Restaurant: On-Yasai (Plaza 2000)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

3-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
It is a popular shabu-shabu restaurant in Japan, specialising in high-quality Japanese Wagyu and fresh vegetables sourced directly from the region. The restaurant is renowned for its variety of secret broth bases and an extensive selection of hotpot ingredients, providing an authentic shabu-shabu experience. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Fri - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 23:00
*Last order: Mon-Thur Lunch 14:30 Dinner 22:30; Fri-Sun 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (184)
好朋友外國返黎 咁難得先見到面就食好啲👯‍♀️我地揀左大家都好鐘意嘅溫野菜打邊爐本身諗住食set D 但店員同我地講有新嘅神戶紅酒牛set 推出 咁就一於食呢個新野!🤪.💫A4神戸紅酒牛放題 $758前菜方面有泡菜芝士、麻醬菠菜、爽脆粒粒螺片、麥粒味噌青瓜最推薦泡菜芝士 夾埋一齊食味道一流🧀.今次嘅重點係食牛肉 🐮所以揀左可以突出牛味嘅壽喜湯 仲有好靚嘅月見蛋🍳🌟A4神戶紅酒牛肩脊肉🍷店員話呢個新推出嘅牛肉用左A4 神戶牛 呢種牛平時食葡萄渣🍇 所以味道都會有啲唔同一試之後覺得驚為天人!🎇牛肉味重 而且油脂分布均勻 入口柔軟 油香特別濃郁之後再同店舖嘅鎮店之寶黑毛和牛比較都食得出分別好有質素 係物有所值👍🏼.🌟日本產黑毛和牛肩脊肉🌟澳洲M9 和牛肩脊肉另外呢兩款高級牛肉亦都係必食之選日本和牛嘅油香較為突出 而澳洲M9和牛就較重牛肉味但食起黎都覺得肉質軟腍 有好平衡嘅肉同脂肪比例.至於其他肉類都唔錯🐷🐔例如有美國產牛肋肉、鹿兒島茶美豚梅肉、美國牛頸脊、熊本火之國豚腩肉、豚肉眼同雞腿肉等等相比之下呢啲肉類會比較少油脂但係肉質依然優質 唔難咬開呢個套餐仲可以點海鮮🦐🦪我地每樣點左少少試下例如象拔蚌、鰻魚、白蜆、虎蝦、帶子、廣島蠔店員好細心咁同我地講每款建議淥嘅時間咁就食到最鮮味嘅海鮮我地仲點左其他食材例如墨汁墨魚丸、芝士燒魚卷、竹笙、仿蟹柳芝士燒魚卷一咬就有芝士流出 真係芝味十足!🤤溫野菜嘅菜仲會標明產地 好多都來自日本🇯🇵有好多款式嘅菜同菇🥬🍄‍🟫我地就點左生菜、啡金菇、舞茸菇 新鮮爽脆加多$38就有啤酒放題 朋友話歐洲好難搵日本啤酒🍺黎到要飲返夠本!我地仲點左溫野菜雪糕🍨抺茶雪糕加上黃豆粉同黑糖簡直係絕配!.放題用QR code下單 方便快捷店員仲好用心介紹唔同嘅餐店同食法 真係值得一讚☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-06
自從知道銅鑼灣分店係任食 我就好鐘意過海黎嗌左期間限定既紅酒和牛 唔知幾時完 幾好食🫢🫢🫢個餐全部國產牛同澳洲牛都包埋😽😽😽覺得紅酒牛排第一 M9和牛第二紅酒牛肉味整體濃郁啲 我地應該嗌左十幾碟鰻魚都夠肥美 好少見任食邊爐有 仲有要瘋狂嗌既日本菜!!!!!如果佢再多啲日本菜就好了 不過應該真係會比我食到傻😂😂😂My favourite日本菜😂😂😂平時其他分店我要就住咁嗌依度可以食到癲 仲要堆埋拼盤出餐😂😂😂個菇大推 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-12-31
以前食過温野菜,除左食物質素唔差之外,覺得食物同餐具既presentation 做得細緻,所以今次帶埋朋友黎食。今次想讚銅鑼灣溫野菜既職員。打電話訂枱即日八點,不出所料full booking,唯有訂住九點同時早d到walk in。接電話既職員聽到我諗住排隊walk in ,就介紹可以download app Kuba Pass攞籌,咁就唔洗咁早到。隔左幾個鐘後,收到電話話八點有vacancy,可以幫我改八點。好欣賞職員識企在客人角度諗。晚上去到餐廳,我同朋友都叫set A豬肉餐,同諗住叫蒙古炎湯同藥膳湯。招待我地既職員好醒目,問我地係咪宗教原因唔食牛,我地答係,之後佢提醒我地叫既湯底可能有牛肉成份,佢幫我地check check,咁就幫大家省去麻煩浪費。(無牛肉成份既湯底:昆布湯、豆乳湯、壽喜湯、鰹魚湯。)多謝職員咁細心照顧客人。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-12-01
傳統和牛名區非神戶牛莫屬,日本對出口牛霜降度同肉質都有嚴格規定,所以本身我哋特登走去試A4神戶紅酒牛放題呢個餐嘅時候都對肉質有一定期望去到waiter就有簡單介紹呢隻牛係食紅酒渣所以有呢個名,不過有食開和牛嘅人都應該大約知道呢個名嘅來由,但坊間的確好少地方有得食呢種牛嘅放題餐廳首先上咗兩人份既A4神戶紅酒牛,同埋我哋自己點嘅M9和牛肩胛肉,啲油花真係好靚😂湯底方面本身waiter介紹可以跟返清啲嘅湯,因為可以食到最出嘅牛味,但去到溫野菜都係忍唔住叫咗最經典嘅壽喜燒湯😂結果一淥塊牛,再點蛋汁,真係好食😂塊牛係好腍,然後啲油花分佈好適中,即刻忍唔住encore多10碟😂之後有再叫返其他牛款,因為放題包咗好多款可以任叫,但神戶紅酒牛同埋M9肩胛肉都真係最好食,食過返唔到轉頭😂同場加埋個清酒同溫野菜雪糕,成晚好滿足🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-21
牛角嘅集團旗下有好多唔同打邊爐嘅品牌,平時求其食就會去食牛涮鍋,想食好啲嘅話就會去溫野菜,今日就同朋友嚟溫野菜食set lunch,最鍾意佢係一人一鍋,同朋友嚟食就方便好多。-兩個人嚟食就可以叫唔同set share食,可以叫齊豚肉、雞肉同牛肉試吓,另外仲有個蔬菜盤包埋,湯底就叫咗壽喜燒。整體嚟講各款肉類嘅質素都唔錯,雞肉都幾滑,豚肉亦都唔嚡口,好香油脂味,而牛肉就不過不失。整體質素係好過牛涮鍋,想食好啲,不妨嚟呢度食lunch幾抵食~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)