3-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
This pho restaurant is opened by a famous foodie, Chua Lam. There are pho-making machines and make ho every day. continue reading
Opening Hours
*last order: 21:30
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (456)
Level4 2021-07-07
順化牛肉粉Bun Ho Hue (HK$98)特別生牛肉湯粉Special Beef Pho (HK$128)Rating: 4/5 ⭐大家講到好伏咁,所以去之前已經無咩期望,所以反而有啲驚喜。個特別牛肉粉生牛肉個牛味濃郁,脂肪比例剛好,牛腩質感軟熟得嚟亦不泛肉味,牛丸亦唔係沾x記或者街邊果啲,有特製香料調味口感亦彈牙,湯底都好味嘅(好似係特製牛骨湯)但坦白講唔係話令人有深刻印象。另外果個辣粉真係幾辣,蓋過左啲牛肉味,所以比較推薦生牛湯粉。Heard quite a few negative feedback for this place, so I did not have any expectations before trying it out, and turned out its not as bad as I thought. The special beef pho has got very flavourful beef, with great balance of lean and fat meat, the beef brisket was tender and well seasoned, the meatballs were cooked to al dente texture and seasoned with special herbs and spices, the soup itself though, was better than average, yet not remarkable.The Bun Ho Hue was a bit too spicy for my taste, covering the deliciousness of those quality beef. So I would recommend the non spicy pho here. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
$68原汁原味牛骨湯粉,無限免費添加越南粉,包食得飽飽點了雙拼,有生牛肉和牛腩!超薄片,實在有點太少,每樣3小片!真的要慳著吃個人覺得雖然2者都非常咁薄片,但生牛肉肉質比牛腩較好,較柔軟另加一服務費加一後$75午市時段要排隊,但只是等大約10分鐘便有位,好快!下次可再試其他。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-02-13
年初一,疫情尚緊。本來想去麥奀胡亂打發一下就算了,但再次經過這家蔡瀾越南粉而不入,就退幾步回去試試。「特別牛肉湯河粉」,第一口很是平淡,心裏就感嘆名人的名氣真是值錢。不過吃到最後,嘴裏有些淡淡的牛肉脂香,也不失望。「越南滴漏熱咖啡」,太甜。不知道吃什麼的時候的選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-01-29
Lunch食飯就黎到朋友介紹呢間食越南野用食家個名開 我唸應該都有返咁上下既 餐廳好似有上下層 不過可以疫情就開得下層 所以都等左一陣先入得 見到定價都中上 簡簡單單 食個生牛肉湯河先 牛肉真係切得幾薄 同埋見到紋理都幾靚 可惜湯底就真係好一般 唔覺得特別出眾 再試埋個小食先蒜蓉雞翼 一黎到我已經覺得佢好味 色澤同上面一堆又多又香既蒜蓉 賣相10分味道當然亦都唔差 小食感覺仲吸引過d pho埋單 接近100中 麵未必會返兜 但係小食就可能會 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-01-25
以前啱啱開嘅時候,好多人慕名而來,呢間蔡瀾越南粉門口總係排長龍嘅☺️今時今日中環大部份嘅打工仔都可以有輪班制咁在家工作,所以已經唔使等位就入得啦。生牛肉湯河一直係我嘅至愛,不過覺得呢間呢價錢係偏貴咗少少🤏,味道方便不過不失啦,分量唔太多,其實唔加小食係會唔夠飽,冇咩驚喜,中規中矩,普普通通。仲有唔記得咗叫佢走芫荽蔥啊😅,而且係一啲都唔吸引嘅🙃🙃,有進步空間。辣牛肉河,都係正常,可以接受😌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)