Exit D2, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Located in Causeway Bay, Bicho is a tasty and vibrant yakitori joint. Their specialties include the squid, saba and sweet corn skewers. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 01:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 01:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 02:30
18:00 - 23:00
*Last order: 22:30, 00:00 (Yakitori on Friday)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (892)
Level4 2025-01-14
「備長」係我一路都bookmark已久既居酒屋,今晚終於約齊人可以去擦餐勁😆一黎先上前菜俾你清清味蕾,有椰菜、青瓜、紅蘿蔔條,點麵豉醬食好日式風味鹽焗銀杏去左芯無苦味,焗過既銀杏好香,少少鹽調味,咬落好軟糯燒白鱔厚肉又爽彈,皮脆而且無骨,仲一啲泥味都無牛舌厚切原切去燒唔韌之餘仲十分爽口,係我鍾意既口感~荔枝豬肉卷神仙配搭~荔枝juicy可以中和豬腩肉既肥膩感自家製免治雞肉棒(付日本蛋)啖啖肉既雞肉棒,攪勻蛋汁再蘸上免治雞肉吃,入面有啲脆口感應該係雞軟骨,惹味香口美國安格斯肉眼照燒 (200克)用薄薄既照燒汁搽上肉眼去燒,食落汁甜甜地又牛肉有炭香味~肉眼質素高肉味都幾濃,咬落無根~備長卷(碎吞拿魚、三文魚籽、海膽)豪氣咁一啖放入口!鮮味係口入面爆發,海膽新鮮好鮮甜,令到吞拿魚碎更加好食~三文魚籽更加唔洗講,口感更加豐富慢煮雞肝驚喜之作,入口好細膩幼滑,完全估唔到佢係雞肝!略帶少少酒味,成個味道好夾鵝肝多士煎過既鵝肝油潤,配多士口感香脆,肥美既脂香係口入面散香,但我鍾意慢煮雞肝多d😂備長多士用左香脆既多士做底,一球係油甘魚mix三文魚,另一球係吞拿魚蓉,一啖食唔晒😂但魚油好鮮甜豐郁,少少黑魚籽有少少鹹香,整體黎講好特別~提燈雞湯 提燈其實係未孵化嘅雞蛋,食落同食熟蛋黃無異~雞湯清甜味美,冬天飲好暖胃 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-01
以串燒🍡為主嘅備長,為慶祝開業1️⃣8️⃣年,推出了慶典活動,每串串燒🍡會隨機出現分數,加埋所有分數可以換唔同食物,但如果抽到‘’大獎‘’,更加有機會獲得Switch、Air pod 或者 Apple Watch😍。入坐後送上前菜入面有沙葛、紅蘿蔔🥕、青瓜🥒及包心菜,全部新鮮爽脆,配上自家制赤麵豉醬,更加惹味😋。燒白鱔外皮燒到卜卜脆,而且啖啖肉,十分惹味😋。牛舌厚切厚切牛舌芯口感爽滑彈牙,肉質香嫩又juicy,油脂豐腴,每一口都充滿油香😋。荔枝豚肉卷豚肉🐖燒到有焦香🥰,荔枝嘅甜味正好解了豚肉嘅油膩,形成一種奇妙嘅配搭😮。自家製免治雞肉棒(付日本蛋)雞肉棒表面燒得香口,雞肉🐓入邊有軟骨,食落非常有口感😍,記得攪勻蛋汁再蘸上食。雖然話呢度串燒🍡出色,又有獎攞,但其實其他食物都非常出色🤤。鹽焗銀杏鹽焗過既銀杏好香,全部冇苦味😋。燒銀鱈魚干脆卜卜勁好食😍。美國安格斯肉眼照燒 (200克)肉眼🥩上面塗了照燒汁,食落汁甜甜地,但又無蓋過牛肉濃郁味😋。備長卷一啖落去,有齊碎吞拿魚、三文魚籽、海膽,層次感非常豐富🤤,食完非常滿足。慢煮雞肝驚喜之作,入口幼滑,全部人都估唔到佢係雞肝🐓!非常好食😋。鵝肝多士鵝肝🦢表面煎至焦脆,口感柔潤軟滑,油脂豐腴,配上香脆嘅多士,口感豐富🤤。備長多士香脆多士,一邊係油甘魚+三文魚,另一邊係吞拿魚蓉,上面放了黑魚籽,一啖咬落,口感豐富😍。提燈雞湯 雞湯清甜,雞味濃郁,上面放了提燈,好特別😋。🌟活動日期至26/01/2025 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-19
Today we visited Bicho, an izakaya who specializes in yakitori and sashimi in CWB. The restaurant provides exclusive offers such as buy-one-get-one-free skewers and beef occasionally. Like a typical izakaya in Japan, the staff served an otoshi as soon as we got seated.