2-min walk from Exit E5, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
【龍味館】的前身為【龍麵館】,2018年香港【龍麵館】開業,首年榮獲米芝蓮指南餐盤獎,當選評語為:新鮮食材,細心準備,美味佳餚。次年榮獲米芝蓮粤菜指南推介,躋身全球粤菜推薦榜。 【龍味館】致力讓用餐的客人穿梭於古今的潮流及文化中,為客人提供一個真正獨特的用餐體驗,讓他們透過品嚐【龍味館】精心準備的佳餚,及悉心打造的環境中,體驗中菜的味道。龍行天下,我們希望把龍味帶到全國,走向世界! continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 16:00
17:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 16:00
17:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (121)
We ordered the $199 per head lunch set, featuring their signature BBQ pork as the main dish.The tasty soup was presented in a traditional thing that was used to drink wine in the past. While being eye-catchy, we both think it’s not a good idea to drink hot soup from it, as it’s highly probable to get your lips/tongue/mouth burn. The soup was strong in green carrot flavour, while looking at its colour, it’s pale orange. It looked as if the chef used the western way to blend the ingredients after boiling.Inside the dumpling, half of the content was shrimp while the other half was lobster, which gave you 2 textures in one bite.The signature BBQ pork was very nice and juicy, and well marinated. The proportion for the fat and meat was really like 50-50, with a small amount of charcoal in the periphery. Got all the check marks for a char-siu.The deep-fried carrots with carbonara contents were actually having bacon bits inside. That’s interesting.The cold pink guava liquid dessert was refreshing. One of the staff brought the desserts too early when we were still working on the char-siu. They could have given the staff better training for more appropriate times to present the items. The space was actually very small, unlike what you expect when seeing it from outside, while the staff wasn’t that attentive to the tables. We had to ask the staff to add water to our tea pot. The same kitchen produced food for both Yum Cha and Dragon Noodles Academy, and it’s estimated that they run this restaurant the same way as they run Yum Cha next door. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
