Restaurant: AERA
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
6-min walk from Exit A1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
93300387 (WhatsApp)
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
*Last Order: Lunch: 14:15 Dinner: 20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay UnionpayQR FPS
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: AERA
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (98)
Level4 2025-02-16
餐廳主打北歐菜系 北歐料理風格強調新鮮食材以展現純淨自然的風味 簡約美學體現在料理擺盤 每一道菜式都是一幅藝術品 廚師善於運用創新技術 如發酵 煙燻 風乾等增添獨特層次感 .餐廳裝潢以木系設計為主 柔和燈光營造簡約舒適的氛圍 廚房是開放式設計 可近距離觀看烹調的過程 餐廳在開業一年內已榮獲SCMP 100 Top Tables 品質有保證 菜單會隨四季更迭 這次品嚐了秋季晚市菜單 ($1288/pp) 廚師細心講解每道菜式 能感受到廚師的用心和對食物的要求.🔹Amuse Bouche: ▪️Carb / Vinegar / Almond▪️Rosti / Lardo / Lingonberry ▪️Mussel / Panna / Caviar Amuse Bouche的三款開胃小點各有特色 擺盤精緻 蟹肉小撻內有蟹肉 蟹膏和醋汁啫喱 Panna Cotta多為甜品 廚師創新的以青口和厚忌廉製作 加入魚子醬並以薑蔥 紫蘇和柚子皮調味更加提鮮 小薯波是北歐傳統菜式 入口香脆 配上紅莓醬酸甜開胃.🔹Starter: Clam / Leek / Lohikeitto 🔹Bread: Soy / Yeast / Horseradish ▪️2nd Starter: Corn / Egg / Foie Gras 前菜是精緻的濃湯 用了蜆肉打成泡狀製成 酸種麵包和辣牛油也是自家製作 入口外脆內鬆軟 帶淡淡醬油香氣 混合醬油亦壓抑了酵母菌的酸味 2nd starter是鵝肝蒸蛋 口感順滑細膩 表面鋪上本地農場粟米及炸雞皮更添層次感.▪️3rd Course: Pattes / Malt / Lemon ▪️4th Course: Shirako / Potato / Grana Padano3rd course 的三黃雞是餐廳的招牌菜 這菜式總共花了三天時間準備 麥芽糖醃製後風乾熟成並烤焗 外皮香脆肉質嫩滑並帶肉汁 表皮塗上檸檬汁可減輕油膩感 配上一杯蜜糖青檸梳打解膩 令人一試傾心 4th course 是香煎白子 鱈魚白子綿密柔滑呈奶油狀 底部是綿密的薯蓉 配上法國新鮮黑松露 香氣誘人.🔹Main Course: ▪️Pigeon / Beet / Garlic ▪️A3 Wagyu / Truffle / Rapa +$288主菜有兩款選擇 乳鴿來自本地 炭燒後散發陣陣炭香味 熟成後的鴿肉煮至三分熟十分軟嫩 鴿頸製成了鴿肉腸 口感也很特別 .喜愛牛扒可選擇A3日本和牛 用上備長炭燒後外層帶微微炭香味 肉質柔嫩重油脂香 除了新鮮刨製的黑松露外 特別的是加入切粒的本地榮華臘腸 味道出奇地匹配 帶有陣陣煙燻感並帶有臘腸的鹹香 是很驚喜的菜式 .🔹Pre-Dessert: Orange / Ginger / Yogurt🔹Dessert: Maple / Sweet Potato / Pecan 🔹Petit Four Pre-Dessert 由希臘乳酪 香橙和薑醬組成 另一道甜品則是甜薯雪糕 配搭了白朱古力和微甜的楓糖醬 最後的Petit Four 有瑪德蓮 粟米脆麻糬 杏仁朱古力及軟糖作結 瑪德琳外酥內嫩 帶有獨特的酒糟風味 粟米脆麻糬軟糯 是完美滿足的結尾.當晚每道菜式都印象深刻 相當期待下個季節的菜單 若然喜愛Casual Fine Dining 這兒確實是很適合慶祝或與家人朋友足膝詳談的好地方💆🏻‍♀️.▪️Autumn Tasting Menu | $1288 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
