Exit B, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
The stylish design features grey colour and Japanese warrior elements. The menu is diverse and mainly serves yoshoku dishes and Japanese dishes. It is a nice place for gathering and dating. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:00
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Online Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Review (257)
聽講餐廳仲有另一間分店,座位都好闊落,多人嘅話好似仲有間房仔俾你。唔同嘅居酒屋都有佢自己嘅特色,而我覺得究極堂嘅特色一定係個海鮮杯。就咁睇Menu其實真係唔知食咩好,太多嘢揀,樣樣都想食,不過建議大家記住睇一睇牆上面嘅展板,真係會有驚喜。‣ 明太子芝士玉子燒 $78‼️超級推薦‼️最鍾意佢嘅玉子燒有種淡淡嘅奶香,啲芝士喺入邊都超過癮。明太子醬可以將成個蛋嘅香味提升一個層次,同埋個蛋真係煎到滑捋捋,好鍾意佢半生熟嘅口感。‣ 究極海鮮杯 $98‼️打卡一流‼️呢個杯真係好有創意同埋值得嗌,中間每一層唔同嘅魚生,有吞拿魚蓉、海膽、三文魚子等等,味道都好新鮮。但係我覺得最特別嘅係底層嘅柑橘啫喱,本身諗住呢個配搭應該會好奇怪同埋唔好食,點知入口嘅時候發覺超出預期,驚喜地發覺原來咁樣嘅配搭都幾正,所以推薦俾大家。‣ 蟹味噌蟹棒壽司 $14蟹棒本身就甜甜地,而啱啱好同味噌嘅鹹形成一個幾正嘅對比,整體口感都好柔和,呢個價錢嚟講都值得一試。‣ 蝦味噌熟蝦壽司 $15如果朋友仔都係鍾意食熟蝦,我覺得都值得試吓,因為味噌嘅調味都真係幾唔錯,唔會太鹹,令到件壽司都幾鮮甜。‣ 玉子鰻魚炸蝦卷 $68佢並唔係Menu入邊,而係是日精選嘅展板上面。本身睇Menu嘅食就諗咗好耐食邊一個炸蝦卷好,結果見到佢我就毫不猶豫嗌咗,超級豐富又鰻魚又炸蝦,真係一次過滿足我兩個願望。‣ 芝士甲羅燒 $98甲羅燒真係可以話係我每次去居酒屋必嗌嘅食品,好鍾意嘅蟹膏嘅香甜,仲有蟹籽增加口感,撈埋芝士真係不得了,味道夠出色。‣ 啤酒薯條配蜜糖芥末醬 $48同朋友談心一定要嗌薯條,而且我好鍾意食幼薯,因為一定夠晒脆卜卜。‣ 雙色魚生冷豆腐 $48豆腐本身好滑溜,整體口感清爽,而醬汁都唔會太過鹹,撈埋啲魚生一齊食啱啱好。‣ 京蔥地雞配蒜蓉法包 $68‼️超級推薦‼️覺得好抵食,佢啲炸雞真係好大嚿,而且搭配芝士忌廉汁,撈埋法包一齊食啱啱好,又唔會太漏,同埋食得出本身雞件有醃製過,夠晒誠意。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-05
明太子芝士玉子燒 ($78)份量足夠,玉子好順滑,加上明太子同芝士,口感豐富😋海膽右口魚邊蝦卷 ($78)右口魚燒得岩岩好,加上鮮甜既海膽,仲有好爽脆既炸蝦,口感一流🤤 味道亦好match, 又有炙燒香味👍🏻玉子壽司 ($12)正常發揮,玉子大件柔滑,飯比較細件,可以突出玉子既味道😙究極之戀壽司 ($48)唔知有冇數錯,一小舊壽司裏面有5款海鮮,包括:帆立貝、吞拿魚蓉、三文魚籽、海膽同埋黑魚子😍 內含多種新鮮既海鮮,一啖咬落去真係好正,口感好豐富!炙燒黑松露燒帆立貝壽司 ($22)炙燒過既帆立貝加埋黑松露好香,肉厚飯細舊,可以感受到嘴巴充滿着帆立貝肉☺️蟹膏豆腐蟹肉壽司 ($20)蟹肉蟹膏無吝嗇,滿滿嘅肉😋 肉質都柔滑,豆腐味道反而唔太出。魚子醬赤蝦壽司 ($18)赤蝦大件新鮮,魚子醬增加口感,唔錯嘅壽司🤤芝士年糕 ($38)年糕好Q彈,外皮脆、年糕煙靭、中間嘅芝士質地好流心,正,食一嚿唔會太膩👍🏻牛油帆立貝(粟米汁)配蒜蓉法包 ($88)帆立貝鮮甜又大粒,好香,側邊嘅配菜,例如洋蔥都好香好爽脆,加埋香脆嘅蒜蓉包,口感幾特別,忍唔住食晒成兜😆炸半熟玉子 ($23)簡稱炸蛋🤣🤣 炸到外酥脆內軟滑,配上少少流心既蛋黃,一啖咬落去,又滑又脆咁,口感幾好。佢嘅味道唔算好濃,但配少少少少少少鹽就已經足夠調味🤓啤酒薯條配蜜糖芥末醬 ($48)出色!薯條本身已調味,唔需要再加調味料,鹹味剛剛好,加蜜糖芥末醬都有特色,冇咁單調。薯條有輕微啤酒味,唔會太突出,而且非常脆,脆得黎比一般薯條有種韌啲既感覺,口感very good!🫰甜蝦唐揚 ($48)甜蝦唐揚外酥內嫩,炸得黎好乾身,亦都俾圖片多好多(以為得4隻點知有一兜😍),好脆口,夠味粟米天婦羅 ($48)一排新鮮粟米炸成天婦羅,口感就好似炸番薯加好多粒爽口嘅粟米,幾特別👍🏻 調味正常唔算濃🙊結論🫰食物上菜速度算快🫰好味😎🫰氣氛幾好,又日本居酒屋感覺食完會想飲水好味度:8/10回頭度:8/10🎡餐廳資料餐廳名稱:究極堂餐廳地址:銅鑼灣登龍街28號永光中心11樓營業時間:星期一至日 12:00-15:30 & 18:00-23:00 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-31
