2010-09-19 35 瀏覽
由幾位銀行家開設的Opus Grill,是一家很富現代感的高質素扒房。餐廳以咖啡色作主調,襯以紅色的皮餐椅和酒吧椅,牆身鋪上銅金色的花紋牆紙,還掛上許多由店主們在拍賣會上投得的油畫及照片,當中一幅名為Le Dessert的油畫更是畢加索的真跡。這裏雖然開業只有短短四個多月的日子,但卻得到不少食客的好評。既然是一家扒房,這裏的主打當然是牛肉/牛扒。據了解,餐廳的牛肉供應商為加州東南部有超過40年歷史的Bryan Flannery。Opus Grill所選的是美國中西部以粟米飼養的牛隻,取其脂肪較草飼牛多而平均。當中肉眼及New York Strip需乾熟成35至40日,以凝聚更濃郁的肉香。餐廳採用高溫火山石爐燒烤,大廚建議不妨選medium rare,焦脆的表層裹著軟滑的肉質,不用沾任何醬汁,只以海鹽及黑胡椒調味,已是品嚐炭燒及肉香的最佳食法。除了美國牛肉,店內還有澳洲和牛(百分百日本和牛配種的M9和牛),由天然飼料飼養500至600日,油花豐富而均勻,有Strip Loin、肉眼及牛扒三款選擇。不嗜牛的話,可選擇法國春雞、龍蝦湯、虎蝦、意大利飯或其他近20多款歐陸菜。入行20年的餐廳主
由幾位銀行家開設的Opus Grill,是一家很富現代感的高質素扒房。餐廳以咖啡色作主調,襯以紅色的皮餐椅和酒吧椅,牆身鋪上銅金色的花紋牆紙,還掛上許多由店主們在拍賣會上投得的油畫及照片,當中一幅名為Le Dessert的油畫更是畢加索的真跡。這裏雖然開業只有短短四個多月的日子,但卻得到不少食客的好評。

既然是一家扒房,這裏的主打當然是牛肉/牛扒。據了解,餐廳的牛肉供應商為加州東南部有超過40年歷史的Bryan Flannery。Opus Grill所選的是美國中西部以粟米飼養的牛隻,取其脂肪較草飼牛多而平均。當中肉眼及New York Strip需乾熟成35至40日,以凝聚更濃郁的肉香。餐廳採用高溫火山石爐燒烤,大廚建議不妨選medium rare,焦脆的表層裹著軟滑的肉質,不用沾任何醬汁,只以海鹽及黑胡椒調味,已是品嚐炭燒及肉香的最佳食法。除了美國牛肉,店內還有澳洲和牛(百分百日本和牛配種的M9和牛),由天然飼料飼養500至600日,油花豐富而均勻,有Strip Loin、肉眼及牛扒三款選擇。

不嗜牛的話,可選擇法國春雞、龍蝦湯、虎蝦、意大利飯或其他近20多款歐陸菜。入行20年的餐廳主廚,曾於Robuchon、文華等工作,廚藝有水準。另外,此店更自設恆溫酒窖,收藏了新舊世界多達650個不同品牌的餐酒。來自澳洲的駐店侍酒師,希望將當地小酒莊的出品帶進Opus Grill。

Opus Grill在星期六也有Set Lunch供應,前菜有七款選擇,分別有兩款湯、兩款蔬菜沙律、煙肉、牛肉他他和鮮蝦。主菜方面有多達十一款選擇,包括: 兩款意大利飯、四款海鮮、一款家禽和四款家畜類菜式。套餐連前菜、主菜及餐飲或甜品,每位為$198(另收加一)。前菜方面如選擇Frothy Lobster Bisque或Saffron Poached Prawns的話,則需另加$50和$60。主菜如選擇6 Oz Blackmore’s Flat Iron Steak with Cherry Tomatoes and Bearnaise Sauce的話,則需另加$100。

