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Opening Hours
18:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
18:30 - 23:00
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
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Review (371)
Level4 2024-11-26
浩立海方海洋探索體驗館在每天的晚上都會搖身一變,變成一間充滿浪漫氣氛的高級餐廳。由五星級酒店行政總廚主理,更與亞洲知名雪糕連鎖品牌 Corner Cone 聯乘,有造型繽紛的海洋主題及節日氣氛的雪糕。晚餐時段,餐廳會將燈光調暗,換上柔和的音樂。一邊望著顏色繽紛的水母🪼飄浮,一邊享受美味的晚餐,真的是人生一大樂事。當日我們點選了:頭盤🌟意式芝士飯糰這個飯團超級有特色,炸香的飯團內有香濃芝士,巴馬火腿肉又非常香脆,無論賣相和味道也無懈可擊。加上南瓜🌟 香煎北海道帶子帶子十分新鮮及厚身,剌身級的帶子味道鮮甜,加上少許魚子醬,感覺昇華了不少。🌟法式龍蝦濃湯龍蝦味超濃,有別於以往飲過的龍蝦🦞湯。主菜🌟蟹肉三文魚子意大利粉喜歡意大利的軟硬度,有口感,不會太淋,夠入味,加上蟹肉及三文魚子,配搭漂亮,味道亦有水準。🌟香煎 M5 和牛肉眼扒極力推介這個和牛肉眼扒,煎到恰度好處,六成熟也一點也不覺得硬,肉質軟熟又有肉味,配上煎香的薯仔粒,高質!甜品🌟香梨雪芭味道清新特別,完全不會太甜,食完豐富的晚餐再食一啖有一種很舒服的感覺。🌟提拉米蘇口感香滑,外型可愛精緻,也是一道很美味的甜品。👦🏻kids Meal🌟香烤芝士通心粉這個Mac and cheese ,拉絲芝士🧀相當吸引,焗香之香食不停口,非常受小朋友歡迎。🌟卡邦尼意粉喜歡意粉的軟硬度,不會太淋太硬,有口感之餘又入味,味道剛剛好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
真係唔知由邊到開始吐槽 💔食生日飯,睇Openrice 個時發現左呢間少見既海洋館餐廳,其實餐廳概念係幾好,但係其他方面配合唔到硬件基本上係扣哂分,真係唔知由邊到開始吐槽 💔1.首先餐牌定價已經係陷阱題,如果你係兩個人Share一個餐然後+主食就要留意,4-Course 主菜中間揀香煎斧頭豬扒既話另外要加$68,另外加個意粉就係$298 ($688+$68+$298 = $1054),但如果你4-Course 主菜中間揀意粉另外加香煎斧頭豬扒既話,就變左($688+$398 = $1086),爭左$32,然後當你個一刻唔清醒,侍應就會話其實差唔多,然後幫你落個貴既 🤣 差唔多,你幫我比嗎 ? 2.無tag water 提供,一定要飲收費水;3.落漏單,冇點人頭有幾多個主菜,追左兩次差唔多收工先補返入單,餓到就快暈;4.香煎斧頭豬扒兩份都唔熟,換完餐就變左件迷你豬喇,因為大件難熟丫嘛;5.餐廳環境係昏暗,食食下檯頭枝燈又愈黎愈暗,乜都睇唔到咁滯,叫侍應幫手換,又淨係換一枝,要叫幾次先幫你換哂正常既燈;6.主菜未上齊,已經熄哂水母館D 燈趕客啦 🤣 宜家又唔係我唔想走,你D 野都未上齊,做咩啫🤣 🤣 🤣😎 食左$700/位,一流環境同價錢,九流服務,食品質素一般,食完都唔飽,如果想生日都又餓又激氣既話就去試下啦…🏠店名:Cube O - Journey with Seajellies 🚘地址:荃灣楊屋道88號Plaza 88 8樓#荃灣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
上次到「浩海立方•探游館」參觀時,知道呢度夜晚會搖身一變,成為浪漫海底餐廳🍴,Zaza就決定一定要喺晚餐時間再次到訪😋餐廳燈光特意調得昏暗,但每張餐桌擺放喺水母缸隔籬,恍似置身海底,充滿神秘又夢幻嘅感覺🔮餐牌分別有3-course / 4-course dinner set 選擇,Zaza 點選咗兩份4-course 晚餐:🪼頭盤有香煎北海道帶子+ 巴馬火腿沙律香煎北海道帶子大大粒嘅帶子用荔枝汁醃製過,鮮甜清新,上一層有鮮味帶咸既黑魚子醬,兩者被菠菜忌廉汁盛載,口感豐富巴馬火腿沙律火腿咸香味明顯,配搭清新沙律菜、蕃茄、無花果等,非常醒胃🪼湯品就選擇黑松露牛肝菌菇湯 + 法式龍蝦濃湯,黑松露牛肝菌菇湯帶有淡淡黑松露味,法式龍蝦濃湯就充滿濃濃龍蝦味,仲有大大嚿龍蝦肉添🪼主菜就係慢煮牛面頰+蟹肉三文魚子意大利麵慢煮牛面頰牛面頰慢煮4個多小時,所以好鮮嫰,肉質軟腍多汁,完全冇多餘肥膏,入口即溶,底層配綿滑薯蓉,連小朋友都勁like蟹肉三文魚子意大利麵奶油醬汁creamy,滲入蟹肉同偏意粉之中,令味道既甜又鮮;三文魚籽份量多、大粒,爽口,好豐富嘅口感🪼甜點揀咗Zaza好鍾意嘅提拉米蘇+覆盤子雪芭提拉米蘇Tiramisu造型係一個半球體,仲有朱古力粉同紅莓醬點綴,賣相精緻;而且口感細滑,有咖啡香同酒香,但唔涸喉覆盤子雪芭雪葩滿滿raspberry味,酸酸甜甜,清新解膩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-23
