3-min walk from Exit E, Kwai Fong MTR Station
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It is an English farmhouse-style restaurant. The dishes are always surrounding the different part of pork and focusing on English and European cuisine. According to different seasonal ingredients, the dishes will be cooked in different ways. Besides, it also provides chickens, beef, lamb and seafood for you to choose.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
🌹今年公司團年飯,中餐都爆滿,唯有選其他,在OpenRice搜尋訂位,發現了《Salted Pig》,這間食店在鯉景灣很久,雖然一直沒有去過,見它有開分店,又睇過下食評,又有位訂,便決定揀它。🌹食店位於葵芳站新都會廣場,交通便利易找,不用上到餐廳樓層,遠處已望見隻飛豬在店前。餐廳屬半開房式,部分座位是溶入商場內,感覺是較光猛,優閒風格。一行7人,每人點了自己的喜好🍴西京燒比目魚$98魚香將燒豬肋骨$168肉質較淋燒肉眼扒$228肉味濃催焗火腿芝士雞胸扒$158雞胸脆口餐湯+主菜+咖啡或茶$15用餐體驗:適逢年三十,服務員十分忙,呼叫多次才有回應。食物份量足,味道一般。當天老闆生日,買了蛋糕慶祝,問服務員取刀,拿來是一把又長又大的刀,而且蛋糕是淋的,估計是雪櫃不夠冷或沒有放入雪櫃,$100收費??
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During my quest to find the best-rated restaurant in Kwai Fong, I stumbled upon The Salted Pig and decided to bring my significant other along. As we arrived, we patiently waited outside for around 5-10 minutes, only to find the restaurant packed with customers.First and foremost, the service left much to be desired. The staff seemed overwhelmed and barely attended to us. Their attitude lacked friendliness - they appeared rushed and cold. The level of service fell short of expectations, especially considering the 10% service charge we were charged. Needless to say, we were left feeling disappointed. To add to the frustration, we were handed the bill while we were still enjoying our meal. The cramped table and the feeling of being hurried out tarnished the overall experience.Sausage Around The World (6 TYPES) $258Moving on to the food, we started with the "Sausage Around The World (6 TYPES)" which featured a selection of bratwurst, boerewors, klobása, käsekrainer, smoked beef sausage, and chicken krainer. Most of the sausages were delicious, and it was a delightful experience trying out different varieties.Slow-Cooked Crackling Pork Belly $258Next up was the highlight of the night, the Slow-Cooked Crackling Pork Belly. It was a symphony of textures - crispy, juicy, and meaty. The accompanying spicy vinegar sauce was a revelation. Despite its spicy label, even my partner, who usually avoids spice, could enjoy it without any issues. The sauce itself was exceptionally flavorful. It was a perfect dish in every way.Col de' Salici - Rosé di Salici (per glass) $48To accompany the meal, I ordered two glasses of Col de' Salici - Rosé di Salici, although I cannot provide a comment on the taste since I do not consume alcohol much. I simply wanted to try out the Valentine's Day special.ConclusionThe food at The Salted Pig was amazing. The flavours were outstanding, and the portion sizes were moderate. However, the service fell below average, and the restaurant had a noisy ambience that made it difficult to hear my partner. It's a shame that a remarkable culinary experience was dampened by these shortcomings. Despite these drawbacks, I would be willing to give it another try for a special occasion, solely because of the fantastic food.
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平安夜當然要西餐才應節 這次來葵芳新都會這間專門吃豬的西餐廳 排隊人不算多 等了十分鐘已經有位置環境:一進商場中庭已經被他那只招牌豬吸引 進入餐廳 又很寬敞舒適 對著戶外 環境不錯 裝修有點英式feel 最驚喜的是餐桌上擺滿了聖誕party用品提供給食客 還可以帶走 小朋友一看到已經很開心🥳很有聖誕氣氛服務:服務態度很好 出菜速度一般 招牌德國鹹豬手 吃豬肉的餐廳 當然要試下德國鹹豬手 豬手很大 足足有一兩斤的樣子 切好上桌 很方便 外皮酥脆 不會太鹹 味道剛剛好 加上酸菜中和肥膩感 十分不錯 最另人驚喜的是配菜紅蘿蔔 甜甜的很好吃西班牙海鮮飯 海鮮份量種類都算多 飯比海鮮好吃 一粒粒飯吸滿海鮮的味道 又不會太軟 裏面的魷魚圈是我最愛還叫了一個套餐 沙律很特別牛扒鮮嫩多汁 甜品就是紅莓撻配雪糕 紅莓撻酸酸甜甜很開胃 值得一試
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係豬豬呀~🐷豬門店我哋好鍾意食架⋯⋯Yeah!今次帶埋BB嚟食食食🙌🙌豬門店有好多分店,葵芳呢間半開放式座位,環境好開揚,日頭可以利用外面嘅陽光滲入餐廳內,好光猛,感覺好舒適,悠閒~可以😌慢慢Enjoy Our Lunch😋Beer Battered Fish & Chips tartar sauce, grilled lemon, mixed greens經典英式炸魚薯條✨啤酒炸魚條&薯條係超正嘅組合,炸魚外層酥脆,內部保持濕潤。搭配酸甜味塔塔醬,提升整體嘅味蕾。混合蔬菜沙拉,好豐富美味〰️GRILLED RIBEYE STEAKfries, mix greens, gravy燒肉眼扒、薯條、烤雜菜、肉汁✨烤肉眼牛排嘅肉汁濃郁豐富,仲有獨特嘅炭香氣,搭配新鮮嘅雜菜,平衡咗整道菜,再配上酥脆炸薯條,好滿足嘅搭配組合〰️Go Banana Sundae banana, waffle, marshmallow, sprinkles, whipped cream, ice cream瘋狂!香蕉雪糕新地✨視覺上已好吸引,有香蕉天然嘅甜味&綿密口感,搭配鬆軟嘅華夫餅,結合了火焰烤棉花糖、彩色糖霜、鮮奶油和冰淇淋,見到都好興奮嘅甜品喔〰️
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呢間品牌餐廳喺全港都有分店,食過好幾次都人念念不忘,依舊有水準!前菜先嗌咗一個蟹肉餅,嚟咁多次都未食過,今次叫咗呢個真係好有驚喜!蟹肉餅有兩大嚿,外脆內軟,切開有一絲絲嘅真材實料蟹肉,有鮮味~側邊沙律同埋沙律醬,清新可口跟住叫咗一個蘆筍炒菇Sauteed Greens,呢個配菜牛油味好香,配上黑椒,令到香菇好突出香味主菜就係牛扒Ribeye,美麗嘅坑紋牛扒嘅致勝地方,五成熟啱啱好鎖緊肉汁,切開有嫩滑嘅肉汁
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