星期六中午時段的蘭桂坊食客稀少,再與食友Yan飯局約在Opus Grill竟變成包場飯局,實是意料之外。對方竟帶來兩塊自家製美式朱古力曲奇和小禮物,更是喜出望外。餐牌上有很多吸引的選擇,最後我們選了JB’s Chopped Salad和Two Saffron Poached Prawns with Mesclun Greens作前菜,Opus Lobster Risotto和Slow Cooked Australian Pork Ribs with Fries and Pickle Slaw作主菜,二人都捨餐飲而取甜品,可惜跟餐甜品除Bread Pudding外別無他選。

很欣賞那位貌似電視Lifestyle節目主持楊洛婷的侍應小姐,服務不但殷勤親切又有笑容,更重要的是對餐牌上的菜式都相當熟悉。侍應小姐在每上一道菜時,都會為我們介紹菜式的特色、材料和烹調方法。我們點了Sparkling Water又主動問是否需要加Lime(好些食肆的侍應都懶得問呢!),更不時主動為我們添水。當我們吃完麵包後,也會細心清理餐桌上的麵包屑。所謂見微知著,從侍應小姐的細心服務,已能預知當天的食物必合心意。

餐前麵包是麥包配Salted Butter,橘紅色餐巾裹著幾塊外脆內軟的麥包,雖然麵包是熱脆的,但為了有足夠胃納吃主菜和甜品,所以只吃了一塊便算。前菜JB’s Chopped Salad,材料相當豐富新鮮,有Iceberg、Romaine、Artichoke、Palm Hearts、Bacon、Roquefort、Chopped Egg、Onion、Olives、Semi-dried Tomatoes、Capers和Honey Mustard Dressing。其中Palm Hearts是較少見的沙律材料,所謂Palm Hearts就是棕櫚樹的軟芯部分,拉丁美洲菜式經常以之入饌,而法國就是Palm Hearts的最大進口國。許多素食者都喜以Palm Hearts為食材,做出各種塗醬或加入沙律之中。

Two Saffron Poached Prawns with Mesclun Greens,以貴價的藏紅花煮蝦,並配以雜錦疏菜。Saffron就是藏紅花或番紅花,有香料女王之稱。由於藏紅花的花期短(通常只有一至兩週而已),因此採集困難。藏紅花的每朵花僅有三根雄蕊柱頭可以食用,若是一両重的藏紅花,就需以人工摘取三千五百朵藏紅花的雄蕊才能製成,因此它是世上最珍貴的食材之一。據神農本草經的記載,藏紅花有活血通絡之功效,可治冠心病。這道前菜雖說是以藏紅花煮成,但卻不太能嚐出藏紅花的味道,因其不屬於酸、甜、苦、辣、鹹五味,倒像是一種乾淨純粹的味道中帶有一絲礦物的特質,反而蝦是又大又多肉,就算不以藏紅花煮都已甜鮮俱備,非常好吃。

當天所有菜式當中,最能打動我的是Opus Lobster Risotto,看似份量很少,但其實不然。香鮮兼備的馥郁龍蝦湯,煮出盡吸濃湯精華的好吃意大利飯,加入龍蝦肉塊、青豆Browned Butter和Mascarpone Cheese,吃後幸福感覺悠然而生。

Slow Cooked Australian Pork Ribs with Fries and Pickle Slaw,是一道份量頗大的菜式,除了大排豬肋骨之外,還有大量炸得香脆的薯條和好吃的雜菜作配菜。豬肋骨經過慢煮,所以香料都盡滲肉中,但慢煮完再焗的唯一缺點,是肉質吃起來有點鬆散,個人不太習慣。其實這道菜的配菜也很出色,尤其那香脆的薯條,雖然本身有點喉嚨痛,但仍一條接一條的吃。

說Bread Pudding是這餐完美的結局,就真箇貼切非常。這個甜品是大大的一碟,份量足以令嗜甜者為之雀躍。Bread Pudding焗得很金黃熱燙,正如Yan所言內裏的麵包、雞蛋和牛油等材料已融為一體,店方更加入了Brandy Raisin,吃時嚐到Bread Pudding香軟內層和金脆外層,又有好吃的葡萄乾,伴以混入雲尼拿籽的同味雪糕,簡直不能錯過。

