2-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
One of the specialties dish in Sichuan Chengdu which is similar to Spicy Hot Pot but with less oil. The soup base is made of butter, canola oil and 3 types of chili. At the same time provides 40 kinds of ingredients for hot pot. continue reading
Opening Hours
*hot pot available from 18:00-22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (516)
Level4 2024-06-05
📍烏蠅館 (尖沙咀)📍尖沙咀亞士厘道38號天星大廈1樓B舖🟡清江魚 $348🟡四川酥肉 $36🟡娃娃菜(半份)$17🟡四川寬粉(半份) $15🟡四川番薯粉(半份)$15🟡碧螺春$18🟡白桃寒天綠茶$28🟡鵝腸(半份) $49🟡冰粉(桂花味)$20烏蠅館一向都係食魚嘅好地方!6月份進行緊特價活動,提早一日訂枱烤魚竟然半價!唔怪得知平日都咁多人嚟食!今日叫了清江魚,魚肉鮮嫩多汁,肉質肥美,微辣的口感層次豐富!啖啖都係肉,超好食!另外叫了四川酥肉,酥脆爽口的表皮,炸得好入味。四川寬粉同四川番薯粉都Q彈有勁,吸哂辣汁的香氣,回味無窮!仲加喊鵝腸,超爽口,半份都有好多,可以一試!碧螺春清香甘爽,解膩的好選擇。白桃寒天綠茶都係夏日消暑的好幫手。甜品叫了冰粉,揀喊桂花底,好清香,食完魚再食冰粉一流! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-15
今晚同朋友食飯,好想搵一間餐廳有D位置相對靜D的,可以好好咁一邊傾下計,食下野,唔駛好快要交檯走人。😋上網發現到呢個食火鍋的餐廳,餐廳入面的位置都比較寬鬆,好符合我地的目標。😝😝我地先選火鍋。今次試下佢地知滋補菌湯火鍋,因為朋友們唔食辣,所以就算唔食得辣都唔怕,餐廳有好多選擇!有啲食物點餐時需要選擇埋係放烤魚爐定係打邊爐既爐煮,睇嚟食物上碟時既生熟程度會因而唔同。啲食物唔係普通貨色,好多特別既選擇。其中印象深刻既有墨汁墨魚丸同雪花肥牛,墨魚丸彈牙爽口,食落無咩粉,雪花牛則唔似好多火鍋店咁,無雪味而且肥脂不多。☺️☺️最後仲有特色甜品,好少見既酸奶tim! 味道有我上次去青海絲路果d正宗酸奶級數 一定要試!!😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-08-04
最近很嘴馋,就是想吃辣。无意间刷到这家冒菜馆,第二天立刻来试试。一坐下,麻烦餐牌,服务员就跟我说只有一个钟时间吃,于是立马圈圈圈,价格和选择都在图三,我点的是58hkd8样菜,鸭血油豆腐猪皮猪红都是我觉得必点的,辣度我选的是中辣,感觉还好,可以接受的程度。因为有小朋友,所以我们点的另外一份是不辣的口味,不辣口味有三个选择:清汤 菌菇 番茄🍅汤,本来想点番茄,后面那天没有了,换了菌菇。但是不得不说这个菌菇汤还蛮好喝的,一大碗都喝完了。主食可以加钱选择薯粉宽粉米饭等等,我两份一份加了宽粉一份加了薯粉,个人更爱宽粉,太有嚼劲了。菜单第二页有甜品,可以选黑糖珍珠鲜奶 黑糖冰粉鲜奶。真的超级好喝,赶得上外面奶茶店的味道了。这家店的烤鱼好出名,下次也来试试,人非常多,蛮多人等位置,估计是那一条街上生意最好的了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-03-15
It was after a night of heavy drinking and 6am McDonalds, and 13 hours later, we found ourselves here. My God. This place blew my mind. I don't think I've ever eaten hotpot with an entire fish as it's primary dish. The fish was so soft and it flaked away easily slipped off the fish like it was lubed up, and god when it was infused with the sichuan hotpot, oh baby. The sides were also cool, including the translucent noodles at the end. Also the milk drink thing. Why does this exist and I don't know about it? Cause I am a fool.I will be coming back here again and again.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-01-19
睇食評覺得幾吸引黎試呢間烤魚,係樓上鋪地方細細咁,係限聚令之前食全場爆滿好鬼多人食。我地點左個多寶魚小辣,跟左三樣配菜,不過三樣都無咩特別。魚既調味OK,不過真係好薄肉呀,兩個人食係唔夠的,一定要加其他野打邊爐。柯打左一大兜芫荽黎當菜食😂推薦點豆卜同寬粉,兩樣都好索汁好好食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)