2-min walk from Exit K, Central MTR Station
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The elegant and gorgeous restaurant serves fine Chinese food. The Peking ducks roasted by applewood is highly recommended. You have to reserve it in advance.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
*Lunch Last Order: 14:30
Dinner Last Order : 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
呢間中菜廳獲獎無數 裝潢結合中西元素 別出心裁✨除咗招牌人氣片皮鴨 精緻甜品都係必食‼️.📌茗茶 $32/1.📌42天飼養北京片皮鴨(蘋果木燒) $980 (需預訂|每天限量)特選42日飼養北京鴨種 以蘋果木燒製 色澤鮮豔油亮 新鮮熱辣 即場片皮🔥1️⃣先淨食鴨皮 酥脆甘香 蘸少許砂糖 增強口感同時降低油膩感🧂2️⃣鴨皮連肉 緊實嫩滑唔乾柴 肉鮮味中帶煙燻香🦆3️⃣配上青瓜, 京蔥同特調醬汁 以柔軟餅皮包住食 層次豐富 清爽香口🫔.📌京式香脆爆鴨件 $160平時多數都放棄二食 估唔到呢到咁出色❤️🔥鴨架拌以大量京式香料爆香 超酥脆 連骨都咬得碎 鹹辣惹味🦆.📌蜜汁頂級西班牙黑毛豬叉燒 $360 (每天限量)用上西班牙黑毛豬🇪🇸表層微微焦脆 肉質軟嫩有鮮味🐷但蜜汁甜度略高🍯.📌黑松露脆皮雞(半隻) $480店員即時刨上黑松露 鋪滿晒表面 超足料🩶雞件皮脆肉嫩 肉鮮味濃 加埋松露香 味道更昇華🐔另配有野菌燒汁 鹹香惹味🍄🟫.📌陳皮怪味牛肋骨 $680上枱嚇親 原條肋骨起肉上 肉質爽嫩唔韌 牛味濃香🐮同陳皮味又幾夾🍊.📌椒鹽鮮鮑魚仔 $290鮑魚大隻厚肉超爽嫩 外層金黃酥脆 椒鹽鹹香惹味 令鮮甜味更突出🦪.📌黑豚肉松露鵪鶉蛋燒賣2件 $80看似得少量黑松露點綴平平無奇 但咬開勁驚喜🩶原粒鵪鶉蛋半熟流心 超正🥚.📌上海什菌蔥油拌麵 $195拌麵蔥油香濃郁 油潤軟滑 但麵條偏碎同腍 用粗麵應該會更好🍜配以什菌 增添菇香🍄🟫.📌櫻花蝦XO醬嫩豆炒津菜 $190津菜炒得好夠鑊氣 配上櫻花蝦同XO醬 鹹辣香口 鮮味十足🥬🦐🌶️.📌陳年黑醋海蜇頭 $180用咗海蜇頭 超爽脆 拌以黑醋同萵筍片 清爽開胃🪼.📌鐵觀音杏仁朱古力小籠包(4件) $195大推必食甜品🌟小籠包造型 加埋噴煙乾冰 打卡一流🥟杏仁白朱古力配上鐵觀音雪糕 茶味清香甘醇 平衡整體甜度🍵🍫.📌雪糕龍鬚糖(4件) $180一絲絲鬆化龍鬚糖 包住凍冰冰朱古力脆皮雪糕🍦混入開心果鹹香果仁味 偏甜咗啲 但口感味道豐富 好特別💚.📌中式甜品拼盤(供四位享用) $240用左古代宮廷風三層架 超有特色🇨🇳香芒椰汁糯米卷好軟糯 包住芒果奶凍 爽滑香甜🥭棗皇糕Q彈煙韌 啖啖紅棗清甜同椰香❤️🤍松子仁南乳酥配上蓮蓉餡 鹹甜惹味 酥脆綿滑🥧.📌日本酸梅奶凍 配洛神花冰 $180雪糕整成花花形狀 濃郁雲呢拿同椰香🥥奶凍軟滑香甜🍮配上酸梅醬夾心, 草莓同洛神花冰 酸甜開胃🍓.📌石榴金露 $85楊枝甘露配上芭樂 比平時果香味更濃 酸甜開胃🥭.如欲查看相關食物相片 可查閱本人已上傳之影片🎦
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高級中菜餐廳,一入門就感受到高貴氣派。✨ 北京填鴨 🦆 超脆皮,入口即溶!加埋京蔥同甜麵醬包住,完美!叉燒 係用西班牙黑毛豬,肥瘦均勻,入口即化,完全顛覆我對叉燒嘅認知!😳價錢唔算親民,但如果想試 Fine Dining 中菜,絕對值得一試!
