Restaurant: | Tosca di Angelo |
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To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
Exit C1/ D1, Kowloon MTR Station/ Exit B5/ D1, Austin MTR Station
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Tosca is an Italian dining restaurant inside the Ritz-Carlton hotel. The restaurant offers a set lunch and set dinner option and also has an a la carte menu. Dine at this restaurant to enjoy sweeping views of Victoria Harbour.
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Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2015-24)
Good For
Romantic Dining
Additional Information
Dress code for gentlemen: beach sandals, open toe shoes, shorts and sleeveless shirts will not be appropriate. Child policy is applied to Tosca di Angelo that children aged 3 years old or above are welcome.
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 21:15
Tue - Fri
12:00 - 14:15
18:30 - 21:15
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 21:15
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
今次Chill E.A.T. 午餐就係位於ICC 102樓的米芝蓮一星意大利餐廳。提供餐前菜、前菜、主菜、甜品、餐飲及小甜點,近乎 “6道菜” 的午餐,HK$498/位+ 10%服務費,呢個價錢好化算👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼˚✧₊⁎ Amuse Bouche ⁎⁺˳✧༚ 🦐 魚子醬、芹菜泡沫、紅蝦啫喱. 鹹香的魚子醬,口感爽脆. 鹹味的泡沫,厚身、奶滑,好特別. 底下的真是啫喱,不是湯汁,入口好鮮甜的濃蝦味˚✧₊⁎ Breads ⁎⁺˳✧༚ 餐前麵包係必有,不過比較驚喜喺餐廳供應2款包包,一硬、一軟,總有一款啱食😄🍞 Artisan Sourdough 酸種麵包. 外脆內軟,發酵很不錯. 配淡味啲嘅橄欖油就已經好好味🍅🍞 Tomato Focaccia 番茄意式香草包. 番茄味很出眾,包包很軟熟,單獨吃也不錯˚✧₊⁎ Appetizer ⁎⁺˳✧༚ 🐙 Mediterranean Octopus with Chickpeas Purée and Ink Sauce地中海八爪魚.鷹嘴豆.墨魚汁. 煎得香脆的八爪魚,口感彈口,本身已經鹹鹹哋,點些鷹嘴豆蓉或墨魚汁醬都好食㗎!. 食剩嘅鷹嘴豆蓉或墨魚汁醬,用來配包包食都好味呀😋˚✧₊⁎ Main ⁎⁺˳✧༚ 🍝 Sicilian Artisanal Busiate with Trio of Bottarga and Broccoli Rabe Purée西西里手工扭紋粉.烏魚子.蕪菁花菜. 扭紋粉被厚滑的烏魚子醬包圍住,仲撈入些蕪菁花菜粒. 面頭有啲紅色烏魚子片,口感脆硬,似食緊杏仁咁,好特別喎!˚✧₊⁎ Dessert ⁎⁺˳✧༚ 🍫 Traditional Tiramisu with Coffee Granita and Amedei Chocolate意大利芝士蛋糕.咖啡沙冰.艾美朱古力. 這不只是一份經典嘅提拉米蘇,有3個我覺得特別的食材. 第一是放了好多仍是脆口的手指餅,平均mascarpone 意大利軟芝士的奶滑. 第二是配搭了2種朱古力 — Amedei chocolate 艾美朱古力和Modica chocolate 莫迪卡朱古力,2種都係意大利手工朱古力. 第三是另外有一碗咖啡沙冰,碎冰注入了espresso 特濃咖啡,可以一啖咖啡冰之後一啖mascarpone cream,咁樣增添咖啡風味~🍵 Jasmine Tea 茉莉花茶. 食咗咁多好嘢,梗係要飲番啲花茶. 清淳又滿花香,飲咗好幾杯都保持到香濃茶味👍🏼🍫🧁 Petit Fours. 最後,好期待的餐後一口小甜點。餐廳特別有架小推車放滿色彩繽紛的小甜點。服務員一一介紹,之後話可以點多少都可以🫰🏻 我就樣樣都想試,所以點咗以下6款(右至左到中間):🧡 Passionfruit Chocolate 熱情果朱古力. 𥚃面有酸甜熱情果忌廉,好好味💚 Pistachio Cream 開心果忌廉. 似食緊梳乎厘咁輕盈、鬆軟蛋糕質,香濃開心果的忌廉,微甜❤️ Raspberry Macaron 野莓馬卡龍. 真莓味好出色,酸酸甜甜,恰到好處💛 Lemon Macaron 檸檬馬卡龍. 清甜檸檬味,唔酸,好特別!🤎 Milk Chocolate 牛奶朱古力. 奶滑的口感,朱古力𥚃面有粒夏威夷果仁🖤 Coffee Chocolate 咖啡朱古力. 黑朱古力帶著一絲咖啡的味道🤵🏻🤵🏻♀️服務方面,門口帶位的女服務員,有友善的笑容和很貼心咁提供小椅子俾我放隨身物。另外負責petit four的女服務員,細心講解,細心擺盤,令小甜點們感覺似裝滿一碟,好吸引。樓面的服務員,我注意到佢哋自己好多嘢講,但似乎忽略咗關注每一枱食客的食嘢速度和送餐的速度都有啲時差。我覺得樓面的服務大有進步空間,才去到米芝蓮一星應有的服務質素。
