be great if they sliced the sweetbread into two pieces as one big piece makes you feel guilty!
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For dessert I had the Warm chocolate tart with whipped hokkaido cream, macadamia nuts and guinness ice cream.
The icecream was lovely and the chocolate tart was soft and rich.
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The food was paired with 2012 Jean-Philippe Fichet Bourgogne Blanc Vieilles Vignes.
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I really liked the food and plan to come back for the gnocchi, tortellini and other vegetable dishes.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)