Exit E, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (390)
平日晚上約了朋友順路找間餐廳, 在佐敦德興街決定光顧這間Mizu的餐廳,一開始要排隊,不久十五分鐘輪到我們入去,環境類似酒吧,應該前者是酒吧,對食物出品無影響。我們選擇:廚師發辨 鹿兒島和牛秘製雞肉棒鹿兒島和牛這選擇了"廚師發辨 鹿兒島和牛" ,可是上菜速度太快了,完全無視食客食用食物所需要是"時間",這發辨的菜式一定會很多碟,我們五個人,桌上已滿了隻碟,連空間還沒有了,令人覺得好似被催"快些吃落肚"的感覺很不愉快。🥺味道:4環境:4服務:2衛生:3抵食:3用膳限制時間:有用膳限制時間多少: 2小時趕客程度:有趕客原因:送上菜太快,桌上滿了碗碟,無視食客用食時間。😒 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The restaurant's interior design is not like a traditional Japanese restaurant, but more like a cafe. The seating arrangement consists of individual booths, and it is spacious and comfortable.🥨 Japananese Kagoshima Wagyu Omakase ($688)The set included two appetizers, one salad, six skewers, one Kagoshima wagyu, two washoku, staple and miso soup.🌟 Kagoshima wagyuWagyu is known for its tender and juicy texture, with evenly distributed marbling. Paired with fried garlic, onions, scallions, and a touch of mustard sauce, it offers a rich and flavorful experience. The balance between the meaty aroma and the seasoning is perfect, making it irresistible and impossible to stop eating!🌟 SkewersThe menu featured a variety of delicious dishes:- Pork belly rolls with chive and shrimp, offering a fragrant and refreshing combination.- Tomato-wrapped Angus beef, creating a unique and flavorful experience.- Squid-inspired chicken wings, with tender meat and bouncy squid filling.- Japanese-style chicken skewers, grilled to perfection with a tasty sauce and shiso leaf topping.- Chicken and eggplant skewers, combining crispy outer layers with soft and sweet interiors. Enjoy a rich and satisfying texture. 🌟 AppetizersFor the appetizers, there was red wine-infused quinoa and fluorescent squid sashimi. The portion sizes were not large, but they served as excellent appetizers.🌟 SaladThe portion size of the salad was quite generous! It consisted of mashed potatoes topped with dressing, lettuce, and flying fish roe. 👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-08
之前返到香港又去左佐敦Mizu串燒店,係依度食下串燒飲下清酒真係好啱約fd吹水,食個mizu串燒omakase都只係$288,成個set已經好豐富😋個set仲包左我好仲意食既秘製雞肉棒棒,沾上日本新鮮雞蛋液超美味!另外仲叫左d串燒小食同甜品,芥末八爪魚、紅豆燒年糕非常推薦,好好食!Mizu串燒omakase $288-前菜(蕎頭、螢光魷魚)-秘製雞肉棒棒-一骨手羽先-新鮮白鱔-安格斯牛小排-日本青椒仔-主食(燒明太子飯團、味噌汁)唐揚甜蝦 $68吉列廣島蠔(2隻) $58煙肉蠔卷 $48純豚五花腩 $48牛舌 $48雞心 $33紫蘇雞肉串 $43紅豆燒年糕 $48芥末八爪魚 $48 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-07
同好朋友食lunch ~🍢Mizu 燒烏定食 $178呢個有免治雞肉棒棒,雞肉串燒,仲有蛋汁要點!底部啲飯有燒汁,好香口喔!🔥吉列豚定食 $158 炸得超級香脆!份量都夠2個人一齊食丫!定食都有包括前菜、漬物、主食、味噌湯及甜點,甜點為泡芙仔及抹茶缺餅☕️呢個lunch set 定式嘅好處就係包冷熱美式咖啡、鮮奶咖啡、泡沫咖啡、蘋果汁,橙汁,我同朋友都揀咗 cappuccino,都有靚靚拉花!咖啡味都好香濃啊!🍰蛋糕蛋糕喺我同朋友另外準備哦,店員好好人咁插上蠟燭慶祝🔥 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
小編最近比較忙所以都比較少update😹 今次同朋友嚟到一間好特別嘅日本菜餐廳,即刻同大家分享吓先~ 餐廳裝修唔似傳統嘅日式餐廳,比較似Cafe,座位係一個個卡位,坐落寬敞舒服!🌟 鹿兒島黑毛和牛 廚師發辦 ($688)入到嚟即刻比隔籬枱嘅和牛吸引住😂 所以即刻叫咗個黑毛和牛廚師發辦!廚師發辦包括兩道前菜、一道沙律、六串串燒、一道和牛兩道和食、主食及味噌汁。🌟 前菜前菜方面有紅酒蕎頭同埋螢光魷魚刺身,份量唔多 作為開胃菜一流。🌟 沙律沙律份量都幾多!薯蓉配上醬汁生菜同埋飛魚子👍🏻🌟 串燒🔸 五花腩韭菜花蝦卷五花腩好香,一個係配韭菜一個係配花蝦。花蝦食落彈牙,韭菜則有另一種清新嘅感覺~🔸 蕃茄安格斯牛肉安格斯牛肉入面包住咗個蕃茄仔,食落幾特別,亦都好入味😋🔸 麥樂雞 呢個麥樂雞唔係M記嘅麥樂雞!而係以雞中翼包住墨魚滑🤤 咬落啖啖肉,以雞肉嘅嫩滑配搭上墨魚滑嘅彈牙,口感十足👍🏻🔸 雞肉棒棒日式雞肉棒棒有啲似係大嘅雞肉串燒,外層烤得酥脆,內裡多汁,雞肉口感香嫩,搭配獨特的日式醬汁同蘭王蛋,一個字:Jeng🤤🔸 雞肉、茄子雞肉串燒和茄子串燒各具特色。雞肉烤得香口,外面有少少脆,茄子鮮甜軟綿。口感層次豐富,結合烤焦的外皮和柔軟的內在!🌟 和牛和牛肉質鮮嫩多汁,油脂分布平均。搭配炸蒜、洋蔥、蔥和芥辣調味,口感更加豐富濃郁,肉香與調味完美平衡,讓人愛不釋手,食到停唔到!🌟 和食🌟 主食及味噌汁🔸 明太子燒飯團 茶漬湯 明太子燒飯團搭配香氣四溢的明太子醬,口感結合軟糯的飯團和鹹香的明太子,美味迷人。茶漬湯清爽宜人,與燒飯團相輔相成,帶來滿滿的日式風味享受。🌟 芝士酒盗 ($68)另外我哋都單嗌咗個小食~芝士酒盜係以高濃度鹽腌漬鮪魚、鮭魚、鯛魚、秋刀魚等內臟製成。叫酒盗嘅原因係其下酒的程度讓人覺得喝到以為酒被偷走了🤣,搭配芝士🧀味道恰到好處👍🏻👍🏻😋🌟 生啤、白桃梳打 ($88、$42) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)