Restaurant: | Chung's Kitchen |
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To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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Chung’s Kitchen presents traditional Cantonese and Northern Chinese dishes in a modern and delicate way. There are banquet dishes for business or special events and family-style dishes.
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Opening Hours
10:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
*到店外賣供應時間: 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
幫襯咗呢間粵菜好多年質素仍然咁好,性價比極高✨環境闊落夠光猛 坐得舒適上菜速度啱啱好▫️ 八小碟 - 涼拌海蜇、琥珀合桃、追味黑豚肉、蒜拍青瓜、崧子雞絲粉皮、五香沙薑豬手、七味脆豆腐、原味腰果全部都出色! 份量唔少 琥珀合桃食到唔停口▫️ 秘製鹽香雞鹹左少少 比較瘦 但肉質腍 皮薄爽口▫️ 清蒸大東星斑 新鮮大條厚身!魚肉白雪雪好嫩滑,熟度啱啱好▫️ 乳豬全體 脆皮👍🏻肉質腍 唔會太肥▫️ 花膠海鮮什菜煲好多料,好多唔同種類嘅菜,花膠好腍海鮮唔少,湯底唔會太鹹▫️ 西蘭花炒帶子份量大,帶子大粒爽口彈牙,唔會太油仲送甜品 - 紅棗糕香得嚟唔會好甜性價比非常抵食,好難得服務員態度又好,係同屋企人朋友聚餐嘅好地方👍🏻☺️—𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌: yes𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗌𝗂𝗍: yes💳 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝖼𝖾 $200-300 𝗉𝗉 (dinner)🌟 𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝖺𝗅𝗅 8/10📍 鍾廚銅鑼灣勿地臣街1號時代廣場12樓1201號舖
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週日和家人到銅鑼灣時代廣場12樓鍾廚吃長腳蟹晚餐,之前亞哥同朋友在這裏吃晚飯,話呢度食物質素唔錯,特別阿拉斯加長腳蟹好抵食,於是再嚟食蟹,六個人點了2隻乳鴿($68買一送一)和一隻蟹($198/斤、約4斤) 另外再叫一碟蜜味义燒及清蒸虎杉斑,同一個上湯菜苗。首先上桌的是义燒,义燒半肥瘦且是熱的,還有蠔油豆,太好吃,顧住吃,差不多吃完才記得拍照。跟住個菜也忘記了拍照。红燒乳鴿上菜,附有四杯百香果汁(忘記了拍照片),清甜好飲。女侍者貼心幫我們剪開乳鴿,再分成八份,六個人夠食,乳鴿好juicy,就是好吃魚蒸得洽到好處,肉質結實發現入坐竟有九成都有叫長腳蟹同紅燒乳鴿。最後,主角出場了,蟹太大,我們加錢$100,讓侍者替我們剪,剪得好專業,讓我們吃得特別舒服整體來說,這次體驗非常滿意,食物質素均不錯,促銷68元買一送一红燒乳鴿,皮脆肉嫩,好juicy,阿拉斯加長腳蟹,肉質豐腴,鮮甜味美,實在太大美味了,六個人吃不完剩下打包帶走。
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Went here to yum cha with my family and relatives during New Year. .We ordered a wide variety of diu sum dishes. Among all, the Pork Dumplings in Spicy Sauce stood out as my favourite. The spicy sauce was mouthwatering and paired with the pork dumplings nicely. The dumpling skin had just the right texture. The Steamed Red Sugar Sponge Cake left a lasting impression. It was spongy and soft, and the sweetness was on point. Also, I enjoyed the Steamed Beef Tripe in Black Pepper Sauce. The beef tripe was tender and well-seasoned, and had a delightful aroma from the black pepper sauce. The Stir-fried Noodles with Soy Sauce tasted savoury and had a chewy flavour. Other dim sum were not particularly memorable in comparison. .The resto operated on a self-service basis even though it had a service charge. We used a QR code to place order, and we had to make the tea and boil the water by ourselves. The food was quite pricey.
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昨晚跳舞班同學相約銅鑼灣時代廣場吃長腳蟹晚餐,一到步立即點咗2隻乳鴿($68買一送一)和一隻蟹先($198/斤、約4斤半)- 因為侍應話起碼要20-30分鐘;坐落發現入坐率竟有9乘滿,應該是十一黃金週関係,一半是國內客,雖然服務都不算差,可惜,飯店人手還是不足,好多時都要自己去換碗筷。我們還點了4盅燉湯(杏汁白肺)@$68,但味道就真係強差人異,有杏味但稀到不得了,飲咗1️⃣半就放棄;講番個主菜-蟹,味道不錯但不夠熱,似乎在廚房煮完放咗一陣才送上,而且要自己剪開,侍應剪要加$100😱,隻乳鴿則普通、略瘦,但可接受,最好反而是個什菜煲、夠大且多料,整體來說,是次體驗非常十分一般,朋友話「海港」應該好啲,但環境就可能冇咁好,因為這𥚃新裝修,格局高少少😅
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星期六約咗阿姨飲茶傾偈⋯⋯搵間坐得耐啲嘅,阿姨建議食依間,因為之前食過啲嘢都唔差,咁我冇乜所謂la …佢去到大約等咗10分鐘先入得,因為我遲到😂😂佢個茶壺機好似稻香咁,自己按制加水,可能都係稻香集團掛⋯⋯食物方面質素都唔錯,叫咗個腐皮卷,一個大牛肉球,兩粒蝦餃,一個鯪魚球,乳鴿,全部都算幾好食⋯⋯唔會太差!最後食咗個楊枝甘露都唔錯。酒樓地方大…去廁所時見到好多枱有卡位有大枱有圓台,見到應該晚市有做海鮮,個池好多海鮮,都有我最愛嘅長腳蟹,可能夜晚會來試吓!我哋傾偈由1:00坐到4:30啲職員都冇詐型,服務都OK唔錯⋯⋯埋單約$300 2人
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