6-min walk from Exit A1, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station
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The restaurant specializes in traditional Japanese cuisine, while the interior is decorated with an English manor style. In addition to traditional dishes, there are also innovative dishes that combine foreign ingredients.
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Additional Information
Dining duration:
MON - FRI Lunch: 120 mins - Lunch Set Menu
Dinner: 120 mins - A La Carte Menu
Lunch: 120 mins - Lunch Set Menu
Dinner: 120 mins - A La Carte Menu
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:15
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 14:45
18:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 15:15
18:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Hunger for a short escape after work?好耐冇嚟Pirata Group旗下餐廳串門集團嘅餐廳一向都係信心保證講vibe滿份至於嘢食decent又presentable味道當然亦唔錯鍾意食modern fusion日本菜 honjohk 就走唔甩 由sandro_ideas 主理嘅Izakaya Night Menu豬牛雞魚海鮮等嘅食村都包括其中製作上係滿到瀉嘅居酒屋風情大家可以按食量自選3、5或自己道菜都得話明係Late night bites 當然仲有free-flow啤酒或紅白酒香檳但選擇我當日係食齊8道菜small plates每樣都淺嚐其實係好夠飽加埋cocktail/sake/wine其實幾抵deal!餐廳環境又夠舒適真心係好啱同朋友嚟chill chill~~Izakaya Night Menu.Honey Ponzu Pork.Octopus Tartare.Roasted portobello.Scallop sashimi .Yuzu Kimchi Salmon.Tuna maki.Beef skewer.Chicken skewer
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推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥這個飲食集團旗下的餐廳每間都各具特色,除了裝修具有不同的風格之餘,提供的食品亦具有高質素。這間餐廳糅合了酒吧,以及新派日本坐於一身,餐廳的裝修格局,黃提供的食品,都美觀與內涵兼備。值得一提是,餐廳有多款不同的菜式給客人選擇,所以餐廳亦為客人提供了tasting menu,絕對適合有選擇困難的人士。This dining group boasts a portfolio of restaurants, each with its unique characteristics. In addition to their distinct decor styles, they offer high-quality cuisine. This particular restaurant combines elements of a bar with contemporary Japanese dining. Both the restaurant’s design and the dishes served are visually appealing and richly flavorful. Notably, the restaurant provides a tasting menu featuring a variety of dishes, making it an excellent choice for diners with discerning tastes.The Dreamer ($680 每位 p.p) + Wine & Sake Paring ($380 每位 p.p)這是其中一個tasting menu之一,可以在加倍wine and sake配對的餐單,令客人可以有最適合的美酒配合美食One of the tasting menus offers a selection of dishes paired with wines and sake, ensuring that guests can enjoy the perfect complement to their meals.Unagi這個炸壽司的口感非常特別,因為飯炸得非常香脆,配合了鰻魚及醬汁,不論口感及味道都非常有層次The deep-fried sushi presents a unique texture, as the rice is remarkably crispy, paired with eel and sauce, creating a dish that is both layered in taste and texture.Edamame & Perrie Jouet Grand Brut Montagne de Reims France (Champagne)這個毛豆配合了海鹽,增加了毛豆的鮮味,與香檳非常匹配。