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The location of Sinmei Tea makes it quite a fuss to visit. There’s not enough time to enjoy the sweet treat no matter in lunch hours or after work (the place closes at 1930). On Saturdays there will be certainly a crowd waiting in the stuffy lift lobby. There is also not much to see in the neighbourhood to make a deliberate visit all the way from home worthwhile. Against these excuses, I found myself waiting in the queue as hubby suddenly suggested going on “a green tea pilgrimage” on Saturday,
The house cat moved to sit near the door on our way out. I enjoy this visit very much and would come again if my patience runs high. The desserts and drinks were well-thought-out and innovative while keeping the natural taste of tea. No wonder they are expanding to Shanghai and even Brisbane. I think their customers will agree with their motto "Life is too short to drink ordinary green tea".