2-min walk from Exit J, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
3686 0610
VELO means hidden and veiled in Italian. It provides authentic Italian cuisine and mix the food and art together. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
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10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Review (321)
Level2 2024-08-14
high tea☕️☕️今日同閠密聚一聚😘😘揀左呢間係K11既靚靚西餐廳,甘岩係下午茶時間,見到有個2人既high tea set就點左黎試下!!入面坐得幾舒服.黎左個3層既high tea set😍上面第一層係甜食 ,有scone同macroon,味道不錯,唔會太甜。中間個一層有5款咸食,有叉燒酥,蛋酥,磨菇包,最好味既係三文魚吐司同芝士火腿牛角酥,新鮮熱辣,外脆內軟。最下面個層係5件好精緻既蛋糕🍰但蛋糕有d過甜high tea☕️☕️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-17
在尖沙咀婚禮領證後,邀請親朋好友一同聚餐。服務和食物質素都很好,非常感謝!給我們留下了非常美好的記憶。特別感謝manager Marco和他的小夥伴,非常幫忙,讓我們的整個午餐輕鬆愉快。食物非常新鮮好吃!牛排好吃😋意麵也很好吃!buffet選擇很多,吃的很飽!性價比超高!朋友們都表示吃得開心拍出的照片也很漂亮🤩 非常非常感謝!下次還會來吃,希望生意興隆,愈來愈好!非常適合朋友相聚,拍照很出片,甜品也非常好吃😋包间有最低消费,特此声明无优惠 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同幾個同事做完一個大project, 辛苦左甘耐就諗住搵間近近地又靚靚地既餐廳食餐好既 🤣🤣🤣 上網睇到呢間主打精緻意大利菜既餐廳。一去到門口見到裝修都幾靚,室內既坐位都好闊落,我地都坐得好舒服 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 再加上入面既燈光唔算好光,好適合幾個人坐埋一齊飲番杯傾下計 。可以選擇Semi dinner buffet 或者A la cart 自助沙律吧有唔同既ham, 沙律菜同菇類等,沙律菜 🥗 夠曬fresh 好爽脆。海鮮吧有凍蝦 🦐, 長腳蟹 🦀 翡翠螺,青口等等,每款都係鮮甜肥美,啖啖肉 👍🏻 我最鍾意就係甜品區 🤤🤤🤤 有各款水果同甜品,而且仲有埋朱古力噴泉 😍😍 蛋糕既賣相勁吸引,而且味道都唔會太甜 👏🏻 主菜有8款可以選擇,其中有5款係需要另加再加錢既。香煎黑安格斯肉眼扒 +$128 牛扒表面雖然份量唔多,但煎得好香脆,而且肉質軟熟,配埋醬汁好入味! 瑪格麗特薄餅 勁多cheese, 岩曬鍾意食芝士既我 👏🏻👏🏻整體唔錯,service 幾好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
以為佢喺K11 MUSEA, 差極有個譜啦, 點知簡直可以用恐怖嚟形容,原來佢哋有semi buffet嘅, 但係我同朋友呢淨係想就咁叫嘢食,佢哋都有呢一part, 咁我哋梗係不為意地入咗去坐低啦真係勁好笑囉,坐低冇人理我哋, 咁我就梗係派手信啦, 包又唔拎俾我哋又唔攞俾我哋,不過唔緊要嘅, 幾個女人坐埋一齊係瘋狂狂講嘢同埋派手信都有嘢食呀嘛,諗住點菜嘅時候呢個Waitress呢可以走埋嚟同我哋講, 我哋係唔俾食外來食物㗎,我哋會收錢, 真係O咗嘴,唔叫你埋嚟寫錯都唔講, 好野。好啦,我之後叫嘢食啦,叫生蠔食啦,真係oMG 叫左Gillardeau N2, 佢哋嗰隻嘢呢即係細到一個點, 我都唔拎,佢同法國嗰啲比,但係我可以好肯定咁話呢一隻絕對唔係N2好啦,跟住我哋叫咗個扒啦, 我諗我哋食完頭盤啦,食埋條八爪魚啦等咗起碼30分鐘先有個扒食,唯一好食㗎啦,就係佢哋個包,真係沒有然後了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Overall Impression: The service at the restaurant was excellent and attentive. The staff regularly refilled our water glasses and even provided extra warm milk for my flat white coffee, which was a nice touch. The menu had a wide variety of delicious food options to choose from.Food Quality: We had semi buffet for dinner. The main course we ordered was all very good quality and flavorful. Special Treatment: To top it off, at the end of the meal the restaurant surprised us with a complimentary dessert plate to celebrate our anniversary. This was a very thoughtful gesture that made the evening feel extra special.Overall, I was extremely impressed with the quality of the food, the attentive service, and the special touches that made our anniversary dinner so memorable. I would highly recommend this restaurant to anyone looking for an upscale dining experience with exceptional service. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)