2-min walk from Exit J, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
VELO means hidden and veiled in Italian. It provides authentic Italian cuisine and mix the food and art together. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
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Alcoholic Drinks
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10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (325)
Level1 2024-11-20
本人與友人於11月18日中午12時到達餐廳,由門口帶位之外藉女侍應安排二人座及進行點餐,我們用優惠券買一送一之半自助午餐套餐,再另外每人各加$128點了牛扒,之後便開始到自助區取食物。本人最先留意,一位老年人於取用南瓜濃湯時可能出現問題,餐廳一中年男侍應(可能是經理)見狀即上前協助,反應快及禮貌甚佳。到本人取南瓜湯時,因心急連取2碗,結果一不小心將部分倒瀉於南瓜盛器之餐枱布上,該男經理又馬上上前協助,本人深感抱歉,但男經理十分誠懇有禮頻稱沒有關係,並即清理枱布上湯漬,以免影響其他食客。到本人將南瓜湯取到座位時,男經理即遞上湯匙,原來可能是本人遺忘取用,所以該男經理之專業服務值得嘉許。本人嘗了多款冷盤,到已接近7成飽時便停下,稍為休息肚皮,擔心主食隨時送上。此時朋友為意餐廳有侍應似是通知廚房安排我枱主食,結果約5-8分鐘後,兩份牛扒送上餐枱,牛扒質素比期望好,但我們更加認為,餐廳職員對每枱食客之進食進度留意有加,主食安排時間非常到位。另外女侍應又每當本人飲完杯內暖和飲用水後,又會即時添加同樣溫度之飲用水,令本人十分喜出望外,因為好多意大利餐廳都不會免費提供飲用水,需另行付費購買那些名牌礦泉水產品!時刻留意客戶所需,亦是此間意大利餐廳之職員專業服務表現!本人其後取了多款蛋糕,味道尚算不錯,但留意到某一盤蛋糕被取用後,到本人離開時仍未添加,不知是否因場內客戶不多,所以未有全部蛋糕都同時補充。這是本人首次幫襯此間意大利餐廳,食物種類以半自助餐來說,十分充足,食物質素都啱哂本人,所以今次體驗,十分滿意。希望香港餐飲業服務能多作大幅改善,才會令更多港人留港消費。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-06
I would like to share my disappointment with our last dining semi buffet experience, which makes me hesitant to return.We had a reservation for five, but we were seated at a cramped table near the entrance, despite the restaurant not being full. This arrangement made it difficult to enjoy the meal, given the large buffet plates, drinks, and main courses. The constant foot traffic added to the discomfort.Additionally, we accidentally spilled a drink, and despite the staff noticing, they did not come to help us in a timely manner. We had to clean the table and seats ourselves using the few napkins and tissues we had, while the staff ignored us. By the time they eventually came, it was only to clean the floor, long after we had already dealt with most of the mess ourselves. Their lack of attentiveness and slow response were unacceptable.The service throughout the meal was slow, including delays in clearing plates and providing the bread that was supposed to come as part of our meal.The food quality was also disappointing. The oysters at the buffet were not fresh, and the main courses were served with significant delays, with one dish arriving almost 40 minutes after the others.Considering the price we paid, the overall experience was far below what we expected. I hope you take this feedback seriously to improve both the service and the food quality. At this time, I do not feel comfortable making another reservation based on this experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
幾年前食過一次晚市semi buffer , 最近再去呢間餐廳再食多次,真係好失望。之前book咗5個位,首先安排我哋坐喺入口第一張枱,得兩張台拍埋,五個人setting , 食自助餐碟其實好大,又每人有杯野飲再加主菜;真係好容易會倒瀉野。另外,經常有人出出入入,但留意左成個鐘個場並不是full table. 一開始既arrangement 已經覺得做得唔好。再者,我地係唔小心倒瀉咗杯飲品,成地同坐位濕晒,侍應見到都無理,什至拎幾張紙巾都無。我哋要催咗幾次先有人黎幫手抹地。其實個場真係唔係咁爆,已經係self serve 拎野食,收碟又慢。仲有,本來個set 係跟餐包,但要走去問待應,但係等咗好耐最後都係冇上到。同埋自助bar 海鮮質素真係一般,雖然無要求要好食,但至少要新鮮,啲未處理既生蠔就咁放係桶,都無用冰粒坐底保鮮,食落口真係唔新鮮。到主食上菜速度真係好慢,五個主菜速度相差得好遠,最後有碟主菜幾乎40分鐘先上。總括,成餐飯個customer experience 真係好差,呢個quality 真係唔值得呢個價錢。希望貴公司加強服務培訓,同埋食物質素。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-05
食物完全不似預期,呢個半自助餐要$368,呢個波士頓龍蝦扁意粉要加多$78先有,但係出到嚟龍蝦仔得一兩粒,諗住佢有半隻龍蝦都好,點知真係冇諗過咁樣,好彩其他自助餐啲嘢食都還算好食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-14
high tea☕️☕️今日同閠密聚一聚😘😘揀左呢間係K11既靚靚西餐廳,甘岩係下午茶時間,見到有個2人既high tea set就點左黎試下!!入面坐得幾舒服.黎左個3層既high tea set😍上面第一層係甜食 ,有scone同macroon,味道不錯,唔會太甜。中間個一層有5款咸食,有叉燒酥,蛋酥,磨菇包,最好味既係三文魚吐司同芝士火腿牛角酥,新鮮熱辣,外脆內軟。最下面個層係5件好精緻既蛋糕🍰但蛋糕有d過甜high tea☕️☕️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)