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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$300 (午餐)
  • Opus Lobster Risotto
  • Two Saffron Poached Prawns with Mesclun Greens
  • Bread Pudding
Checked out this place on a Friday night, originally just for a drink with a bunch of friends, but after one mojito turned into appletinis and then champagne, the need for food asserted itself and it turned into a bit of a steak and burger buffet at the bar When entering, the place isn't too visually impressive, fairly simple layout, but the staff are quite engaging and charming, especially Max the bartender, so the experience is homey and personable, which is not too common in HK. A restaurant
Checked out this place on a Friday night, originally just for a drink with a bunch of friends, but after one mojito turned into appletinis and then champagne, the need for food asserted itself and it turned into a bit of a steak and burger buffet at the bar

When entering, the place isn't too visually impressive, fairly simple layout, but the staff are quite engaging and charming, especially Max the bartender, so the experience is homey and personable, which is not too common in HK. A restaurant with good food that doesn't put on too many airs, which is what you want sometimes. And the steak...I don't think I've had US style steak like this since I lived in NY (Wolfgang's, my first steak-love). We had the Wagyu skewers, pork ribs (very soft and succulent with a homemade bbq sauce), and a few different steaks, which were wonderfully crispy and tender at the same time.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$800 (晚餐)
  • NY Steak
  • pork ribs
2010-08-08 10 瀏覽
This used to be Dakota Prime. This still looks like it and feels like it but something has changed. Not sure what exactly.The bar tender behaves like he owns the place, like the barman in your local pub who wants to build a relationship with you. Maybe he is the owner. Who knows. Deserves a trip just for that.We all had steaks (the filet mignon and the rib eye) and they were all very good. As sides, the corn were our favourites. The menu is not very imaginative: it has all the high cholesterol a
This used to be Dakota Prime. This still looks like it and feels like it but something has changed. Not sure what exactly.

The bar tender behaves like he owns the place, like the barman in your local pub who wants to build a relationship with you. Maybe he is the owner. Who knows. Deserves a trip just for that.

We all had steaks (the filet mignon and the rib eye) and they were all very good. As sides, the corn were our favourites. The menu is not very imaginative: it has all the high cholesterol american favourites. I guess we came for that so it is not a problem. The wine list is huge and has only a few affordable wines; still, we found a Chateauneuf du Pape that was both quite good and affordable.

