Restaurant: Isono Suisan
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
1-min walk from Exit D2, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
51114347 (WhatsApp)
This izakaya restaurant uses seasonal seafood imported from Japan every day. You can try the best taste of hamayaki due to a mini kitchen near the seating area, or enjoy the chef's cooking show at the sushi bar. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 16:30
17:30 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: Isono Suisan
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (1176)
呢日下晝嚟咗呢間日本餐廳食飯,見到佢哋嘅lunch set幾吸引,所以就同友人一人叫咗一份,再另外加咗啲磯燒海鮮食🤤前菜呢個都幾特別,係餐廳自家製嘅鯷魚醬配蔬菜條😮 鯷魚醬用蠟燭坐熱,味道唔會好腥。材料方便用上沙甸魚、多春魚同牛奶🥛 點埋蔬菜條食就更加夾,比較特別嘅係餐廳用上沙葛,一齊食用略帶點鹹香。五品刺身定食配烏冬呢個刺身定食勁豐富,有五款新鮮嘅刺身,包括三文魚、油甘魚、赤蝦、帆立貝同埋魚子墨魚🤤 個人就最鍾意佢嘅油甘魚,因為真係好厚身🥳 呢個烏冬都唔錯,口感彈牙。極上蟹黃軟殼蟹拌飯本來呢一個lunch set嘅主食係配烏冬,但係見到都仲有多個option係揀拌飯,一於試吓個拌飯🦀 餐廳好貼心呀,極上蟹黃係用蠟燭一直保溫🕯️ 蟹黃嘅味道唔會好腥,撈飯真係一流👍🏻 最吸引到我嘅當然係佢勁大隻嘅軟殼蟹啦,上碟時真係即叫即炸,食落口有幾酥脆。海鮮浜燒而家惠顧午市套餐,仲可以用優惠價加配浜燒嘅海鮮,仲可以近距離望住店員幫你烹煮啲海鮮😗♦️活響螺雖然呢個唔係午市優惠加配嘅產品,但係店員極力推介呢一個新鮮嘅響螺🐚 我哋影完相之後,再將響螺拎入廚房處理,之後就可以望住店員烹調啦🤪 食落口幾清甜,口感有啲彈牙唔會太韌,個湯仲好清甜添 。♦️黑松露帆立貝呢個新鮮帆立貝,店員加咗黑松露去調味,仲已經起埋肉真係好方便進食。♦️白貝比起平時食開嘅貝類大粒🥰 趁熱食就可以保持新鮮,唔會過腥。♦️貴妃貝 個人幾喜歡佢大大隻嘅貴妃蚌,佢嘅口感幾爽彈。♦️赤蝦勁大隻嘅鹽燒赤蝦,見到佢爆曬啲蝦膏出嚟🦐 ♦️白蜆呢一個係煮蜆,一份有六隻用清酒煮嘅白蜆,清酒煮完味道都好鮮甜😗呢一餐海鮮餐真係非常滿足,又有魚生,又有磯燒海鮮,每樣海鮮都夠晒新鮮,真係非常高質🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Second time here, which is huge for us since we're always on the hunt for new places to try. Get ready to indulge in hamayaki, a traditional cooking style where they grill fresh seafood flown daily from Japan at the mini kitchen right in the middle of the restaurant Appetiser HKD34A refreshing combo of crunchy carrot, radish and cucumber sticks served with a savoury dip made from sardine and capelin and kept warm by the fire Lobster Hamayaki Platter HKD368 (after 40% off!)- Lobster (Half): the star of the show! Generously topped with melted cheese and crackling crab roe, adding fantastic texture to the succulent meat- Abalone: served with zesty yuzu pepper sauce for a stimulating flavor- Scallop: cooked with sake, bursting with rich aroma and taste- Oyster: a plump Spanish oyster with delightful meatiness- Mactra Anitquata: amazingly juicy even after grillingJapanese Oyster Sashimi (market price)This was HKD108 per piece. You can choose between the original flavor (with lemon juice) or the vinegar sauce (a tantalising mix of sour plum sauce and spicy paste). We tried both and couldn’t decide which was better!Yellow Jack Thinly Sliced Sashimi HKD288A mild and exquisite horse mackerel sashimi dish that came with