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喺中環核心位置渣打銀行大廈內咁多年,除咗靚裝之外,食物做得好都係卅二公館可以䇄立多年的原因嚟親都一定會預訂招牌蘋果木燒42天飼養北京片皮鴨一上枱已經鴨香撲鼻,鴨皮酥脆,入口肥而不膩而軟熟有韌性嘅薄餅皮亦係特色之一蜜汁頂級西班牙黑毛豬叉燒肉質確是比平常食到的叉燒嫩,肉邊微焦,蜜汁獨特香醇。半肥半瘦,脂油扣齒,油而不膩真的做得很出色!!叉燒味迷我極力推介片皮鴨同叉燒記得提早預訂,walk in 無得食架💕💕💕
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Today (Dec 21) , is observed with a family reunion over the long night. It's also the anniversary day of my parents. Therefore, we went to Mott 32 for anniversary celebration and family dinner !Nice Ambiance plays a vital role in a good diner. The service is quite good that the waiters are willing to tell you more about their signature cusine-- barbecued meat and Peking Duck. You should order these two signature dishes when you reserve the table ! ( We failed to order the Peking duck even we reserved a week before )However,the unique light decoration is not very attractive for us, being too dark. Sometimes,we can't capture photos of our authentic Chinese cuisine without lighting candles Dishes we orderedim Sum (Seafood Dumpling($120@4 ,Duck Spring Rolls($80@3) and Crispy Seafood Dumpling($120@4) that we ordered as appetizers was satisfactory. It would be better if there wasn't coriander in Crispy Dumpling The barbecued meat (Cha Siu)($360) : 4.5/5. The sweet sauce is perfect ,with a noticeable salty smoked flavor. Meat is very tender and mouth-watering , quite different compared to "Char siu " in Cha Chaan Teng (ofc, as well as the price )Smoked Black Cod($290) :4/5One of the best dishes here will be "Smoked Black Cod". The skin is crispy ,with its tempting sweet-and-sour sauce. It's pretty declious and the food presentation is very captivating ( You can record a video of fish with its smoke !)Lobster Egg White Caviar (10g)($800) :4/5Egg White is Silky ,but a bit tasteless . Definitely, we should eat the egg white with salty caviar, what's a fascinating and mouth-watering combination. The lobster is chewy and fresh. Not bad at allWagyu Beef Ribs($620) :5/5The characteristics of a good quality Beer Ribs can lead to nothing quite like a nice bit of juicy, tender meat once cooked to perfection. And the steak here is almost perfect . The succulence of the flesh, coupled with the way it can fall apart and get good uses of marinades, spices, and herbs make meat so incredibly versatile and brilliant to cook with. Dessert:Sesame tart ($180@4) is okay. It tastes like a mixture of sorbet and ice cream. The Lime inside enhances its flavour, making the tart not too sugary. The walnut topping is very crispy. Actually,the contrast in texture does enhance the overall flavour of this dessert. Xiao Long Bao ($195@4) is stunning, just like an art . The traditional appearance and concepts of Chinese Xiao Long Bao is very eye-catchy ,combined with modern twist of creamy chocolate. This innovative combination is very memorable and special.Suggested Dishes: Barbecued Pork, Wagyu Beef Ribs,Smoked Black Cod .You should have a taste of authentic Chinese cuisine in Mott 32, supervised by chef Lee Man Sing. Overall, our dining experience was very good and memorable. It's a sophisticating food journey, especially for foodies like me .
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