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餐廳位於102樓,居高臨下,擁有一列落地大玻璃,整個維港美景盡收眼底,一覽無遺。樓底超高,座位舒適,無論是環境、食物以至服務,都堪稱頂級,難怪連續多年獲得米芝蓮獎項。我們點了四道菜午餐:前菜📌牛奶芝士・蕃茄・鯷魚・羅勒📌法薩納生牛肉・芥末・朝鮮薊・火箭菜 (Supplement HK$88)第一道菜📌麻花捲粉・朝鮮薊・甜椒・羊奶芝士📌西西里扭紋粉・烏魚子・白肉鮮魚主菜📌紅石斑魚・馬塔羅塔魚湯・橄欖・蕃茄・水瓜柳📌伊比利亞豬肉・芹菜・珍珠洋蔥甜品📌莫迪卡朱古力・百香果・蜂蜜雪糕(Supplement HK$88)📌意大利芝士蛋糕・咖啡沙冰・艾美朱古力每道菜都非常精緻,食材涵蓋了意大利多個城市出產的特色食物,充分展現了意式風味。特別值得一提的,是份量十足、外脆內軟的餐前酸種麵包,侍應會專誠介紹三種不同香氣和質地的橄欖油,客人可按個人喜好選擇。沾上橄欖油享用的酸種麪包,格外美味。此外,餐廳特意為生日客人準備了小驚喜——一個大石碗被一片香濃朱古力蓋封,客人用匙羹輕輕敲碎朱古力片,會發現裡面藏著一張寫有壽星者名字的小小生日卡,充滿了驚喜又充滿了儀式感,這餐廳絕對是慶祝生日的不二之選。
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Finally some free time for lunch following eventual closing of prolonged project. Third on the list: chef Angelo. Last time I was here was for dinner a long time ago. Seated. Server took many infuriating minutes to come back with the menus.Went for a glass of Brunello.3 sets to choose from: -2 courses ($488 pp), -3 courses ($688 pp) or -4 courses ($888 pp).Here’s what we had.Sour dough and Foccacia. 4 choices of olive oil.Welcome snack: Red prawn espume with celery jelly topped with caviar. -Appetizers-Burrata Cheese, wonderfully creamy and served with Trio of Organic Sicilian Tomatoes, Anchovies adding a surprising depth of umami and Fresh Italian Basil cutting through the richness.(Supplement of HK$128) Wild Hamachi with its buttery texture perfectly balanced by the small, fruity Taggiasca Olive, slightly bitter Fennel, and topped with Kaluga Caviar.Tender Mediterranean Octopus with silky Chickpeas Purée and rich and aromatic Ink Sauce.-First courses-(Supplement of HK$128) Struncatura (traditional dish from the southwestern Italy region of Calabria, generally seasoned with garlic, Calabrian chilli pepper, dried tomatoes, sardines and toasted breadcrumbs). Here the pasta was organically made, with a robust texture that held up well against the bold flavors of bottarga and slightly bitter purée of broccoli rabe (aka Rapini 油菜花).(Supplement of HK$188) Mezzi Paccheri (a half-sized thick, tubed pasta), perfectly al dente, with sweet, plump Sicilian Red Prawns and fresh, fragrant Basil Pesto Sauce.Maccheroncini (grooved pasta tubes) with a tender Ossobuco Ragoût that practically melted in the mouth and aromatic Saffron Sauce topped with rich cheese slices.