Cube O - Journey with Seajellies:An excellent and memorable meal experienceThis is the Cube Exploration Center in Haohai. At night, it becomes a restaurant called Jellyfish. It is truly amazing 👍🏻. The layout is commendable.The lighting in the restaurant is really low after you enter, which is exactly why jellyfish are so easy to spot! Adrian continued walking to other boxes to see the glowing jellyfish since he was so excited when he spotted it. On weekday evenings, we visit this restaurant, which is on a mid-to-high-end road. Dinner sets are available for three or four courses, respectively. 🍽️ There are also a la carte options and kid-friendly meals available. The tables are far apart, and there is a lot of privacy. 💡Must-order suggestions: M5 wagyu and scallops. Adrian insisted on asking for more, thus the amount of food consumed tonight is double what is customary. Mom is overjoyed!Each table will have a jellyfish aquarium, and the accommodations and dining will feature star-rated cuisine and sophisticated Together, let's have dinner with jellyfish and experience a unique combination of taste and sight ❤️.The Private functions can also be held at the restaurant. It would be a great idea to host Adrian's birthday celebration here the following year. A memorable and delightful mealThe Haohai Cube Exploration Center is located here. At night, it becomes a jellyfish restaurant. It's really amazing 👍🏻 I must commend the arrangemeThe lighting is really low once you enter the restaurant. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢度日頭係浩海立方探游館, 一到夜晚就會變身成為水母餐廳, 好有諗頭👍🏻 不得不讚下呢個安排非常好👍🏻 一踏入餐廳裏面, 燈光係比較暗, 正正因為咁, 好容易就會見到水母啦!! Adrian 一見到發光嘅水母箱就好興奮, 不停去唔同嘅箱度觀賞水母🫶🏻餐廳係走中高檔路線, 我哋平日晚上時段去, 分別有3-course / 4-course dinner set 🍽️ 另外仲有兒童餐同a la carte. 枱與枱相隔一段距離, 私隱度高, 都好適合情侶嚟拍下拖🫶🏻今晚叫咗:-🍴頭盤 (香煎北海道帶子+ 巴馬火腿沙律)🍴湯 (黑松露茹湯 + 法式龍蝦濃湯)🍴主菜 (香煎M5和牛肉眼扒 + 慢煮牛面頰)💡必點推介: 帶子 同 M5和牛, 連Adrian都不停話”more please”, 今晚嘅食量係平時嘅double😍 媽媽好開心!每張枱都會有一個水母水缸喺隔籬, 食住星級美食同優雅嘅水母一齊共進晚餐, 視覺味覺同時享有高水準嘅體驗❤️餐廳仲可以包場舉行私人活動, 真係可以計劃下下年Adrian生日會喺呢度舉行. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)