a tangy sour sauce. You can also add a touch of wasabi, garlic, and spicy sauce for a little extra kickAssorted Tempura HKD178There were two pieces each of shrimp, pumpkin, and mushrooms, all coated in expertly crafted batter that had a satisfying crunch. The shrimp, in particular, stood out with its notably large size, providing a hearty biteSalt-Grilled Beef Tongue Skewer HKD128/ 2 pcsFrom the daily specials board, this was tender, chewy and complemented by an exceptional wholegrain mustard sauceSalt-Grilled White Eel Skewer HKD104/ 2 pcsThis had a thicker chewy texture that sets them apart from the average unagiGrilled Squid Legs in Iron Pan HKD88Enhanced by the aromatic infusion of garlic and onion, each piece had a crispy exterior that gave way to tender chewy meat, creating a perfect contrast in texture continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
生日還沒到就已經開始吃生日飯🤭阿婆表示又有藉口暫時擺脫減肥餐🤣今晚朋友帶我來到這間吃水產既日本餐廳~提前網上訂位會有優惠,比較划算🤣值得一提的是餐廳除了食物高質外,連店員的服務也很好,店員態度親切👍🏻能及時留意顧客需要作出相應的服務。在香港算是不常見的有誠意👍🏻沙丁魚及多春魚製作而成的蘸醬,鹹香味濃🌟再配搭清新爽的沙葛、青瓜、蘿蔔條一起吃,味道倒是平衡得很好♥️還蠻開胃的~整個盛合用的都是生猛新鮮的海產🌟主角就是這條新鮮的手釣池魚,很適合作為刺身。魚肉爽口,味道鮮甜,還有酸汁或芥末醬油兩款蘸醬可增加風味,表示喜歡🥰魚骨的部分可以選擇升級為炸魚骨🌟魚骨炸很很酥很香脆,變成了一道很適合佐酒的小吃♥️響螺用了昆布高湯和小量清酒作簡單的調味,肉質爽口,味道新甜還帶一點清酒香氣,配合昆布湯一齊吃,暖胃清爽♥️一份盛合裡會用不同方法去烹調,赤蝦和鮑魚都是使用了浜燒的煮法,很好地保留了水產的原汁原味🔥赤蝦夠鮮嫩、鮑魚彈牙,加一點柚子胡椒醬再吃味道更香♥️兩隻帆立貝分別用不同的調味去製作,清酒煮的甜美、黑松露牛油香氣濃郁,熟度剛好,肉質爽口👍🏻我們升級了一份野菜鍋🌟湯底很清淡帶淡淡的蟹香,野菜份量剛好兩人份,先吃野菜再吃蟹腳,味道不錯👍🏻本來不打算喝酒的,但吃磯燒類的水產不配酒好像又差點意思🤭兩杯都是我喜歡的酒類,巨峰汽酒的酒味不濃果味更香,梅酒醇厚香濃,兩杯都很不錯♥️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
放假又黎銅鑼灣呢邊食好野,朋友介紹左間人氣居酒屋🏮主打燒海鮮同水產,入到黎好有日本感覺!!▪️前菜$34廚師以沙甸魚同多春魚自家製嘅魚醬,味道鹹香濃郁,搭配甘筍、梨肉同青瓜食都好夾▪️磯野浜燒貝類盛合$798 (二人前)有鮑魚、北寄貝、文蛤同白貝同貴妃貝。北寄貝加入昆布清湯一齊燒,湯汁帶鮮味。鮑魚師傅拎出黎仲好生猛,建議配柚子胡椒醬食,肉質彈牙。文蛤就咁燒都食到天然鹽味。貴妃貝則以清酒煮,入口甘甜▪️小鯛刺身$588小鯛刺身絕對係食師傅刀工!刺身處理得好好,擺盤非常華麗,顏色雪白清透,薄切鯛魚入口甘甜,夠新鮮▪️海膽炸豆腐$188豆腐外層炸得香口,配上海膽入口滑嫩,外型小巧精緻▪️鹽燒白鱔$168燒白鱔肉質結實,口感爽彈,魚肉肥美皮脆▪️炸魚骨$20店員推介將鯛魚骨油炸,金黃香脆,佐酒一流~▪️白蜆湯$52魚身可以加落白蜆湯一齊煮,湯底清甜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-09-14
餐廳專門選用新鮮日本海產,每日空運到港.海鮮選擇繁多,客人可選擇不同烹飪方法,如刺身、磯燒、火鍋、浜燒、煮物等.而且場中設有小型浜燒檯,食慾被扇動之餘,更添氣氛~🔸前菜($34)用緹魚及沙甸魚醬混合製成,味道鹹香.配上蔬,清甜沙葛,紅蘿白及青瓜🔸秋刀魚刺身($328)秋天來臨,是吃秋刀魚的好時機!時令秋刀魚肉質嫩滑,帶魚油香.當然要配上蔥,薑及酸汁,層次更好.師傅將肉做成刺身,另外的炸成脆口炸物,一魚兩食,非常滿足!🔸原隻響螺刺身($438)原隻響螺手掌般巨大!整隻切成刺身,份量不少.沾上芥辣豉油,片片爽脆,送酒不錯🔸磯野浜燒貝類盛合($798)貝類盛合非常豐富,包括有北寄貝、刀貝、文蛤、貴妃貝及鮑魚.每款各兩隻,隻隻size都非常大!店員會在浜燒枱即席燒煮.用上鹽及清酒簡單調味,從而食到海鮮鮮甜,大部份貝類肉質厚身,入口嫩滑🔸鹽燒牛舌($138/2串)🔸鹽燒白鱔串燒($104/2串)🔸汁燒帆立貝串燒($96/2串)串燒即叫即燒,牛舌厚身,表面燒得焦香,比較有咬勁.長長白鱔外皮香脆,簡單鹽燒已很惹味. 帆立貝沾上濃郁醬汁,味道突出🔸松葉蟹肉冷稻庭烏冬($128)🔹鳴子舞300ml($420)烏冬上放滿雪白蟹肉及蟹籽.稻庭烏冬煙靭有彈性,配上鵪鶉蛋及蔥花調味,冰冰涼涼適合夏天食用.到居酒屋當然少不了酒類飲品,啖啖清爽清酒與海鮮配搭一起更是完美! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)