It is sometimes hard to figure out what you will get from reading the menu: the wedge salad does not come with a wedge but in a cheese basket. Still, this was a great dinner and this deserves a trip back - though I am not sure who could eat there more than once a month given the amount and nature of the food they serve.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2010-07-28 20 瀏覽
Always on the quest for the ultimate steak, I tried Opus Grill last week, and dragged my sister along. Starting off at the bar, I enjoyed a frozen martini while my sister had a delicious mojito. Bar snacks were tastey and thoughtful. Then I went for an all-out beef fix, starting with Beef Tartar, which was excellent; loved the pickles & matchstick fries with “chili jam” (?) garnishes. Then had the Flannery Rib Eye which was amazing. I’d heard good things about Flannery from my wine-loving friend
Always on the quest for the ultimate steak, I tried Opus Grill last week, and dragged my sister along. Starting off at the bar, I enjoyed a frozen martini while my sister had a delicious mojito. Bar snacks were tastey and thoughtful. Then I went for an all-out beef fix, starting with Beef Tartar, which was excellent; loved the pickles & matchstick fries with “chili jam” (?) garnishes. Then had the Flannery Rib Eye which was amazing. I’d heard good things about Flannery from my wine-loving friends in California who often special-ordered it for their wine-tasting dinners, so I was surprised to see it on the menu in Hong Kong. I’m a big fan of dry-aged beef and the chef prepared it perfectly with minimalist seasoning and cooked it just right, letting the delicious juices and tenderness do the talking. I was sad when the last bite was finished, but the experience lingered pleasantly on the palette. Talked for a while with the sommelier who gave a couple nice suggestions for wines I hadn’t tried before. My sister is less of a beef-eater, but she enjoyed the Roasted Chicken, very tender and juicy. We shared the Glazed Vegetables which was also nice. We had the brandy raisin semi-freddo with cashew nougatine for dessert, which was surprisingly light and a great finish to a wonderful evening.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$900 (晚餐)
  • Beef Tartar
  • Flannery Rib Eye
2010-07-23 22 瀏覽
Always on the quest for the ultimate steak, I tried Opus Grill last week, and dragged my sister along. Starting off at the bar, I enjoyed a killer frozen martini (served from some kind of bottle in an ice-block) while my sister had a cocktail. Bartender was friendly and skilled; nice to see somebody take pride in their craft and go the extra step – mojito cocktail was also really delicious. Even bar snacks were tastey and thoughtful. Then I went for an all-out beef fix, starting with Beef Tartar
Always on the quest for the ultimate steak, I tried Opus Grill last week, and dragged my sister along. Starting off at the bar, I enjoyed a killer frozen martini (served from some kind of bottle in an ice-block) while my sister had a cocktail. Bartender was friendly and skilled; nice to see somebody take pride in their craft and go the extra step – mojito cocktail was also really delicious. Even bar snacks were tastey and thoughtful. Then I went for an all-out beef fix, starting with Beef Tartar, which was excellent; loved the pickles & matchstick fries with “chili jam” (?) garnishes. Then had the Flannery Rib Eye which was amazing. I’d heard good things about Flannery from my wine-loving friends in California who often special-ordered it for their wine-tasting dinners, so I was surprised to see it on the menu in Hong Kong. I’m a big fan of dry-aged beef and the chef prepared it perfectly with minimalist seasoning and cooked it just right, letting the delicious juices and tenderness do the talking. I was sad when the last bite was finished, but the experience lingered pleasantly on the palette. Talked for a while with the sommelier who gave a couple nice suggestions for wines I hadn’t tried before, which went well with the meal. My sister is less of a beef-eater, but she enjoyed the Roasted Chicken, very tender and juicy. We shared the Glazed Vegetables which was also nice. We then had the brandy raisin semi-freddo with cashew nougatine for dessert, which was surprisingly light and a great finish to a wonderful evening.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$900 (晚餐)
  • Steak Tartar
  • Flannery Beef
2010-07-19 10 瀏覽
Always on the lookout for good steak restaurants, I tried this place on Saturday night with two friends.We started on the very comfy sofas in the bar area with a few cocktails while we ordered and waited for our food. When the food arrived we went to the restaurant area.We had a filet, ribey and strip steak and all were absolutely wonderful, succulent and cooked to perfection. As I like the basics, I was disappointed that there was no baked potato on the menu. Nor was it possible to get steamed
Always on the lookout for good steak restaurants, I tried this place on Saturday night with two friends.

We started on the very comfy sofas in the bar area with a few cocktails while we ordered and waited for our food. When the food arrived we went to the restaurant area.

We had a filet, ribey and strip steak and all were absolutely wonderful, succulent and cooked to perfection. As I like the basics, I was disappointed that there was no baked potato on the menu. Nor was it possible to get steamed vegetables. Ah well...

We had left enough room for a dessert and the chocolate dessert for 2 was everything a girl needs chocolate to be - yummy.

Given the ridiculous price quoted here of corkage (HK$600!!!), I am happy to say that there was a good selection of red wines by the glass and the bar manager, Max, came up with a nice half bottle of Sauternes to go with the chocolate dessert.

Food was excellent but the bill (albeit including drinks) was expensive, given that we had 1 starter, 3 mains, 1 dessert & 3 sides. At that price, I would expect side orders (veg etc) to be included in the price of the main.

