Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
*Last Order: 21:15
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May Bring Your Own Wine
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10% Service Charge
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Review (242)
Level1 2024-10-07
刺身壽司喜愛者聯盟🗣️🗣️📣📣較早前想同朋友去食日本野諗住近近哋去之前康怡廣場幫襯過嗰間發現佢哋轉咗做中式小炒於是去咗時代廣場嘅鮨穴因為之前有食開以為兩間餐廳Menu係一樣結果個魷魚卷海膽Menu上冇膽粗粗問落單果位小姐佢好Nice表示幫我問師傅,結果師傅話可以做到超級開心🤭🤭❤️❤️佢哋啲刺身同壽司一如之前咁新鮮好味果然冇令我失望不過可惜我覺得佢哋啲天婦羅麻麻哋太油同埋啲粉有啲厚另外我哋覺得個海膽牛肉炒飯都炒得幾好,啲飯粒粒分明PS:個靚仔經理服務好好,其他啲待應都好有禮貌👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友說時代廣場有一家不錯的日料餐廳,我們二話不說直接上去。有朋友不愛吃刺身,服務員很好跟我們介紹了<黑松露蟹肉沙律牛油果蟹籽丼>,簡直是是她的恩物❤️解決她的煩惱另外一款自選套餐簡直不要太過分吧,選擇的款式會不會太多吖。先選一個飯或者烏冬,還另外可以選自己喜歡的串燒,也太幸福了吧🤤然後我們還選了一個牛肉鍋物,吃到最後實在是飽到不行😮‍💨別的餐廳要嘛有限時,要嘛就是款式不多,不過唯一的缺點就是沒什麼空調,不影響二刷的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-28
今日到時代廣場呢間日本餐食lunch,近期出咗一個超值套餐,內容10分豐富,仲可以選擇自己鍾意食嘅串燒,加埋個C可以同其他同事一齊share😋😋上菜速度都10分快,對我哋呢啲打工仔嚟講簡直係快靚正,經理都好細心知道枱細問我哋使唔使hold住啲嘢食怕串燒凍咗唔好食,值得一讚👍🏻要改善嘅地方,冷氣不足燈光太暗,感覺好殘舊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
It is very pricy. The quality of food does not match with its price. You would better have some oysters 🦪 downstairs at the food court if you had the money to squander here. The worst was a roach baby 🪳crawling out in the midst of plates. Informed the staff and he took it away on the spot. I understand that this is not some high end Michelin place. But you are serving Japanese cuisine at such a price. I don’t know who would enjoy the food here with the roach sashimi🪳. Won’t go there again.とても値段が高い。料理の質は値段に見合っていない。ここで浪費するお金があるなら、下のフードコートで🦪牡蠣を食べた方がいい。最悪だったのは、皿の真ん中にゴキブリ🪳の赤ちゃんが這い出してきたこと。スタッフに知らせると、その場で取り除いてくれた。ここがミシュランの高級店でないことは理解している。しかし、この値段で日本料理を出しているのだ。ゴキブリの刺身🪳で誰がここの料理を楽しめるのかわからない。もう二度と行かない。價錢唔平,食咗四千幾蚊嘢,質素一般。不如落樓下食生蠔🦪。最正嘅係,食食下走出一隻🪳曱甴。通知職員,即場毀屍滅跡。明白呢個世界上冇一個後廚係乾淨嘅。水至清則無魚。但你係日本料理,但你唔係平價後巷。唔知邊個鍾意食🪳。唔會再去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-07-18
餐廳一直出品質素不錯,只不過晚市價錢有少少貴。今日得閒來幫襯午市套餐,一試過後,發現不但可以保持質素,而且CP值較晚市高不出一大截。新出套餐優惠,200幾蚊有得食串燒同魚生飯,配埋前菜、沙律、湯,份量出奇的足。串燒仲系新鮮滾熱辣即燒出來,滿足感爆燈! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)