Exit G, Central MTR Station/ Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
A French style bakery and cafe, Le Salon De Thé de Joël Robuchon serves world class desserts and freshly baked breads. After 3:00pm, they also serve afternoon tea which is extremely popular. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best French Restaurant (2015)
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (350)
Level4 2024-10-19
週末午餐時間嘅Landmark份外安靜,坐得10分舒適。牛柳三文治法包呢個牛柳包真係份量十足,香脆嘅法包夾住厚厚嘅牛柳,牛柳帶一點厚度,好滿足,牛柳口感軟腍,有肉味,而且再配上油漬蕃茄,醃酸瓜,再配上有味的芥辣沙律醬,夾上生菜,味道相當豐富,而且滿有層次,係一個唔錯嘅三文治,好食又滿足。Flat white奶白咖啡味道都唔錯,口感非常香滑,而且又淡淡嘅咖啡香, 泡沫又細,真叫人滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-17
是日終於有機會一試老闆喜愛的法包.平日中午十二時多到達, 不用特別等侯便可order. 點選了法式雞肉三文治(HK$95). 職員有禮詢問是否需要加熱, 服務態度很好. 法包外層非常香脆, 內裏略嫌有點過硬, 但整體充滿麵包香, 用手搣一小口來吃應該會更適合. 法包餡料豐富, 雞肉沒有過鞋, 用上香草烹調. 牛油果夠creamy, 再加上番茄和洋薊減少油膩感. 另外用上棕櫚心, 筆者還是第一次吃, 質感軟綿幼滑, 配上了酸酸甜甜的法式醬汁, 整體也不俗.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
話說走咗入去呢間店,第一啖就被菜單上嘅Cinnamon Ring逗起我個甜牙,食落去外面嘅脆香同裏頭嘅鬆軟滋味撞擊埋一齊,直頭係美妙混合嘅交響樂啊🎶!咬落去嘅感覺簡直係香脆到震撼心靈,個種香氣喺口腔揮散唔去,cinnamon嗰陣清香夾雜啲合桃綿軟嘅口感,嗚喂,係咪唔舍得嚼多幾下啫!再嚟,佢哋嘅Japanese Strawberry Sponge Cake就真係令人心花怒放。海綿白雪雪嘅,軟綿到可以掂到雲彩咁上下。同時啲creamy cream嘅滑溜,配埋新鮮嘅士多啤梨,唔甜膩,做到啱啱好,就連成日唔嗜甜嘅我,都係一口接一口,食得心田開懷。咖啡控當然唔會錯過佢哋嘅Earl Grey Tea Cake。賣相嚟講就已經夠吸引,味道又點會輸?香茶味十足,一啖口帶出淡雅茶氣,啖啖都係暢快淋漓。呢塊小蛋糕,簡直係茶香撲鼻,質感柔滑,最啱配杯熱茶坐下慢慢嘆。總括嚟講,今次嘅食體驗真係正氣盎然,每款甜點都各有特色,美味得嚟又唔會太過於花哨。每一咀都係簡單幸福。😋🍰💛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-07-17
之前去過尖沙咀店食high tea set,發覺所有甜品都好好食,真心的!所以今次去置地廣場嘅le salon訂蛋糕。問店員有乜嘢signature嘅蛋糕,店員介紹咗四款。四款都想試😂但總不能太貪心。今次就試咗榛子朱古力蛋糕先啦。承惠$520。訂左過幾日拎。店員好細心咁提醒呢款蛋糕係比較傳統嘅口味會比較偏甜少少,好讓我們有個心理準備。由於過幾日先可以食到呢個甜品。橫掂黎到,心癢癢想食返件止下痕。又叫店員推介吓,店員就話檸檬撻佢自己好鍾意食。咁我就食堂食呢個啦($80)。本身我一般般檸檬撻,但呢個真心好食.酸酸甜甜咁好refresh. 都過咗幾日,拎得個朱古力榛子蛋糕。果然冇令我失望。成個蛋糕好滑好滑。朱古力同榛子味都好濃。有好多原粒好脆既榛子喺入邊。同店員所講嘅一樣,的確係比較偏甜,但因為之前已經有心理準備呢個係傳統嘅味道所以OK。好期待下次再食佢啲蛋糕啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-08-28
This time we have chosen 1 appetizers + 1 main course menu.And you can choose the courses on below meun👇🏻As I remember, the soup was mixing by tomatoes and strawberry with frozen cheese, quite refreshing, better than I expected.AppetizersThe L’ Anchois is good for fish lover, the Le foie gras i would say that was average.Main Coursethe dishes were quite big, so we do sharing. I was quite surprised that the Le Riz is so tasty, the mixture of veg and risotto is so nice.👍🏻DessertThe staff is nice, food is above average.Recommended. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)