13-min walk from Exit C, Tung Chung MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
The restaurant is very spacious and has an outdoor space. It specializes in Thai and Vietnamese cuisine and offers a wide range of Southeast Asian-inspired meats and seafood. The restaurant is very atmospheric at night and is perfect for gathering. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 00:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 02:00
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Live Sports Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (330)
牛油咖喱雞🥘這款咖喱不會太辣,牛油和香料味道濃郁,咖喱汁十分黏稠,烤餅一沾就吸收得很好。淡淡的雞肉沒有骨,簡直是完美!烤餅 Naan多種口味可選,像是原味、蒜頭、芝士,甚至可以雙拼!外脆內軟,香氣四溢,真的好好味!沙嗲雞串沙嗲雞肉的質素真係一流!外脆內軟,肉質Juicy,完全沒有腥味,吃了讓人回味無窮!吃完還可以去海濱散步!✨ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-20
This restaurant beautifully blends Thai and Indian styles, creating a unique and captivating dining atmosphere. Upon entering, guests are greeted by vibrant colors, with walls adorned in traditional Thai embroidery and Indian fabrics, complemented by warm shades of gold, red, and orange, exuding a welcoming and lively vibe.Tom yum soup🥣Iconic spicy Thai style soup of prawn,lemongrass,fresh kaffir lime leaf. The succulent shrimp add a sweet and briny note, complementing the broth's acidity. Each bowl offers a medley of textures, with tender mushrooms and tomatoes mingling among the shrimp.🦐Spring rollsWith crab meat and chicken. The thin, crispy skin is wonderfully light, providing a satisfying crunch with each bite. The freshness of the ingredients shines through, especially when paired with a dipping sauce like sweet chili or soy sauce.Stir-fried beef in spices,chillies and fresh basil,served with lettuce 🥬 Each bite bursts with flavor, thanks to the savory and slightly sweet sauce often used, which may include ingredients like tamarind, fish sauce, and lime juice.Fried rice with crab meat and spices🦀The fluffy rice is cooked to perfection, infused with a tantalizing mix of spices and flavors that are characteristic of Thai cooking. The star of the dish, sweet and tender crab meat, adds a luxurious touch. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-19
🌿 越南鮮蝦米紙卷 $98 🦐新鮮的鮮蝦配上爽口的蔬菜,捲入薄薄的米紙中,每口都充滿清新的口感,配搭特製的醬料,絕對是開胃首選!🔥 炭燒豬頸肉 $118 🍖炭燒出來的豬頸肉帶有微微的焦香,肉質軟嫩而多汁,配上酸辣的蘸醬,滋味無窮,唔食都錯過了!🍹 Thai Shower Cocktail $68這款特別調製的雞尾酒充滿泰式風情,帶有柑橘的清香和少許甜酸,非常清新解膩,完美搭配燒烤類菜式!🍒 Shirley Temple $48一杯無酒精的經典飲品,清爽甜美,帶有石榴和檸檬的香味,色彩繽紛,適合唔飲酒的朋友作為輕鬆的飲料選擇!🍛 傳統咖喱羊肉 $148這道咖喱羊肉香濃滑順,羊肉炆得非常嫩滑,入味而不油膩,配上濃郁的咖喱汁,令人停不下來!🥖 蒜蓉烤餅 $36新鮮出爐的烤餅,酥脆外皮夾著濃郁蒜香,簡單又美味,可以用來搭配咖喱羊肉一起食,令人一試難忘!最後嚟多杯🥤可樂 $30 #Mint&Basil#TungChung #東涌#越南鮮蝦米紙卷#炭燒豬頸肉#Thai Shower cocktail#Shirley Temple mock-tail #傳統咖喱羊肉 #蒜蓉烤餅今個星期五做完gym就過嚟🏋️‍♂️!渣車黎或者坐地鐵🚗🚇,可以係東薈城出發,沿路有天橋連接落雨都唔怕🌧️,3-5分鐘就到啦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-18
接近聖誕節同朋友入東涌買平價波鞋。順理成章地係入面搵食。見到一間餐廳有個優美環境**原隻炭燒魷魚**魷魚經過炭火的精心烘烤,外表微微焦香,散發著誘人的煙燻味。每一口都能感受到魷魚的彈性與鮮甜,搭配特製的醬汁,讓人不禁陶醉於那份獨特的風味。炭燒的火候掌握得恰到好處,讓魷魚的鮮美與炭香完美融合,令人回味無窮。**泰式乾炒雞肉河粉**河粉的順滑與雞肉的鮮嫩相得益彰,炒至微焦的河粉吸附了濃郁的醬汁,讓每一口都充滿了泰式的香料風味。新鮮的蔬菜點綴其間,增添了清新的口感,讓整道菜品的層次更加分明,雞肉肉質彈牙。**傳統咖哩羊肉配正宗烤餅**感受到濃厚異國風味的菜餚。羊肉經過慢燉,肉質軟嫩,咖哩的香氣四溢,讓人忍不住想要多吃幾口。配上正宗的烤餅,外脆內軟,完美地吸附了咖哩的濃郁,讓每一口都充滿了幸福感。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Weekend同朋友去東涌行outlet,行到好肚餓想早啲食晚飯,見到呢間泰國嘢環境幾唔錯,於是走入去試下~餐廳入邊啲侍應都系外籍人士,佢地幾好禮貌。間餐廳原來除咗泰國嘅仲有印度菜餐牌,不過我哋今日淨系叫咗泰國嘢冬陰功海鮮麵碗冬陰功面好有椰香味道而且唔會太辣,啱曬香港人口味。碗面超足料,勁多海鮮,有大蝦、魷魚、帶子,兩個人share都好夠食。香茅炸雞翼碟炸雞翼炸到金黃色,望落已經好吸引食落去覺得炸皮好薄,唔似得出面有d 炸雞翼咁厚炸皮,而且入面仲熱辣辣,食到停唔到口。原隻炭燒魷魚魷魚上碟時已經切好曬,外脆內軟,但系食落完全唔會覺得熱氣,口感好煙靭沙爹串燒(雞肉+豬肉)兩種串燒都大串,肉質嚟講唔會太靭,配上嘅醬料亦同串燒好夾。兩個女仔share都怕食唔曬,份量真係好足Mocktail - Gunner杯飲品好有姜味,而且甜度啱啱好,唔似出面啲Ginger Ale 咁過甜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)