Service was well-meaning and friendly but a bit erratic. We had to ask for almost all our drinks a second time before they arrived.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$800 (晚餐)
  • steak
I tried this restaurant with friends last night and came away with a really good feeling. My first impression was of the art -- they have all these old black and white photos and old cinema art (old Alfred Hitchcock movies, etc.), which is my style and gave the bar area a nice traditional appeal. The atmosphere was cool and relaxed and the crowd was quite mixed, some good looking locals , some Europeans in a large-ish group, a couple of Americans, and several couples out for a romantic evenin
I tried this restaurant with friends last night and came away with a really good feeling.
My first impression was of the art -- they have all these old black and white photos and old cinema art (old Alfred Hitchcock movies, etc.), which is my style and gave the bar area a nice traditional appeal. The atmosphere was cool and relaxed and the crowd was quite mixed, some good looking locals
, some Europeans in a large-ish group, a couple of Americans, and several couples out for a romantic evening. I also liked the music--hip and not too generic like in a lot of places.
The bartender was very polite and friendly and well-spoken and made some excellent cocktails for me and my girlfriends...I like a place where the bartender is skilled enough to handle anything you throw at him and you don't have to order from the menu. They were also running a special on oysters and we had some just to "warm up"
-- very fresh, creamy oysters, Australian I think, as these are in season.
Moving on to dinner, we ordered a bunch of starters to share & my favorite was the crab cake, which was nice and fresh, almost 100% crabmeat and not fried, but fresh, which was original.
Then came a palate-cleansing sorbet made from Sauternes wine. A very subtle flavor, but also memorable. Unfortunately you can't buy this anywhere, because they make it themselves, guess I'll just have to go back again!
For steaks, 3 of us ordered the US beef and 1 had the Australian Wagyu - I had an 8oz filet as I was getting a bit full by then, but I had a taste of the "Bryan Flannery NY Strip" and I must say that the flavor was outstanding - very rich without being fatty - the steak had flavor that came from the meat itself, not just the outer crust. The flavor also stayed in your mouth after you finished chewing. The filet was also very good, but that NY steak was truly excellent. The Wagyu rib eye was very nice, too, but a bit rich for me.
For sides, we couldn't resist the Truffle Mac n cheese, such a comfort food classic and had a great toasted cheese crust. Delicious and sinful.
For dessert we ordered a sampling of everything and my favorite was, I think it was called the orange chocolate truffle tart, which had a nice texture and a slightly crunchy crust.
When we finished our meal, it was raining hard outside, so we decided to hang out and have an after dinner drink. The bartender suggested we have a nice old Armagnac, which I hadn't tried before & expected it to be harsh and strong, but he had an old one (1967 I think) that was actually very smooth and the perfect finish to the meal.
The place was quite busy, so service was not the speediest, but the quality was definitely there and the staff seemed very passionate and knowledgeable about what they were serving. A real pleasure to find this in a Hong Kong restaurant.
Great food, great vibe, and a great night!!

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
10 分鐘 (堂食)
  • Steamed Crab Cake
  • Flannery NY Strip
  • Truffle Mac n Cheese
  • orange chocolate tart
  • Appletini
2010-07-14 4 瀏覽
I read reports on this newly opened restaurant and went for lunch yesterday. I was so pleasantly surprised.The decoration of the place is cosy but it was empty. There were only about 5 tables during lunch and so I was concerned if the food is good.I order the chopped salad and the flatbed steak. Both of them were very very good. I really like the steak. It melts in your mouth. I cannot wait to go back for another meal.Unfortunately, the steak sandwich ordered by my friend was another story
I read reports on this newly opened restaurant and went for lunch yesterday. I was so pleasantly surprised.

The decoration of the place is cosy but it was empty. There were only about 5 tables during lunch and so I was concerned if the food is good.

I order the chopped salad and the flatbed steak. Both of them were very very good. I really like the steak. It melts in your mouth. I cannot wait to go back for another meal.

