6-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station
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This is a modern Chinese restaurant, with good-looking dim sum, especially for the one look like mahjong.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
🔸沸騰水煮滑魚片 $288(7.5/10)魚片嫩滑無骨,酸辣湯底可以自己揀辣度,雖然揀咗小辣,但眼見湯面浮起嘅辣椒,就知道都係辣😂底下仲有寬粉索晒湯汁,正記得盡早食,煮太耐容易爛喔!總結味道都不錯,但相對比還是 “十二味 “更勝一籌❤️:🔸蜂蜜柚子蝦球 $108 (7.5/10)大量柚子蜜包裹着炸蝦球,蝦球大大粒外皮香脆,朋友大贊好食,但對於我來說就有點過甜😛:🔸松露帶子炒滑蛋 $92 (6/10)蛋係滑因為好油🙈 無蛋香,帶子細,松露味亦唔岀🤷🏻♀️可直接省略:🔸脆皮鹹豬手 $188 (8/10)雖然唔明點解中餐館會有西餐食物😂但又出奇地好食😝 豬皮炸到好香脆,薄身唔肥膩!肉質煙煙韌韌,滿滿骨膠原嘅感覺😝連旁邊既配菜炸薯角都同樣出色!:🔸橄欖菜乾四季豆 $88 (7.5/10)正常發揮,橄欖菜乾同肉碎都炒好香,送飯一流————————————————by C #sissyfoodie
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❀ 名館 #中環 ❀❗️啱晒一家人食飯 有睇頭新派酒樓❗️——————————————————同屋企人食飯成日都係去啲連鎖大酒樓,都咪話唔厭🤓前排DiningCity又推出新一輪嘅promotion - We Love Dining (而家已經完咗,不過佢哋每隔幾個月又會再推出)。今次去咗呢間新派中菜館😆由裝修至食物都好潮,選擇亦好豐富,有燉湯、燒味、點心、小菜等,特別在於賣相非常精緻😍其中一道甜品13么造型似足麻雀,玩味十足,的確幾有gimmick✨另外佢哋仲有好多特色宮廷點心,不過當日晚餐去所以就冇試到。.✷𝑀𝑒𝓃𝓊✷DiningCity We Love Dining Dinner Set $288☞ 前菜(四選一)♥京川汁秋葵♥桂花鐵棍淮山♥麻香魚皮♥麻辣無骨黑雞腳揀咗魚皮,前菜正常,酸酸甜甜,簡單開胃小菜。.☞ 湯♥亞馬遜椰子川貝燉鱷魚♥糖心黑蒜燉響螺呢兩個湯就真係好誇張,勁足料!用上茶壺裝湯,內裏超多湯渣‼️。.☞ 主菜 (三選一)♥鼎泰藍銅窩水煮魚♥鼎泰藍銅窩水煮牛♥鼎泰藍銅窩酸菜魚個鼎泰藍銅窩絕對係gimmick🤩帶你回到復古香港,而且每台款式都唔一樣。當日揀咗酸菜魚,冇諗過個窩居然裝到咁多酸菜魚👍🏻肉質都算滑,只係散少少。味道都幾香,酸味夠重,最鍾意佢加埋大量酸菜同埋薯粉,幾抵食!.☞ 主菜 (三選一)♥水蜜桃咕嚕肉♥柚子蝦球♥霸王辣子雞揀咗柚子蝦球,唔錯喎🥰!炸到香脆,配上酸酸甜甜嘅柚子汁,味道有啲似酸檸雞,不過取而代之係爽口嘅蝦。.☞ 蔬菜♥金銀蒜銀魚蒸勝瓜♥金銀蒜銀魚蒸娃娃菜蔬菜亦好有驚喜👍🏻!揀咗勝瓜,簡簡單單用上豉油蒜頭銀魚等等作調味,將勝瓜煮到腍,索埋醬汁一齊食好香濃美味😚!.☞ 甜品♥麻雀十三么當初我就係比呢個甜品所吸引🤓!雖然實物冇想像中咁精緻,只係喺桂花糕上黐上食用紙,仲有啲凹凹凸凸,明明張相係畫啲花紋上去😶。不過好在佢個桂花糕都幾香,算係有看頭得來又食得落口嘅甜品☺️。.☞ 酒水♥春湘白墮當日就話賣晒🙈問我哋換咗啤酒得唔得。唔太飲酒嘅我哋就寧願唔要,所以就冇試到。.DiningCity We Love Dining Dinner Set $288整體味道: 4/5 整體性價比: 4.3/5.整體來講,味道質素不過不失✨唔係啲超級高貴嘅中菜廳,但覺得幾適合同屋企人簡單敘下舊,價錢相宜,而且份量又多,味道亦唔會失望。雖然而家DiningCity We Love Dining 嘅優惠已經完結,但佢平時就咁單嗌價錢都係~$1xx左右,另外仲有多種特色整到超靚、夠晒有看頭嘅點心,幾適合一家人食飯。
