餐廳: Le 188° 餐廳及酒廊
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  • 國泰會員每次可賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數之消費額上限為港幣10,000元。
  • 會員於國泰夥伴餐廳作合資格消費,每港幣4元可賺取1里數。而渣打國泰Mastercard®客戶憑卡消費可享每港幣4元賺取2里數,包括合作夥伴餐廳合資格消費之餐膳里賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)及基本餐飲類別之合資格簽賬獎賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)。
  • 賺取之「亞洲萬里通」里數將根據餐飲與膳食消費,包括服務費、稅項及小費的總和而計算。
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  • 賺取的「亞洲萬里通」里數將於認可餐膳消費交易後7個工作天內存入會員的賬戶。
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餐廳: Le 188° 餐廳及酒廊
優惠: 國泰會員於夥伴餐廳消費可賺高達HKD4 = 2里數。受有關條款約束。
  • 國泰會員每次可賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數之消費額上限為港幣10,000元。
  • 會員於國泰夥伴餐廳作合資格消費,每港幣4元可賺取1里數。而渣打國泰Mastercard®客戶憑卡消費可享每港幣4元賺取2里數,包括合作夥伴餐廳合資格消費之餐膳里賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)及基本餐飲類別之合資格簽賬獎賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)。
  • 賺取之「亞洲萬里通」里數將根據餐飲與膳食消費,包括服務費、稅項及小費的總和而計算。
  • 惠顧特定推廣套餐或不可賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數。請預先向個別「賺里餐廳」查詢。
  • 賺取的「亞洲萬里通」里數將於認可餐膳消費交易後7個工作天內存入會員的賬戶。
食評 (275)
We going up to the top of Harbour Grand Hongkong, and with no doubt, we can see a definitely stunning wide angle harbour view haaa, seeing tst and wanchai side, this lovely harbour view is the major reason we go to Le 188, cause i know better i have no expectation for the food lollll, so i really didn’t get any disappointment with this limited food choices haaaa, surprising i love chocolate muffins here yayaHere mainly divided into two parts, western and chinese corner, i wanna say chinese food corner simply just a showroom i can’t find any food i wanna eat there lollllStarted with cold dishes, you can take vegetables salad, fruits including watermelon, sweet melons, pineapple and some small fruits like raspberry, blueberries and strawberries( which put on small hidden pot and i omitted at first), you can take smoked salmon slices, parma hams and cheese side, i like mixing salmon slices with sweet melons cause melon can neutralize the saltiness of salmon, id say the quality of smoked salmon not too high, salmon flavor not strong but salty and not too fresh, only good thing here is they filling up so quickly, though cold dishes not too fresh, also for all small fruits, the nestle yogurt is so fake i have a bit to try and done with this lolllThere are cheese corner including cheddar cheese and goose cheese, i love cheddar cheese with eggs haaLet’s move to the hot dishes, first take some scramnled eggs with ham, haaa, my favorite one here, good mixing with sliced salmon and sliced cheddar cheese haa, such a yummy combination, my all time favorite, sometimes you can also combine all ingredients insides croissant if you not afraid of those freaking fat lolll haa, super devil but super yummy too yaya haaa, screamed eggs are quite smoothxx, hash brown is normal, chicken sausage isn’t badWhat i wanna warn seriously is that their plastic bacon, simply way too dry, thick and fake loll, like thick paper card