整體來說香檳的味道香甜,酒味不會太濃,非常配合這三度菜式Edamame seasoned with sea salt enhances the natural flavor of the beans, making it a perfect match for Champagne. Overall, the Champagne has a sweet flavor with a mild alcohol taste, which pairs well with the three dishes offered.Hamachi這個黃鰭吞拿魚的刺身非常新鮮,而且配合了酸酸甜甜的醬汁,令人更加開胃The sashimi made of yellowfin tuna is exceptionally fresh, complemented by a tangy-sweet sauce that heightens its appeal.Octopus這個八爪魚菜式實在震撼了視覺及味蕾,廚師用了一個批壯的東西盛載著八爪魚他他,非常精緻,而且八爪魚切得很細粒不會覺得太過堅韌The octopus dish captivates both the eyes and the palate. Served in a shell-like vessel, the octopus is finely diced, ensuring a tender texture that is pleasing to eat.Wings這個無骨雞翼做得香脆,配以黑糖醬汁,吃後有一股幸福的感覺The boneless chicken wings are perfectly crisp, served with a brown sugar sauce that leaves a delightful sensation of happiness.Domaine de Vouroux Chablis, Chardonnay Burgundy; France這兩道配這個白酒,比之前的香檳可說是較為濃烈,可能配上一些較酸或較甜的白酒可能更好The two dishes paired with white wine are notably more robust than the previous Champagne; a slightly tart or sweeter white wine may enhance the experience even further.Sashimi & Sushi三款壽司及刺身都非常新鮮,而且壽司的飯亦不會煮得過腍All three types of sushi and sashimi are exceptionally fresh, and the sushi rice is expertly cooked without being overly soft.Hoku Shika Kimoto Honjozo, Akita, Japan (Sake)壽司及刺身配以這款凍清酒,可說是非常匹配,而且清酒亦不會太辛辣,絕對適合女士飲用Sushi and sashimi pair excellently with the chilled sake, which is not overly spicy, making it a great choice for female diners.Chicken這個燒雞以爐盛載著,擺盤非常吸引,肉質不會燒得太乾,與蛋黃醬亦非常匹配,不過略嫌味道有點鹹The grilled chicken is attractively presented on a serving dish; the meat remains moist and pairs well with the egg yolk mayonnaise, though it could be a touch less salty.Broccolini & corn tempura西蘭花及粟米天婦羅的粉漿都非常薄,所以炸得非常香脆又不會太過油膩,而且係得出西蘭花及粟米的新鮮味The tempura broccoli and corn feature a thin batter, resulting in a crispy texture that isn’t greasy, allowing the freshness of the vegetables to shine through.Yakimeshi rice這個炒飯雖然用料不算太多,但是十分有鮮味This fried rice, while not excessively rich, is packed with flavor.La Petit Sirene Chateau Giscours Bordeaux, France雖然不是紅肉但與這款紅酒亦非常匹配,而且這款紅酒亦十分而入口,偏向果香較多Though it is not red meat, it pairs wonderfully with the selected red wine, which is quite smooth and fruit-forward.Matcha Lava最後這個甜品是抹茶心太軟,抹茶味十分香濃,心太軟蛋糕又不會太甜,配以雲呢拿雪糕更加可以中和甜味Finally, the dessert is a matcha molten cake, rich in matcha flavor and not overly sweet. Paired with vanilla ice cream, it balances the sweetness beautifully.Manzairaku Kaga Umeshu, Ishikawa Japan (Flavoured sake)最後配的酒是一個梅酒,非常適合作這一餐飯的終結,因為梅酒酸酸甜甜,有助消化The final accompaniment is plum wine, which serves as a delightful conclusion to the meal, offering a pleasantly sweet and tangy flavor that aids digestion.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥✅食物的款式選擇非常多,可以迎合不同口味的人士The variety of food options caters to a wide range of tastes.❌無NIL🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅裝修設計以西式為主調,營造了型格浪漫的感覺The decor emphasizes a Western style, creating a chic and romantic ambiance.❌餐廳燈光比較偏暗,可能有些客人會不太喜歡The restaurant's lighting is relatively dim, which some guests may find less appealing.💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥✅侍應生的服務非常親切及迅速,並會為客人解釋菜式的特色The service is friendly and prompt, with staff willing to explain the unique features of the dishes.❌無NIL💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅有套餐及單點餐單供客人選擇,價錢比較具彈性The menu includes both set menus and à la carte options, providing flexibility in pricing.❌價錢與同類型餐廳相比算是較高,但是品質及服務質素亦比其他餐廳為高While the prices may be higher compared to similar establishments, the quality of both the food and service justifies the premium.