Unfortunately, the steak sandwich ordered by my friend was another story. Bread was a bit tough and dry.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$250 (午餐)
  • Chopped salad and steak
2010-06-28 7 瀏覽
After reading some of the positive reviews here, I decided to try this place for lunch with my girlfriends. Salads were nice; my friends had the JB Chopped while I had the Brutus; wasn’t sure about the name, but it turned out to be great combination of anchovies and burrata – delicious! For mains, we shared Fish & Chips, Pork Ribs, and Flat Iron Steak. Fish & Chips were great – exquisite batter and tasty fish - and Pork Ribs had delicious sauce & coating with tender juicy meat. But french fries
After reading some of the positive reviews here, I decided to try this place for lunch with my girlfriends. Salads were nice; my friends had the JB Chopped while I had the Brutus; wasn’t sure about the name, but it turned out to be great combination of anchovies and burrata – delicious! For mains, we shared Fish & Chips, Pork Ribs, and Flat Iron Steak. Fish & Chips were great – exquisite batter and tasty fish - and Pork Ribs had delicious sauce & coating with tender juicy meat. But french fries were a bit ordinary. Flat Iron Steak was amazing; crispy flavorful outside and melt-in-your mouth core with long-lasting beefy deliciousness. Huge wine list as well with lots of rare Australian wines. This place really has high quality ingredients and thoughtful preparation, and the pricing is pretty reasonable. Will definitely come back.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$250 (午餐)
  • Flat Iron Steak
  • Fish & Chips
  • Pork Ribs
  • Brutus Salad
  • JB Chopped Salad
2010-06-24 3 瀏覽
Been looking for a good steakhouse in Central for a while and was recommended this place by some friends and finally made it to lunch there last week. Party of three for quick business lunch and we all ordered the set. I had the Brutus Salad and Chicken Tartine. Meal began well with excellent starter bread; couldn't stop eating the rye bread. Brutus Salad was great and I loved the Chicken Tartine; caramelized onions and melted cheese complemented the chicken which was remarkably juicey with nice
Been looking for a good steakhouse in Central for a while and was recommended this place by some friends and finally made it to lunch there last week. Party of three for quick business lunch and we all ordered the set. I had the Brutus Salad and Chicken Tartine. Meal began well with excellent starter bread; couldn't stop eating the rye bread. Brutus Salad was great and I loved the Chicken Tartine; caramelized onions and melted cheese complemented the chicken which was remarkably juicey with nice bread base. My colleagues loved the Blackmore Flat Iron steak. Tried a slice; was cooked to perfection, great tenderness and sustained juicy flavor. The wine list was impressive, but will have to go back for dinner to fully enjoy all the offerings. Decor and ambience/music were fine, not intrusive so could enjoy relaxed conversation. Classy artwork is a nice touch. Overall, recommend for business lunch (worth the hike into LKF), and am looking forward to trying dinner there.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • Brutus Salad
  • Chicken Tartine
  • Blackmore Flat Iron
I'm sitting here at work (bad employee, I know) and I can't get the olefactory memory of last night's steak dinner out of my mind. They say flavors and smells are most evocative of the senses and I'm finding that's the case today. Such a fully flavored yet tender steak. Going to a steak restaurant is a bit of a special occasion for me due to the cost and the richness of the meal, so I always want to make it a positive experience. I went to Opus Grill on the recommendation of a client, toget
I'm sitting here at work (bad employee, I know
) and I can't get the olefactory memory of last night's steak dinner out of my mind. They say flavors and smells are most evocative of the senses and I'm finding that's the case today. Such a fully flavored yet tender steak.

Going to a steak restaurant is a bit of a special occasion for me due to the cost and the richness of the meal, so I always want to make it a positive experience. I went to Opus Grill on the recommendation of a client, together with my g/f, and the bottomline is that it definitely holds its own with the other high end steakhouses in HK--while the LKF location makes it more convenient, esp if you want to stay in Central.

Service was pretty good, very personable (although non-French) sommelier, who helped us choose a really nice half bottle of Figeac to share--sometimes you want quality, not quantity.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$750 (晚餐)
  • Flannery 'Private Reserve 40 day dry aged Rib Eye (160z)
  • Blackmore Wagyu Flat Iron (10oz)
  • Brutus salad
  • crispy fried creamed spinach
  • nougatine semi-freddo dessert brandy raisin flavour
Took Dad here on the day before Father's Day as the restaurant was closed for a private function on Sunday. Very positive impression.I chose this restaurant because I had read on some website that they had exclusive access to Bryan Flannery's beef (for HK) -- now I remembered having this beef at a wine tasting dinner in Napa Valley and it was really outstanding. So good that I had tried to ship some to HK but the Flannery website doesn't allow you to ship internationally, so... Long story sh
Took Dad here on the day before Father's Day as the restaurant was closed for a private function on Sunday. Very positive impression.

