Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
This popular Korean restaurant offers deep-fried chicken and grilled chicken, which are served with sweet and spicy sauce and soy sauce. The skin of the deep-fried chicken is crispy. The grilled chicken is tender and moist. continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last Order: 22:00
Mon - Sun
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (1679)
Level4 2024-06-14
我經OpenRice訂位,餐廳地址在銅鑼灣駱克駅2樓,點知去到搭𨋢見通告話已結業,好彩搵到張通知話餐廳搬了去「京華廣場」好彩隔幾棟大廈啫,嚇死😨。餐廳裝修跟之前分別很大,不再特色文青,反而像韓國烤店,有點失望手機點餐後,前菜很快就有,泡菜味道不太像韓國的味道,而且很碎✨✨🥢蜂蜜黃油炸雞(半份):炸雞🍗好大件,一咬不得了!塊皮脆到無論,甜甜蜜蜜又唔會立次次;雞肉有汁;仲配有一碟椰菜絲沙律+醃蘿蔔,好解油膩👍🏻✨🥢原味韓式炒年糕:公仔麵🍜比年糕多,不過有韓式魚片✨🥣血腸湯(跟白飯):血腸有5小件,每件一隻手指尾一節大小,真係到喉唔到肺;唔夠鹹可以加蝦醬做湯飯✨✨🥢豬腳(燉煮豬腳):豬腳大大碟,豬皮煙煙韌韌,骨膠原十足,配菜都唔少,可惜只有生菜、沒有芝麻葉,個醬有啲南乳味,一啲都唔辣😋P.S. 餐廳空調不足,食咗一半已汗流浹背,忍不住要求調大空調,點知待應姐姐話中央空調冇得校,佢哋已經同大廈商討緊,不過佢哋都好好攞把風扇出嚟俾我吹,態度值得俾個讚👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-02
今日嚟咗銅鑼灣呢一間韓國餐廳,位置都非常方便好近地鐵站出口,我哋喺SOGO嗰邊行過去,都係大概唔使5分鐘,位置嚟講真係冇得輸,咁啱朋友又話想食韓國嘢、就決定過去試吓,反正未試過呢一間餐廳!🔥韓式炸雞,非常好食,我非常鍾意佢嘅酸辣汁嘅調味,好似韓國嘅味道,而且價錢嚟講我覺得真係唔貴,喺呢一區嚟講真係性價比算幾高,而且佢嘅特飲非常特別,同韓國嗰啲基本上一樣,餐廳整體嘅氣氛都非常唔錯,非常熱鬧,鍾意食韓國嘢嘅朋友唔可以錯過呢一間餐廳! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-27
Bingo and cook @cwb🌟餐廳喺週末嘅人數非常多,場面非常熱鬧,比較推介嘅有佢嘅醬油蟹,非常好食,用嚟送飯簡直係一流,而且佢嘅膏非常香,鍾意食醬油蟹嘅朋友真係唔可以錯過,另外佢嘅特飲都非常特別,適合夏天熱辣辣,飲番杯就透心涼!下次會再返嚟幫襯!好食程度(5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟抵食程度(5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟位置 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟服務態度 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟衞生程度 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Bingo and cook closed for a while, so we were excited to go again when they reopened, their food was good no doubt. This all changed after this horrifying experience.We ordered a seafood pancake and beef stew. While waiting for our food to arrive, a waitress started cleaning up the table next to us. It was clear that her tray is too small to fit all the dirty dishes but she continued to pile on until the dirty dishes started to fall out of the tray; the remaining sauces in those dishes inevitably flew out in all directions. My poor husband was sitting right at the opposite of that table and half of his white t shirt was covered in splatters of Korean red sauce - it is unlikely that we can clean out all the stains given it is red. On the other hand my white t shirt and tote bag also fell victim to a couple of red splatters. Despite what had happened, everyone appeared to be nonchalant and continued to operate as if nothing happened. Only the waitress who caused the spill offered a small apology but that was it, no one offered to clean our dirty table or chairs until I asked. Nobody cared.The soul of a restaurant is not just about the food but the people that operated it and I swear that we shan’t ever set foot in this restaurant ever again even if the food is superb. Horrible service and experience indeed! We left the restaurant without touching our food. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
無諗過平日夜晚來都全場滿座,咁就知道餐廳 @bingo_and_cook 幾受歡迎啦~餐廳走韓式木系工業風,不規則的木板條和垂吊燈泡做天花裝飾,有型又有feel,最特別就係特設2人自修室自閉位,簡單間開,上面又放咗好多K pop明星相,擺設模型等,都幾攪笑! 🔮韓式辣炒小章魚絕對俾我想像中辣,仲要係後勁的辣,不過越辣越想食,八爪魚爽口又彈牙,醬汁濃稠度剛好,每隻分爪魚都均勻地被裹醬汁裹著,超級惹味呀,而且份量很多,旁邊有兩團米線,用來作拌麵來食很搭呀~ 🔮甜辣無骨炸雞半份半份有6件雞,仲要大大件,即叫即炸,上枱時勁香呀~外皮十分香脆,無骨啖啖肉,肉質十分嫩滑,又入味,仲勁juicy,甜甜辣辣超正呀~仲要跟埋一串炸年糕和脆皮腸,年糕外脆內煙韌,上面仲有層蜜糖,可謂是甜脆香呀~ 🔮海鮮豆腐窩大大窩份量夠哂4個人食,連卡式爐上,煲滾後可以慢花keep住暖笠笠,各類海鮮十分新鮮:青口,蜆,蝦,魷魚,大大件頭豆腐,韓式粉絲,真係超級大堆頭;連韓式辣醬一齊煲滾,湯頭有種海鮮甜辣味,鮮味十足,豆腐和粉絲亦吸引咗湯底的味道,豆腐嫩滑又夠辣,粉絲煙韌又掛湯,天氣咁凍,食呢個窩,真係暖上心頭呀! 🔮孟買雞尾酒食韓式炸雞,總覺得要飲番杯先至夠過癮,以Bombay Gin ,藍橙Liquor, 梳打 和鮮檸檬混合而成,除咗賣相藍色夠哂夢幻之外,微酸的gin酒香,絕對清爽醒神呀 🔮柑橘炭酸水大大個橙做裝飾係杯面,其實仲要係將入面橙肉拎哂出來,做成果蓉,加入sparkling water, 入口啖啖橙香,香甜清新,用來減辣真係一流呀~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)