2021-03-30 491 瀏覽
上星期六經朋友介紹來到東涌世茂喜來登酒店, 這間餐廳位於酒店的商場一樓, 可以泊喺酒店停車場20蚊一個鐘. 這間餐廳開咗一個禮拜到, 餐廳裝修高級, 有卓球台可以任玩. 對住海景對面就係機場. 我同老婆7pm到步. 人流好少坐得好舒服, 感覺上服務員比顧客多. 不過我都理解到餐廳係酒店, 疫情關係自然少人. 跟住直接點食物, 叫咗啲咩食物可以喺係相片查看. 兩個主餐三個配菜個配菜兩杯嘢飲. 餐前亦有麵包送上, 有兩款其中一個有黑糖麵包, 正! 另外先講配菜, 薯條外脆內軟, 份量超多, 我哋有一個主餐都有薯條, 其實我哋配菜揀錯唔應該再叫, 食唔哂!極力推薦松露芝士通心粉, 淡淡creamy芝士重加焗到面頭少少脆, 冇得輸. 至於個忌廉煙肉焗薯都ok, 不過重新兩個食得太多澱粉質, 所以我建議兩個人嘅話可以叫啲炒菜食. 跟住到個背助排 full size, 真係兩大件咁樣上, 足夠二人份量, 佢個醬汁都幾好, 可惜我哋去食當日佢有少少overcooked, dry左一D. 最有驚喜係個熟成牛扒, 必食, 我配咗紅酒燒汁, 真有紅酒, 唔以出面D得個甜字, 牛扒岩燒過嚟, 有陣炭燒味及外
上星期六經朋友介紹來到東涌世茂喜來登酒店, 這間餐廳位於酒店的商場一樓, 可以泊喺酒店停車場20蚊一個鐘. 這間餐廳開咗一個禮拜到, 餐廳裝修高級, 有卓球台可以任玩. 對住海景對面就係機場. 我同老婆7pm到步. 人流好少坐得好舒服, 感覺上服務員比顧客多. 不過我都理解到餐廳係酒店, 疫情關係自然少人. 跟住直接點食物, 叫咗啲咩食物可以喺係相片查看. 兩個主餐三個配菜個配菜兩杯嘢飲. 餐前亦有麵包送上, 有兩款其中一個有黑糖麵包, 正! 另外先講配菜, 薯條外脆內軟, 份量超多, 我哋有一個主餐都有薯條, 其實我哋配菜揀錯唔應該再叫, 食唔哂!極力推薦松露芝士通心粉, 淡淡creamy芝士重加焗到面頭少少脆, 冇得輸. 至於個忌廉煙肉焗薯都ok, 不過重新兩個食得太多澱粉質, 所以我建議兩個人嘅話可以叫啲炒菜食. 跟住到個背助排 full size, 真係兩大件咁樣上, 足夠二人份量, 佢個醬汁都幾好, 可惜我哋去食當日佢有少少overcooked, dry左一D. 最有驚喜係個熟成牛扒, 必食, 我配咗紅酒燒汁, 真有紅酒, 唔以出面D得個甜字, 牛扒岩燒過嚟, 有陣炭燒味及外皮脆脆地, 內裏肉質鮮嫩再加埋有少少肥膏.
.... 埋單大約九百零蚊. 早知就星期一至五來食, openrice有八折.... 提提服務真係一流, 店員熱情招呼(可能好似頭先咁講冇乜人嚟食...)
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2021-03-27 1779 瀏覽
Tung Chung is a place to chill outThis restaurant is too fresh with the snooker table.Good to enjoy the happy hourThe staff service is so nice. They keep smiling all the time which having a pleasure experience Bread basketHere are different type of bread🍞Grain toast, multi grain breadI was surprised that it is scrumptiousIt seems freshly baked, the bread is so softEven the toast, it is crisp.It is a good startersFresh Raw OysterWhile the oysters come, the seawater taste is so rich. It is mild sa
Tung Chung is a place to chill out
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This restaurant is too fresh with the snooker table.
Good to enjoy the happy hour

The staff service is so nice. They keep smiling all the time which having a pleasure experience

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Bread basket
Here are different type of bread🍞
Grain toast, multi grain bread
I was surprised that it is scrumptious

It seems freshly baked, the bread is so soft

Even the toast, it is crisp.
It is a good starters

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Fresh Raw Oyster
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While the oysters come, the seawater taste is so rich. It is mild salty

And I love this taste of sweet & crispy

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Scallop and Pancetta
It is with cauliflower mousseline and chicken juice.
Actually, I prefer the raw tasting without the sauce.