I chose this restaurant because I had read on some website that they had exclusive access to Bryan Flannery's beef (for HK) -- now I remembered having this beef at a wine tasting dinner in Napa Valley and it was really outstanding. So good that I had tried to ship some to HK but the Flannery website doesn't allow you to ship internationally, so... Long story short, I wanted to give Dad a special meal for Father's Day and this seemed like something a bit different. A brief rundown:

Bar -- interesting atmosphere, cozy with interesting artwork and a very polite & friendly little round guy behind the bar. Had a glass of champagne to start, most enjoyable...

Dinner -- then to the table, ordered some oysters and crabcake for appetizers, Flannery's NY strip for the men and filet (for the little lady). Crabcake was sort of a reversed crabcake with steamed crab with some interesting herb that I forget its name, and crispy mayonnaise (fried, interestingly), on top. Gilato oysters were fresh and very creamy. Deelish. Steaks arrived and the thing that I remember the most about this steak is the nutty aroma that wafts off it and the lack of blood seeping out when you slice it. It is tender and moist without being wet, which is what dry aging is all about. Just a beautiful piece of meat and so much better than what you usually find in HK. I tasted this steak for two days after eating it. Even the filet had marbling, which is unheard of. Side dish of truffle mac n cheese was a little filling but very nice...crispy fried creamed spinach sort of looked like falafel but was interesting. That was for the crowd, I'm not a spinach guy.

Service -- our waiter Rana was really attentive without interrupting us every two minutes, he was only there when we needed him. No complaints.

All in all, a good special occasion venue, relaxed with a cool vibe and interesting visuals. Will definitely be back to try the Rib Eye.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$800 (晚餐)
  • Flannery 12oz NY Strip
2010-06-02 16 瀏覽
Have been looking forward to the opening of this restaurant as I saw their creative posting about a month ago. I went to the restaurant during lunch last week with some of my girl friends. The selection for Lunch Set is great for what the price is offering. There is 3 of us so we figured we will order different things on the menu and each give a try to it. We have ordered the Beef Tartare, Burratus Salad and Soup of the Day; and as for the Main Course, we have ordered the Flat Iron Steak, Por
Have been looking forward to the opening of this restaurant as I saw their creative posting about a month ago.
I went to the restaurant during lunch last week with some of my girl friends. The selection for Lunch Set is great for what the price is offering.
There is 3 of us so we figured we will order different things on the menu and each give a try to it. We have ordered the Beef Tartare, Burratus Salad and Soup of the Day; and as for the Main Course, we have ordered the Flat Iron Steak, Pork Ribs & Daily Sandwich which is they offered the Steak Sandwich on that day.
My favorite has to be the Flat Iron Steak. It's chared just right on the outside and the beef is still so juicy and tender on the inside. It literally melts in my mouth. Pork Ribs is my friend's favorite, the bbq sauce on it is very flavorful and the meat holds it shape without feeling that it's been precook in Hot Water, or been overly tenderize. The pairing of French Fries is just as good. It's definitely not McDonald's skinny fries but something substantial and it stays crispy till the end of our meal. No oil drippy or whatsoever, it's so good. I feel like a kid again.
Too Bad our lunch break is usually only an hour and a half, if not, I would definitely love to try out their extensive Wine List. Not to mention that they offered a good variety in Half Bottles which is rare in HK market and it's perfect for light drinkers as us which we can enjoy good wine and not feel wasted for not able to finish the entire bottles.
I would definitely come back and maybe this time, I should come back during Dinner time and try out their Famous Flannery Rib Eye which according to their manager, it's exclusive and no one has it in Hong Kong.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$200 (午餐)
  • Flat Iron Steak.