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Excellent Chinese Cuisine with Great Environment Ming Bistro Best for people who would like a nice and spacious environment to eat Chinese cuisine. Ming Bistro in Central has excellent decor and creative Chinese cuisines that would surprise you. I am particularly impressed by their Ma Jong-look (Cantonese tile game) dessert, and Sichuan style fish (in a big broth with really pretty container). Of course, the Beijing Duck (they call it Cantonese Roast Duck here) is also my all-time-favorite. 🦆 Cantonese Roast Duck Served with Egg Skin (20 pcs) HKD498 Loved how the staff slice the duck in front of us, and put them on the plate really nicely. The presentation made this dish worth a 5 out of 5 stars. Taste was good too. They made a special pineapple 🍍 sauce for people to wrap it with the duck, cucumber, and egg skin etc. 😚 Japanese Anguilliformes Fried Rice HKD128Nice fried rice! I always like Japanese eel, so this was great. 🌶 Sichuan Style Fish HKD298My favorite! Their container was really pretty - look at the painting. Great when you bring your foreign friends here (my Aussie friends said they were impressed by its look). Taste was food too. Definitely worth a try. You can also request to have mild spiciness. 🌱 Okra with Peking Source HKD48You can treat it as a cold appetizer. The taste was okay. Not particularly special. 🐷 Sizzling Barbecue Pork $108Another surprise! A huge barbecue pork chunk served on a iron plate. Hot and nice texture. 😊 Overall: 4/5 stars 💰 Per Head: $250 Would recommend 👍🏿
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疫情期間,有人出嚟食飯都算罕見,我真係唔明你做野點解可以咁hea 。問白衫姐姐攞張枱十問九唔應咁樣都算啦,叫過餸都好似冇聽到咁,好彩食物質素都算過得去,但係下次會唔會嚟都要慎重考慮。
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*✲゚*。🦢抵食午市點心放題 All-you-can-eat Dim Sum😋
有點心 涼拌小菜 飯麵 甜品🥢每款味道都唔錯 賣相夠精緻😆印象中冇食到伏野🤣
🦢 銀湖天鵝酥
外層非常酥脆 入面係紫薯蓉🍠 好特別😍
🦐 雪茄鮮蝦春卷
個樣好得意 入面有好多蝦👏🏻 上枱果陣仲有煙霧效果幾得意🌫
🦐 紅菜頭餃
🍠 流心紫薯果
紫薯蓉+奶皇流心都幾夾 個樣幾得意
-✨ 午市點心放題 (平日每位 $128; 假日$148 另收茶芥加一)-📍名館 Ming Bistro @mingbistrohk▫️ 中環擺花街1號廣場1樓▫️ 銅鑼灣軒尼詩道500號希慎廣場14樓1401號舖▫️ 紅磡黃埔天地美食坊(第8期)1樓113號舖-
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