12:00 - 22:30
食记 (33)
等级3 2018-12-10
942 浏览
雖然晚餐既餐牌上沒有很多的選擇,但每一款食物對我來說都很吸引,令我既選擇困難症迅速浮現出來。點餐後,侍應端上暖暖既麵包,外脆內軟足以形容整個感覺,沾上少許橄欖油及醋已經很美味。然後,到龍蝦湯出場,龍蝦味香濃且突出,絕不欺場。上主菜前,我們品嚐用忌廉汁烹調的青口,這個配搭永遠是最配合的,青口再烹調過程中已充份沾上忌廉汁,每一口都十分滋味。主角上場時,不禁要讚嘆主菜及配菜的外表,酥皮牛柳之酥皮色澤剛好,以金黃的外皮包裹著約7成熟的牛柳,另配菜之薯仔搭由一片片的薯仔堆砌而成。酥皮未有被牛柳的醬汁而變軟身,與牛柳一併品嚐時仍能感受到各自的味道,同時感受到兩者結合時所產生的口感及味道。 继续阅读
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等级2 2018-10-15
695 浏览
今年媽生日,想搞搞新意思去食法國菜, 我地一家3口花了$770 食左個lunch.媽叫左個黑毛豬, 半熟(但仍好韌, 咬不開), 味道還好我叫了法國雲吞, 上面的小蝦完全冇味, 又係咬不開, 非常失望想撒少少鹽, 點知佢地明明有幾個放滿調味品的調味架都放埋一邊唯獨老爸叫的三文魚最好吃, 不過份量少, 3啖食完個main...講返個氣氛同裝潢, 好靜, 不過未如網友們講到咁似返左去法國咁, 只係樓底高一點....多了個鹿頭姐餐飲個latte 淡如水, 一啲比唔上茶記甜品得個白朗峄好少少, 個泡夫仲差過Choux Creme, 咁咋, 都叫法國菜, 認真搵笨吃到一肚子火, $770, 3個人, 食餐食物質素如此差, 仲要一啲都唔就腳, 我認為不值, 除非你有錢冇定洗成餐只影得個沙拉, 其他野不堪入目 继续阅读
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等级2 2018-09-08
536 浏览
Called up the restaurant on a Friday night around 7pm, lucky to get a small table for three. Ordered two set dinnerSalt baked whole sea bass from France; the ever best baked fish for years, the fish was moist and filled with the scent of bay leaf, rosemary, lemon, and etc. 😍😍😍Rack of lamb; I ordered medium but it came out medium just on the surface but medium rare for the entire three generous pieces. The side dishes were delicious especially the meshed potatoes with cheese the restaurant was filled with the lobster bisque aroma once we set down; so we ordered two, unfortunately the aroma outperformed the taste, but it's still not bad at all, just the aroma was too overwhelming 😅appetizers escargot pie; not my kind of dish but the pastry was nicely made, though the escargot was a bit dried foie gras; again not my cup of tea, but the salad dressing and blueberry on the side were so right and freshly made 🤗desert orange blossom creme puree; we actually taste the orange blossom in this creamy eggy based, interesting 🤗almond tartalthough we were kinda full because of the generous portion of every course; we can still finished the whole tart 🤗the bread was soft, warm and great matched with the butterThe servers were friendly and pleasant. Thank you for the chef, your passion is highly appreciated 🤗😍🤗Definitely like to come back before they move out Jardine's Lookout in December. 继续阅读
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等级4 2018-08-03
487 浏览
I got lured into trying to go to this place sometime seeing a friend’s photos on facebook. They have the Emperor’s Pie that I’ve always been craving for and a tucked away location that promises extra room and cozy seating that’s becoming a luxury in the local dining scene, even in fine dining.Causeway Bay has been scorched that Saturday evening. Unlike the rich and famous living in Jardine’s Lookout, we rode the mini-bus to climb uphill. I suppose this is the way of commute for their domestic helpers as well. Gradually we left the ground and overlooked the Hong Kong Stadium. At dusk we arrived and were welcomed by a staff at the entrance. Surprisingly the place was not full. The bar was the focal point of the main hall. We were led to another chamber and were told we