◆月見つくね Minced Chicken ◆もも Chicken Thigh◆手羽中 Chicken Wing ◆うずら Quail Egg All freshly grilled and piping hot. Tsukune had a fluffy texture with chopped crunchy soft bones. Chicken wings were a highlight with crispy skin and juicy meat. ◆獅子唐 Japanese Pepper ◆オクラ Okra ◆なす Eggplant ◆アスパラ Asparagus Veggies were grilled to the right point., from soft and moist eggplant, gooey okra to buttery asparagus. ◆銀だら Cod FishDelicate melt-in-your-mouth cod fish in a sweet saikyo marinade.◆おにぎり Rice BallPicked salmon and mentaiko filling respectively. The staff reminded us that it'd take about 25mins to prepare. Glazed in savory soy sauce with a crispy crust on the outside. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-09
備長主打壽司 , 日式菜式同串燒 , 款式又多 😏😏 之前同朋友嚟過覺得唔錯 , 所以今晚想食串燒就諗起呢度啦 !前菜條 ($28)食串燒食得太多都會有啲肉嘅油膩感 , 食下 d 蔬菜清一清個口 , 咁就可以食更多啦 😆😆鹽燒雞翼 ($34)白鱔 ($90)好厚肉肥美 , 魚皮勁香脆 ! 👍荔枝豬肉卷 ($40)呢款係我每次都會叫嘅串燒 ! 豬腩肉片燒到好香脆😋😋包住入邊暖暖地嘅荔枝 , 一咬即刻爆汁 , 口感一流 !美國安格斯牛柳 ($78)好大件 , 面頭附上牛油 , 食個時更香口 ~黑松露帶子 ($60)超香 ~ 食完之後個口仲充滿黑松露嘅餘韻 🤤🤤日本青椒仔 ($28)雞腎 ($34)清酒煮大蜆 ($108)店員好貼心 , 俾咗 2 個碗仔我哋飲個湯 😍😍 其實呢款菜式除咗大蜆外 , 清酒蜆湯都係另 1 個重點 , 有蜆嘅鮮味 , 同時有清酒酒精揮發後嘅甜味😆😆我飲咗成碗 ! 明太子忌廉烏冬 ($128)唔好睇佢好似好細份 , 但其實係滿滿嘅烏冬😱😱厚厚嘅明太子忌廉包住每一條烏冬 🤤🤤 每啖都係充滿明太子嘅鹹香味 ~ 1 份都夠 2 - 3 個人 share 整體黎講 , 隔咗一段時間冇黎 , 食物質素仍然保持到 , 坐得舒服 , 店員不時會過嚟收碟同加茶 , 服務貼心 , 值得再黎 ! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Recently stumbled upon a fantastic Japanese restaurant that offers an incredible lunch set with high CP value🇯🇵Their yakitori is the star of the show, featuring 3 sticks that you can choose from a selection of 20 types🍢Each stick is grilled to perfection, with a golden, charred exterior that promises a mouthful of joy in every bite. The portions are generous, ensuring you get your fill😍The lunch set also includes fresh appetizer and salad to start off your meal🥗followed by a proper set don with 10 varieties to choose from, such as beef hot pot and sahi rice🍲🍱🍛To round off the meal, you get drinks and miso soup, making it a complete and satisfying experience🍵🥤🧃The entire meal is mot only delicious but also very filling, perfect for those who love hearty portions😍The cozy environment of the restaurant makes it an ideal spot for a lunch gathering with friends or colleagues. If you’re on the lookout for a tasty and budget-friendly lunch option, this place is definitely worth a visit👍🏼😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)