Restaurant: Tsukiji Japanese Restaurant (Island Beverley)

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Izakaya style Japanese restaurant, with seafood pool that make sure the seafood are fresh catch. Also a set menu of vegetarian is available. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay BoC Pay OpenRice Pay UnionpayQR
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (993)
Level4 2024-10-01
銅鑼灣好多美食㗎,地鐵交通又好方便到達金百利廣場,成棟都係美食天堂,朋友介召 “築地日本料理”這間日本料理價錢不算貴,地方舒適,侍應生有禮貌,大部分都係卡位,二人選擇都算一個好享受嘅地方。精選晚市二人前~冰梅蕃茄沙律~份量豐富,有一粒冰梅,入口蕃茄酸酸甜甜好開胃呀,好特別口味。👍串燒拼盤~雞翼係開邊,方便進食,有兩塊大片新鮮菠蘿,好多水啊!仲有串雞柳,肉好嫩滑。板燒香蒜牛舌~份量都幾多,牛舌好淋,薄薄一片好香香蒜味,洋蔥都好淋好入味,推介👍黑蒜油豬軟骨拉麵~好耐冇食豬軟骨拉麵,好濃鬱油香味道不算鹹,豬軟骨好淋好軟滑,拉麵好幼滑。👍叉燒拉麵~有半隻流心蛋加三塊圓叉燒,叉燒都幾大塊和好淋,湯好好味呀,好濃鬱。👍甜品~柚子蛋糕和Terimisu晚餐好豐富已經好飽了,所以甜品細小件就啱啱好喇,柚子蛋糕好開胃好味。飲品~凍綠茶拿鐵和凍焙茶拿鐵兩款茶味都濃鬱,入口香滑。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-12-27
誤打誤撞地在這餐廳訂枱,結果是令人滿意。這間餐廳提供抵食的套餐,睇完餐牌後,我們叫了一個二人套餐。精選二人前的套餐,包括有冰梅蕃茄沙律,串燒拼盤,海鮮野菜天婦羅,牛肉野菜壽喜燒,义燒拉麵,柚子蛋糕。另外,我們叫了一杯凍一杯熱的柑桔檸檬蜜。冰梅蕃茄沙律的蕃茄,是用冰梅醃製過,口味清新,是比較特別,不過我又覺得,這樣會蓋過鮮蕃茄的味道。串燒拼盤令我們有驚喜。串燒有雞翼,雞肉串,菠蘿,啖啖有炭燒香味,好味!海鮮野菜天婦羅則稍嫌厚,也不夠香脆,有點遜色。牛肉野菜壽喜燒是阿仔的首選,食材新鮮,湯底好味,就算是放在面的雞蛋也看得出是靚蛋。論分量及食物質素,都是要給一個讚。👍😋义燒拉麵的义燒份量十足,麵質彈牙。細細件的柚子蛋糕也令我們覺得有驚喜。😋份量十足的二人套餐連加一,只需$327,比我們今日午餐還要便宜。下次會和其他朋友再去幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-12-17
喺銅鑼灣想食個bruch, 又想食日本嘢,朋友諗到又去築地食,唔使我諗梗係乜都好。築地我都食過幾次,覺得佢CP值都高,不過食lunch 都係第一次。我叫左軍艦壽司定食配烏冬,雖然係lunch 套餐,軍艦的料一啲都無hea,好足料,而且亦唔唔係一般嘅三文魚,每件軍艦都係唔同,而且好啱我口味再加幾件加洲反卷,淨食壽司都差不多飽左。烏冬係迷你版,對我黎講啱啱好。朋友叫左咖喱燒鍋烏冬配豬扒,佢話咖喱好味,我食左2舊豬扒,豬扒夠脆唔油膩。我哋追加左2款小食,蟹籽壽司同炸餸子。追加小食每款$12好抵,分量都好足。2個餐(配飲品)加埋追加小食都只係$200內,我覺得好抵! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-29
This specialty Japanese restaurant in Causeway Bay offers a unique dining experience. 🫠♥️The sea urchin and scallop roll is refreshing and delicious, with standout flavors from the fresh ingredients. 🌟The crispy fried oysters have a crunchy exterior and tender interior, making them a must-try. The Japanese cheese mochi is soft and rich, providing a delightful texture, while the salmon and sea urchin don is bursting with freshness, making every bite irresistible. 🥰💕This is a must-visit for lovers of Japanese cuisine!😋🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於銅鑼灣的金百利廣場,交通便利,今晚上樓去了~築地~,店內裝潢設計帶有濃濃的日式風情。精選二人前~對於我這種有選擇困難的人群很友好~蟹子沙律,清爽可口,份量亦不少,開胃前菜。板燒香蒜牛舌,份量足,牛舌香軟入味,好惹味。串燒拼盤,雞中翼對開,方便食用,雞柳軟嫩,菠蘿多汁夠甜。牛肉野菜壽喜燒,食材豐富,湯底濃郁,再配上一碗暖笠笠的紫菜飯,十分滿足。泡菜黑豚肉石鍋飯,泡菜的酸辣和黑豚肉的鮮嫩相互融合,令人回味無窮。飯後甜品,北海道牛乳奶凍,口感順滑,奶味香濃,柚子蛋糕,精緻小巧,酸甜適中。白桃乳酸梳打、草莓石榴熱情果梳打,口味清新自然,消滯解膩。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)