3-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2021-24)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 22:30
*午餐最後入座時間:12:30; 晚餐最後入座時間:20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
米芝蓮一星的日本割烹餐廳,早幾年這店鋪是另一家米芝蓮三星鮨店 - 志魂,所以內裏裝修還是比較熟悉,而同一店舖已經出了4粒星,証明這店風水應該很不錯!在香港有水準的割烹不多,但這家水平相當高!感覺香港人還是比較喜歡吃壽司,但其實割烹也是高級日本料理,無論是海鮮肉類還是蔬菜,他們每天都為客人準備來自日本最新鮮最美味的食材烹制,簡單來說就是席前欣賞師傅的刀工和烹調技巧。我個人比較喜歡魚子醬金槍魚押壽司、蕯摩和牛壽喜燒、鮑魚伴鮑魚肝醬和最後的蒲燒鰻魚炊飯。特別是招牌菜薩摩和牛壽喜燒,和牛部位雪花均勻,入口即溶,配上他們的慢煮蛋黃,一試難忘!主廚鈴木師傅每一道菜也很認真在處理,也會用心介紹每一道的特色,真的是非常棒的用餐體驗!鈴木師傅水平很高也長得帥,米芝蓮一星果然實至名歸,極力推介!Thank you Suzuki San! 🙏🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-01-12
📍ZuichoOne Michelin Star Restaurant 🌟Zuicho offers a refined kappo cuisine with the best ingredients from Japan. Course after course, it gets better and better. A lot of the last steps of the dishes are prepared in front of you so you get to see the chef in action as well. The abalone starter was a clean start. Seasoning was simple but you get to enjoy the taste of the well cooked abalone. Then came the fried Satsuma wagyu tenderloin. The picture speaks for itself. A thin layer of putter crisp with a melt in your mouth wagyu, so good. Enjoyed the sea urchin somen. You can really taste the sweetness of the uni. Somen texture was on point. The amberjack and kinki shashimi were fresh with the skin slightly grilled. For the caviar sushi, it’s not necessary to add on. I love their Golden-eye snapper & soymilk hotpot. Heart warming and delicious. The sprinkle of grounded sesame elevated the whole dish. You just can’t go wrong with fresh Uni and tuna handroll. The slow cooked egg yolk with a piece of satsuma wagyu is the best shabu shabu representative. Love that they gave us a small spoon of rice so that nothing goes to waste. The horsehair crab and egg roll was rather bland following such a heavy tasting meat dish. We had the salmon Takikomi rice served two ways. I m such a carbs person that rice is a must. Last but not least, the freshly made Mochi with sesame ice cream. A iconic combination but done so well. Service was so great. Definitely deserve the one star. Price: HK$3200 pp (lunch) Revisit: 10/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-25
Kappo Dinner. One menu- 11 courses for HK$2,500. Counter seating 8; private room seating 6.Came here when it first opened, before their One Michelin ⭐️, and when they were doing one seating only. Now it’s either 6pm or 8:30pm.Chef Fumio Suzuki looked the same energetic self, and noted that he hadn’t been home to Japan since Covid. By the glass selection ok. Went for a glass of burgundy white. Here’s what we had.Appetizer- Horsehair crab with ginkgo and persimmon. Creative balance of flavors.Satsuma A5 Wagyu tenderloin- slow cooked then deep fried. On the side: shiso salt and wasabi. Didn’t taste fatty at all, as no excess fat was left after the slow cooking. Abalone with noodles in soy milk soup. Liver sauce at the bottom. Again, awesome balance of flavors.Soup with pike eel (hamo) and matsutake (which is now in season), with a hint