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想不到這次吃到的羅富記會是最後一餐,它的結業雖然有點突然,但有即可尋,特別是人流最多的皇后大道中分店結業的時候,就不禁想會不會很快就沒有機會再吃,果然很快就說1月25日是Last Day,所以能夠吃到它蜆芥鯪魚球,也算是一種幸運,特別是蜆芥醬夠咸夠濕,和炸得很通透的鯪魚球相當配搭,鯪魚球不是口感不是彈牙的那一種,吃下去有點泥牛入海的感覺,就代表著裡面只有魚肉沒有其他添加劑,魚肉甘香再加上少少陳皮,完全沒有腥味,幾十年一日的風味。這裡的粥品比面更為可喜,特別是米花完全爆開,口感相當綿滑的那一種,在這個講求速食的年代,能夠用心去煮一碗廣東粥,邊際利潤很低,並不簡單。魚片去骨做得仔細,豬潤也是剛剛熟的狀態,吃起來相當舒服而且味道不會太強烈,簡單的蔥花和姜絲就是要吃那種純粹自然的原味,也是越來越難找到的香港老味道。My recent meal at Law Fu Kee turned out to be my last, as its sudden closure was announced. I’m grateful to have enjoyed their signature clam
My recent meal at Law Fu Kee turned out to be my last, as its sudden closure was announced. I’m grateful to have enjoyed their signature clam and dace fish balls one final time. The salty clam sauce perfectly complemented the crispy, additive-free fish balls, enhanced by a subtle tangerine peel flavor. Their congee was even more impressive, with fully bloomed rice grains creating a smooth texture. In today’s fast-food era, their dedication to traditional Cantonese cooking, despite low profit margins, is commendable. This closure marks the loss of another authentic Hong Kong taste.