could choose our table. I was impressed by the high ceiling fit for rows of wine rack and a fireplace. Wooden wall panels, photos of Mont-Blanc and deer mounts, deer horns and animal skin portrayed a winter hut in the snow, giving me a break from the city downhill.Apart from the Emperor’s Pie, I also appreciated the homey menu choices that was no cookie-cutter and needed much effort and time to prepare. We both chose the lobster soup. I forgot to try the French onion soup which was a rarer find. The lobster soup was rich in lobster flavor and appetizing. My friend enjoyed the foie gras crème brulee well-balanced with salad. My first pastry in the meal was crusty escargot pastry with parsley cream. Generously filled with escargots, the pastry was flaky and buttery. The second pastry is the beef Wellington. To me it really was an intricate dish that called for exceptional technique. I ordered medium which was a bit hard to slice and chewy, and I started to be overwhelmed by the buttery richness. My friend’s Bar en croute de sel (baked fish in a salt crust) was a show to behold, coming in a trolley with the skin and crust dedicatedly removed by the table. Lightly salted, the fish was fresh and flaky.Although I should choose a non-pastry dessert for a change, I still took the Emperor’s Pie, which was my third pastry in the meal (!). They actually had four choices, while my friend chose Mont-Blanc, another signature of theirs. Still buttery and rich, the almond pastry is lightly sweet for a fresher taste. I finally got to taste this dessert which was usually only available by New Year. The look of my friend’s Mont-Blanc matched well with the décor of the restaurant. I am not a fan of egg white dessert floating on vanilla sauce, though the texture was interesting.We enjoyed a nice chat away from the city crowd. Service was reserved and friendly. The owner said they were moving next year. Hopefully this restaurant will find another venue to keep up the good food and ambience. 继续阅读
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等级4 2018-07-24
443 浏览
吃貨一族的定期餐聚🐷,對食甚有要求的友人🐻特意選了這家在位於跑馬地渣甸山上⛰、由法國人主理的法國餐廳🇫🇷。渣甸山一向都是香港島半山區的豪宅地段之一💰,以景色優越而著名🌃,雖然此山並沒有雪的蹤影❄️,但卻不失詩情畫意💝。進入店內😲,猶如進入了童話國度的小木屋內🏠,木板及紅磚的牆身❤️、柔和微黃的燈光💡、特色的壁爐🔥,給人一種暖至心坎的感覺😌,既雅致又充滿空間感😍。餐單方面📜,小店只提供4道菜的晚餐餐單🍝,當中包括了餐湯🥄、前菜🥗、主菜🥩及甜品🍧。餐前麵包🍞:法式的鄉村小麵包🤩,外層薄脆、內層綿密鬆軟😋,溫度暖暖的🔥,不失麵粉香味👍🏼。洋蔥湯🥄:深褐的湯面上有著一塊麵包🥖,芝士是另外附上的🧀,湯的溫度正熱🔥,馬上把芝士倒至當中吧🤩。半溶的芝士,加上濃稠得宜的湯😍,入口絕不會覺得太膩😋,反而有著陣陣的甜味,口感清雅順滑💖。法國烤芝士🧀:前菜之一,薯仔被切成片狀🥔,再淹沒於芝士海內🌊,碟旁放了幾片火腿🥓,配以食用。入口甘香軟腍,有著淡淡鹹香味🤤,再加上薯仔🥔,為口感上增添了不少層次感👍🏼。煙三文魚帶子闊條麵🐟:肉質厚實的帶子🐚、煙薰味濃郁的三文魚🐟、配上了口感扎實的闊條麵🍝,老公🍋表示極度滿意💘。家鄉田螺批🥧:比較起其他的前菜,人妻🐷挑了這道家庭風味較濃的☺️。酥脆的外層牢牢的包裹著鮮甜肥美的田螺🐚,口感韌韌脆脆😍。焗酥皮牛柳🐮:粉嫩的牛肉被酥皮緊緊包裹著🤩,但酥皮又沒有被肉汁沾濕變糊😲,入口香脆,配上了肉汁豐富🤤、又嫩又滑的牛柳🥩,瞬間就被人妻🐷以光速消滅了!另外那個作配菜的千層薯片🥔也不容忽視,一層又一層的薯仔薄片🔪,加上了醬汁,口感豐富,味道香濃👍🏼。香煎西班牙黑毛豬架🐽:光看肉的厚度就知分量十足😍!煮至7成熟🔥,入口甘香,肉質軟腍,肉汁豐富💘。蘋果批🍎:香氣滿溢的牛油香🧀,一口咬下去那鬆鬆脆脆的口感😋,配合酸酸甜甜的蘋果,幸福感早已滿瀉💖。總結:豐富的晚餐過後😌,靜靜的享受著一杯香濃的咖啡☕️,跟店長太太👩🏻聊了一下子,原來因為租金關係💸,她跟主廚丈夫👨🏻‍🍳決定明年就會回歸元朗📍。如此高質的餐廳✨,為了堅持想為客人準備最好的食物🍝,但最後也依然被業主弄得灰心喪志的💔,真的很可惜😢。衷心希望他們能早日找到好地方🏡,好好收拾心情💝,再為我們煮上正宗又價錢合理的法國菜吧🇫🇷,人妻🐷一定會常來的😘! 继续阅读
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