lolllll, horrible one, totally unacceptable, thai pork sausage tastes normal, and broccolis are soft which is good with good flavorings Last corner we get some sweet breads, including several choices such as croissants, berries bread, small chocolate cake muffins, and waffle, you can reheat it by the roasted yourself, i love small chocolate cakes, the taste is taste with rich chocolate flavor haa, some chocolate chips on top, croissant is also yummy good adding some salmon, cheese and eggs inside, making my own croissant yayayaThough, waffle is so dry and tasteless saddd, what i expected would be wrong but turned out with disappointment Surprised they offer grapefruit juice here, so healthy one, and i picked this as my breakfast drink not hot milk this time, but surely they adding sugar insides, insides:view(; The environment is stunning here, the main reason you should come up here to have a meal here haaa, yea absolutely for me, the food quality is okay, but with limited choice, but a bad choice if you wanna start your day with this wonderful harbour view haaa, good day(; 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
剛過去的中秋節,大家有無去維港兩岸睇無人機show呀?上次講過如果係北角港島海逸君綽酒店內任何一間食晚飯,都可以上天台,係毫無遮蔽的環境下欣賞景色,當然係所有維港show都無問題,仲要無須晨早去霸位,只要食到飽飽,就可以開開心心去睇show,酒店又近地鐵站,散場易如反掌。不過今次只不過同朋友聊天,因為Le 188最近推出了《黑松露、和牛、燕窩、芒果下午茶》。下午茶本身可選擇即磨咖啡或茶,更送上指定氣泡酒各一杯,能喝上一杯,來點酒意真好。飲品當然是喜歡的Earl Grey,配上甜點更是絕配。若是心有所屬,另加$48可享一杯特飲,而單點都只是$68/杯,以Le 188的環境而言,是相當相宜的,而加$178可享用指定香檳一杯,總之是變化多端。整個Afternoon Tea,在週一至週五兩位用$628,而週六週日以及公眾假期$688/兩位,如果是多出一位,亦只須$388位。有異於平日的三層架下午茶,今次是以一條玻璃橋作擺放,在色彩上是有點心思,不錯。咸點Ricotta Cheese、松露、蔬菜釀羊肚菌很出奇不意,帶有中式氛圍,羊肚菌內是芝士及松露,一口咬落,芝士隨之湧現,很有趣的質及味道,松露與羊肚菌沒有違和感。蝦他他、茄子蓉、 鮑魚及芒果筒芒果筒的口感不錯,又有芒果的甜香,內裡是蝦他他及茄子蓉,放上了鮑魚增添了中式的元素。美國和牛配魚子醬多士其實是和牛他他,質感軟熟,配以微脆的多士。意大利青瓜菠菜炸飯糰配牛油果啫哩及松露第一眼仲以為係馬介休,咬落先見真章,餡料真的豐富,松露氣味不會過強,恰到好處。鹹鱈魚蓉三文治貼上兩片脆片,打破三文治原有的框框,外脆內軟,魚香滿滿。澳洲和牛配雅支竹和牛粒碎上,雅支竹烤至焦糖化,入口軟綿之外,更多了一份香氣。甜點荔枝及覆盆子燕窩球既有荔枝的芳香,又有覆盆子的酸度,令平衡點拿捏得好好,放上了燕窩使人感覺更矜貴。榴槤蛋糕外形做得唯妙唯肖,雖然不知道置頂的榴槤品種,但馥郁芳香,軟綿甜滑,有水準。香橙macaron雖然非homemade出品,但取貨有眼光,外型飽滿又微脆,橙味突出而不過火。黑松露芝士蛋糕黑松露下得輕手,其實仲好,因為芝士味道已經偏濃。芒果棉花糖把棉花糖放入甜品內,倒是很少見,不過都幾多芒果類,如果換上了蜜桃又如何?提子鬆餅是迷你版的鬆餅,塗上clotted cream更是可口,又不會食得太飽,我喜歡。聽聞今個下午茶將於10月換上新主題,若是想同朋友好好聊天,這裡無疑是一個好選擇。  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
今日難得可以早少少收工,約咗屋企人過嚟炮台山食過豐富晚餐,le188 餐廳喺酒店41樓,上到上面,有個無敵大海景,全部座位都係望海,感覺真係好舒服,見到個tasting menu 好抵食,上佢公司網頁仲要做緊7折優惠,梗係試吓呢個先,食物種類都好豐富,有法國油鴨髀配鴨肝。三文魚mouse puff,煎大蝦配西柚汁魚子醬,又有美國鴨胸,鮮嫩多汁好味,美國西冷,焦糖千層蛋糕,食完真係好滿足。感覺好豐富,呢度服務也好好! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
第一次黎到位於北角Harbour Grand 41/F Le 188 餐廳,馬上被佢個全維港海景view 吸引,可以邊食邊嘆住香港景色 今次在酒店eshop 預訂左tea set , 食物擺設吸引,用上特別的玻璃長碟,與一般的下午茶三層架不同。有我至愛魚子醬,伴海膽同餅乾一齊食味道很夾。甜點方面黑松露芝士蛋糕食落有驚喜,鴨肝朱古力撻不錯。一邊和朋友享受食物和寧靜環境。服務員態度細心有禮,  食物質素好,下次定會推介朋友再來。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-05-08
829 瀏覽
早幾日訂左41/F 下午茶set一黎到環境先加分,第一次黎,雖然係落雨天,但真的很安靜,用餐環境好舒服 。接待人員非常友善,熱情好客,畀到我一個唔錯嘅印象 。🙂‍↕️而且食物質素可以,presentation好靚,飲品不單止包括咖啡或茶,更有汽酒供應 。😍一路飲住杯Speaking wine,一路享受個靚景,人生一大樂事也 。🤭我哋已經迫不及待地plan 定下一次再黎,發誓要係好天氣嘅時候再黎感受一次,欣賞埋個靚靚日落。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)