提到中菜,總會想起大圓桌上的大碟頭菜式,位於上環的龍味館 就可找到精緻二人套餐,交通方便,上環E3出口2分鐘,如果泊車,可以泊林士街停車場或永安中心停車場,裝潢一洗中菜館的俗套老氣,注入時尚氣息,散發摩登的東方韻味,今次就選擇了套餐B $498 兩位用,包括熱湯、三款點心、主食和甜品,比單點更抵食。宮廷酒爵暖胃湯熱湯以半透明仿古爵杯盛載,造型古雅,味道清甜,入口暖胃順喉。龍味點心拼盤包括龍蝦蝦餃、蟹子鮮蝦燒賣和卡邦尼小甘筍,一次過淺嚐三種款式,點心即點即蒸,確保新鮮熱辣辣,龍蝦蝦餃晶瑩剔透的外皮以金邊點綴,造工精細,包裹著矜貴龍蝦肉,爽滑彈牙,燒賣舖上大隻鮮蝦,蝦肉與豬肉比例掌握得宜,卡邦尼小甘筍外型超可愛,表層像鹹水角般酥脆中略帶煙韌,內餡則裹滿白汁火腿芝士,中西合璧卻完全不違和。脆米波士頓龍蝦湯鮑魚海蝦帶子泡飯上桌時倒下脆卜卜的金黃脆米,即使放久了亦沒有輕易被浸淋,軟脆相間帶來雙重層次的口感,盡吸湯底精華,龍蝦湯色澤紅潤油亮,味道濃郁鮮甜,加上新鮮爽彈的龍蝦肉、鮑魚、帶子和海蝦入饌,真材實料。紅粉玉露番石榴果香酸甜清爽,消暑解膩,揉合粒粒果肉和滑溜西米,層次感豐富 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-20
今日返夜班,晚飯時間又係公司附近周圍覓食🥰。行下行下發現間好多朋友都介紹我去嘅龍味館,原來咁近我公司,一直都冇為意添😆。餐廳以黑色為基調,裝潢簡約華麗,加上燈光昏暗柔和,突顯尊貴味道🥰。2️⃣人套餐分A/B/C/D 4️⃣款,最平$276 真係好抵,我當然係叫最貴啦😂,其實都只不過係$568。套餐A 2位用 $568 🌟湯品宮廷酒爵暖胃湯湯品器皿好靚又別緻,用上磨砂玻璃仿古爵杯,橙黃色的青紅蘿蔔湯😍,味道清甜又香濃,口感濃稠,熱辣辣暖胃又好飲😋。🌟前菜魚躍龍味館一品頭拼青芥末海蜇頭 - 口感爽脆,青芥末獨特的辛辣味🌶刺激味蕾,十分醒胃😋。香橙白玉蝴蝶 - 冬瓜用上柚子蜜糖醃製,味道香甜,口感爽脆,好驚喜🤤!桂花蜜餞鮮冬菇 - 鮮冬菇炸過後,再混上一層桂花蜜餞糖膠,味道香甜,口感軟滑多汁😍。🌟招牌菜招牌龍蝦鬚擺盤相當吸引,原隻龍蝦造型🦞,龍蝦身用蘿蔔絲酥替代。酥皮鬆化香脆,包住清甜的蘿蔔絲及鮮甜的龍蝦肉粒,香甜多汁,鮮味無窮😋。🌟主食波士頓龍蝦湯燴手工拉麵幼身麵質感爽滑,湯底龍蝦味濃郁🦞,十分鮮甜😋,配搭生蔥絲一齊,增添鮮香味。鮮龍蝦肉身飽滿,質感爽滑彈牙,鮮香味十足🤤。🌟甜品紅粉玉露香甜爽口番石榴粒,混入打磨成蓉的番石榴汁😋,再加入軟糯的西米,口感豐富,味道香甜😍。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-02-03
今次去咗呢間米芝蓮中菜館,真係有驚喜!✨ 每道菜都係精雕細琢,充滿層次感,一齊嚟睇下邊啲最值得推介!🏮宮廷酒爵暖胃湯(菠菜湯)呢個湯一上枱已經香氣撲鼻,飲落口感幼滑,菠菜味濃郁,暖笠笠,好適合開餐前嚟暖胃!🍵💚🦞龍味點心拼盤龍蝦蝦餃 - 外皮晶瑩剔透,內餡鮮甜彈牙,一啖落去,龍蝦肉同蝦肉完美融合,鮮味爆燈!🦞✨ 蟹子鮮蝦燒賣 - 入口啖啖蝦肉,蟹子喺面頭輕輕爆開,帶嚟一絲絲海洋風味,食落好爽口!🦀🍤 卡邦尼小甘筍 - 點心入面加咗西式元素!小甘筍外皮口感軟糯,內餡帶淡淡卡邦尼醬香,味道意外地夾!🥕🧀🔥炭燒黑豚肉叉燒呢個叉燒真係一試難忘!外層微微焦香,帶住炭燒風味,入口肉質嫩滑,肥瘦比例剛剛好,仲滲出陣陣蜜汁甜香,配碗白飯一流!🍖🔥😋🍚絲苗白飯白飯煮得啱啱好,粒粒分明,吸收叉燒蜜汁後更加香口!簡單但必不可少!🍚👌🍑紅粉玉露(Guava Cream Soup)呢款甜品好特別,粉紅色嘅石榴湯滑溜溜,甜度適中,帶淡淡果香,飲落有種清新嘅感覺,為整餐飯畫上完美句號!💖🥭🥣 每道菜都充滿巧思,傳統中菜加埋西式創意,味道、賣相都無得輸,特別係叉燒同龍蝦蝦餃,完全係必試之選!💯🔥 下次一定要再嚟! 龍味館DRAGON ACADEMY 地址 中環德輔道中173號南豐大廈2樓3-5號舖Shop 3-5, 2/F, Nan Fung Place, 173 Des Voeux Road Central, Central營業時間星期一至五11:30 - 15:00; 17:30 - 22:00星期六至日11:30 - 16:00; 17:30 - 22:00 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-27
環境舒服,裝修有格調~而且朋友Join左會籍性價比特別高,附近又有2個停車場泊車方便,成個用餐體驗都唔錯!!❤️宮廷酒爵暖胃湯 用陳皮+紅豆湯煲成咸湯,有啲似鹹嘅紅豆沙~用宮廷酒杯飲,好有特色又岩打卡🧡龍味點心拼盤 龍蝦蝦餃外皮晶瑩剔透,邊邊有d金色閃閃下,好精緻,餡料十足啖啖肉又彈牙~蟹籽燒賣同樣都係手工製作,細膩講究,鮮味十足~卡邦尼小甘筍,睇落已經好cute,食落外層甜甜地又煙韌,加埋中間卡邦尼煙肉餡,咸甜交錯口感味道都好特別,有創意💛脆米波士頓龍蝦湯鮑魚海蝦帶子泡飯 湯底選用波士頓龍蝦熬製,鮮甜濃郁,加上鮑魚+海蝦+帶子既豐富海鮮味,同埋灑上脆米增加口感,每一啖都味道豐富,jengrrrr💚紅粉玉露 味道清甜,果肉口感好得意,又解膩又清新,為成餐飯畫上完美句號 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)