Exit P2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Sabatini Ristorante Italiano is furnished in the style of the original restaurant in Rome. An authentic yet creative menu is prepared by our experienced chefs and is served in a picturesque “countryside” setting. The menu features seasonal specialties and is complimented by an extensive wine list. Signature dishes include Linguine with Scampi, Clams and Mussels, a Sabatini Original, Grilled lamb chops, Veal Chop ‘Milanese’. Live band performance on Wednesday to Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Italian Restaurant (2011, 2015), Best Service Restaurant (2013-14)
Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Additional Information
Customers can order a cake from “Fine Foods Shop”. Or cake cutting charge for 1 pound will be $250 and $500 for 2 pounds.
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (449)
Level1 2024-09-30
There are some pluses and more minuses. Their food is average, didn't meet the standard of a restaurant in a 5 star hotel and their price. The chicken in the set is most disappointing. There is some grassy taste, and they can not get rid of it. Prama ham was sliced in front of you but it's quite dry which you wouldn't expect from a piece of ham that is just sliced off. I suspect the ham isn't a popular dish and have been there for quite a while which the oil is long gone or simply they did a poor job of preserving it.They will need to have better training on their staff. The wait person asked what drink I would like to have after i have seated. Since I am planning to order bervage after consulting my wife(yes. consulting), I asked for a glass of tap water. I can smell the dispise when they emphasized on the phase with an American accent of TAP (WALTER) and raised voice. They said the steak is recommended to be cooked to medium, and it was served as well done. Took them twice to get it right.The option to have truffle added to pasta is messy too. The wait person said he wouldn't recommend adding truffle since the pasta sauce was rich already. He came back 2 mins later, and saying that it should be fine since they have changed the recipe and adding truffle is ok. The set offers an option of adding truffle for 48 dollars per gram which is what the wait person told me. That's not the price they are billing me. They served me a different kind of truffle, and they charged me 188 dollars per gram. Most importantly, I CANNOT taste the freshness of it, there isn't much flavor.The thing that piss me is that not a single staff member owned up to the responsibility of taking my order and telling me the wrong price. The waitor came with the bill simply said he had asked around and no one has taken my order. Does that mean the restaurant is haunted? For the sack of not ruining my night, I stopped digging , paid, and then left. Never come back again. I didn't take picture of the food since I tend not take picture of food that fail to amaze me. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-09-22
上星期閒日同家人來食生日午飯,Lunch有唔同嘅組合,我選擇咗Appetizer + Pasta + Dessert。坐低無耐,會有麵包籃奉上,個人喜歡香草麵包,有淡淡嘅香草味,唔搽牛油都好食。Appetizer係揀咗自助頭盤,雖然自助頭盤中有三文魚、蜜瓜和parma ham等等比較搶眼嘅選擇,但如果係喜歡酸甜嘅朋友,就唔好忽略燒茄子,茄子用左醋做dressing,啖啖都係清新嘅醋香,好開胃。(無錯…我係燒茄子嘅打手…)始終係fine dine,Pasta份量唔會太大,尤其因為我叫咗Tortelli,只有四粒,不過因為自助頭盤很豐富,食完之後已經七成飽,覺得呢個份量已經足夠 (仲要留肚食甜品!) 如果真係比較食得多野嘅話,可以揀Main Course或者甚至Full Course menu。Tortelli係正常發揮,裡面包滿ricotta cheese,簡單好味。一見到甜品車,就知道係甜品時間! 都係我地最期待嘅! 每人可以揀兩件甜品,第一件一定係我地一致推薦嘅帝苑名物 - 聖安娜蛋糕,吉士忌廉同朱古力忌廉都充滿酒香,加上酥皮底,和鋪上焦糖嘅puff ,層次豐富,每次食完都覺得好幸福!  第二件揀咗tiramisu,都唔錯。最後要稱讚一下Sabatini 員工嘅service,今次嘅service都係一如既往地令人覺得溫暖! 每個員工都斯文有禮同好笑容 ; 其中特別想讚嘅係Vincent,因為買咗電子coupon,但我地唔太清楚可以用邊張,佢都細心同我地講解同處理; 同埋仲有另一位幫我地點菜同影生日蛋糕相嘅年輕員工(忘記問佢名字…),態度親切,同樣係好細心。 Sabatini嘅員工似乎少有轉動,熟悉的面口亦令人格外有親切感。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-09-01
28/9與友到餐廳共進午餐,這個富有歷史的餐廳,仍然歷久常新,有質素的餐廳。整個午餐進行得寧靜舒服又温馨,菜式唔算多,但份量已非常足夠及素質好,服務態度週到。特別一位叫男黑西裝部長,笑容可親又细心,剛到達坐下,已預備杯暖水,好窩心。期間,本人中途短暫去化粧室一會,刚才那部長又細心地將刚上桌的主餐取回厨房待熱,至回餐桌再逢上。食物質素唔錯,特別前菜火腿肉質軟,咸味適中,烟三文也油質濃郁,正餐煎魚柳好嫩滑,甜品也出息,最後咖啡配搭上帝苑招牌甜點蝴蝶酥,更有畫龍點睛之效。一個滿意的午餐! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-26
今次同朋友揀左2個set share 食Appetizer ,Pasta ,Dessert $468Appetizer ,Main course,Dessert $528任食前菜選擇非常之多 。一眼望落去七彩繽紛已經好開胃。Parma Ham 配哈蜜瓜。三文魚當然不會錯過啦。沙律菜都好fresh。麵包熱辣辣, 一定要配橄欖油同埋醋。好好味。意大利飯配風乾火腿,藍芝士及香梨。芝士味道好香濃。 火腿偏咸但超惹味。燴牛肋肉配薯蓉及紅酒汁。牛肉燴得好腍。 紅酒汁配落呢個牛肉到,肉汁好好味。最開心係一架甜品餐車推過嚟😍有好多選擇。每人可以選兩款甜品。 我哋揀咗最出名嘅Tiramisu同埋拿破崙。 Tiramisu好滑。拿破崙超好香脆。咖啡一放低已經聞到陣陣香味。仲有帝苑最出名嘅蝴蝶酥加曲奇餅已經好飽喇食唔落。佢哋仲好細心幫我打包攞走。加埋絲帶好精緻。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-15
今日朋友生日,所以就同佢去咗酒店食飯佢話想食西餐,所以我就揀咗呢度首先我哋叫咗個湯,然後再叫咗個八爪魚,最後叫咗牛扒不得不讚牛扒,肉質超正完全係有一種入口即溶嘅感覺,而且佢嘅薯仔加埋蛋係好好食❤️最後我哋叫咗多款甜品,而我最建議大家食就係Tiramisu最後終結有帝苑嘅蝴蝶酥Very good night❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)