of lime. Hamo was tempura-ed. We were watching the chef earlier slice the hamo- its fine bones made snapping sounds as he was cutting along. Sashimi: garoupa + snapper topped with finger lime (tasted like pomelo).Cold dish: grilled sweetfish (ayu) with roe topped with shiso leaf and plum paste. Reminded us of Kyoto so much!Tuna and French caviar on rice, with 4 pieces of crunchy seaweed on the side (additional item $350).Hotpot: 2 slices of Satsuma wagyu + brisket and Okinawa egg yolk, slow-cooked with sukiyaki sauce. Egg yolk tasted amazing, like crab paste.Sea urchin & tuna hand roll (not pictured).Grilled eel & egg roll cooked with 鰹魚 dashi. Eel was very crispy.Takikomi rice with "Black throat" sea perch (赤鯥) and ikura. First round as is, with pickles. Second round with soup. Loved the fish- very fresh and sweet. One of the best 釜飯 I have tried. Dessert: wafer sandwich with seasame ice-cream and peach. Pleasantly surprised with the layer of freshly made mochi in between- making this one stand out from all the other IceCream sandwiches we’ve tried. In summary: chef did an impressive all-rounded presentation with seasonal ingredients and different cooking methods. Well deserved ⭐️. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
減肥嘅朋友仔想食日本野又唔想食壽司就一定要試下呢間瑞兆細細間鋪,但食物超精緻而且好好食😝👍🏼難怪攞左米芝連1星。不過留意返食物份量可能比較少,男士可能未必夠飽😂有唔食嘅野記得預先同餐廳講,否則臨時未必轉到食材。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-07-27
好耐無試過咁期待一餐飯局,真係由知道有得食呢間有預約困難症米芝連一星omakase嘅一刻,倒數左一星期。仲要特登lunch 做gym 去迎接13道美食😋老闆好有眼光,係餐廳未攞到星星前已是常客,所以有幸今晚可以包左8個壽司吧枱座😌 食呢餐飯除咗係享受一流食物外,開心位係有幽默經理哥哥介紹食物,大廚即席表演,用好靚嘅餐具,同埋有識煮野食嘅達人一齊玩估食材,令成個experience is more than just a normal dinner 😇同之前食嘅omakase 不同係主打割烹(Kappo),除左有生食,大部份菜式嘅賣點係廚師嘅烹飪技術🧑🏻‍🍳簡直係一場藝術🎨同美食融合嘅表演!꧁☬小編食左咩☬꧂前菜✅冷茶碗伴玉米🌽蓉配車海老- 北海道出產嘅鮮甜玉米充分融入每一啖中🥰茶碗上嘅車海老(即竹節蝦🦐)肉厚質爽甜,,好豐富嘅口感炸物✅薩摩和牛腰脊- 即Sirloin。 油脂分布均勻。好厲害嘅達人仲食到吉列牛上隱藏食材~芥末!(有人仲講出係英國粉狀芥末!)平時5食山葵嘅我,好欣賞新鮮山葵帶有小小甜嘅清新味道,5似平時咁嗆鼻,同食材平衡得很好👍🏻碗物⭕️鱧魚半田素麵-新鮮炸起嘅鱧魚金黃鬆脆,青瓜湯係夏日小清新,獨立食我應該可以食一大碗!不過覺得呢道菜因為係carbs,而後面都有飯,所以覺得雖然好好食,不過可以考慮換上其他碗物?又或者前菜係開胃嘅漬物,茶碗放這?刺身✅時令白身魚配魚子醬-刺身卷起同山葵同魚子醬一齊食,口感十足。有花🌷伴碟非常精美。本來以為花只係觀賞,但原來小黃花根係小青瓜!好新鮮脆嫩。賞心悅目嘅一小碟☺️✅炙燒喉墨魚🦑 - 正常發揮,好鮮甜。不過令呢毎個小碟特別之處,係食具用左百年古董碗。飲一啖熱茶再欣賞下古董碗,有意思✅魚子醬金槍魚押壽司🍣 - 海中黑鑽石💎用左Kaviari ,外觀飽滿渾圓。而金槍魚即香港人所講嘅吞拿魚。入口即溶嘅拖羅配甘香魚子醬,好有口感。本來旁邊嘅配角,紫菜,我有啲想skip 左佢。不過經理推薦用紫茶包著一小匙壽司試下有不同口感,果然有驚喜😍新鮮紫菜好脆,真係有卡嚓一聲!好食好食😋燒物⭕️ 鮎魚干物 - 正常發揮,不過鍾意睇個大廚串條魚串得好靚🐟汁煮鍋物✅薩摩和牛壽喜燒·慢煮蛋黃- 粉嫩嘅薩摩和牛肉質鮮嫩不再話下,自家醃製蛋黃簡直係出色😍 蛋黃呈橙紅色,顏色亮麗,濃郁蛋味,夠堅挺,可以用筷子完整夾起。真係好食到好想同佢買蛋黃返屋企撈白飯食🥹 蛋黃可以冷卻剛煮好燙口食材,亦緩和濃厚的調味醬汁,絕配!壽司✅海膽金槍魚海苔卷 - 非常慷慨嘅海膽份量。海膽味道甘甜,質感細膩,入口即溶,安全填滿口控,好幸福😇燒物✅鮑魚配鮑魚肝醬 - 鮑魚口感很鮮味,第一塊鮑魚刺身先單嚐,感受鮑魚原本鮮味,之後第二塊先沾醬食,好creamy。冷物⭕️ 八爪魚🐙- 正常發揮。可能冷物放左係濃烈鮑魚肝醬後,未能太欣賞此菜食事✅蒲燒鰻魚炊飯/漬物 - 蒲燒鰻魚放係炭火上燒,燒至金黃,再加上有醬汁,鰻魚好有光澤,單係賣相,就已令人垂涎三尺。新鮮鰻魚質感彈牙。食到一半,經理建議可以左高湯同飯一齊食。好鮮甜嘅高湯!友人問經理湯嘅材料,經理說係秘密㊙️雖然5知正確答案,不過我會形容係有木魚同蝦乾,海苔等製成嘅高湯,飲左舒𣈱無比😌飯/湯係可以任添,不過我戰鬥力已經下降,但呢一個任添飯,一定可以滿足大食之人🤣自家製甜品🍮✅蜂蜜雪糕🍦及麻糬配最中餅 - 最終嘅甜品有即席表演搓糯米😍煙韌嘅糯米皮配自家製嘅蜂密雪糕同外皮脆卜卜嘅最中餅,為呢一餐畫上完美嘅句號🥰Sake✅翠玉-5係一個好識分別sake 好壞嘅人,不過呢支酒聞落好有米香同飲落好柔順,配每一道餸都很好👍🏻如果有興趣嘅朋友,可以+$600,有餐廳幫你sake pairing 添😉收筆之時已經隔左用餐後3日,但依然回味無窮😛(◔◡◔) ♥ 人均傷害💰: $3000♥ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)