As a homebody who rarely ventures out to dine, Kyukyoku Do stands out as a rare find in the bustling culinary landscape. I revisited for a dining experience that is both satisfying and memorable.The menu boasts an extensive selection of dishes.One standout dish is the Assorted Aburi Sashimi Donburi priced at $138. The Akazu Sushi Rice, seasoned with aged red vinegar, imparts a depth of flavor that perfectly complements the seared sashimi, resulting in a dish that is both satisfying and refreshing.For those seeking a fusion of flavors, the Omurice with Mapo Tofu & Fried Chicken at $118 presents a harmonious blend of Chinese and Japanese cuisines, expertly crafted to please the palate without overwhelming spiciness.The Kusi Katsu selection offers a delightful array of choices, including the Scallop Tartare at $38 and the Japan Chicken Fillet with Mashed Avocado at the same price, showcasing the chef's skill in creating dishes that are as visually appealing as they are delicious.For those with a bold palate, the Long Yam Wasabi at $48 offers a piquant blend of flavors where the yam serves as a perfect foil to the fiery kick of the wasabi, creating a sensory experience that is intense yet gratifying.The Tofu Fish Cake at $58 presents a textural delight, combining the softness of tofu with the robustness of fish.To round off the meal, the Heart-Shaped Fried Egg with caramel topping at $42 offers a sweet conclusion.In conclusion, Kyukyoku Do is a culinary oasis that seamlessly combines affordability, quality and variety, making it a must-visit for all food enthusiasts. Whether you are a seasoned diner or a casual patron, Kyukyoku Do promises an unforgettable dining experience that is sure to leave you coming back for more. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今天來到銅鑼灣登龍街28號永光中心11樓究極堂。尋覓日西美食。首先是頂級肉眼扒,🥩巨大如紅寶石般誘人,肉質緊實多汁,咬下滿口幸福。還有大量薯條🍟,牛油粟米,小番茄。蒜香虎蝦,🦐🦐鮮香四溢,蒜蓉的香氣完美融合虎蝦的鮮美,一口一個,停不下來。秘制番茄汁,🍅🍅酸甜適中,解膩又開胃,配脆脆的牛油法包相得益彰。重頭戲來了!黑鬆露牛油果軟殼蟹卷,🥑🦀外層酥脆內裡柔軟,黑鬆露的馥郁與牛油果的清新完美結合,蟹肉的鮮甜更是點綴其間,裹上芝麻,藏了牛油果,一口咬下,層次分明,口齒留香。😋😋最後是焦糖芝士蛋糕,🍰外層焦糖香甜酥脆,內裡芝士柔滑細膩,甜而不膩,為這頓大餐畫上完美句點。👍👍這樣的饕餮盛宴,讓人回味無窮,不愧為一次味覺的極致享受! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-16
呢間絕對係一間人氣居酒屋,平日一早已經坐得滿滿~除咗主食Menu,餐廳前後都有黑板寫住時令食物推薦,相當多樣!我哋選擇當中嘅鹽燒牛舌同鹽燒白鱔,白鱔肉質又彈又實,鹽燒吊起鮮魚味,非常唔錯~仲有芝士鰻魚炸蝦卷!芝士半溶咸香味突出,香甜鰻魚再夾雜香脆炸蝦,口感層次一流~~究極丼食材非常之多,三文魚、油甘魚、燒魚背、帶子、牡丹蝦、海膽、三文魚子應有盡有,而且款款鮮甜,加上生玉子拌飯,IChiban!炸串亦都都有唔少選擇,我哋揀咗海苔墨魚同紫蘇梅醬軟骨雞肉,兩款外層都非常酥脆,一款墨魚彈牙另一款散發着紫蘇香味,越食越想食。居酒屋氣氛好好,侍應有禮貌又貼心,而且有好多特色食物,仲有VIP Rooms,下次去炮台山分店試埋先~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)