灣仔「æra」是一家主打新北歐料理、走輕鬆風格路線的ꜰɪɴᴇ ᴅɪɴɪɴɢ餐廳。北歐菜系在香港並不算常見,好奇度及新鮮感滿滿。其實北歐風格較準確的來說,是菜式會糅合北歐料理的多樣的處理手法:例如醃製、煙燻、風乾及發酵,再搭配優質本地食材,秉承ꜰᴀʀᴍ-ᴛᴏ-ᴛᴀʙʟᴇ概念,呈現食材的純粹風味。.餐廳以溫馨小館風格裝修,低調別緻,廚房以開放式設計,拉近廚師們與食客的距離。.ᴀᴜᴛᴜᴍɴ ᴛᴀꜱᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇɴᴜ 💲1288/ᴘᴘ餐廳ᴛᴀꜱᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇɴᴜ以季節分界,以當季時令食材,提供不同季節的品味套餐。菜單共有10道菜,主菜有兩款選擇。.ᴀᴍᴜꜱᴇ ʙᴏᴜᴄʜᴇ✿ ᴄʀᴀʙ / ᴠɪɴᴇɢᴀʀ / ᴀʟᴍᴏɴᴅ✿ ʀÖꜱᴛɪ / ʟᴀʀᴅᴏ / ʟɪɴɢᴏɴʙᴇʀʀʏ✿ ᴍᴜꜱꜱᴇʟ / ᴘᴀɴɴᴀ / ᴄᴀᴠɪᴀʀ套餐由三款開胃小品開始:包括蟹肉撻,餡料帶蟹肉蟹膏和蟹王,一口享用有濃濃的蟹味;第二道是ꜱᴀᴠᴏʀʏ 版本的ᴘᴀɴɴᴀ ᴄᴏᴛᴛᴀ,加了青口,以及點點三黃雞油炒的乾蔥,加試點點紫蘇和柚子皮調味提升味道層次,美美的。最後是一款北歐傳統菜式小薯波,夾心的紅莓醬,感覺是有驚喜的。.ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ✿ ᴄʟᴀᴍ / ʟᴇᴇᴋ / ʟᴏʜɪᴋᴇɪᴛᴛᴏ前菜是一道精緻的濃湯,一般傳統是三文魚,但餐廳改了用蜆,打成泡泡狀口感更好。.ʙʀᴇᴀᴅ✿ ꜱᴏʏ / ʏᴇᴀꜱᴛ / ʜᴏʀꜱᴇʀᴀᴅɪꜱʜ由麵包的酸種開始、直到辣根牛油也是由餐廳廚師自行調製。麵包帶淡淡醬油香氣,同樣是令人驚喜的出品。.2ɴᴅ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ✿ ᴄᴏʀɴ / ᴇɢɢ / ꜰᴏɪᴇ ɢʀᴀꜱ第二道前菜粟米、鵝肝蒸蛋。簡單卻完美互補的菜品,各種風味交融,口感順滑細膩。.3ʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜʀꜱᴇ✿ ᴘᴀᴛᴛᴇꜱ / ᴍᴀʟᴛ / ʟᴇᴍᴏɴ花了三天時間準備的招牌三黃雞髀,花上一整天以麥芽糖醃製、一天時間風乾才烤焗。爆好味款,皮極薄肉質爆鮮嫩,還配上一杯蜜糖青檸梳打解膩,不愧為餐廳招牌作!.4ᴛʜ ᴄᴏᴜʀꜱᴇ✿ ꜱʜɪʀᴀᴋᴏ / ᴘᴏᴛᴀᴛᴏ / ɢʀᴀɴᴀ ᴘᴀᴅᴀɴᴏ呈奶油狀的香煎白子,奶感極重單吃可能有點膩所以加入了口感接近的薯蓉,再配上來自法國的新鮮黑松露。.ᴍᴀɪɴ✿ ᴘɪɢᴇᴏɴ / ʙᴇᴇᴛ / ɢᴀʀʟɪᴄᴏʀ ᴀ3 ᴡᴀɢʏᴜ / ᴛʀᴜꜰɪʟᴇ / ʀᴀᴘᴀ + ʜᴋ$288經過很多道菜式後已差不多全飽,接下來到主菜部份,有兩款選擇:包括熟成後的鴿肉,煮至三分熟,口感豐富;而 另外的ᴀ3 日本和牛,搭配新鮮刨的松露和本地榮華臘腸,意料之外的出色。.ᴘʀᴇ-ᴅᴇꜱꜱᴇʀᴛ✿ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ / ɢɪɴɢᴇʀ / ʏᴏɢᴜʀᴛ第一道甜品是一客由希臘乳酪、配搭香橙和薑醬組成,有新鮮感。雖然個人不吃薑,第一試後發現還算滿夾的。.ᴅᴇꜱꜱᴇʀᴛ✿ ᴍᴀᴘʟᴇ / ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴘᴏᴛᴀᴛᴏ / ᴘᴇᴄᴀɴ第一道甜品是以濃郁的甜薯雪糕,混搭了少許烤過的白朱古力,甜薯皮磨成粉撒於雪糕上,再搭配微甜的楓糖醬。這種口味還是頭一次試,好味程度想多來一客!.✿ ᴘᴇᴛɪᴛ ꜰᴏᴜʀ餐後小點基本上必備的四小點:特別出色的有那精緻即焗瑪德琳,外酥內嫩,帶有獨特的酒糟風味,屬高品質的出品。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
AERA📍灣仔史釗域道6號地舖.➰今日到訪的餐廳位於灣仔,門外裝潢走沉穩低調石木系佈置,走進餐廳內部以木系設計配合柔和燈光營做簡約舒適的環境氛圍。.餐廳主打北歐菜系,在香港專門做北歐菜的餐廳廖廖可數,餐廳更會隨四季更迭及時令食材更換當季菜單,今日有幸品嚐近日新推出的春季Menu。.➿Spring Menu 💲1288❀ Amuse Bouche 𖥕 Carb / Vinegar / Almond ⭐️4.2/5⭐️開胃小點以精緻擺盤上場,首先蟹肉小撻,裹面除了蟹肉外還有醋汁啫喱,提昇了蟹肉的鮮味,更像是爆汁的蟹粉小籠包,很有驚喜。. 𖥕 Rosti / Lardo / Lingonberry ⭐️4.1/5⭐️北歐的傳統小食,以往是以餅狀的形式,今次餐廳將之炸成薯波出品,入口更為香脆,再配上經典的瑞典紅梅醬更為酸甜開胃。. 𖥕 Mussel / Panna / Caviar ⭐️4.3/5⭐️用上精緻的器皿盛載,特別調製的奶凍醬汁帶有紫蘇香氣,還加入了三黃雞油,再加上魚子醬配搭青口,鮮味與創意都是一絕,令人印象深刻。.❀ Starter 𖥕 Clam / Leek / Lohikeitto ⭐️4.3/5⭐️主廚以芬蘭三文魚湯作為基礎,將材料換成北海道的北寄貝,入口層次感豐富,更是鮮味十足,北寄貝的鮮味令人猶為難忘。.❀ Bread  𖥕 Soy / Yeast / Horseradish ⭐️4.2/5⭐️餐廳自家製的酸種麵包,外型飽滿,入口外脆內鬆軟,配上辣牛油更是一絕。.❀ 2nd Starter 𖥕 Corn / Egg / Foie Gras ⭐️4.3/5⭐️一道很新奇的鵝肝蒸蛋,面層更鋪上本地農場粟米及炸雞皮增添口感,入口首先品嚐到粟米的爽甜與雞皮的脆口,然後是蒸蛋的滑嫩,最後是濃郁的鵝肝,非常有層次及惹味,十分出色。.❀ 3rd Course  𖥕Pattes / Malt / Lemon ⭐️4.3/5⭐️終於來到餐廳招牌作精選,用上本地三黃雞,經過麥芽糖醃製,再在餐廳風乾熟成,最後才烤焗,做造面前這份色香味俱全的美味,雞肉非常嫩滑,外皮惹味香脆,肉質嫩滑,必試推薦。.