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今日搵到一間寶藏餐廳,係西日fusion、裝修極靚,極有氣氛嘅<HONJO>🥰 餐廳位於皇后大道西,近西營盤站。一上到去已經俾佢嘅裝修吸引咗,職員仲非常有型😍😍 <In the Capital>🍸芝華士cocktail,甜甜地好易入口🥰<Forever Together>🍹我朋友揸左車,佢話呢杯Mocktail好好味,有啲綠茶,菠蘿同埋益力多嘅元素!餐廳有好多單點嘅特別菜式,但因為今日好肚餓,所以叫咗呢個全新登場限定嘅tasting menu😎🌟The Dreamer Tasting Menu $680 p.p Edamame 枝豆開胃菜,上面有啲海鹽,食落去好滋味🫨Unagi 鰻魚配咗特別嘅醬汁,配炸左嘅壽司飯,一口小食,唔錯🤩Hamachi 油甘魚刺身配咗特製嘅酸梅汁,好開胃,刺身又新鮮,非常唔錯👍Octopus八爪魚他他配咗脆嘅薄片,口感特別🫶🏻Wings無骨雞翼拼咗沖繩黑糖醬汁,惹味👍Sashimi有三款唔同嘅刺身,厚切新鮮😍Sushi壽司都唔錯,都係有三款🥰Chicken雞扒皮脆肉嫩,配埋個汁,我覺得好好食🫶🏻Brocoli & Corn Tempura天婦羅,好少食到啲兩種蔬菜,係西式嘅西蘭花同埋粟米,一啲都唔油,好好食🥰Yakimeshi Rice簡單嘅炒飯,粒粒分明👍<HONJO>嘅食物同服務質素都非常有保證😎 當晚客人真係唔少,而且特別受外國人歡迎,真心推介👍 🌟着數推介12月內於 Pirata Group 旗下餐廳每消費一次可獲得1枚印花,並參與「Seas The Season」聖誕大抽獎,頭獎為馬爾代夫5日4夜之旅(2人同行,包來回機票、Hard Rock Hotel 及 Saii Maldives 各兩晚住宿)」參加次數無上限,消費次數越多,贏獎機會越高😎
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餐廳糅合西日元素創作出新派菜式,近期更推出全新限定menu,當然要嚟試下❤️ 裝修復古又帶神秘氣息,氣氛浪漫,好適合聚會慶祝🥰✨ The Dreamer ($680/ person)❀ Edamame 🫛送酒必食嘅海鹽枝豆❀ Unagi 🥢有驚喜嘅小食😍 炸壽司表面放上鰻魚及魚子醬,口感酥脆又juicy,配搭特製嘅芝士辣醬好惹味👍🏻❀ Hamachi 🐟油甘魚刺身肥美鮮嫩,加入梅子醬及紅洋蔥調味,食落酸酸甜甜好開胃呢😝❀ Octopus 🐙以脆球盛載住八爪魚他他及壽司飯,表面灑上三文魚籽、紫菜絲及七味粉,鮮味十足又帶香辣口感🥰❀ Wings 🐥無骨雞翼炸得外脆內嫩,炸皮蘸滿黑糖醬及芝麻粒,香甜可口😚❀ Sashimi 🐟❀ Sushi 🍣依個壽司刺身拼盤好吸引呢✨ 有齊吞拿魚、油甘魚及三文魚,每款厚切又新鮮☺️❀ Chicken 🐥用烤爐呈上半隻烤雞,肉質嫩滑多汁,食落鹹香惹味😝❀ Broccolini & corn tempura 🌽粟米及西蘭花天婦羅,炸粉夠薄,口感非常香脆✨❀ Yakimeshi rice 🍚炒飯整到好入味,好有飽足感☺️❀ Matcha lava 🍵甜品係抹茶心太軟配雲呢拿雪糕,抹茶味濃郁,流心效果好正❤️❀ The Escape ($108)❀ The Magic Hammer ($68)
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最近去咗Pirata Group 旗下Honjo餐廳以日式料理為主 加入fusion元素✨每度料理都好好食!全新登場限定餐牌"THE DREAMER" set dinner💫 刺身同壽司非常新鮮🥰 綠茶心太軟超級好食~♡ Edamame毛豆作開胃小吃 送酒一流 鹹鹹地好惹味♡ Unagi 底部係外脆內軟嘅炸鰻魚上面仲有蒲燒鰻魚同三文魚子配埋佢特製嘅醬汁同埋芝士 好好食!♡ Hamach好鮮甜嘅油甘魚刺身~ 配埋洋蔥同酸酸甜甜嘅梅子醬好match♡ Octopus章魚他他! 底層係已經調好味嘅壽司飯配埋個脆波波同紫菜碎 口感一流😆♡ Sashimi + Sushi壽司同刺身各3款 全部都好新鮮有三文魚,油甘魚同埋吞拿魚😋♡ Wings冇骨炸雞 個皮炸得好好非常香脆😌 外脆內嫩滑 好鍾意佢黑糖甜甜地嘅味道!♡ Broccolini & corn tempura西蘭花同粟米天婦羅! 好特別嘅配搭第一次試😚 估唔到原來粟米天婦羅口感咁正!而且炸漿好薄又炸到好香脆♡ Chicken半隻煙燻烤雞 賣相非常吸引 仲有陣陣煙飄出嚟😳♡ Yakimeshi rice炒飯炒得粒粒分明! 仲有好多紫菜好正!♡ Matcha lava超級好食嘅綠茶心太軟💚 非常流心!仲好香牛油味 配埋雲呢拿雪糕一齊食大滿足!✨12月內於 Pirata Group 旗下餐廳每消費一次可獲得1枚印花,並參與「Seas The Season」聖誕大抽獎,頭獎為馬爾代夫5日4夜之旅(2人同行,包來回機票、Hard Rock Hotel 及 Saii Maldives 各兩晚住宿)」參加次數無上限,消費次數越多,贏獎機會越高!*"
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