Of course the presentation with the sauce look more fantastic.
The scallop is so tender, not overcooked. I love it very much

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The foam is made with crustaceans sauce.
Thus it is super fresh

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Grill corn
It looks like charred but surprisingly tasted extraordinary

No any bitter. It is crunchy and sweet.
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Hibiscus Paloma
It is a tequila drinks with bergamot and grapefruit,
The first tasting is so refreshing because of the grapefruit.
And the after tasting is like Chinese herbal because of hibiscus.
This combination is full of freshness

I am delighted to be arrange the window seating which can enjoy the sea view.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2021-03-26 1442 瀏覽
It has been a long time since I last came to Tung Chung to see my dear friend. About 10 mins from the MTR station, my friend takes me to this new hidden gem area: T-Bay. It’s a cluster of restaurants and bars near the new Sheraton Hotel! Very exotic with many cools bars and restaurants with a big outdoor sitting area. We decided to try this new steakhouse on the 1st floor, away from the popular crowd on a Thursday night, to enjoy some quiet time to catch up!We begin our night with these two beau
It has been a long time since I last came to Tung Chung to see my dear friend.
About 10 mins from the MTR station, my friend takes me to this new hidden gem area: T-Bay.
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It’s a cluster of restaurants and bars near the new Sheraton Hotel! Very exotic with many cools bars and restaurants with a big outdoor sitting area.
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We decided to try this new steakhouse on the 1st floor, away from the popular crowd on a Thursday night, to enjoy some quiet time to catch up!
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We begin our night with these two beautiful cocktails after speaking to the bar manager!
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American Martinez $110
My alcoholic friend is very satisfied with the strong boozy taste, with gin, dark rum and port wine. The cocktail finishes with a floral and earthy spice note, with a light hint of flamed orange peel.
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Penicillin #101 $110
This is a whiskey sour tastes smooth and spicy with a sweet finish! The lemon gives a citrusy balance, thats why the whiskey wont be overpowering and easy to drink with!
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Free bread Basket
This bead basket has 3 different breads in it, served with butter and Balsamic Vinegar & Olive Oil. Staple food but nice and warm!
1 crusty bread, best with vinegar and olive oil
2 herb roll: my favourtie, smells so good with all the herbs in it
3 walnut bread: a bit of nutty taste, bread itself is so soft inside, airy!
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Maryland Crab Cakes $118
First of all, presentation is 100 marks, with the bright yellow smoked chipotle sauce.
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This smoky, creamy chipotle sauce is one of my absolute favorites to punch up the freshly deep fried crab cake! Crab cake itself is filled with the claw meat, the mango salsa lifts the guilty oily feeling I get after eating these perfect 3 cakes in the tummy.
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Garganelli Bolognese $198
Folded and hollow, garganelli pasta is the ideal choice for picking up a hearty sauce like the bolognese. The sauce is rich and flavourful as I love the traditional diced carrots, onion and garlic. With a snowy topping of sharp, grated Parmesan, this bolognese is a delicious and satisfying way to celebrate the night with.
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The steakhouse dry ages their steaks in their own aging coolers where a complex process incorporates an intricate and delicate balance of time, temperature, air circulation and humidity.
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Dry aged USDA Striploin $338
All steaks come with one side dish and one source of your own choice.
We picked the striploin because it is tender and not so fatty as the other cuts. The striploin has a more intense flavor and juicy tenderness that only dry-aging can provide! Its cooked perfectly to its medium well temperature, we love it so much!
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We had this corn on cob for side
Perfectly grilled, with strong buttery flavour. The corn is so sweet
So good, but maybe for a lady with her date, she can choose some other dishes which are more elegant hahaha because I have to pick up the whole corn to bite it

We really enjoyed our dinner especially the service is excellent! The waitress Jessie answered all of our questions so patiently, checked with us during the different course of our meal all time, and most importantly having fun with us! Thank you so much!!!!!! Will definitely come back!

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$418 (晚餐)