-Main course-Hokkaido Sea Bream impeccably cooked, with crispy skin and a delicate flakiness that paired perfectly with the velvety sweetness of the Tropea onion Velouté and Pachino Tomatoes exploding on the palate with their burst of freshness.-Desserts-Cannoli with smooth and rich Ricotta Cream filling with tangy Candied Fruits. Chocolate Sorbet on the side.Tiramisu- creamy yet light, with Amedei Chocolate adding a touch of indulgence. Served with refreshing Coffee Granita on the side.(Supplement of HK$120) The Cheese Selection was an exquisite showcase of cheeses that even true cheese aficionados would find fulfilling. Picked the Comte, Mimolet and Cabra goat cheese, paired with fruit preserves, honey and crackers.The Petite four trolley selection was a delightful end to the meal. We were allowed 3 choices each, ranging from the mini Cannoli, macaroon, Panettone from Italy with indulgent serving of cream.In summary: the attention to detail in each dish was evident, with high-quality ingredients shining through in every bite. Particular impressive was the cheese and petite four experience: a perfect balance between sophistication and indulgence.
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本身揀呢間餐廳係見到米芝蓮又係Ritz Carlton 再加上可以望到維港景色~ (可惜request左window seat 最後都提供唔到~)俾menu時 staff都有介紹下啲signature dish 係唔錯嘅~每碟食物上菜時都有介紹 不過好急口令式 好似做功課咁 冇乜感情收碟時亦唔會問一下食物評價 全餐飯都冇問過顧客感受(以之前食fine ding 經驗 多數都會問一下食物ok嘛 etc.)AppetizerBurrata cheese冇乜特別 冇芝士味 就係一碟好普通嘅前菜Mediterranean Octopus 就有啲驚喜 口感嫩滑有少少咬口 搭配嘅醬汁好夾Main course Sustainably Grown Mezzi Paccheri “Mancini” with Sicilian Red Prawns招牌菜之一 粗管粉口感幾好 配上紅蝦 整體係幾好食Wagyu Hanger Steak with Seasonal Mushrooms經理推薦medium rare 但係上到黎就覺得過熟 而擺盤上啲醬汁佈滿兩片牛 好似唔想俾人見到熟度咁😂 seasonal mushrooms 味道仲好過個主角和牛Dessert Mulled William Pear with Muscat Grapes and Prickly Pear Sorbet個梨雪葩幾fresh 但啲梨有陣藥水味Traditional Tiramisù with Coffee Granita and Amedei ChocolateTiramisu整體幾唔錯 偏向食到手指餅脆脆嘅texture 再配搭埋朱古力薄片增加口感 再配上咖啡沙冰係幾特別慶祝生日所以送左個敲朱古力甜品敲完之後入面有張卡仔寫上happy birthday 加啲好碎嘅糖 上甜品時 staff 講左句”得知今日係一個特別嘅日子 所以送上呢個朱古力” 但係全程都冇講過一句生日快樂😂 真係去啲普通餐廳remark左係慶祝生日都會講聲生日快樂啦 五星級餐廳竟然一句祝賀說話都唔講句😂其次就係好冷淡 冇咩笑容 唔會主動問需唔需要幫手影相 反而係我地自拍影相途中無啦啦幫我地加水 真係黑人問號左直到埋單 望住我地走都冇講聲再見/多謝 勁冷淡俾我感覺全間餐廳嘅樓面都勁公式化勁冷淡冇乜笑容真係唔會有下次。
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