97053272 (WhatsApp)
A traditional and classy French restaurant with spectacular decor like antiques, wooden beams and Roman statuettes, fine diners from Amigo enjoy the famous signature dishes with fresh pan-fried goose liver escalope and grilled veal chop. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best French Restaurant (2009-11, 2013-14)
Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Additional Information
Whatsapp enquiries & reservations @ +852 9705 3272 Welcomes children over 6 years old Dinner min. $1600 Valet parking available Corkage $600 per 750ml
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (432)
Level4 2024-06-24
星期日係老公生日,我book左一直想試既雅谷餐廳同佢慶祝。經Dining City book枱送welcome drink同晚市套餐有9折。餐廳會whatsapp問定你寫咩字句同訂唔訂拿破崙蛋糕,2人size $360,我梗係訂啦,難得一次。四道菜$1280另收10%服務費,每位最低消費$1280,埋單$3044。餐廳環境原來係好靚架,古典雅緻,服務當然都好好。望真d有本寫上我地個名既memo紙送,好驚喜。坐低無耐就送上welcome drink,味道酸酸甜甜。有兩款餐包,一款係法包,外脆內軟,另一款係脆餅,牛油整成玫瑰花樣,好有儀式感。仲有個黑松露薯波送黎。香煎法國鮮鴨肝鴨肝肥美,無鵝肝甘油膩,好食。普羅旺斯帶子.紫蘇雲吞.石榴子.魚子帶子嫩滑彈牙,有隻大大粒既雲吞,唔錯。龍蝦湯侍應會係你面前落少少白蘭地,好高級既感覺,味道濃郁。黑松露牛尾清湯清清地,幾好。食主菜前會有個西柚雪葩俾你清一清味蕾。芝士煙肉蘑菇焗大蝦.戴安娜牛柳大蝦好彈牙,牛柳嫩滑,好厚身,好味。扒美國肉眼(250克).燒蒜.焦糖洋葱汁肉眼相對牛柳無甘嫩滑,但就幾大塊。跟住就送上拿破崙蛋糕,加埋樂手邊彈邊唱生日歌,唱完仲有得點歌。基本上全場枱枱都係為左慶祝而黎,成晚都不斷聽到,好有氣氛,哈哈。另外會送一張即影即有俾你,夾係寫住當日日期既卡到,仲有一支真既玫瑰花送添,好正!拿破崙蛋糕味道就中規中距。脆糖芒果燉蛋.鮮芒果粒燉蛋好滑,好似食緊布甸甘,焦糖面脆得黎又唔會痴牙,好好食。橙酒梳乎厘梳乎厘上面層皮整到脆脆地,入面就好軟熟,充滿空氣感,都好出色。估唔到仲有脆皮朱古力雪糕球,真係飽到上心口。餐飲叫左熱咖啡(decaf)同凍檸茶。另外一坐低就問我地要有氣定無氣水,結果俾左$80飲左支無氣水。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同媽咪預祝生日🎂,想起上一次嚟已經係疫情嘅時期,於是乎今日就再嚟。三人行叫咗Lunch Premium Set Menu,頭盤我哋都同樣叫咗鵝肝、龍蝦湯,龍蝦🦞湯實在太好飲,仲要每碗都有三大嚿龍蝦🦞肉。主菜就分別試咗鱸魚,同埋龍蝦牛柳,味道好好,口感豐富,不過想稱讚佢哋嘅麵包,無論係多士或者係豬仔包,都做到香脆內軟,初時仲驚食唔晒,點知一件不留😅。甜品我哋兩款都試咗,而媽咪嗰個就一早準備咗寫生日牌同埋點蠟燭,令到餐飯有一點儀式感😂。另一樣我最期待嘅就係佢哋個朱古力雪糕,依然咁好味🥰。服務方面真係唔需要質疑,每一個細節位都做得好好,成個體驗都好開心,真係好值得👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-13
環境氣氛一流:螺旋樓梯、木主題嘅裝修、live band…別有一番風味,唔易搵到第二間食物質素好:簡單如餐前嘅法包•都係外脆內軟,係好脆冋好鬆軟。服務用心:全程服務貼心。另外可能知我大鄉里出城,當我想去洗手間時,侍應居然親自帶我到位於地下嘅男廁。尚待改善:就係加錢訂嘅拿破侖蛋糕,可能我見識少,佢哋個拿破侖係用海綿蛋糕而唔係用吉士,有啲不乎我嘅預期。同埋既然唔預客人即場食,是否應該考慮提供可以留返第二日食嘅款式呢?因為拿破侖放到第二日已經唔脆(紙盒上有提到要盡快食),其實普通蛋糕例如栗子蛋糕已經可以放多一兩日。總體而言,相當滿意嘅一餐慶祝晚宴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-09-18
