Exit F, Central MTR Station/ Exit A2, Hong Kong MTR Station
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Mandarin Grill + Bar uses the finest organic ingredients and seasonally inspired produce, offering an exciting, fresh interpretation of grilled classics.
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Awards and Titles
Best Service Restaurant (2013), Best Western Restaurant (2012-13), Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2015-24)
Good For
Romantic Dining
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
在這次的 Sunday Roast 體驗中,真的讓人從頭到尾都驚喜連連。開胃小吃的冰鎮生蠔新鮮得不得了,法式吐司也帶來了意想不到的美味驚喜。而那份海鮮拼盤,包括龍蝦、虎蝦和阿拉斯加帝王蟹,真的是讓人無法抗拒。主菜的選擇更是豐富多樣,不管是全鱸魚還是美國頂級肋眼牛肉,都好好味。而羅馬尼亞香草醬搭配烤羊腿,簡直是絕配。最後的甜點,為這次的美食體驗畫上了一個完美的句號。從開胃小吃到甜點,真心感受到食材的高品質和主廚的用心,這真的是一次難以忘懷的饗宴。
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是次黎文華扒房食Saturday Brunch4-course整體很好,除左appetiser 既Full English唔係幾識欣賞。 Lobster Bisque 同Beef Wellington Lobster Bisque香濃細滑又足料,有唔少龍蝦肉粒。Beef Wellington 酥皮焗得金黃,中間有層蘑菇蓉帶陣淡淡既菌香,內面既牛柳大致粉嫩,入口柔軟多汁。唔額外蘸醬其實都好夠味。Mille-Feuille正常酒店水準。Brunch menu選擇都多,Appetiser唔食Full English 仲可以簡生蠔環境好,服務好,食得舒服自在。(臨走前一影)總括而言,值得定期到訪
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讚-環境的確係老酒店先有既雍容 好闊落舒服-菜式細緻 甜品套用句宜家好紅既 就係完成度好高 皮餡配件都出色 威靈頓牛既酥皮同肉都剛好 外皮鬆酥 牛肉生熟度出色 係肉味淡左啲啫 龍蝦湯好鮮甜-服務節奏好好 唔會過快過慢彈-魚子醬似乎唔夠鹹鮮噃
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高級感十足既Lunch.文華東方的Grill and Bar 服務水準好高. 而且食物質素非常高.雖然8xx 一位左右. 1分價錢. 1.2分收獲.一開始有D 小食. 已經先聲奪人.賣相非常好.印象好深刻既麵包.--- 無影相 既龍蝦湯. 龍蝦肉好鮮嫩. 湯既味道好濃郁. 最好味係個龍蝦湯.好大份既牛扒.Side Dish 我叫左mushrooms. 有D 咸. 同Roast Potato. 2樣都唔建議叫.烤薯仔好大舊. 太飽了. 不過佢烤得好好既.有個薯蓉味道唔錯.波菜都好味.甜品好特別呢個麻麻.另外我有試過佢既Cheese Cake.佢用朱古力湯浸住, 又係好飽. 不過朱古力湯確係好好味.Cheese Cake 係文華出名既野. 當然無得彈. 值得叫既.
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Set lunch. Here’s what we had.Wafer cones filled with Cream Cheese and roe. Brioche rolls.Add on: Gilledeau Oysters, fresh and briny, enhanced by a delicate mignonette (condiment made from vinegar, minced shallots, and pepper) that added depth.Ceviche featuring swordfish and lemon gel, with sour cream perfectly countering the bright, zesty notes.Tender Ping Yuen chicken enhanced by Australian winter truffle jus, served with crusted soft boiled egg and tempura-ed nettles, providing a grassy note. Wagyu Beef paired with a rich potato terrine, golden raisins and snails, an indulgent combination.Sea Trout served with romesco (thick sauce made with tomatoes, red peppers and almonds), eggplant, basil, and pine nuts. Grilled peach melbaBlack Forest Revisited. Iced Caramelia Milk Chocolate 68% Nyangbo CakeEnding the meal in a super sugar high: In summary: decent pick for an upscale working lunch amidst a timeless ambiance.
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