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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 02:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Apple Pay Google Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (180)
Level4 2025-02-16
上次食完Nocino之後就立志想試晒全香港既手工意粉專門店,所以今次就來到呢間Aedes🤪:🍽️Burrata Cheese🧀 $148身為burrata愛好者緊係去到邊度都要食🤣burrata質地綿密,口感非常軟滑😚配上蕃茄仔既鮮甜多汁,更加突顯佢既奶香味🥛🍽️Ham Croquettes🐷 $88必點👍🏻酥脆既麵包糠外皮包住薯仔同火腿粒嘅軟滑mixture🥔一咬開好似一粒濃湯炸彈咁💣另外配上蒜蓉蛋黃醬,點埋一齊食好惹味😆一啲都唔會油膩🤩🍽️Homemade Scialatielli🍝 $158呢個意粉係呈烏冬狀😋平時比較少見,口感相對煙靭有咬口,我就覺得硬左少少🤏因為佢用左Pecorino cheese🧀所以每一啖都食到好濃郁既羊奶味,食落會有少少膩🤣唔鍾意既朋友仔就要留意下唔好叫🙂‍↕️配料有意大利腸同黑胡椒,咸香十足👌🏻🍽️Linguine alle Vongole🍝 $188推薦🤩呢個係蒜蓉蜆肉扁意粉!聽個名好似好普通🤣但係蜆肉既鮮甜同蒜蓉簡直係完美配合,蜆肉份量又多,每啖意粉都食到鮮味而且仲好掛汁🤤麵條蛋香味十足🥚的確係有驚喜😝🍽️Homemade Basque Cheesecake🍰 $108出色🥰上枱係原個巴斯克蛋糕🧁份量十足!一切開就已經見到中間半熟流心既部份😎食落口感軟滑超級creamy ,質地濕潤,芝士味濃郁🧀唔會好甜😌食到停唔到口~整體來講,味道中上😚價錢喺港島來講都算係幾親民🤩每個dish都好有誠意,但意粉既份量就係細左啲😝環境方面唔算好大,不過都坐得舒服同埋幾cozy😉服務態度都好好👍🏻絕對值得再回訪🥳推薦大家一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
這一間手工意粉極具人氣😍💕想食好耐喇食完終於明白點解咁熱門🤤😍‼️真係好好食🤤而且仲想食曬佢地其他全部既款式阿阿‼️下次一定會再去食 非常推薦 ❤️首先,入舖頭後,餐廳職員會超用心介紹每款手工意粉😍🤤先了解下意粉各方面口感之後先再選擇 揀岩心水想食咩 GO✐Italian Cold Cut Selection Parma Ham, Coppa ham, Mortadella包括左3種火腿💕3種都各有特色Parma Ham 肉質柔軟 唔會過鹹 反而有種香味Coppa ham 個口感好細膩 香Mortadella 意式香腸👍🏻✐Homemade Pappardelle Bolognese闊身意粉🤤超愛這一款意粉❤️口感煙靭,勁掛汁,配埋個肉醬超好食❤️超出色阿✐Homemade Malloreddus Melanzana這一款意粉用左薯仔製作 口感比pappardelle bolognese更加煙韌一粒粒既口感好正😍另一半超愛吃這碟係素 無肉 但個汁係蕃茄同芝士🧀配埋💯✐Homemade Basque Cheesecake芝士味濃 甜度岩岩好🤤最鐘意係芝士表面加左焦糖同海鹽,燒一燒 個香味出曬黎😚仲要性價比真係好高👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-16
又一間threads上老是常出現嘅話題店!每日新鮮製造嘅手工意粉!介紹pasta box超有儀式感,最推薦croquettes, tagliolini同埋basque cheesecake !!! another VIRAL pasta spot on threads!!!! its actually locanda’s sister shop which is just next door, both run by chef steve chiu but more affordable. THE BEST PART of the experience was defo the pasta box presentation !!! a total of 8 type of pastas were introduced thoughtfully so that we were able to appreciate the nuances of each pasta combo (a literal 長知識了 moment). they were freshly handmade daily, incorporating ingredients such as potatoes, cheese & lemon to curate unique textures & flavors. PASTA LOVERS pls be sure to visit & make a reservation beforehand cuz its so full !!!