It’s definitely not about the food but the experience itself. Upon arrive you feel like you’ve been transported back in time. The decor a vintage luxury restaurant style from the wooden furniture to the silverware and the waiters in formal suits with white gloves.Food was generally above average but wouldn’t say any dish was memorable, the seared duck liver was perfectly cooked slightly crisp on the surface but still creamy inside. Lobsters soup was flavorful a dash of brandy is optional but added a slight smokiness to the flavor. Even though the portion was quite small but cause it was so rich towards the end felt it was getting a bit salty. After the appetizer a sorbet was offer to cleanse your pallet.Next the main was huge, the appetizer was quite small so the size of the main wasn’t expected. The rib eye was as big as the plate itself. The lamb it was perfectly cooked not too gamey. The surf & turf they deshelled lobster already which was thoughtful.Lastly tried the souffle which was airy and light whiles the cream brûlées the slight bitterness of caramel balanced the sweetness of the custard.We also preordered a birthday cake (Napoleon cake) which was just average, the cream cheese was a bit dense for my likingOverall the price might not justify the food itself but the whole dining experience was impeccable felt so taken cared of by all the staff there. Would recommend if you’re looking for a memorable place to celebrate this place won’t disappoint together with their live band. Majority of diners were there were for some sort of celebration continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
前陣子打卡一家位於跑馬地的法國fine dining 餐廳,一走進餐廳,滿是復古氣息的石牆出現在我們面前,石柱、勳章、雕花…無一不在透露著此處神秘的別樣氣質。很多店員都在這裡工作超過40年,招待過的名人多不勝數,貴族、明星、運動員、前港督。晚上還有live band,氣氛感滿滿,最適合情侶約會。經理十分友善,知道我們是一次到訪這家餐廳,更主動帶我們入酒窖參觀拍照。經理請我們喝一杯特調的開胃酒,由檸檬和青檸和一點點酒精調製而成,酒精濃度不高,像是酸酸好喝的小甜水,非常適合女生和作為開胃酒~而且層次分明的顏色十分吸睛,不論顏值或是味道都超適合女生!點了兩個set dinner,分別有頭盤、湯、主菜、甜品、飲品香煎法國鮮鴨肝香煎鴨肝外焦裡嫩,色澤金黃,伴隨著微微的焦香,散發出誘人的香氣。每一口都帶有豐富的層次感,綿滑的口感與細膩的味道相結合,讓人陶醉。雞肉清湯、羊肚菌雲吞雞肉清湯溫潤而鮮美,湯底清澈見底,濃郁的雞肉香氣撲鼻而來。搭配的羊肚菌雲吞則是另一番風味,每一口都能感受到鮮美的餡料與湯汁的完美結合,溫暖而令人舒心。吃完會上一個血橙雪葩,清爽解膩,把口腔的味道清除掉,為接下來的主菜做好準備。主食智利鱸魚柳智利鱸魚柳作為主菜,肉質鮮嫩,外皮微脆,魚肉的鮮美與清淡的調味相得益彰。每一口都充滿了海洋的氣息,令人感受到大自然的恩賜。主食美國肉眼扒另一道主食,美國肉眼扒則是肉食愛好者的絕佳選擇。厚切的肉眼扒外焦裡嫩,肉質多汁,搭配特制的醬汁,完美呈現了肉的鮮美與豐富的口感,令人一試難忘。有現場樂隊伴奏,會走到每一桌點曲,慶祝生日的朋友還會得到小蛋糕祝賀,女士更會收到一枝玫瑰花贈送,超級棒的約會!雅谷餐廳 (跑馬地)📍跑馬地黃泥涌道79A號雅谷大廈地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)