❀ 4th Course 𖥕 Shirako / Potato / Grana Padano ⭐️4.3/5⭐️以時令當造的鱈魚白子入饌,質感更為綿密柔滑濃郁,再加上法國產的鮮刨黑松露片提香,與及底層的薯蓉混合,三者混為一體,十分融洽。.❀ Main Course  𖥕 Pigeon / Beet /  Garlic ⭐️4.3/5⭐️主廚用盡鴿鴨肉的不同部位,乳鴿亦是來自本地,鴿腿先是炭燒再配上香甜紅菜頭,入口炭香感十足;鴿身則是用上日式照燒的製法,更為軟嫩,入口亦很惹味;最後還有以鴿頸製成的鴿肉腸,口感很特別,值得一試。. 𖥕 A3 Wagyu / Truffle / Rapa ⭐️4.3/5⭐️用上備長炭燒的A3和牛,香氣四溢,油脂感剛好又感受炭燒香氣,再配上新鮮刨製松露片和臘腸,再帶出煙燻感,味道層次很豐富。.❀ Pre-Dessert  ✥ Orange / Ginger / Yogurt ⭐️4.1/5⭐️這道是香橙製作的冰沙乳酪正好中和了主菜部分的油膩感。.❀ Dessert  ✥ Maple / Sweet Potato / Pecan  ⭐️4.3/5⭐️ ✥ Petit Four  ⭐️4.2/5⭐️終於來到最後的甜品環節,首先是蕃薯雪糕,味道非常濃郁,蕃薯香氣久久未散,出色之作。Petit Four亦很有驚喜,用上了清酒酒糟製作的madeleine,味道帶有清酒的香氣但又沒有酒精成份,還有栗米脆麻薯的口感亦很特別。➰總結餐廳主打北歐菜色,在香港餐廳中較為少見,主廚精湛手藝配上源源不絕的新奇創意,創作一道道充滿新奇又滋味的菜式,令我們嘖嘖稱奇大快朵頤,非常推薦喜歡體驗創意新奇美味菜式的大家。.➿➿➿#AERA#灣仔美食 #hkfood #hkfoodie #foodiehk #hkfoodblogger #hkfoodlover #hkfoodstagram #hkfoodporn #852eats #hkiger#食好西 #相機食先 #香港美食#SpringMenu continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
// 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙜𝙚 𝙄𝙣 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙉𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙘 𝙁𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝘾𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙚 - 𝙖𝙚𝙧𝙖 🍴 //-Located in the bustling heart of Wan Chai on Jaffe Road with modern interior designs, 𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐚 is a contemporary New Nordic restaurant helmed by Chef Chevalier Yau, emphasizing culinary techniques of air-drying, fermenting, pickling, and smoking with top-notch local ingredients.-☞ 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐮 - 𝐇𝐊$𝟏𝟐𝟖𝟖 𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧Exclusively available for a limited time, this 10-course dinner tasting menu highlights the local three-yellow chicken feet seasoned with malt and lemon, A3 Japanese Wagyu sirloin topped with truffles and lap cheong, and more.-𝐀𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞Crab / Vinegar / AlmondRösti / Lardo / LingonberryMussel / Panna / CaviarImpressed by the Rösti ball that highlights the savory flavor from lardo, topped with lingonberry purée for a slightly sweet note.𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫Clam / Leek / LohikeittoDelicate chowder with meaty clams to savor.𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝Soy / Yeast / Horseradish𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫Corn / Egg / Foie GrasA straightforward dish that lusciously complements each other in every flavor with smooth and silky textures.𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞Pattes / Malt / LemonSignature three-yellow chicken feet seasoned with malt and lemon, extremely juicy and tender to indulge in!𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞Shirako / Potato / Grana PadanoBoasting a creamy texture from Shirako, the dish was delectably seasoned with Grana Padano for a savory touch.𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧Pigeon / Beet / GarlicOr A3 Wagyu / Trufile / Rapa + HK$288Dry-aged pigeon that was perfectly cooked to medium-rare with a succulent texture; while the A3 Japanese Wagyu was flawlessly flavored with freshly shaved truffle and lap cheong.𝐏𝐫𝐞-𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭Orange / Ginger / YogurtA palate-cleansing treat consisted of Greek yogurt and ginger gel for a refreshing taste.𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭Maple / Sweet Potato / PecanA memorable sweet treat that features a rich sweet potato ice cream with daintily sweet maple and crunchy pecan crusts.𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫Highlighting the exceptional madeleine with a crispy exterior, and with an extraordinary liquor lees taste.-📍 𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐚Ground Floor, 6 Stewart Rd, Wan Chai-ᴍᴇ-ᴛᴀᴅ-ǫᴘʟ-ᴡs-sᴄɴ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-09
小餐館走北歐創意料理風格 用上燻 風乾 醃製等技巧👨🏻‍🍳開頭嘅三款Amuse Bouche已經賣相精緻味道有驚喜自己好喜歡佢第三道菜 —— 三黃雞脾🍗前後用咗三日去醃 風乾同烤焗 心機十足👍🏽另外蠔嘅菜式用上日本赤穗水晶🦪 撈埋青蘋果 清新味鮮 啱晒而家主菜方面嘅乳鴿菜式亦都頗特別黑啤薄餅皮包住味濃軟腍生熟度剛好嘅鴿肉😗比起平時食開嘅和牛 自己更為推薦😬_🔖 DINNER MENU Amuse Bouche🔸Uni / Ponzu / Smorrebrod🔸Rosti / Lardo / Lingonberry🔸Mussel / Panna / CaviarStarter🔸Dill / Roe / LohikeittoBread🔸Soy / Yeast / Horseradish2nd Starter🔸Egg / Cabbage / Anchovy3rd Course🔸Pattes / Malt / Lemon4th Course🔸Oyster / Pea / AppleMain🔸Pigeon / Ham / Blueberry-or-🔸A3 Wagyu / Trufile / Rapa (+HK$288)Pre-Dessert🔸Matcha / Melon / CucumberDessert🔸Strawberry / Oat / CrumbPetit Four continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)