𖦹 ham croquettes with garlic mayonnaise $88 🉐the filling was half molten, rich & hot !!! the prominent garlic flavour added a unique touch to the usual mayonnaise which was as impressive ~𖦹 homemade pappardelle bolognese $168𖦹 homemade tagliolini $220 🉐thanks for the rec @ !!! both dishes of handmade pastas were cooked to perfection & decently chewy - esp the tagliolini that looked exactly like rubber bands, very al dante & they complimented tremendously well w the tuna & the sauce was tangy I LOVE IT SM. the bolognese was both a classic & a signature dish of the resto that totally lived up to its name!!! v rich fresh tomato sauce, sufficient parmassen cheese w the EXTRA wide pappardelle (er wider than my tongue) which was prob the widest pasta ive ever had.𖦹 basque cheesecake $108 🉐MINDBLOWING flavours yep ik it looked pretty raw w the parchment paper (straight out from the oven, seemingly) & nth appealing BUT we devoured this extremely rich & creamy cake in a few bites!! suggest sharing w more friends tho cuz its quite heavy & VERY sinful. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間俾threads友燒到嘅手工意粉店,真係長期都超級爆滿,好彩今次有book位唔係真係會入唔到🥹 係叫嘢食之前店員會拎呢個iconic嘅pasta box出嚟,介紹總共五款由佢哋餐廳自家製嘅pasta,呢個box po上story真係燒到唔少friend即刻bookmark🔖 意大利菜嘅特點就係用最簡單嘅食材,加上背後極大嘅功夫,做出最好味嘅食物,我覺得呢間餐廳真係做到意大利嘅味道🍝🇮🇹 每一道菜嘅dressing唔會好花巧,完全focus係食物嘅味道上面,真係非常推薦👍🏻-MENU▫️Ham Croquettes with Garlic Mayonnaise $88 ★★★★★必食前菜西班牙可樂餅👍🏻伊比利火腿、薯蓉同白汁油炸而成,配埋有蒜香味嘅蛋黃醬一齊食,外脆內軟口感濃郁▫️ Homemade Pappardelle Bolognese $168 ★★★★★呢款係手工寬意粉,佢完全做到Al Dente嘅感覺🥹,唔會煮得太熟好有咬口,同埋佢非常之掛汁,肉醬係混合咗豬肉同埋牛肉,加上好新鮮嘅蕃茄同埋巴馬臣芝士🧀,每一啖味道都好濃郁▫️Homemade Scialatielli Italian Sausage Black Pepper Peccoreno Cheese $158 ★★★★☆呢款手工意粉好特別好似烏冬咁,煙煙韌韌好有咬口👅食落會覺得意粉本身嘅味比較重,冇落鹽全靠芝士同Italian Sausage嘅鹹香,整體味道偏淡但係口感味道都好豐富🫶🏻▫️Homemade Basque Cheesecake $108 ★★★★★呢個芝士蛋糕真係必嗌!!!!超級好食😭半熟嘅口感軟滑輕盈,芝士味好濃郁,但係佢偏大份,兩個人食可能會食唔晒,但係因為佢真係太好味,所以我哋全部清晒🤰🏻想特登為咗呢個芝士蛋糕再去食😭😭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Bookmark 咗呢間人氣餐廳好耐, 終於有機會嚟試吓!😍 餐廳經常都滿座, 建議大家唔想摸門釘就要訂位🔖 有五款意粉都係自家製手工✨ 最特別嘅係店員會遞上最icon嘅pasta box介紹每一款意粉嘅特色! ————————————————食物:❆ Ham Croquettes with Garlic Mayonnaise $88今次前菜揀咗外皮黃金香脆嘅炸波波💛 餡料係火腿同薯蓉嘅mix咁🤩配埋蒜香蛋黃醬一齊食好開胃!❆ Homemade Pappardelle Bolognese $168大大片好扁同闊身嘅意粉🍝al dente加上非常掛汁, 配搭濃郁嘅肉醬芝士口感豐富, 好快就可以清唒全碟🧀 ❆ Homemade Scialatielli $158意粉味特別濃🫶🏻㘣粗麵咬落口感似嘅煙靭烏冬, 好有咬口😋 鹹香味靠 pecorino cheese提供, 冇乜花巧嘢夠晒經典!❆ Homemade Basque Cheesecake $108表層燒至微焦, 口感軟滑, 充滿濃郁嘅奶香同焦糖味🍰 份量好足夠, 兩個人爭啲食唔晒🤣❆ Still water $10❆ Sparkling water $10————————————————整體:✦ 價格: 4.5/5✦ 味道: 4.6/5✦ 服務: 4.5/5✦ 環境: 4.5/5✦ 再訪指數: 4.6/5Aedes Wine & Pasta Bar (跑馬地)@aedeswinepastabar📍地址: 跑馬地源遠街14號地舖⏰營業時間: 星期一至日 12:00-15:00, 18:00-02:00 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)